447 research outputs found

    Investigation of Process Parameters to Fabricate Refractory Medium-Entropy Alloy by Selective Laser Melting Process

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    This thesis proposal investigates the synthesis of TiWMo refractory medium entropy alloy (RMEA) by selective laser melting process from elemental powder. Steel, titanium and tungsten substrates were used to study the impact on the formation of TiWMo RMEA. Different process parameters were applied to investigate the effects on melting, diffusion and formation of RMEA. The microstructure of TiWMo and elemental distribution were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). SEM analysis revealed that with higher energy density the pores and microcracks were improved. EDS data validated the composition is homogenized and stable after few layers of deposition. Single phase BCC solid solution was predicted based on the theoretical calculation. The maximum microhardness 644 HV achieved from the highest 350 J/mm3 energy density

    Study of Monthly and Annual Changes for Concentration of Elements (Phosphate and Nitrate) Within Stream Tigris River in Some Regions of Wassit Governorate

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    جرى هذا البحث لدراسة  التغيرات الشهرية والسنوية  لتراكيز عنصري الفوسفات والنترات في مياه  مناطق(الصويرة والنعمانية والكوت والموفقيه والدجيله)  في محافظة واسط وذلك عن طريق قياس تراكيز الفوسفات والنترات  وقياس العناصر (Ec, pH, TDS Ca (Mg, K, Na, في مديريه بيئة محافظه  واسط وتم احذ العينات  في بداية الشهر ومنتصف الشهر ثم اخذ المعدل لهذه النماذج وعلى مدى سنه كامله (للسنين2013 , 2014) وتم مقارنه النتائج مع المواصفة العراقية القياسية للمياه  ومن ثم عمل موديلات إحصائية لإيجاد قيم الترابط  لمعرفه قيم الفوسفات والنترات (كمتغيرات معتمدة) بالاعتماد على الزمن خلال اشهر السنه  وبالاعتماد على PH) , EcوTDS, Ca, Mg, K, Na) (كمتغيرات مستقلة) ومن خلال الدراسة بينت النتائج ان قيم تركيز عنصر الفوسفات خلال سنه 2013 يزداد عن الحد المسموح به خلال شهر كانون الاول في مناطق (النعمانيه, الكوت قبل السدة, الموفقيه, الدجيلي) وخلال شهر كانون الثاني في مناطق (الموفقيه, الدجيلي, الكوت قبل السدة)  اما بالنسبة للنترات فجميع القيم ضمن الحدود المسموح بها اما خلال سنه 2014 فان قيم تركيز عنصري الفوسفات يزداد عن الحد المسموح به خلال  شهر شباط في منطقه الصويرة  وخلال شهرتموز  في مناطق (الموفقية, الكوت قبل السدة) اما بالنسبة للنترات فجميع القيم ضمن الحدود المسموح بها. اما نتائج الموديل الاحصائي فقد أظهرت وجود ارتباط عالي لمعامل التحديد (R2) ماعدا الموديل الاحصائي WQMD)) بالنسبة النترات لسنه 2013فقد كانت القيمة هي 0.581 والموديل الاحصائي (WQMM)) بالنسبة النترات لسنه 2013 فقد كانت القيمة هي 0.603 ومعامل التحديد لموديلات لسنة 2014 كانت جدا قليله تتراوح ما بين ((0.790-0.373 ومن خلال قيم مصفوفة الارتباط بينت ان قيم الفوسفات والنترات لها ارتباط عالي مع العناصر (TDS, pH, EC, Na) أكثر من العناصر الأخرى.This study was conducted to study the monthly and annual changes of the phosphate and nitrate concentrations in the water of the regions of (Essaouira, Numania, Kut, Muwafaqia and Dujaila) in Wasit governorate by measuring  the concentrations of phosphates and nitrates and measuring the elements (Ec, pH, TDS, Ca, Mg, K, Na) and the samples were taken at the beginning of the month and mid-month and then took the rate of these samples over the full year (for the years  2013, 2014) The results were compared with the Iraqi Standard for Water . Then, statistical models were  used to find the correlation values ​​for the knowledge of phosphate and nitrate values (dependent variables) ​​based on time during the months of the year, and  depend on (pH,EC,TDS, Ca,Mg, K and Na) (Independent variables). The results showed that the value of Phosphate (Po4) during the year 2013 exceeded the limit allowed during the month of December in the regions (Numaniyah, Kut upstream barrage, Muwafaqiy and Dujaili) and during the month of January in the regions (Muwafaqiya, Dujaili, Kut upstream barrage), while the Nitrates all values ​​within allowable limit of water. During the year 2014, the concentration of the phosphate value exceeded the limit allowed during the month of February in the region of​​ Suwiara and during the month of August in the regions (Muwafaqiya, Kut upstream barrage), while the Nitrates all values ​​within allowable limit of water. While the results of the statistical model showed that there was a high correlation for coefficient of determination (R2) except for the statistical model WQMD for NO3 equal to 0.581  and WQMM for NO3 equal to 0.603  and coefficient of determination (R2) for 2014  range between  (0.790-0.373), through value of correlation matrix showed that the values of phosphates and nitrates have a high correlation with the elements (TDS, pH, EC, Na) than other element

