681 research outputs found

    التذكير والتأنيث لبناء الجملة في السياق القرآني

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    Pada hakikatnya kemukjizatan Al-Quran terkandung di setiap lafadz dan makna. Salah satu aspek dari wujud kemukjizatan yang nampak adalah struktur kalimat tadzkir dan ta’nist dalam konteks Al-Quran berbeda-beda, oleh karena itu jika di analisis dengan kajian semantik sintaksis akan mendapatkan makna-makna kontekstual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui konsep tadzkir dan ta’nist dan bentuk-bentuk dari keduanya dalam Al-Quran serta mengetahui makna kontekstual yang terkandung didalamnya. Hal yang nampak dari keduanya terbagi ke dalam empat bentuk diantaranya: Kata kerja yang bisa mudzakar dan mu’annats  maka subjeknya berbentuk jama’ taksir, jama’ mu’anats salim, isim jama’ dan mu’anats majazi. dan terdapat makna-makna kontekstual yang berbeda-beda, diantaranya, jika kata kerjanya mudzakar maka makna subjeknya menunjukan perintah yang bersifat umum, ibadah, larangan, petunjuk, tanda-tanda, konteks akhir  dan siksa di akhirat, dan jika kata kerjanya mu’anats maka makna subjeknya menunjukan kekhususan, konteks manusia, jama’ qillah dan katsroh, mukjizat di dunia, siksa di dunia, kebahagiaan di akhirat

    The Effect of STEM-ThingLink Learning Design on Students' Conceptual Understanding of Nutrition

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-ThingLink learning design on students' conceptual understanding. Thinglink.com is used as a platform to present problems and set STEM projects, on the topic of nutrition. This research is a quasiexperimental research with One-Shot Case Pretest-Posttest Design. Data was collected by means of pre-test and post-test to assess the improvement of students' conceptual understanding. The hypothesis test used is the paired sample t test. The results showed that there was an increase in students' understanding of the material concepts, which was marked by an increase in the pre-test score (M=54.26, SD=14.73) to post-test scores (M=72.93, SD=12.63). Paired sample t-test also showed significant results, sig. (0.03 0.05) which means H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that the STEM-ThingLink learning design has a positive effect on students' understanding of nutrition concepts.ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh desain pembelajaran Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-ThingLink terhadap pemahaman konsep siswa. Model STEM-ThingLink menerapkan Engineering Design Process (EDP) dalam sintaksnya. Thinglink.com digunakan sebagai platform untuk menyajikan masalah dan menetapkan proyek STEM. Aplikasi difokuskan pada topik gizi yang diajarkan kepada siswa kelas delapan IPA di sekolah menengah pertama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain One-Shot Case Pretest-Posttest Design. Model pembelajaran STEM-ThingLink diterapkan pada kelas eksperimen. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pre-test dan post-test untuk menilai peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan adalah uji t sampel berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman konsep materi siswa yang ditandai dengan peningkatan nilai pre-test (M=54.26, SD=14.73) menjadi nilai post-test (M=72.93, SD=12.63). Uji-t sampel berpasangan juga menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan, sig. (0,03 0,05) yang berarti H0 ditolak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain pembelajaran STEM-ThingLink berpengaruh positif terhadap pemahaman konsep gizi siswa

    Hardware implementation of RC4A stream cipher

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    Cryptography is the only practical method for protecting information transmitted through communication networks. The hardware implementation of cryptographic algorithms plays an important role because of growing requirements of high speed and high level of secure communications. Implementation of cryptographic algorithms on hardware runs faster than on software and at the same time offering more intrinsic security. This paper presents efficient hardware implementation of new stream cipher, RC4A. The proposed hardware implementation achieves a data throughput up to 22.28 MB/sec at frequency of 33.33 MHz and the performance in terms of throughput to area ratio equal to 0.37. The implementation is also parameterized in order to support variable key lengths, 8-bit to 512-bit. The cipher was designed using Verilog hardware description language and implemented into a single Altera APEXTM 20K200E Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

    Prevalence of eosinophilic/non eosinophillic nasal polyps and analysis of their presentation in hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia

