17 research outputs found

    Renal ganglioneuromas in a pediatric patient: Case report and review of the literature

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    AbstractGanglioneuromas are rare benign tumors originating from the sympathetic nervous system and neural crest cells. A 4-year-old girl presented with numerous urinary tract infections. Ultrasound and computed tomography revealed a large mass within the right kidney. A right nephrectomy and sampling of surrounding lymph nodes were performed. Pathology confirmed that the mass was a mature ganglioneuroma. The patient remains disease-free, more than 2 years after surgery. We present this rare case of renal ganglioneuroma as well as a review of the literature

    In vivo MRI signatures of hippocampal subfield pathology in intractable epilepsy.

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    OBJECTIVES: Our aim is to assess the subfield-specific histopathological correlates of hippocampal volume and intensity changes (T1, T2) as well as diff!usion MRI markers in TLE, and investigate the efficacy of quantitative MRI measures in predicting histopathology in vivo. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We correlated in vivo volumetry, T2 signal, quantitative T1 mapping, as well as diffusion MRI parameters with histological features of hippocampal sclerosis in a subfield-specific manner. We made use of on an advanced co-registration pipeline that provided a seamless integration of preoperative 3 T MRI with postoperative histopathological data, on which metrics of cell loss and gliosis were quantitatively assessed in CA1, CA2/3, and CA4/DG. PRINCIPAL OBSERVATIONS: MRI volumes across all subfields were positively correlated with neuronal density and size. Higher T2 intensity related to increased GFAP fraction in CA1, while quantitative T1 and diffusion MRI parameters showed negative correlations with neuronal density in CA4 and DG. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that in vivo multiparametric MRI can predict neuronal loss in all the analyzed subfields with up to 90% accuracy. CONCLUSION: Our results, based on an accurate co-registration pipeline and a subfield-specific analysis of MRI and histology, demonstrate the potential of MRI volumetry, diffusion, and quantitative T1 as accurate in vivo biomarkers of hippocampal pathology

    Schistosomiasis Involving the Central Nervous System: Case Report of a Rare Complication

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    Introduction. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic infection caused by schistosome invasion of blood circulation. Neuroschistosomiasis is a severe cerebral complication that accounts for less than 2.3% of reported cases. Patients present with progressive encephalitis, seizures, or both. Management includes antiparasitic medications, steroids, and surgical intervention. Case Presentation. We report a case of a 44-year-old female who presented to the ER with a history of transient loss of consciousness (LOC) and seizure. Radiological investigations revealed a right frontal brain lesion. Histopathological results confirmed the diagnosis of schistosomiasis. Conclusion. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic infection commonly diagnosed in patients who live in tropical areas. Early diagnosis with radiological and histopathological evaluation is required to identify patients at risk of developing severe neurological complications

    National Association of Medical Examiners position paper: Recommendations for the investigation and certification of deaths in people with epilepsy

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    Sudden unexpected death of an individual with epilepsy (SUDEP) can pose a challenge to death investigators, as most deaths are unwitnessed and the individual is commonly found dead in bed. Anatomic findings (e.g., tongue/lip bite) are commonly absent and of varying specificity, limiting the evidence to implicate epilepsy as a cause of or contributor to death. Thus, it is likely that death certificates significantly underrepresent the true number of deaths in which epilepsy was a factor. To address this, members of the National Association of Medical Examiners, North American SUDEP Registry, Epilepsy Foundation SUDEP Institute, American Epilepsy Society, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention convened an expert panel to generate evidence-based recommendations for the practice of death investigation and autopsy, toxicological analysis, interpretation of autopsy and toxicology findings, and death certification to improve the precision of death certificate data available for public health surveillance of epilepsy-related deaths. The recommendations provided in this paper are intended to assist medical examiners, coroners, and death investigators when a sudden, unexpected death in a person with epilepsy is encountered