    Information system adoption and usage: validating UTAUT model for Bangladeshi SMES

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    Small and medium enterprises (SME) are an integral part of any country’s economy. Therefore, their existence, operational efficiency and effectiveness must be ensured. Implementation of information system (IS) in business value chain allows organizations to enhance this efficiency thus enables organizations to grow and sustain. This research explores 255 Bangladeshi SMEs to conceptualize current trend of IS usage and validates four constructs of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model to explain IS adoption behavior. The outcome of the study shows that, though a number of Bangladeshi SME’s are exposed to computer based IS, their usage, in most cases, are limited to operational level of activities. SMEs are also less concerned about the further development of IS and allocated a minimum budget for IS development. It is also found that the adoption and usage of IS by the Bangladeshi SMEs are strongly influenced by performance efficiency, effort efficiency and facilitating condition and moderately influenced by social influence

    G2G interaction model of information sharing among local agencies based on phenomenology approach: Dhi-qar province employees’ viewpoints

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    The exchange of information electronically has help local agencies to increase their productivity and performance. At the same time, it improves the process of policy-making by providing better public services to citizens. However, only a few studies that examine the factors influencing the electronic interaction among local agencies in developing countries, including in Iraq. In fact, government agencies usually rely on information provided by other government agencies, making the electronic interactions crucial for effective inter-organizational operations management in the government. This study aims to determine the factors affecting the interaction among local agencies in Dhi-Qar, Iraq. Thus, it proposes a government-to-government (G2G) interaction model among local agencies from the environmental, organizational, and technological contexts, using phenomenological approach based on the Diffusion of Innovation and Social Exchange theories. Data were collected in two phases. First, a series of interviews with local egovernment employees were carried out to discover the factors that influence the G2G interaction in Dhi-Qar, Iraq. Later, another series of semi-structured interviews focusing on extracting the main issues that influence G2G interaction was followed. The collected data were validated through triangulation and member checking. A case study was used to confirm the findings. The study has discovered the factors that influence the electronic interaction among local agencies in Dhi-Qar. The factors are benefits, compatibility, complexity, costs, information security, inter-agency trust, internal resistance to change, information technology (IT) capability, legislation, physical security, and top management support. Based on these factors, the government-to-government interaction model (G2GIM) is proposed. This model can be applied to different local agencies in implementing e-government projects

    Web Base Student Social Networking Community

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    The Internet users are growing significantly in the field of social networks such as blogs, forums and groups. Online social networks (OSNs) have gained popularity among users from all over the world during the past few years. And E-learning has made learning process quite convenient for users by using the networks. Online learning communities are described as meeting the needs of distance learners, and provide flexibility for students within the campus. In this research, we provide environments that allow new modes of active learning, particularly between the role of teachers and learners to direct and mediate the language learning process in networked communities. SNSs systems and the personal learning environments associated with them, and improve and facilitate interaction and communication between the efficiency of the trainees in the field of information technology to exchange experiences in programming languages

