2,842 research outputs found

    RRS James Clark Ross Cruises JR265 and JR254D, 27 Nov-24 Dec 2011. Part 1: The Drake Passage hydrographic repeat section SR1b

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    This report describes the 17th complete occupation of the Drake Passage CTD section, established during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment as repeat section SR1b. It wasfirst occupied by National Oceanography Centre (previously IOSDL and then SOC) in collaboration with the British Antarctic Survey in 1993, and has been re-occupied most years since then. Thirty two full depth stations were performed during JR265: two test stations, and all 30 of the nominal stations for the SR1b Drake Passage section. An initial result is that the estimated total transport measured across the section was 133 Sv which compares well to an average transport measured from the 16 previous UK cruises of 135 Sv (standard deviation of 7 Sv). In conjunction with the hydrographic cruise, a "Waves Aerosol and Gas Exchange Study" (WAGES) intensive observation cruise JR245D was also carried out. WAGES involves continuous measurement of the air-sea turbulent fluxes of CO2, sea spray aerosol, momentum and sensible and latent heat fluxes, plus directional sea-state and whitecap parameters using systems installed on the ship in May 2010. In addition to the continuous measurements, a number of intensive observation periods (IOPs) have been carried out by WAGES staff on board the ship. These involve deployments of a spar buoy to measure wave breaking and an aerial camera system to measure whitecap fraction. The activities of JR254D are summarised here, but are described in detail in a separate cruise report. Cruise JR264 was carried out by NOC-L staff at the same time as JR265 and JR254D. JR264 is also the subject of a separate cruise report. The CTD was an underwater SBE 9 plus unit equipped with the following sensors: dual temperature and conductivity sensors, a pressure sensor encased in the SBE underwater unit, a SBE-43 oxygen probe, an Aquatracka MKIII fluorometer, a transmissometer, an upwardlooking downwelling PAR sensor, and an altimeter. A downward-looking LADCP (RDI Workhorse Monitor 300 kHz) was deployed on all stations. Various underway measurements were obtained, including navigation, VM-ADCP, sea surface temperature and salinity, water depth and various meteorological parameters. A practical aim during this cruise was to update the detailed guides for each of the hydrographic data streams which were first written duringJR195 in 2009. The hydrographic data analysis was performed using "MSTAR", a suite of Matlab programs developed at NOCS by Brian King and used on the JCR for the first time during JR195

    First record of Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797) (Octopodidae) in the Iraqi coastal waters, NW Arabian Gulf

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    The present study identifies one species of the genus Octopus in the order: Octopoda (Cephalopoda: Mollusca), recorded forthe first time in the Iraqi coastal waters and Arabian-Persian Gulf. The study extended from January 2019 to December of thesame year. The Octopus specimens were seasonally obtained from the fishing trawlers operating in the Iraqi coastal waters inthe South of Al- Fao District, Basrah- Iraq, NW Arabian Gulf. The Octopus was identified as O. vulgaris in Iraqi coastal watersdepending on morphological features. The habitats of living specimens are briefly described. Some observations were reported on the occurrence of this species and the measurement of some environmental factors. The species was identified up to spe-cies level using standard literature. This species looks similar morphologically to the species which is already identified from the other areas around the world. The present study records significant expansion in the distribution range of this species

    Ecological study of two gastropods species Melanoides turbuculata and Melanopsis preaemorsa from Euphrates river - Basrah, Iraq

