377 research outputs found

    The use of video as audio-visual media in teaching vocabulary at the fourth-grade students of MI Al-Jihad Palangka Raya

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    ABSTRACT This study is motivated by the interests of learning using video as media in teaching English subjects specifically about vocabulary. Through this study, the writer expected to describe how the process of using video as audio-visual media in teaching vocabulary at the fourth-grade students of MI Al-Jihad Palangkaraya and also to describe any problems encountered and how to resolve the problems. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative method. The techniques used in the data collection are; (1) observation, (2) interview, and (3) documentation. The writer use several techniques to analyze the data, namely; (1) collecting data, (2) data reduction, (3) data display, and (4) conclution drawing. Subject of this research was the teachers of English at MI Al-Jihad Palangkaraya. Based on the study of “The use of video as audio-visual media in teaching vocabulary at the fourth-grade students of MI Al-Jihad Palangkaraya” the writer concluded that the result of the study was as follows: (1) The process of the use of video as an audio-visual media by teachers in teaching vocabulary in class IV MI Al-Jihad Palangkaraya lasted through three stages of activities, namely; a). Pre-Activity, b). Whilts-Activity, and c). Post-Activity. (2) There are some problems outside of the learning process but these problems can affect the use of video which is used as media, namely; a). at least the video that can be used as media of learning, b). presence of multiple impressions in a video that has nothing to do with the material being taught or impressions that should not be watched by the students, and c). the occurrence of a power outage so it can not operate the video as media. (3) solutions that must be done are; a). provides video either by making its own, taking from the internet or buy a VCD/DVD related to the subject matter, b). dispose of part of the video that does not suit the learning needs and not according to the spectacle for the students, and c). replacing the other media are not need electricity to operate. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kepentingan pembelajaran menggunakan media video dalam mengajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris khususnya tentang kosa kata. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti diharapkan dapat menggambarkan bagaimana proses penggunaan video sebagai media audio-visual dalam pembelajaran kosa kata pada para siswa tingkat keempat MI Al-Jihad Palangka Raya dan juga mendeskripsikan masalah apa saja yang dihadapi serta bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah; (1) Observasi, (2) wawancara, dan (3) dokumentasi. Penulis menggunakan beberapa teknik dalam menganalisis data yaitu; (1) pengumpulan data, (2) reduksi data, (3) menampilkan data, dan (4) verifikasi conclution. Subject dari penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di MI Al-Jihad Palangka Raya. Berdasarkan penelitian penggunaan media video sebagai media audio-visual dalam pembelajaran kosa kata pada para siswa tingkat keempat MI Al-Jihad Palangka Raya penulis menyimpulkan hasil penelitian tersebut sebagaimana berikut ini: (1) Proses penggunaan video sebagai media audio-visual oleh guru pada pelajaran kosa kata pada di kelas IV MI Al-Jihad Palangkaraya berlangsung dengan melalui 3 tahap kegiatan yaitu; a). Pre-Activity, b). Whilts-Activity, dan c). Post-Activity. (2) Terdapat beberapa masalah diluar dari proses pembelajaran namun masalah tersebut dapat berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan video yang dipakai sebagai media yaitu; a). sedikitnya video yang bisa digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran, b). adanya beberapa tayangan dalam video yang tidak berkaitan dengan materi yang diajarkan atau tayangan yang tidak seharusnya di tonton oleh para siswa, dan c). terjadinya pemadaman listrik sehingga tidak bisa mengoperasikan video sebagai media. (1) Sulusi yang dilakukan yaitu; a). menyediakan video baik dengan membuat sendiri, mengambil dari internet atau membeli vcd/dvd yg terkait dengan materi pelajaran, b). membuang bagian tayangan video yang tidak sesuai kebutuhan pembelajaran dan tidak sesuai tontonan para siswa, dan c). mengganti dengan media lain yang tidak membutuhkan listrik dalam pengoperasiannya


