129 research outputs found

    Motives Of Internal Revolutions Phenomenon On Arab Political Regimes

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    Internal Revolutions Phenomenon on the Arab Political Regimes is considered a compound phenomenon that was aroused from a combined number of elements and their combination in a way that we can not assume that the cause of this phenomenon returns to one reason or an element without the other reasons or elements We can not understand this phenomenon unless within the factors network and reasons that led to its appearance In order to achieve the purpose of this study a random sample of 280 individuals was selected who represent different segments from the intellectuals and politicians those who are active in economic media religious and social in addition to the other interested people in the issue of internal revolutions from various Arab nationalities Where as a questionnaire which consisted of 55 questions has been distributed on five main themes equally it was discovered that the underlying political economic media religious and social reasons were the most important reasons that led to the internal revolutions where all the reasons got a positive arithmetic means It turns out that the economic factor was one of the strongest reasons that led to the emergence of revolutions in the Arab Countries The study also revealed that there are differences due to the impact of gender in the study sample individuals In addition no differences were found due to the impact of marital status on the opinions of the study sample individuals As for the correlation among all the reasons leading to the internal revolutions it has been shown that there is no correlation between the political reasons and religious reasons of the internal revolution


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    Egypt and Turkey makeup about half of the whole population of the Middle East and are the two leading nations in the eastern Mediterranean, including Iran as a whole. Both countries are now recognized as the two most tremendous modern military forces in the Middle East. Besides, Cairo and Ankara are major Muslim centers: the Al-Azhar Mosque in Egypt is the largest Islamic University in the world and a significant feature of Egyptian soft power; the historical association between Turkey and the last Islamic Caliphate is viewed in the region with great nostalgia. Given these similarities, a deep rivalry between the two countries exists around the world, while Ankara and Cairo have increasingly prevented overt aggression or conflicts. After the Arab Spring, tensions have intensified and, in effect, impacts Libya, Sudan, and the Eastern Mediterranean region. Along with the increased risk of an overt war between the two nations, the rivalry between Turkey and Egypt also challenges the delicate security of the Middle East. It indicates that it needs an international mediator to answer this thorny problem

    Adoption of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning Environment in Jordanian Higher Education

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays an important role in modern institutions by facilitating and improving the teaching and learning process to be in line with the information technology age. Jordan, as one of the developing countries, highly values the importance of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their role in achieving an economic prosperity through the development of human resources. Unfortunately, the adoption and usage of ICT in teaching and learning process is quite low among the academic staff in the public HEIs in Jordan. The main purpose of this study is to examine the potential prominent factors related to the adoption and usage of ICT in Jordanian HEIs among the academicians. The study provides an understanding on the ICT usage by applying the Diffusion of Innovation theory, Theory of Planned Behavior and the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior. A self-administered survey was conducted on 500 academic staff selected from public HEIs in Jordan. A total of 415 participants (83%) responded to the questionnaires. The findings showed that subjective norms, attitude towards technology, and perceived behavioral control positively affected the behavioral intention to use ICT in HEIs among academicians. The study provides recommendations to the higher education leaders and policy makers towards promoting a successful adoption and diffusion of technologies in the future. Besides, it offers a clear description about the adoption in the field of educational technologies in the context of developing countries and the Arab world in particular

    Antibacterial And Antifungal Effect Of Some Natural Extracts And Their Potential Use As Photosensitizers

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    One of the threats on the health sector is the appearance of multi antibiotic resistant microorganisms. Thus, this occurs because of using natural and synthetic antimicrobial agents in excessive doses. Now, many scientists all around the world are performing research on natural extracts that have antimicrobial activity using photodynamic therapy (PDT) which involves light activation. The aim of this study, however, is to evaluate the effect of photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy using extracts from Pomegranate (Punica granatum), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Carob (Ceratonia siliqua), and Nigella or black cumin oil (Nigella sativa) against two gram-positive and two gram-negative bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) respectively; and three different fungi (Aspergillus niger, Mucor sp., and Rhizopus sp.), using agar well diffusion method. The prepared methanolic extracts presented absorption between 300 and –900 nm wavelengths. The maximum activity of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) was against Staphylococcus aureus in total darkness with 52.5 ± 2.5 mm inhibition zone diameter. Also, the most sensitive fungi was Mucor sp. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) extract was with 31.0 ± 1.0 mm inhibition zone diameters. The results showed that there was an inhibitory effect of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) extracts against most of the tested species

    The Effect of Static Magnetic Field on E. coli, S. aureus and B. subtilis Viability

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    This study investigated the effects of low static magnetic field on the growth of three bacterial strains (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis) that plays a versatile role in infecting wounded tissues. The viability of these bacteria was measured with and without different magnetic fields (30, 50, and 80) mT after 24 hours. Results illustrate that magnetic field decreased the growth rate of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, while increased the growth rate of Bacillus subtilis after 24 hours of exposure. Keywords: Magnetic field, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus

    Leadership Qualities of School Principals and Their Role in Decision-Making from the Point of View of the Principals Themselves

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    The current study aimed to reveal the leadership qualities of school principals and their role in decision-making from the point of view of the principals themselves. The study used the descriptive survey method, and to achieve this, the researcher designed a questionnaire consisting of (25) items, and it was applied to the study sample that was selected in an accessible manner, which included (44) principals. From the point of view of the managers themselves in the field of creativity and excellence, development and a medium degree in the field of decision-making, influence and inspiration. The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the decline in the leadership qualities of school principals and their role in decision-making from the point of view of the principals themselves, according to gender, and there were differences in favor of those who were more than five courses for the variable of training courses. Keywords: leadership qualities, school principal, decision-making DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-19-03 Publication date:June 30th 202