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    Biological and taxonomic studies of snails in the waters of Iraq's desert have been enhanced through seasonal recording of them, and it is one of the means to follow their distribution and determine the density. Aiming to determine occurrence and density of two snails Melanoides tuberculata and  Melanopsi preaemorsa, in two stations at the Euphrates river-Basrah, Governorate, in Al-Madina and Al-Qurna. Three replicates within each station were chosen for sample collection of these two species using the quadrate (25 × 25) cm. Many environmental factors including temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and organic material in sediment were measured, 5,330 samples were obtained from the stations. The highest annual density was recorded by snail M. turbuculata with 2,745 and 1,072 ind/m² in two stations respectively, while M. preaemorsa with 912 and 601 ind/m² in (St.1 and 2), respectively. The densities of snail M. turbuculata from 480 ind./m2, June 2019 at (St. 1) to 57 ind./m2 in December 2019. And in (St. 2) from 256 ind./m2 in May 2019 to 0 ind./m2 in August - December 2019. While snail species M. preaemorsa (Linnaeus, 1758) in (St. 1) from 128 ind./m2 in June and July to 0 ind./m2 in January-February, November-December 2019 and in (St. 2) from 144 ind./m2 in April to 0 ind./m2 in August-December 2019. The statistical analysis found significant differences in DO, temperatures, and snail density in two stations. This is the first study in the region on these two species in particular, and their abundance

    Effect of Aeromonas Hydrofila on Interleukin 10 Gene Expression of Liver, Spleen and Muscle Tissue in Common Carp Fish

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         أجريت الدراسة في مختبر الأسماك العائد لقسم الأنتاج الحيواني في الكلية التقنية المسيب للمدة من 23 شباط الى 16 اذار 2019 , تضمنت التجربة أربع معاملات وهي كل من معاملة السيطرة (t1 ) والملح (t2 ) والبكتريا الحية (t3 ) والبكتريا المقتولة (t4 ) , بواقع عشرين سمكة من نوع الكارب الاعتيادي Caprinus Carpio لكل معاملة. كان الهدف من الدراسة معرفة أثر الأصابة البكتيرية في التعبير الجيني لجين IL-10 ومقارنة هذا التعبير بين ثلاث انسجة وهي الكبد والطحال والنسيج العضلي, فقد سجلت معاملة البكتريا الحيةt3) ) أعلى تعبير جيني مقارنة ببقية المعاملات في الكبد الا ان الفارق كان قليلا مع جين المقارنه بيتا اكتين بمقدار (β-actin) (23.71 ) . أما في الطحال فكان التعبير الجيني لجين IL-10 الاعلى في المعاملة الرابعة t4) ) بمقدار (23.29) ألا انها كانت أقل من جين المقارنة β-actin (25.76) لنفس المعاملة. أما في النسيج العضلي فقد كان التعبير الجيني لجين IL-10 فكان الاعلى في معاملة السيطرة (t1) مقارنة ببقية المعاملات فيما كان التعبير الجيني هو الأقل لجين المقارنة β-actin مقارنة ببقية المعاملات . أما فيما يخص التعبير النسبي لجين IL-10 (نسبه الى جين المقارنة ومعاملة السيطرة) في الكبد سجلت معامله البكتريا الحية (t3) أعلى تعبير نسبي للجين IL-10 (728.6) تلتها معاملة البكتريا المقتولة (t4) وبواقع (22.86) وبفارق كبير عن معاملة الملح (t2) (1.16) أما في الطحال فقد سجلت معاملة البكتريا المقتولة t4)) أعلى تعبير نسبي (2112.8) وبفارق كبير عن المعاملتين الثانية والثالثة (155,3.09 على التوالي) .اما في النسيج العضلي فقد كان التعبير النسبي لجين IL-10 في المعاملات الثانية والثالثة والرابعة أقل مما هي عليه في معاملة السيطرة نسبة الي جين المقارنة بيتا اكتين. نستنتج ان اعلى تعبير للجين IL-10 قد ظهر في الكبد عند حدوث الاصابة البكتيرية ولم يكن كذلك في الطحال والنسيج العضلي .     The study was conducted in the laboratory of fish belonging to the Department of Animal Production at the Technical College of Musayyib for the period from February 23 to March 16/2019 , the experiment included four treatments, namely control treatment (t1) and salt group (t2) and live bacteria group (t3) and killed bacteria group (t4), by 20 A common carp Caprinus Carpio fish per treatment.the aim of the study was to identify the effect of bacterial infection in the gene expression of the gene IL-10 and compare this expression between three tissues, namely liver, spleen and muscle tissue .Regarding the gene expression of the IL-10 gene, the treatment of live bacteria (t3) showed the highest gene expression compared to the rest of the liver, but it But it made little difference with the B-actin gene (23.71). In the spleen, the gene expression of the IL-10 gene was highest in the fourth treatment (t4) (23.29), but it was lower than the comparison gene B-actin (25.76) for the same treatment. In muscular tissue, the gene expression of IL-10 was higher in the control treatment (t1) compared to the rest of the treatments, but Gene expression was the least in the comparison gene β-actin compared to the rest of the treatments. Regarding the relative expression of the IL-10 gene (relative to the comparison gene and control treatment) in the liver, the live bacterial treatment (t3) recorded the highest relative expression of the IL-10 gene (728.6) followed by the treatment of the killed bacteria (t4) (22.86) by a highly difference from Salt (t2) (1.16)  . in the spleen, the treatment of the bacteria killed (t4) was the highest relative expression (2112.8) by a highly difference with the second and third treatments (15.5,3.09 respectively). In muscle tissue,  the relative expression of the IL-10 gene in second, third and fourth treatments were lowest than in the control treatment relative to the β-actin gene. We conclude that the highest expression of the IL-10 gene appeared in the liver when bacterial infection occurred and was not the case in the spleen and muscle tissue

