1,530 research outputs found

    Semiotika Kebijaksanaan Keledai dalam Novel Himar Hakim Karya Taufik al-Hakim

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    Penelitian semiotika kebijaksanaan keledai dalam novel Himar Hakim karya Taufik Al-Hakim menarik untuk dikaji, karena didalam novel tersebut terdapat banyak makna yang tersurat yang harus di analisis secara mendalam. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memahami semiotika kebijaksanaan  keledai yang terdapat dalam novel Himar Al-Hakim. Objek material penelitian adalah novel Arab berjudul Himar Hakim karya Taufik Al-Hakim. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data bersumber dari novel Himar Hakim. Kemudian di analisis menggunakan teori analisis pemaknaan semiotik Ferdinand De Saussere dengan dua pembacaan semiotik, yaitu heuristik dan hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian dari pembacaan heuristik ini didapatkan tema-tema sebagai berikut: 1) persahabatan, 2) keledai yang tenang, 3) keledai yang berperilaku menyerupai manusia, 4)keledai yang piawai, 5) keledai adalah anugerah, 6) keledai yang patuh, dan 7) kezuhudan. Dari tema-tema di atas disimpulkan bahwa simbol keledai dalam novel Himar Hakim memiliki sifat keledai yang bijaksana. Sedangkan temuan penelitian pembacaan hermeneutik pertama-tama dimulai dari judul. Dari pemaknaan judul dapat ditafsirkan bahwa kebijaksanaan tokoh keledai adalah dimana ia bisa menempatkan diri pada keadaan disekitarnya sehingga tidak menimbulkan kesulitan terhadap tokoh Beik. Dengan pembacaan hermeneutik peneliti dapat menmukan makna mayor dan minor dalam karakter bijak keledai yang mengandung unsur-unsur yang berkaitan dengan sikap bijak keledai

    The aspects of enjotment and moral reasoning of children’s Literature in Michelle Harrison 13 Treasures

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    The problem in this research is the aspects of enjoyment and aspects of moral reasoning of children’s literature in 13 Tresures written by Michelle Harrison. In order to answer that problem, the research focused inti two questions, those are; 1. Whats is an enjoyment aspect of children literature in Michelle Harrison 13 Treasures? 2. What is the moral reasoning that implied in Michelle Harrison 13 Treasures? In analyzing the data, researcher uses children’s literature theory by Lynch Brown. Children’s literature in the literary works that accompanying illustrations produced in order to entertain yaoung people. The purpose of this paper is to determine the aspect-aspect of children’s literature in particular enjoyment and moral aspect, also describe the material contained in fantasy fiction novel by Michelle Harrison it. The genre encompasses a wide range of works, including acknowledged classics of world literature, picture books and easy-to-read stories written exclusively for children, and fairy tales, lullabies, fabies, folk songs, and other primarily orally transmitted materials. The method which used for in this research is method of descriptive qualitative, whereas the data will be described and exsplored. After the data has been analyzed, researcher found the result of this research, and they are: the aspect of enjoyment which found in 13 Treasures are categorized into astonish, astonishing, amusing, frighten, frighten threat, and sadness, and the moral reasoning that implied in 13 Treasures is teaching a good thing for children, such as sacrificing for a good thing, heroic act, love cleanliness and so on

    A superior active portfolio optimization model for stock exchange

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    Due to the vast number of stocks and the multiple appearances of developing investment portfolios, investors in the financial market face multiple investment opportunities. In this regard, the investor task becomes extremely difficult as investors define their preferences for expected return and the amount to which they want to avoid potential investment risks. This research attempts to design active portfolios that outperform the performance of the appropriate market index. To achieve this aim, technical analysis and optimization procedures were used based on a hybrid model. It combines the strong features of the Markowitz model with the General Reduced Gradient (GRG) algorithm to maintain a good compromise between diversification and exploitation. The proposed model is used to construct an active portfolio optimization model for the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) for the period from January 2010 to February 2020. This is applied to all 132 companies registered on the exchange. In addition to the market portfolio, two methods, namely, Equal Weight (EW) and Markowitz were used to generate active portfolios to compare the research findings. After a thorough review based on the Sharpe ratio criterion, the suggested model demonstrated its robustness, resulting in maximizing earnings with low risks

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Berwirausaha Santri Pondok Pesantren

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    This research is aimed to find out the factors such as the social media, surrounding, intelligence, personality, and individual motivation influenced to entrepreneurship interest of students of Al Munawwir Islamic boarding school, Q complex. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. Data sources in this research are primary data in questionary and secondary data likes the number of student and history of Al Munawwir Islamic boarding school, Q complex, Yogyakarta. Population in this research is female students Al Munawwir Islamic boarding school, Q complex, Yogyakarta. The Sample obtained with sampling quota technique that sample total is 63 students.The result indicate that the social media, intelligence, personality, and individual motivation have positive influence on the entrepreneurial interest of students. Only the environment doesn’t effect the student entrepreneurial interest in the Al Munawwir Islamic boarding school, Q complex, Yogyakarta

    A Sociolinguistic Study of Choosing Names for Newborn Children in Jordan

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    This study aims at the study of newborn names in Jordan of a sociolinguistic perspective This study tries to detect the difference in naming newborns in Jordan over the decades - from the seventies to 2015 due to the result of some factors that may have affected the Jordanian society whether historical religious and or social The data necessary to complete the study was obtained from the Civil Status Department and the Department of Statistics The data obtained consisted of names of both sexes during the time period from the seventies until the early year of 2015 a random sample of personal names within the same family were also provided The data was analyzed quantitatively The study revealed that there is a clear change in the choice of newborn names - male and female - in Jordan whether a change in sounds or in morphemes In specific names during the seventies were strongly linked to the culture and the values religious or social in which the people believed in During the eighties and nineties names were associated with certain social values however some names were shown to be affected by urbanization or modernization And with the beginning of 2000 up to 2015 peoples directions towards naming newborns changed due to the advent of globalization associating with development and urbanization and moreover the influence of different cultures on the communit