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    This study is aimed to examine the predominant inflammatory cells in nasal polyps (NP) in the local community and its correlation to the clinical presentations. Materials and Methods: The study was done retrospectively looking at patients who had undergone functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, Malaysia with a histopathological diagnosis of nasal polyposis (NP), between the years 2004 to 2008. Sixty two patients between the ages of 18 years to 60 years old were selected and data relevant to the study were collected from the patient’s folders using a specially created form prepared for the study. The NP histopathology report from each patient underwent FESS were analysed and the patients were divided into eosinophilic and non eosinophilic dominant group. Clinical presentations from each patient were also gathered and analysed according to the NP group. Results: In HUSM, there were a higher number of eosinophilic types NP as compared to the neutrophilic type NP which is contrary to other study conducted on Asian populations. The clinical symptom correlations between either eosinophilic or non-eosinophilic type of NP have not shown any significant associations. Conclusion: The study showed that the incidence of histological subtypes of nasal polyp in HUSM is almost the same as that found in other parts of the world (Europe and North America) which will reduce the possibility of racial or geographical influence on the pathogenesis of the nasal polyp. Clinical symptoms and presentation alone are not enough to differentiate the type of the nasal polyp without the histological study

    Car license plate detection method for Malaysian plates-styles by using a web camera

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    Recently, license plate detection has been used in many applications especially in transportation systems. Many methods have been proposed in order to detect license plates, but most of them work under restricted conditions such as fixed illumination, stationary background, and high resolution images. License plate detection plays an important role in car license plate recognition systems because it affects the accuracy and processing time of the system. This work aims to build a Car License Plate Detection (CLPD) system at a lower cost of its hardware devices and with less complexity of algorithms' design, and then compare its performance with the local CAR Plate Extraction Technology (CARPET). As Malaysian plates have special design and they differ from other international plates, this work tries to compare two likely-design methods. The images are taken using a web camera for both the systems. One of the most important contributions in this paper is that the proposed CLPD method uses Vertical Edge Detection Algorithm (VEDA) to extract the vertical edges of plates. The proposed CLPD method can work to detect the region of car license plates. The method shows the total time of processing one 352x288 image is 47.7 ms, and it meets the requirement of real time processing. Under the experiment datasets, which were taken from real scenes, 579 out of 643 images were successfully detected. Meanwhile, the average accuracy of locating car license plate was 90%. In this work, a comparison between CARPET and the proposed CLPD method for the same tested images was done in terms of detection rate and efficiency. The results indicated that the detection rate was 92% and 84% for the CLPD method and CARPET, respectively. The results also showed that the CLPD method could work using dark images to detect license plates, whereas CARPET had failed to do so

    A new vertical edge detection algorithm and its application

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    Edge detection is a very important process for many image processing applications, especially in Car License Plate Detection and Recognition Systems(CLPDRS). The need to distinguish the desired details is a very important pre-process in order to give good results in short time processing. We proposed a new and fast vertical edge detection algorithm (VEDA) which is based on the contrast between the gray scale values. Once, input gray image was binarized by using adaptive threshold, unwanted lines elimination algorithm (ULEA) was proposed and applied. After that, a VEDA was applied for experimental images. Then, implementation on the application is performed and discussed in order to confirm that VEDA is robust for highlighting license plate details easily. The results revealed accurate edge detection performance and demonstrated the great efficiency of using VEDA in order to highlight license plate details. Finally, VEDA showed that it is faster than Sobel operator by about 7-9 times