    Kosten en effecten van esomeprazol in de behandeling van reflux ziekte

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    Doel. Het bepalen van de kosten-effectiviteit van esomeprazol (Nexium(r)) ten opzichte van alle andere in Nederland geregistreerde protonpomp remmers in de behandeling van reflux ziekte. Voor de effectiviteit vormt het hebben van voldoende controle over de symptomen het uitgangspunt. Perspectief. De studie is uitgevoerd zowel vanuit het perspectief van de verzekeraars als vanuit het maatschappelijk perspectief. Methoden. Gegevens met betrekking tot effectiviteit zijn afgeleid uit een systematische analyse van de literatuur. Gegevens omtrent zorgconsumptie zijn afkomstig uit interviews met huisartsen en gastro-enterologen. Een model is ontwikkeld, dat de gegevens over effectiviteit en kosten van behandeling bijeen brengt. De structuur van het model is vervolgens bediscussieerd met een panel van deskundigen. Tenslotte zijn de berekeningen uitgevoerd met het aangepaste model. Resultaten. Behandeling met esomeprazol 40 mg is dominant ten opzichte van de andere protonpomp remmers: 96,4% van de patiënten heeft na 8 weken voldoende controle over de klachten, tegen totale kosten van EUR 89 (maatschappelijk;m) / EUR 83 (verzekeraar;v). Na esomeprazol 40 mg is omeprazol 40 mg het meest effectief (95,2%), gevolgd door esomeprazol 20 mg (94%)

    Preventive effect of combined Er, Cr:YSGG and fluoride gel on acid resistance of the permanent tooth enamel : an in vitro study

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    Increasing the resistance of enamel to acids may prevent dental erosion and diminish microhardness alterations in the enamel. This study aimed to evaluate the preventive effect of erbium, chromium: yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet laser combined wi

    Determination Some Minerals in Cancer Tissue

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    Study was amid to detect sometrace elements in human tumor tissue, Manganese, cobalt, cadmium and Zink was measured in cancer and benign  tissue using atomic absorption ,  result show that cancer tissue have higher concentration of cobalt and Zink than  benign tissue,  it were 156.7±6.5 and 205.79 µg\g respectively.femaleshad higher concentrations  than males in cancer 2011.41±439.79, 114..54±0.05, 157.05±6.50 206.58±20.93 µg\gin Mn, Cd , Co and Zn respectively also in benign tissue Female 2373.37±703.56, 114.56±0.06, 154.50±29.4, 204.65±28.23 µg\g in the same minerals above. Keywords: trace elements, atomic absorption, tumors tissue