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    Penggunaan Campuran Aspal Emulsi Dingin (CAED) untuk pemeliharaan rutin jalan lebih efisien karena dapat diproduksi secara manual dalam skala kecil dan tidak tergantung pada suhu pemadatan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kinerja CAED dengan dan tanpa tundaan pemadatan. Dan juga menentukan Kadar Asapal Optimum dan nilai stabilitas. Variasi kadar aspal adalah 5,5%, 6%, 6,5%, 7%, dan 7,5% yang didapat setelah menghitung perkiraan awal Kadar Residu Aspal (Pb), dengan gradasi yang digunakan berupa gradasi menerus dengan variasi campuran aspal emulsi dingin tanpa dan dengan tundaan pemadatan 36 jam dan, memvariasikan semen (0% dan 1%) dan variasi waktu curing benda uji yaitu pada 0, 1, 3 dan 7 hari. Kadar Aspal Residu Optimum (KARO) didapat sebesar 7%, dengan mengoptimalkan stabilitas rendaman yaitu 604,30 kg dan kepadatan kering 2,156 gr/cm3. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian tanpa dan dengan tundaan pemadatan selama 36 jam dengan variasi bahan aditif semen portland dengan masa curing 0, 1, 3 dan 7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semakin lama masa curing semakin meningkat nilai stabilitas baik tanpa maupun dengan tundaan pemadatan 36 jam. Pada CAED tanpa tundaan pemadatan tanpa semen didapat stabilitas kering rata-rata meningkat sebesar 35,9%, 49,4% dan 115,8% pada masa curing 0, 1, 3, dan 7 hari. Sedangkan dengan aditif semen juga meningkat stabilitas kering rata-rata sebesar 29%, 46,2% dan 110,9% pada masa curing 0, 1, 3, dan 7 hari. Pada CAED tundaan pemadatan 36 jam non semen didapat stabilitas kering rata-rata sebesar 32,16%, 46,54% dan 54,80% pada masa curing 0, 1, 3,dan 7 hari. Sedangkan dengan aditif semen didapat nilai stabilitas sebesar 32,84%, 50,19% dan 59,74% pada masa curing 0, 1, 3, dan 7 hari

    The Effect of Root Canal Cleansing on the Retention of Glass Fiber-reinforced Posts

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    Esthetic glass fiber-reinforced posts are being used more often. The most commonly reported complication associated with these posts is debonding. Dentine conditioning with solutions such as EDTA or MTAD results in removal of smear layer and might improve the retention of posts to root canal dentin. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cleansing the post space with MTAD or EDTA on the bond strength of glass fiber-reinforced posts, when cemented with self-adhesive resin cement. Forty-five (n=15) extracted human premolar teeth were sectioned at the cemento-enamel junction to obtain root length of fifteen millimeters. Endodontic instrumentation and obturation was performed. Post space was prepared to a length of ten millimeters. Post spaces were irrigated using one of two solutions: MTAD for five minutes and 17% EDTA for one minute. No irrigation was used in the control group. After irrigation, excess moisture was removed and posts were cemented with RelyX Unicem. Retention of posts was evaluated with pull-out test using universal testing machine (0.5 mm/min) to pull the posts from the teeth. Maximum load-to-failure was recorded. One-way analysis of variance was used for the statistical analysis (α=.05). Dislodged posts were examined at 8X magnification to determine the mode of failure. Mean bond strength (N) for the MTAD, EDTA and control group were 146.7, 142.8 and 151.4 respectively. The difference among the groups was not statistically significant (α\u3e.05). Most dislodged posts exhibited mixed mode of failure. Based on these observations, it was concluded that the use of either EDTA or MTAD as a final rinse prior to post cementation does not influence the retention of glass fiber-reinforced posts, when cemented with self-adhesive resin cement

    Magnetic Gears and Magnetically Geared Electrical Machines with Reduced Rare-Earth Materials

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    This thesis covers a new emerging class of electrical machines, namely, Magnetic Gears (MGs) and Magnetically Geared Machines (MGMs). This particular kind of gears/machines are able of either scaling up or down the revolution-per-minute to meet various load profiles as in the case of mechanical gearboxes. Mechanical gearboxes have historically dominated various applications due to their relatively high torque density. However, mechanical gearboxes require physical contact between the rotational components, whereas MGs and MGMs accomplish fundamentally the same function via a contactless mechanism. This physical isolation between the rotational components lead to several advantages in a favor of MGs and MGMs over mechanical gearboxes. Although MGs and MGMs can potentially provide a solution for some of the practical issues of mechanical gears, MGs and MGMs have two major challenges that researchers have been trying to address. Those challenges are the high usage of rare-earth Permeant Magnet (PM) materials and the relatively complex mechanical structure of MGs and MGMs both of which are a consequence of the multi-airgap design. As in any engineering field, materials play a significant role and present a trad-off between the performance and cost. In addition to the previous trad-off, the concern with rare-earth PM materials is sustainability as well as price fluctuations. Current research in electrical machines demonstrate real initiatives to reduce the cost of electrical machines by reducing/eliminating the PM rare-earth content while attempting to maintain a competitive electromagnetic performance. Most advanced electrical machines use Dy-NdFeB PM with high energy product at elevated temperatures. Dysprosium (Dy) is one of heavy rare-earth elements and the key source of the price volatility. As a consequence, this thesis aims to address foregoing PM material challenges and investigate the electromagnetic performance of designs that blend different PM types in the context of MGs and MGMs. In addition, practical designs will be proposed in order to reduce the complexity related to the nature of MGs and MGMs