    The Relationship between Government Programs and Unemployment Rates in Jordan (2004-2014)

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    This study is aimed to show the relationship between governmental programs and unemployment rates in Jordan for the period (2004 – 2014). The study relied on descriptive methodology to show the relationship between the study variables represented by unemployment rate and the governmental programs that have been implemented during the study period, namely: (economic and social development plan and the employment and the vocational & technical training support, which are a part of the Executive Development Program).The study showed a relationship between the governmental programs, which have been implemented, and the unemployment rates, since unemployment rates declined as a result of the implementation of these programs during the study period.The study concluded the number of recommendations including: Establishing development projects to stimulate economic growth, orientation of local and foreign investments towards direct treatment  to reduce the unemployment rate by providing actual job opportunities, adjustment and regulation of  labor market and seeking the substitution of national workers instead of foreign workers gradually, adjustment of the employment process in the qualified industrial zones, unify efforts and increase coordination between the concerned parties and bodies to solve the unemployment problem and helping the groups more affected by the issue of unemployment and to focus on a young group of (17-24) years old by orienting them towards professional and vocational work

    A Sociolinguistic Study of Choosing Names for Newborn Children in Jordan

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    This study aims at the study of newborn names in Jordan of a sociolinguistic perspective This study tries to detect the difference in naming newborns in Jordan over the decades - from the seventies to 2015 due to the result of some factors that may have affected the Jordanian society whether historical religious and or social The data necessary to complete the study was obtained from the Civil Status Department and the Department of Statistics The data obtained consisted of names of both sexes during the time period from the seventies until the early year of 2015 a random sample of personal names within the same family were also provided The data was analyzed quantitatively The study revealed that there is a clear change in the choice of newborn names - male and female - in Jordan whether a change in sounds or in morphemes In specific names during the seventies were strongly linked to the culture and the values religious or social in which the people believed in During the eighties and nineties names were associated with certain social values however some names were shown to be affected by urbanization or modernization And with the beginning of 2000 up to 2015 peoples directions towards naming newborns changed due to the advent of globalization associating with development and urbanization and moreover the influence of different cultures on the communit

    UAV sebagai Infrastruktur Jaringan Seluler pada Keadaan Darurat

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    Pertukaran informasi di suatu daerah bencana harus dapat bergerak lebih cepat untuk membantu proses pemulihan pasca bencana sehingga kebutuhan bagi para korban dapat dipenuhi secara efisien. Pada jalur komunikasi seluler terdapat limitasi dikarenakan dapat dipengaruhi dengan kondisi bencana seperti pemadaman listrik hingga kerusakan pada base station akibat bencana. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu teknologi yang dapat memungkinkan adanya telekomunikasi efektif saat pasca bencana. Pada penelitian ini dirancang dua model arsitektur aerial relay node (ARN) berbasis Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). ARN digunakan untuk menyediakan jalur komunikasi pada suatu daerah bencana dengan cara meneruskan data yang diterima dari User Equipments (UEs) yang dijangkau dan diteruskan ke macro base station (MBS) terdekat dan sebaliknya. Model pertama menggunakan relay node berjenis amplify-and-forward (AF) dimana menggunakan jaringan generasi ke-4 4G LTE/LTEA pada jaringan fronthaul (ARN-MBS) dan jaringan akses (ARN-UEs). Model tersebut secara umum bekerja sebagai suatu repeater atau amplifier. Sementara untuk model kedua, ARN dengan jenis decode-and-forward (DF) bekerja sebagai seperti suatu mobile hotspot dimana digunakan 4G LTE/LTEA pada jaringan fronthaul dan wifi 802.11n pada jaringan aksesnya. Pada penelitian ini, Desa Sumbermujur dengan area seluas 16 km2 dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian. Terdapat tiga parameter utama yang akan diteliti pada kedua model tersebut yakni ketinggian optimum ARN, jarak maksimum antara ARN dengan MBS, dan yang terakhir adalah jangkauan maksimum dari ARN. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa ketinggian optimum dari ARN-AF dan ARN-DF berada pada ketinggian maksimum yaitu 150 meter. Selanjutnya untuk jarak maksimum antara ARN-AF dengan MBS adalah sejauh 11 kilometer dan 8,5 kilometer untuk ARN-DF dengan MBS. Dari segi jangkauan, ARN-AF mampu menjangkau 100% objek penelitian yakni Desa Sumbermujur dengan area seluas 16 km2 sementara ARN-DF hanya mampu menjangkau 3,349% area dari Desa Sumbermujur

    A Sociolinguistic Study of Choosing Names for Newborn Children in Jordan

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    This study aims at the study of newborn names in Jordan of a sociolinguistic perspective This study tries to detect the difference in naming newborns in Jordan over the decades - from the seventies to 2015 due to the result of some factors that may have affected the Jordanian society whether historical religious and or social The data necessary to complete the study was obtained from the Civil Status Department and the Department of Statistics The data obtained consisted of names of both sexes during the time period from the seventies until the early year of 2015 a random sample of personal names within the same family were also provided The data was analyzed quantitatively The study revealed that there is a clear change in the choice of newborn names - male and female - in Jordan whether a change in sounds or in morphemes In specific names during the seventies were strongly linked to the culture and the values religious or social in which the people believed in During the eighties and nineties names were associated with certain social values however some names were shown to be affected by urbanization or modernization And with the beginning of 2000 up to 2015 peoples directions towards naming newborns changed due to the advent of globalization associating with development and urbanization and moreover the influence of different cultures on the communit
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