    Removing Toxic Dyes from Aqueous Medium by Trichoderma-Graphain Oxide Aerogel

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    عادة ما يتم تصريف الأصباغ السامة الى مياه الصرف الصحي اذ تستخدم الأصباغ على نطاق واسع في صناعة النسيج ، لذلك من الضروري إيجاد طريقة فعالة وصديقة للبيئة لمعالجة مياه الصرف الناتجة عن النفايات الصناعية السائلة.. لتحقيق هذا الهدف انجزت هذه الدراسة وذلك بتوظيف الفطر ترايكودرما بطريقتين الأولى عبارة عن كريات فطرية نامية  في الوسط المغذي  (Czapek – Dox ) الصلب وامتزاز الصبغيتن الكريستال البنفسجي ، أحمر الكونغو ، باستخدام التركيز  0.06،0.05،0.04،0.03،0.02،0.01  لكليهما و الرقم الهيدروجيني = 2 ، درجة حرارة الغرفة ، مع الهزاز للفترات( 2 ساعة و 4 ساعات و 24 ساعة ) من الزمن . تم قياس تركيز الصبغة بواسطة طيف الأشعة فوق البنفسجية المرئي. حيث كانت كفاءة الإزالة  بواسطة فطر ال Trichoderma sp. في التركيز  0,05 لصبغة الكريستال البنفسجي هو 96% ،ولكن لا يوجد إزالة لصبغة  احمر الكونغو. اما الخط الثاني كانت بدمج خيوط الفطريات إلى جل نقي وحر من أوكسيد الجرافين لزيادة كفاءة الامتزاز. إزالة اللون من محلول الأصباغ السامة بواسطة الكشف عن الامتزاز بواسطه طيف الأشعة فوق البنفسجية المرئية وتحليل فحص المجهري الإلكتروني للكشف عن امتزاز الصبغة على سطح الخيوط الفطرية. وبعد معاملة  (صبغة الكريستال البنفسجي ) بـ 20 ملغم من جل الفطريات -لاوكسيد الجرافين  في ظروف pH = 2 ، بدرجة حرارة الغرفة  مع الهزاز للفترات ( 2 ساعة و 4 ساعات و 24 ساعة )  من الزمن ، زادت نسبة كفاءة الإزالة للكريستال البنفسجي مع زيادة تراكيز الصبغة حتى الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى لنسبة الإزالة 97٪ في الساعة 4 في تركيز 0.05 ملغم / لتر ، وزادت الكفاءة  في التراكيز الأخرى.. على النقيض من احمر الكونغو  اذ لم تتم إزالة اللون في أي تركيز خلال وقت المعالجة لأن سطح احمر الكونغو تحمل شحنات سالبة وإيجابية ويحدث جذبًا إلكتروستاتيكيًا ، وبالتالي قل  الامتزاز ولم تحدث في تراكيز منها. يمكن استخدام الفطر ترايكودرما في الإزالة الانتقائية للأصباغ الأساسية ويمكن استخدامها لإزالة الأصباغ من النفايات السائله الصناعية.Toxic dyes are commonly discharged into waste waters and dyes are extensively used in the textile industry so it is necessary to find out efficient and eco-friendly method for treating waste waters resulting from industrial effluences. To achieve this aim the fungus Trichoderma sp. is employed into two lines: first line was self – immobilized fungal pellets in (Czapek – Dox medium) to adsorbs two dyes crystal violet, congo red by concentrations 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06 mg/L to both dyes, PH 2, room temperature with shaker in ( hrs.2,hrs.4,hrs.24) , by Uv- Visible spectrum . the removal efficiency of 0.05 mg/L crystal violet by Trichoderma sp was 96%. but there was no removal by congo red. The second line was immobilizing fungal mycelium to Graphain oxide free – standing aerogel to increase efficiency of adsorption. The decolorization of toxic dyes solution was detected by the change in the adsorption Uv- Visible spectrum and scanning microscopy analysis which revealed that there was dye adsorption on fungal mycelium surface. After treatment of crystal violet with 20 mg Graphain oxide -fungi aerogel in the condition PH 2, room temperature with shaker in time (hrs.2 ,hrs.4 , hrs.24 ) removal percentage to crystal violet was increasing with to raise concentrations the dye crystal violet until reaching the maximum removal percentage 97% in hrs.4 in 0.05mg/L concentrate , and it increased the efficiency of other concentrations . In contrast, according to congo red there was no color removal in any concentration within treatment time since congo red surface carries both negative and positive charges and causes electrostatic attraction, therefor, the adsorption reduced or does not occur.Trichoderma sp. is considered a selective  removal to basic dyes and could be employed to remove dyes from industrial effluents.  