    Manichean and Dichotomous Opposites in Athol Fugard's Blood Knot

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    This study undertakes an investigation of Fugard’s scathing condemnation of apartheid in his Blood Knot. Despite, his white skin, Fugard adopts a humanistic approach towards the oppressed South African natives who undergo dichotomous opposites in their pursuit for real selfhood and identity within a segregating millieu. His two protagonists Zach and Morrie fall within a dialectic endless cycle of reveral of roles between the ‘Self‘ and the ‘Other.’ Fugard attempts to find a possibility of survival and a new resistant image of the ‘Self’ that can step courageously on the way of change and independence in a world that is devoid rationalization. This personal resistance will turn by time to be a collective one that exmplifies Fugard's universal message

    High-Torque-Density Low-Cost Magnetic Gear Utilizing Hybrid Magnets and Advanced Materials

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    Two major challenges of existing high-performance magnetic gears are: (i) High content of rare-earth permanent magnets which results in high cost as well as price fluctuation; (ii) Conflict between mechanical and electromagnetic performances, especially in the design of highspeed rotor. A magnetic gear using a blend of magnet types, i.e NdFeB, or Dy-free NdFeB and ferrites, is proposed in this paper. The goal is to bring down the cost while retaining comparable torque-transducing performance to a baseline magnetic gear only using rare-earth NdFeB magnets. A variety of topologies based on different combinations of magnet types and geometric shapes have been studied and compared. In addition, the potential impact of using an advanced dual-phase material is evaluated. The goal is to eliminate the well-known tradeoff between rotor mechanical integrity and PM flux leakage

    Investigating the removal of some pharmaceutical compounds in hospital wastewater treatment plants operating in Saudi Arabia

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    The concentrations of 12 pharmaceutical compounds (atenolol, erythromycin, cyclophosphamide, paracetamol, bezafibrate, carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin, caffeine, clarithromycin, lidocaine, sulfamethoxazole and Nacetylsulfamethoxazol (NACS)) were investigated in the influents and effluents of two hospital wastewater treatment plants (HWWTPs) in Saudi Arabia. The majority of the target analytes were detected in the influent samples apart from bezafibrate, cyclophosphamide, and erythromycin. Caffeine and paracetamol were detected in the influent at particularly high concentrations up to 75 and 12 ug/L, respectively. High removal efficiencies of the pharmaceutical compounds were observed in both HWWTPs, with greater than 90 % removal on average. Paracetamol, sulfamethoxazole, NACS, ciprofloxacin, and caffeine were eliminated by between >95 and >99 % on average. Atenolol, carbamazepine, and clarithromycin were eliminated by >86 % on average. Of particular interest were the high removal efficiencies of carbamazepine and antibiotics that were achieved by the HWWTPs; these compounds have been reported to be relatively recalcitrant to biological treatment and are generally only partially removed. Elevated temperatures and high levels of sunlight were considered to be the main factors that enhanced the removal of these compounds

    An Accelerated Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Volterra-Fredholm Integrodifferential Equations

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    We propose and apply coupling of the variational iteration method (VIM) and homotopy perturbation method (HPM) to solve nonlinear mixed Volterra-Fredholm integrodifferential equations (VFIDE). In this approach, we use a new formula called variational homotopy perturbation method (VHPM) and variational accelerated homotopy perturbation method (VAHPM). This approach is based on the form of He’s polynomials and on a new form of He’s polynomials. We discuss the convergence of the technique. Some numerical examples are introduced to verify the efficiency of this technique

    Students Participation in development of Belonging in Saudi Universities

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    The study aimed at exploring the extent to which the Saudi University Students contribute to the development of the sense of national belonging as estimated by the students themselves. It also aimed at highlighting the effects of the variables of (gender, specialization, university) on the students\u27 estimations. To achieve these goals, the researcher has developed a questionnaire that consisted- in its final draft- of (32) items distributed on three sub-scale and it was carried out on a sample consisting of (438) male and female students were chosen randomly. For the analysis of the students\u27 responses, means, Standard Deviation, T-Test, ANOVA, Sheffee Post Hoc Comparisons have been used. The study concluded with a number of findings among which are; that Saudi university students contribute, to highe degree to the development of the sense of national belonging (inside the university, in the local community, and in the social communication networks). The Arithmetic Mean amounts to (3.78), and the Standard Deviation (0.477). Also the results have shown statistically significant differences among the averages of the Saudi University students\u27 estimations of the degree of their contribution to the development of the sense of national belonging (inside the university- in the local community, and in all sub-scales). These differences could be attributed to the variable of gender in favor of the females. Also there are statistically significant differences as regards the contribution of the Saudi university students in the development of the sense of national belonging in the local community and they are attributable to the variable of university in favor of the University of Tabuk