13 research outputs found

    Report on the Fourth Excavation Season (2011) of the Madâ'in Sâlih Archaeological Project

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    This volume is the report on the results of the fourth excavation season of the Saudi-French Archaeological Project at Madâ'in Sâlih, ancient Hegra in the Nabataean kingdom, in north-west Saudi Arabia (MAEE, SCTA, CNRS, Univ Paris 1, IFPO). Apart from the results obtained in the different excavation areas (both in the residential area and in tomb IGN 117), the reader will find a study on the cairns/tumuli of the site (W. Abu-Azizeh) as well as intermediary reports on the geophysical detection (Chr. Benech), the fauna (J. Studer) and the pottery (C. Durand).Ce volume constitue le rapport sur les résultats de la quatrième campagne de fouilles de la mission archéologique franco-saoudienne de Madâ'in Sâlih, l'ancienne Hégra des Nabatéens, dans le nord-ouest de l'Arabie Saoudite (MAEE, SCTA, CNRS, Univ. Paris 1, IFPO). Outre les résultats obtenus dans les différents chantiers (dans la zone résidentielle et dans le tombeau IGN 117), le lecteur trouvera une étude synthétique sur les cairns/tumuli du site (W. Abu-Azizeh) ainsi que des rapports intermédiaires sur la détection géophysique (Chr. Benech), la faune (J. Studer) et la céramique (C. Durand)

    Résultats préliminaires de la première campagne de fouille à Madâ’in Sâlih en Arabie Saoudite

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    Villeneuve François, Al-Talhi Daifallah, Nehmé Laïla. Résultats préliminaires de la première campagne de fouille à Madâ’in Sâlih en Arabie Saoudite. In: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 152e année, N. 2, 2008. pp. 651-691

    Report on the second season (2009) of the Madâ'in Sâlih Archaeological Project

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    This volume is the report on the results of the second excavation season, 2009, of the Saudi-French Archaeological Project at Madâ'in Sâlih, Nabataean Hegra in northwest Saudi Arabia (MAEE, SCTA, CNRS, Univ Paris 1, IFPO). Apart from the results obtained in the different excavation areas (both in the residential area, in the monumental tomb IGN 117 and in various areas south of the Jabal Ithlib), the reader will find reports on the archaeobotanical remains (Ch. Bouchaud), on the pottery (C. Durand et Y. Gerber) and on the restoration of Area 7Ce volume constitue le rapport sur les résultats de la deuxième campagne de fouilles (2009) de la Mission archéologique franco-saoudienne de Madâ'in Sâlih, l'ancienne Hégra des Nabatéens, dans le nord-ouest de l'Arabie Saoudite (MAEE, SCTA, CNRS, Univ. Paris 1, IFPO). Outre les résultats obtenus dans les différents chantiers (dans la zone résidentielle, dans le tombeau monumental IGN 117 et dans différents secteurs au sud du Jabal Ithlib), le lecteur trouvera des rapports sur les macro-restes végétaux (Ch. Bouchaud), la céramique (C. Durand et Y. Gerber) et la restauration de la Zone

    Report on the 2019 Season of the Madâ’in Sâlih Archaeological Project

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    This is the report on the 2019 season of the Madâ’in Sâlih (ancient Hegra) Archaeological Project in Saudi Arabia. In contains contributions on the excavation of the Roman Fort, the Nababataean sanctuary, the pottery, as well as a small anthropoloigical study on the human bones from the tombs

    Mission archéologique de Madâʾin Salih. Rapport de la campagne 2016

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    This is the 2016 report (7th season) of the Madâʾin Salih (ancient Hegra) Archaeological Project. Madâʾin Salih is a pre-Nabataean, Nabataean and Roman site at the southern end of the Nabataean kingdom and the Roman province of Arabia. The volume (132 pages) contains reports by various authors on one of the gates of the rampart (Area 35), on the Roman fort excavated in the southern part of the city (Area 34), on the Nabataean sanctuary IGN 132 (Area 6), and on the residential unit excavated southwest of the latter. It also contains important study reports on the pottery, the so-called "owls of Hegra", which correspond to a Hellenistic period coinage from the Hijâz, on the camel bones of the Roman fort (Area 34), on the textiles discovered in the Nabataean tombs IGN 88, 97 and 116.1. It ends with two notes on the conservation and on physiochemical characterization of corroded metal artifacts. The reportwill be published in a printed form by the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage in the series entitled « A Series of Refereed Archaeological Studies 

    Mission archéologique de Madâʾin Salih. Rapport de la campagne 2016

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    This is the 2016 report (7th season) of the Madâʾin Salih (ancient Hegra) Archaeological Project. Madâʾin Salih is a pre-Nabataean, Nabataean and Roman site at the southern end of the Nabataean kingdom and the Roman province of Arabia. The volume (132 pages) contains reports by various authors on one of the gates of the rampart (Area 35), on the Roman fort excavated in the southern part of the city (Area 34), on the Nabataean sanctuary IGN 132 (Area 6), and on the residential unit excavated southwest of the latter. It also contains important study reports on the pottery, the so-called "owls of Hegra", which correspond to a Hellenistic period coinage from the Hijâz, on the camel bones of the Roman fort (Area 34), on the textiles discovered in the Nabataean tombs IGN 88, 97 and 116.1. It ends with two notes on the conservation and on physiochemical characterization of corroded metal artifacts. The reportwill be published in a printed form by the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage in the series entitled « A Series of Refereed Archaeological Studies 

    Report on the Third Excavation Season (2010) of the Madâ'in Sâlih Archaeological Project

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    This volume is the report on the results of the third excavation season of the Saudi-French Archaeological Project at Madâ'in Sâlih, Nabataean Hegra in northwest Saudi Arabia (MAEE, SCTA, CNRS, Univ Paris 1, IFPO). Apart from the results obtained in the different excavation areas (both in the residential area and in a triclinium south the Jabal Ithlib, the reader will find preliminary syntheses on the macro-vegetal remains (Ch. Bouchaud), on the pottery (C. Durand and Y. Gerber), on the geomagnetic survey (Chr. Benech), on the coins (Chr. Augé) and on the faunal remains (J. Studer).Ce volume constitue le rapport sur les résultats de la troisième campagne de fouilles de la Mission archéologique franco-saoudienne de Madâ'in Sâlih, l'ancienne Hégra des Nabatéens, dans le nord-ouest de l'Arabie Saoudite (MAEE, SCTA, CNRS, Univ. Paris 1, IFPO). Outre les résultats obtenus dans les différents chantiers (dans la zone résidentielle et dans un triclinium au sud du Jabal Ithlib), le lecteur trouvera des synthèses préliminaires sur les macro-restes végétaux (Ch. Bouchaud), la céramique (C. Durand et Y. Gerber), la détection géophysique (Chr. Benech), les monnaies (Chr. Augé) et la faune (J. Studer