29 research outputs found

    Kalman Filter Algorithm Design for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Data Acquisition System

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    In the control system application, the existence of noise measurement may impact on the performance degradation. The noise measurement of the sensor is produced due to several reasons, such as the low specification, external signal disturbances, and the complexity of measured state. Therefore, it should be avoided to achieve the good control performance. One of the solutions is by designing a signal filter. In this paper, the design of Kalman Filter (KF) algorithm for ultrasonic range sensor is presented. KF algorithm is designed to overcome the existence of noise measurement on the sensor. The type of ultrasonic range sensor used is HC-SR04 which is capable to detect the distance from 2 cm to 400 cm. The discrete KF algorithm is implemented using ATMega 328p microcontroller on Arduino Uno board. The algorithm is then tested with different three covariance values of process noise. The test result shows that the KF algorithm is able to reduce the measurement noise of the ultrasonic sensor. The analysis of variance conducted shows that the smaller value of covariance matrix of the process and measured noises, the better filtering process performed. However, this results in a longer generated response time. Thus, an optimization is required to obtain the best filtering performance

    Kendali Posisi Motor DC Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Interval Tipe 2

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    Kendali posisi motor DC sangat diperlukan dalam berbagai sistem dinamik. Karaketristik kekokohan pengendalian menjadi salah satu hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam pengendalian posisi motor DC. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan metode pengendalian posisi motor DC menggunakan kendali Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Logic (IT2FL). Berbeda dengan pengendali logika fuzzy tipe 1, pengendali ini memiliki fungsi keanggotaan dengan Footprint of Uncertainty (FoU) di setiap variabel linguistik. Kelebihan inilah yang menyebabkan kendali logika fuzzy tipe 2 memiliki karakteristik kekokohan terhadap ketidakpastian parameter sistem. Penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi Matlab/Simulink untuk menunjukkan respon pengendalian dengan penambahan sinyal derau dan dua skenario FoU. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pengendali IT2FL menghasilkan performa lebih baik dibandingkan pengendali logika fuzzy tipe 1 dalam mengatasi derau pengukuran. Pada pengendali IT2FL, FoU 0,2 menghasilkan integral error yang lebih kecil dibandingkan FoU 0,1 dengan selisih terkecil sebesar 0,001. Position control of DC motor is indispensable in various dynamic systems. Control robustness characteristics are one of the things that must be considered in controlling the position of a DC motor. This paper aims to propose a DC motor position control method using an Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Logic (IT2FL) controller. Unlike the type 1 fuzzy logic controller, this controller has a membership function with a Footprint of Uncertainty (FoU) in each linguistic variable. The benefits of it cause the type 2 fuzzy logic control to have robust characteristics against the uncertainty of system parameters. This study uses a Matlab / Simulink simulation to show the control response with the addition of a noise signal and two FoU scenarios. The simulation results show that the IT2FL controller produces better performance than the type 1 fuzzy logic controller in overcoming measurement noise. In the IT2FL controller, FoU 0.2 produces an integral error that is smaller than FoU 0.1 with the smallest difference of 0.001

    Low-cost quadrotor hardware design with PID control system as flight controller

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    In designing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), such as quadrotor, sometimes an engineer should consider the required cost that is relatively expensive. As we know, quadrotor is one of robots that very usefull and has several advantages for human needs such as disaster area monitoring, air quality monitoring, area mapping, aerial photography, and surveillance. Thus, designing a rapid quadrotor with low-cost components and simple control system needs to be considered here. This paper presents design and implementation of a quadrotor using relatively low-cost components with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control system as its controller. The components used consist of microcontroller, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor, Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor, Electronic Speed Control (ESC), remote control unit, battery, and frame. These components can be easily found in the electronic markets, especially in Indonesia. As an addition, this paper also describes PID control system as flight controller. A simple economic analysis is presented to clarify the cost in designing this quadrotor. Based on experimental testing result, the quadrotor able to fly stably with PID controller although there still overshoot at the attitude responses