    Regulation of adipogenesis and inflammation: role(s) of adipose microRNAs

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    Background: Obesity is associated with elevated risk of premature death and a range of co- morbidities. It is multifactorial and heterogeneous in origin, and, stratification of this disease, depending on the range of associated pathogenicities could help identify mediators and in the design of targeted therapies. Recent research has focused on microRNA (miRs) as potential biomarkers of cardiovascular risk, as well as their role as causative agents in the obesity associated pathologies. / Aims of the project were to: / 1. Stratify obese subjects depending on systemic biomarkers of insulin resistance and inflammation. / 2. Identify and validate specific miRs associated with these phenotypes. / 3. Confirm and validate, in the whole transcriptome, targets for the specific miRs to assign functionality. / Methods: Non-diabetic, morbidly obese subjects of Arab origin were studied. Blood and adipose tissue samples were obtained before and after weight loss, along with anthropometric data. Glucose and lipids levels were determined by conventional methods. Insulin and adipokine concentrations were assayed by commercially available 2-site ELISA (R & D Systems, Oxon, UK). The population was dichotomised according to their serum insulin levels: Metabolically Healthy Obese (MHO) insulin 7.0 miU/ml. Total RNA, including miR, was extracted from peripheral blood cells, whole adipose tissue, the stromal vascular fraction and adipocytes of the abdominal subcutaneous and omental adipose tissues. miR expression was assessed using an inflammatory pathway specific array (Qiagen), and by small RNA sequencing (Ion Torrent). mRNA expression was assessed by whole transcriptome analysis (Ion Proton) and validated by PCR based microarrays (SurePrint G3 Human Gene Expression). / Results: PO, matched for age and BMI, had significantly higher serum insulin levels and HOMA index of IR, compared to MHO. They also had higher leptin, a marker of fat mass and adipocyte hypertrophy, and lower adiponectin, an endogenous insulin sensitizer. However, blood pressure, lipids and inflammatory markers, such as IL-6, MCP-1 and CRP were not significantly different between the groups. Three miRs were significantly down-regulated in the PO; miR-29, miR-144 and miR- 374, and associated with inflammation, along with miR-122, miR-302, miR-200, which were associated with hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance. Many of their targets, especially those of miR-29, showed elevated expression in the PO. Following surgical weight loss there was a significant reduction in insulin which correlated with an increase in the levels of expression of nine miRs; miR-9, miR-200c, miR-141, miR-124, miR- 376c, miR-302, while one was downregulated, miR-26b. Whole transcriptome analysis of mRNA in blood and adipose tissue revealed modulation of several genes in the cardiometabolic pathways in the PO compared to MHO, along with genes leading to increased fibrosis. / Conclusions: Significant differences in the expression of specific miR species occured along with insulin resistance and inflammation in PO compared to MHO. The target genes of these miRs, especially miR-29, miR-144 and miR-122, suggested fibrosis, in the presence of IR and inflammation, as a major lesion in these patients. Functional studies to explore the role of these miRs in fibrosis may offer new insights on putative therapeutic targets for this group of patients

    Probing quantum correlations in a hybrid optomechanical system

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    Refining coherence is a central challenge in quantum simulations and experiments on optomechanical cavities. Here we suggest a scheme of two coupled optomechanical cavities to enhance the intracavity entanglement. The couplings are established between the optical modes through a photon hopping process and between the mechanical resonators by the phonon tunneling process. Both cavities are driven by classical light. The generated quantum correlations inside each cavity are explored in terms of strength couplings with two different quantum measures, namely, logarithmic negativity and quantum steering. These will allow us to analyze the various aspects of these quantum measures and see the interest in their applications. Also, the stability conditions are examined in terms of the coupling strengths. Consequently, it is shown that the intracavity-entanglement degree can be quantified, and it is found that the generated entanglement can be improved with an appropriate choice of the photon and phonon hopping strengths. The calculations were performed within the recent experimentally accessible parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Promoter Account Detection in Twitter

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    Twitter is an online social network and micro-blog that becomes an alternative media for sharing and getting information. In the political area, Twitter provides various features as a media to promote campaign and get a good imaging for political party or contestant. In order to get a good opinion from other users, the contestant can manipulate their success with a massive promotion. This promotion activity could lead to public opinion that is not consistent with the facts. So that, we need to determine whether this is promoter account or not. In this paper, we propose a new framework for promoter account detection. This framework based on twitter content to detect promoter account according to their existence in topic of promotion. This framework employs k-means approach in order to cluster topic of promotion based on twitter\u27s content. From each cluster, we evaluate the existence of promoter account. With very simple approach, the results obtained on experiment show that this framework is effective for promoter account detection


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    Objective: Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in women, which leads to death in a lot of women with breast cancer. The major risk factors associated with breast cancer risk related to family history, age, clinical history, lifestyle factors, long-period hormonal exposure, and single nucleotide polymorphisms in many genes showed possible links with breast cancer incidence risk in different people populations. Our study aimed to figure out the correlation between smoking, lodging and family history, and other factors with the risk of breast cancer.Methods: Blood sample from female patients with breast cancer and healthy individuals were collected and subjected to tetra-amplification refractory mutation system–polymerase chain reaction (T-ARMS-PCR) technique for −607 C/A mutation of an interleukin (IL-18) gene and SPSS 18 software analyzed the results statically.Results: Results showed no association between lodging and smoking with risk of breast cancer, (p>0.05), while the association between the risk and family history were obvious (p<0.05).Conclusion: The results obtained by T-ARMS-PCR technique did not show the association between −607 C/An alternation of IL-18 gene and breast cancer (p>0.05) in the individuals examined in our study.Keywords: Interleukin-18, Gene, Polymorphism, Tetra-amplification refractory mutation system–polymerase chain reaction, Mutations