    Transformasi dan Optimalisasi Potensi Masjid Daerah Ujung Utara Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    Mosque has a pivotal role in the process of Da’wah for Muslim, including  al-Barokah Mosqu, Guranteng, Tasikmalaya. This transformative research aims at transforming people's perception in understanding the substance of the role and function of mosques and optimizing the potential of the mosque to its fullest. This Participatory Action Research model links the social change process through three-area of empowerment : Community commitment, local leader, and institutional based needs. The results of the study gained action of change: Seeking the transformation of community paradigms on understanding the substance role of the mosque through several actions: FGD for restructuring DKM Management, strengthening DKM and DKM management training. Meanwhile, the second stage is to optimize the potential of the culture by implementing the mosque empowerment based on local culture, such as the training of Friday's cermon, corpes-handling management, Ziswaf Manager, reading Marhabaan, forming youth-mosque-managers, as well as assistance by other potential-based empowerment activities. Secara substansi masjid mempunyai peran sentral yang sangat penting terhadap laju perjalanan dakwah umat Islam. Peran sentral masjid kenyataannya tidak berbanding lurus dengan keberadaan masjid al-Barokah daerah ujung utara Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Penelitian transformatif ini bertujuan untuk mentransformasi persepsi masyarakat dalam memahami substansi peran dan fungsi masjid dan mengoptimalisasikan potensi masjid secara maksimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan model participatory action research yang menghubungkan proses perubahan sosial melalui tiga pemberdayaan: komitmen masyarakat, local leader, dan institusi berdasarkan kebutuhan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh aksi perubahan:  mengupayakan transformasi paradigma masyarakat terhadap pemahaman substansi peranan fungsi masjid yang diupayakan melalui beberapa action: refleksi FGD merestrukturisasi pengurus DKM, pengukuhan pengurus DKM; dan pelatihan manajemen DKM.Sementara tahap kedua melakukan langkah optimalisasi terhadap potensi yang dimiliki dengan menerapkan pemberdayaan masjid berbasis lokalitas budaya, seperti pelatihan khutbah Jum’at, pengurusan jenazah, pengelola Ziswaf, membaca marhabaan, pembentukan pengurus remaja/pemuda masjid, serta dampingan kegiatan pemberdayaan lainnya berbasis potensi

    Transformasi dan Optimalisasi Potensi Masjid Daerah Ujung Utara Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    Mosque has a pivotal role in the process of Da’wah for Muslim, including  al-Barokah Mosqu, Guranteng, Tasikmalaya. This transformative research aims at transforming people's perception in understanding the substance of the role and function of mosques and optimizing the potential of the mosque to its fullest. This Participatory Action Research model links the social change process through three-area of empowerment : Community commitment, local leader, and institutional based needs. The results of the study gained action of change: Seeking the transformation of community paradigms on understanding the substance role of the mosque through several actions: FGD for restructuring DKM Management, strengthening DKM and DKM management training. Meanwhile, the second stage is to optimize the potential of the culture by implementing the mosque empowerment based on local culture, such as the training of Friday's cermon, corpes-handling management, Ziswaf Manager, reading Marhabaan, forming youth-mosque-managers, as well as assistance by other potential-based empowerment activities. Secara substansi masjid mempunyai peran sentral yang sangat penting terhadap laju perjalanan dakwah umat Islam. Peran sentral masjid kenyataannya tidak berbanding lurus dengan keberadaan masjid al-Barokah daerah ujung utara Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Penelitian transformatif ini bertujuan untuk mentransformasi persepsi masyarakat dalam memahami substansi peran dan fungsi masjid dan mengoptimalisasikan potensi masjid secara maksimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan model participatory action research yang menghubungkan proses perubahan sosial melalui tiga pemberdayaan: komitmen masyarakat, local leader, dan institusi berdasarkan kebutuhan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh aksi perubahan:  mengupayakan transformasi paradigma masyarakat terhadap pemahaman substansi peranan fungsi masjid yang diupayakan melalui beberapa action: refleksi FGD merestrukturisasi pengurus DKM, pengukuhan pengurus DKM; dan pelatihan manajemen DKM.Sementara tahap kedua melakukan langkah optimalisasi terhadap potensi yang dimiliki dengan menerapkan pemberdayaan masjid berbasis lokalitas budaya, seperti pelatihan khutbah Jum’at, pengurusan jenazah, pengelola Ziswaf, membaca marhabaan, pembentukan pengurus remaja/pemuda masjid, serta dampingan kegiatan pemberdayaan lainnya berbasis potensi

    Improving invisibility of blind video watermarking scheme

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    A video watermarking algorithm is developed here to embed a binary image inside the uncoded video stream acting as a logo. A mid-band discrete wavelet transform coefficients of the selected frames are chosen to be the hosted region in the frequency domain. An inverse transformation should be taken in order to get the desired watermarked video shot. In extraction process the watermark is extracted from the marked video directly without access to the original video. The experiment results showed that the proposed scheme provides better quality watermarked videos in term of watermark invisibility to human eyes. In conclusion, modifying the wavelet coefficients depending only on the logo object's pixels will highly improve the invisibility and at the same time providing a good robustness level