    Aplikasi Arduino-Android untuk Sistem Keamanan Sepeda Motor

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    Sistem keamanan sepeda motor diperlukan untuk mengatasi peningkatan pencurian sepeda motor. Saat ini, solusi yang biasa dilakukan oleh pemilik sepeda motor hanya dengan memakai kunci ganda saja dimana pencuri sudah sangat menguasainya. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu sistem keamanan yang lebih baik. Dalam makalah ini, akan dipaparkan suatu sistem keamanan sepeda motor berbasis Arduino-Android. Sistem kemanan ini berbasis relai dan akan dikendalikan melalui smartphone dengan sistem operasi Android v4.4 (KitKat). Sistem komunikasi dirancang dengan menggunakan modul bluetooth HC-06 yang dapat diintegrasikan dengan papan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno. Detail perancangan sistem dijelaskan pada makalah ini. Hasil pengujian menunjukan jarak maksimal komunikasi bluetooth antara pengendali (smartphone) dengan sistem pada sepeda motor yaitu 10 m


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    Quadrotor is one of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that have complexity control when it flight, one of them is the take off control system. In this paper, the implementation of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller for quadrotor take off system will be presented. The controller is implemented to stabilize quadrotor’s attitude when it takes off at vertical movement. PID control system is used due to the simplicity as well as design and implementation. System testing shows that quadrotor with PID controller able to take off at vertical direction stably. This is showed by attitude responses with settling times of roll, pitch and yaw respectively 2.78 s, 5.37 s and 0.94 s. However, the attitude responses still have the overshoot at transient condition with the maximum angle roll, pitch and yaw respectively -25,70°, 24,01° and -17,09°. This can be overcome one of which by using robust control scheme.Quadrotor merupakan salah satu jenis Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) yang memiliki kompleksitas pengendalian ketika terbang, salah satunya adalah sistem kendali lepas landas. Pada makalah ini, akan dibahas mengenai implementasi pengendali Proporsional-Integral-Derivatif (PID) untuk sistem lepas landas quadrotor. Pengendali PID diimplementasikan pada pergerakan vertikal untuk menstabilkan sikap quadrotor ketika lepas landas. Sistem kendali PID digunakan karena kesederhanaan baik dalam desain maupun implementasinya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa quadrotor dengan pengendali PID dapat lepas landas secara vertikal dengan stabil. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh respon sikap quadrotor saat lepas landas dengan settling time sikap roll, pitch dan yaw berturut-turut 2,78 s, 5,37 s dan 0,94 s. Akan tetapi, respon sikap pada kondisi transien masih memiliki overshoot dengan nilai sudut maksimum pada sikap roll, pitch dan yaw berturut-turut -25,70°, 24,01° dan -17,09°. Hal ini dapat diatasi salah satunya dengan menggunakan skema pengendali yang kokoh


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    Quadrotor is one of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that have complexity control when it flight, one of them is the take off control system. In this paper, the implementation of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller for quadrotor take off system will be presented. The controller is implemented to stabilize quadrotor’s attitude when it takes off at vertical movement. PID control system is used due to the simplicity as well as design and implementation. System testing shows that quadrotor with PID controller able to take off at vertical direction stably. This is showed by attitude responses with settling times of roll, pitch and yaw respectively 2.78 s, 5.37 s and 0.94 s. However, the attitude responses still have the overshoot at transient condition with the maximum angle roll, pitch and yaw respectively -25,70°, 24,01° and -17,09°. This can be overcome one of which by using robust control scheme.Quadrotor merupakan salah satu jenis Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) yang memiliki kompleksitas pengendalian ketika terbang, salah satunya adalah sistem kendali lepas landas. Pada makalah ini, akan dibahas mengenai implementasi pengendali Proporsional-Integral-Derivatif (PID) untuk sistem lepas landas quadrotor. Pengendali PID diimplementasikan pada pergerakan vertikal untuk menstabilkan sikap quadrotor ketika lepas landas. Sistem kendali PID digunakan karena kesederhanaan baik dalam desain maupun implementasinya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa quadrotor dengan pengendali PID dapat lepas landas secara vertikal dengan stabil. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh respon sikap quadrotor saat lepas landas dengan settling time sikap roll, pitch dan yaw berturut-turut 2,78 s, 5,37 s dan 0,94 s. Akan tetapi, respon sikap pada kondisi transien masih memiliki overshoot dengan nilai sudut maksimum pada sikap roll, pitch dan yaw berturut-turut -25,70°, 24,01° dan -17,09°. Hal ini dapat diatasi salah satunya dengan menggunakan skema pengendali yang kokoh