    A Sociolinguistic Study of Choosing Names for Newborn Children in Jordan

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    This study aims at the study of newborn names in Jordan of a sociolinguistic perspective This study tries to detect the difference in naming newborns in Jordan over the decades - from the seventies to 2015 due to the result of some factors that may have affected the Jordanian society whether historical religious and or social The data necessary to complete the study was obtained from the Civil Status Department and the Department of Statistics The data obtained consisted of names of both sexes during the time period from the seventies until the early year of 2015 a random sample of personal names within the same family were also provided The data was analyzed quantitatively The study revealed that there is a clear change in the choice of newborn names - male and female - in Jordan whether a change in sounds or in morphemes In specific names during the seventies were strongly linked to the culture and the values religious or social in which the people believed in During the eighties and nineties names were associated with certain social values however some names were shown to be affected by urbanization or modernization And with the beginning of 2000 up to 2015 peoples directions towards naming newborns changed due to the advent of globalization associating with development and urbanization and moreover the influence of different cultures on the communit

    Research in Dentistry at Saudi Arabia: Analysis of Citation Impact

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    Aim: The study aims to assess the Saudi Arabian publications on dentistry and their citation impact as reflected in the Web of Science (WoS). Methods: WoS database categorized dental research under “Dentistry Oral Surgery Medicine”. Dental sciences publications with citation impact by Saudi Arabian affiliated authors produced during 2009-2018 have been searched by using suitable searching strategy and dental research of 10 randomly selected countries has been carried out for comparison. The downloaded data was transferred into Microsoft Excel format to measure the bibliometric indicators and citation impact of publications. Results: A total of 1,771 documents on dentistry were published by Saudi Arabia from the time span of 2009 to 2018. These publications received a total of 10,320 citations with an average of 5.83 citations per paper. The subcategory of “Engineering biomedical” in dentistry got maximum citation impact. Review articles received higher citations as compared to original research articles. Dataset by organizations showed that the research carried out in the hospital sector have a higher number of citations as compared to teaching institutions. The research collaboration by Saudi Arabian authors with the researchers of the University of Michigan, USA got maximum citations while by country analysis shows that research collaboration with Italy, Germany and Japan have more citations as compared to the US, Egypt and England. Conclusion: Although there is promising growth in dental research in Saudi Arabia, even then researchers need to write on the novel and innovative ideas to get global attention and citations. Articles published in Q1 impact factor journals and research collaboration with talent-rich countries got higher citations

    Literature on Dental and Oral Health by King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Science, Saudi Arabia; A Bibliometric Study

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    ABSTRACT This present paper examines the bibliometric assessment of research performance on dental science literature by researchers affiliated to King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS), its teaching hospitals and Research Centre, to determine the statistical scenario and highlight the emerging trends in dental research. It is a retrospective observational study that had been carried out in of College of Dentistry library, KSAU-HS during January 2018. Published research on dentistry in authorship affiliated to KSAU-HS was collected from different online sources; Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, ResearchGate and the archival record of King Abdullah International Research Centre from inception of KSAU-HS to December 2017. Year-wise distribution of articles, subject-wise segregation, collaboration pattern, authorship, and most productive authors have been calculated. The data is analyzed by using Microsoft Excel 2010.The finding of the study exposed that 144 research items published in 84 different journals contributed by 586 authors with an average of 4.06 authors per article. The rising tendency in publication and collaborative research was observed, 68% articles published during 2015-2017. Original research article (72.22%) being favorite design and Public Health Dentistry (30.55%) found to be the most preferred area of research. Dr. Khalid Al Fouzan emerged as most productive author. Authorship and citations pattern had also been calculated. Assessment of dental research revealed that there has been a growing emerging trend in publications. It’s the first bibliometric study on dental research in KSA, highlighted the collaboration style and pointed out the strong and weak areas of research

    Publication Output on Orthodontics Research in Saudi Arabia

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    Aim: The study aims to present a profile of orthodontics research carried out by Saudi Arabian affiliated authors. Method: This retrospective study was carried out at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. The Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics database was used to obtain the targeted data-set on April 28, 2019. Keyword “Orthodontic” was used in the main search term and the Address option “Saudi Arabia” was written. All the records published up to December 31, 2018, included except letters and notes. The data has been analyzed by using bibliometric indicators, like year-wise distribution and growth; journal’s name, its publishing country and impact factor; national productive organization, international research collaborative institutions, productive authors and list of top cited articles. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet was used for data analysis. Results: A total of 302 papers have been identified by Web of Science on Orthodontics with authorship affiliated to Saudi Arabia. These papers published during 24 years with an average of 12.58 papers per year. These publications received 1,348 citations with an average of 4.46 citations per paper. Majority of papers (n=265; 87.74%) published in the 109 international journals. One hundred and four papers published in 33 journals published from the United States. Top 15 productive organizations of Saudi Arabia, top international research collaborative organizations and productive authors have been calculated. Journals’ impact factor and their publications have also been discussed. Citation pattern of open access and subscription-based publication reveals that open access publications have less number of citations. Conclusion: Upwards trendy of orthodontics research publications found in the recent past. Local researchers should be motivated to cite locally published literature to improve the citation impact of local literature. Research productivity would be increased by opening more postgraduate dental institutes in Saudi Arabia
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