    Stress intensity factors for surface cracks in round bar under single and combined loadings

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    This paper numerically discusses stress in-tensity factor (SIF) calculations for surface cracks in round bars subjected to single and combined loadings. Different crack aspect ratios, a/b, ranging from 0.0 to 1.2 and the relative crack depth, a/D, in the range of 0.1 to 0.6 are considered. Since the torsion loading is non-symmetrical, the whole finite element model has been constructed, and the loadings have been remotely applied to the model. The equivalent SIF, F∗EQ is then used to combine the individual SIF from the bending or tension with torsion loadings. Then, it is compared with the combined SIF, F∗FE obtained numerically using the finite element analysis under similar loadings. It is found that the equivalent SIF method successfully predicts the combined SIF, F∗EQ for Mode I when compared with F∗FE . However, some discrepancies between the results, determined from the two different approaches, occur when FIII is involved. Meanwhile, it is also noted that the F∗FE is higher than the F∗EQ due to the difference in crack face interactions and de-formations

    Active and stable methane oxidation nano-catalyst with highly-ionized palladium species prepared by solution combustion synthesis

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    We report on the synthesis and testing of active and stable nano-catalysts for methane oxidation. The nano-catalyst was palladium/ceria supported on alumina prepared via a one-step solution-combustion synthesis (SCS) method. As confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HTEM), SCS preparative methodology resulted in segregating both Pd and Ce on the surface of the Al 2 O 3 support. Furthermore, HTEM showed that bigger Pd particles (5 nm and more) were surrounded by CeO 2 , resembling a core shell structure, while smaller Pd particles (1 nm and less) were not associated with CeO 2 . The intimate Pd-CeO 2 attachment resulted in insertion of Pd ions into the ceria lattice, and associated with the reduction of Ce 4+ into Ce 3+ ions; consequently, the formation of oxygen vacancies. XPS showed also that Pd had three oxidation states corresponding to Pd0, Pd 2+ due to PdO, and highly ionized Pd ions (Pd (2+x)+ ) which might originate from the insertion of Pd ions into the ceria lattice. The formation of intrinsic Ce 3+ ions, highly ionized (Pd2+ species inserted into the lattice of CeO 2 ) Pd ions (Pd (2+x)+ ) and oxygen vacancies is suggested to play a major role in the unique catalytic activity. The results indicated that the Pd-SCS nano-catalysts were exceptionally more active and stable than conventional catalysts. Under similar reaction conditions, the methane combustion rate over the SCS catalyst was ~18 times greater than that of conventional catalysts. Full methane conversions over the SCS catalysts occurred at around 400 C but were not shown at all with conventional catalysts. In addition, contrary to the conventional catalysts, the SCS catalysts exhibited superior activity with no sign of deactivation in the temperature range between ~400 and 800 C. 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Acknowledgments: This paper was made possible by an NPRP Grant #6-290-1-059 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.Scopu