5 research outputs found

    Biomarkers as Proxies to Analyse Land-Use History in Northern Jordan

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    In the semi-arid 'Decapolis region' in northern Jordan, due severe land degradation in the past, 'barren' and 'impoverished' landscapes can be found today. It is widely believed that land degradation in these regions was caused by ancient land use, e.g. overgrazing due to ‘Arab mismanagement'. However, the connection of degradation with land use is far from certain. The 'Decapolis region' is located in an approximately 100 km wide transition zone from Mediterranean to steppe and desert climate. Therefore, the landscape in this region is highly sensitive to climate variations. A major sedimentation phase in the late 6th century AD appears to represent a significant climate change towards more aridity, and might be connected with a cluster of heavy rainfall events in northern Jordan. In fact, more recent studies have found that periods of predominantly pastoral land use in northern Jordan were connected with natural reforestation. Since a dating of sedimentation alone does not deliver clues about the precise reason of deposition, a multidisciplinary team is analyzing the land-use history in the ‘Decapolis’ region. This presentation focusses on ongoing biomarker analyses. Samples were selected considering geoarchaeological data, including phosphorus concentrations, archaeological data, including distribution of potsherds and other fragments on ancient fields and data of further disciplines. Vegetation changes are investigated by analyses of n-alkanes and terpenoids. Manuring with faeces is analysed by specific steroids that are indicative for faeces deposition. Preliminary results showed a high input of omnivorous (pigs, humans) faeces in some areas. Manuring with faeces of herbivores seemed to be less important

    Bachelor Thesis, Leiden University

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    This thesis is the result of a bachelor study Archaeology of the Near East/Levant at Leiden University. The main subject of this thesis is the study of local irrigation systems in the north of Jordan. An ethnographic survey was executed and interesting information was collected. By studying the way a society operates and man behave it will be possible to find out how man currently manages water and how he uses it for his purpose. The researcher has adopted an approach of looking at the present irrigation systems with the intent to understand how they work nowadays and subsequently, in future studies, use this information to understand how irrigation systems worked in the past, especially when linked to past societies

    MPhil Dissertation, Leiden University

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    This dissertation is the result of an Mphil study at Leiden University, the Netherlands. This study researches the irrigation systems in the ancient region of Gadara (modern day Umm Qays) in the north of Jordan. Knowledge of the region is derived form extensive archaeological remains and historical records. Judging by the present day water resources, agricultural soil quality and pastureland, the region of Gadara probably also had good agricultural potential during the Hellenistic, Roman an Byzantine periods (300 BC - AD 636). This view is supported by ancient remains of water channels and installations, which can be found in the landscape. Studying the irrigation systems in their archaeological, modern economic and social contexts, will enable a better understanding of the associated ancient societies

    Plangebied Fietsverbinding Noordelijke Stadsring Utrecht, gemeente Utrecht; archeologisch vooronderzoek: een inventariserend veldonderzoek (karterende fase)

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    Karterend booronderzoek ten noorden van de Gageldijk: vervolg op onderzoeksmelding 47533. Het plangebied (tracé met lengte van 180 m) ligt ten oosten van de Gageldijk. Tijdens het verkennend booronderzoek is gebleken dat in het gehele plangebied sprake is van een al dan niet afgedekt dekzandlandschap. In het westelijke deel van het plangebied is in de top van het dekzand sprake van bodemvorming, hetgeen duidt op relatief droge omstandigheden voordat het dekzand afgedekt raakte met komafzettingen. In tegenstelling tot wat verwacht werd, is het dekzand niet geërodeerd door deze rivierafzettingen. De top van het dekzand in dit deel van het plangebied zal niet verstoord worden en hier wordt dan ook geen vervolgonderzoek uitgevoerd. Deze onderzoeksmelding heeft alleen betrekking op het plangebied ten noorden van de Gageldijk. In het oostelijke deel van het plangebied, ten noorden van de Gageldijk, is de top van het dekzand grotendeels opgenomen in de oude bouwvoor