47 research outputs found

    2008 yılı ekonomik krizinin KOBİ yönetimine etkileri : Antalya Organize Sanayi Bölgesindeki imalatçı KOBİ'ler üzerine bir araştırma

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    Dünya ekonomisi, 1929 yılındaki bunalımdan sonra en büyük ve etkili ekonomik krizi yaşıyor. ABD'deki mortgage (konut) kredileri sisteminin sebep olduğu ve bütün finans sistemini alt üst ederek başlayan, sonrasında bir dalga gibi bütün dünyaya yayılan, kimilerine göre likidite krizidir. 2007 yılı başlarında görülmeye başlayan, daha sonra 2008 yılı içerisinde derinleşen krizin etkileri en çok bu yılda görülmüştür. Küresel ekonomik krizden, her ülkede olduğu gibi, ülkemizde de en çok etkilenen kısım imalatçı Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli işletmeler (KOBİ) olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2008 yılında etkileri oldukça artan küresel ekonomik krizin imalatçı KOBİ'leri hangi yönde etkilediği, kriz sürecindeki stratejilerinin neler olduğu incelenmiş ve KOBİ'lerin kriz yönetimini başarıyla uygulayıp uygulayamadıkları ortaya konulmuştur. Kriz ve kriz yönetimlerinin kavramsal açılımları belirlenmiş, KOBİ'lerin tanımlaması yapılarak, KOBİ'lerin ülke ekonomisi için önemi belirtilmiştir. Daha önce ülkemizde yaşanan krizler incelenerek, 2008 krizi ile farklılıkları ortaya konmuştur. Araştırmanın uygulama kısmı ise; Antalya Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde faaliyette bulunan KOBİ niteliğindeki işletmeler hedef alınmıştır. OSB'deki bütün imalatçı KOBİ'lere ulaşılarak, araştırmanın metodu olan "Anket" çalışması yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda elde edilen bulgulara göre; Bölgede faaliyette bulunan imalatçı KOBİ'ler bu krizden oldukça etkilenmişlerdir. Ekonomik kriz, yönetsel ve örgütsel faktörler üzerinde etkilidir. KOBİ'ler kriz sürecinde yatırımlar, satışlar ve borçlanma konularında etkilenmişlerdir. imalatçı KOBİ'ler kriz yönetim stratejilerini; yeni pazarlar bulmak, üretim miktarlarını azaltmak, mavi yakalı personel sayısını azaltmak ve işletmede çalışılan süreyi yani vardiya sayısını düşürmek olarak benimsemişlerdir. Anahtar Kelimeler: KOBİ, Ekonomik Kriz, Kriz Yönetimi, imalat, Küreselleşme.\ud World economy has been living biggest and effective economic crisis since 1929 economic crisis. This crisis is called liquidity crisis, main reason is mortgage credits in United States of America and effected all finance system after affected whole world in waves. Economic crisis effection is first seen at the beginning of 2007 after that in the middle of 2008 and mostly seen this year. Small and Medium Enterprises and manufacturer has been affected in Turkey and whole World from global economic crisis. The main purpose of this work is how has been affected manufacturer SME from global economic crisis , analyse about their strategy during crisis and put in performance of SME how they manage in crisis with achievement or not. In this research, 85 Small and Medium Size Enterprises were chosen which are working inside and near of the Iskenderun industrial zone. First, made a face to face interview with responsible person and then research survey applied the owner and top management level of SMEs. The findings supported the theoretical frame of the research. In the implementation part of the research, the main targets were the active companies that were functioning as SMEs in the Antalya Organized Industrial Zone. Questionnaires, as a reserach method, were applied to the producer SMEs in Antalya Organized Industrial Zone. At the end of the research findings, The operating producer SMEs were highly affected from crises. Financial crises was afficient over administrative and organizational factors. SMEs were affected during the crises on the topics of investments, sales and loans. SME manufacturer of crisis management strategies had adopted that to find new markets, reduce production rates, reduce the number of blue-collar staff and management worked to reduce the number of shifts at the time. Keywords: Small and Medium Size Enterprise (SME), Economic Crisis, Crisis, Crisis Management, Manufuctural, Globalization

    Investigation of Serum NO, ADMA and Apelin Levels in Thyroid Dysfunction

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    Thyroid gland diseases are among the most common endocrine diseases and still continue to be an important health problem especially in developing countries. It was aimed to investigate serum NO, ADMA and Apelin levels in patients with thyroid dysfunction. This study was conducted with 150 thyroid patients and 50 healthy subjects. Study subjects were divided into three groups; control (n=50), hyperthyroid ( n=75) and hypothyroid (n=75). Serum TSH, FT3, FT4   levels  were  measured  by  chemiluminescence  method  NO  level  were  measured  by spectrophotometric method, ADMA and apelin levels were measured by ELISA. Serum NO levels were higher in hypothyroid group than in hyperthyroid group, and the difference was statistically significant. Serum ADMA levels of the hyperthyroid group were significantly higher than the other two groups and the difference was statistically significant. The levels  of  serum  apelin  were  statistically significantly higher in the hyperthyroid group than the other two groups. In patients with hyperthyroidism, ADMA and Apelin levels were higher, while NO level was lower. However, NO level was higher in patients with hypothyroidims than the other two groups. Apelin, which has been emphasized  as  a  preventive  and  therapeutic  agent  particularly  for  the cardiovascular system, might have increased in hyperthyroid patients, regardless of NO, to protect cardiovascular system from possible adverse effects of ADMA. Keywords: Asymmetric dimethylarginine, apelin, nitric oxide, thyroid dysfunction DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/67-03 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Şarap Sektörünün Pazarlama Karması Elemanları Açısından İncelenmesi

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    DergiPark: 326571trakyasobedThe highly competitive environment of marketing alcoholic drinks in the international arena is changing the face of the wineries and their wine marketing strategies. Wine industry has not been considered very important untill recent years but its importance is now increasing. Since currently wine industry is on the upward trend in Turkey as well as in the world, it was decided to examine this industry in details. This article is examining marketing strategies and practices in wine industry in terms of marketing mix elements. To do this, industry’s general structure and marketing practices in wine companies have been evaluated. In order to understand general structure of wine industry, secondary data have been used.Uluslar arası çevrede alkollü içecekler arasında yaşanan yüksek rekabet dolayısı ile şarap sektörü ve stratejileri de değişmektedir. Son yıllara kadar pek önemli görülmeyen şarap sektörünün önemi gittikçe artmaktadır. Dünyada olduğu gibi, Türkiye’de de artan bu önem dolayısı ile şarap sektörünün incelenmesi düşünülmüştür. Bu makale, şarap sektöründeki pazarlama stratejileri ve uygulamalarını, pazarlama karması elemanları açısından incelemiştir. Bunun için sektörün genel durumu ve sektörde yer alan şirketlerin pazarlama uygulamaları değerlendirilmiştir. Şarap sektörünün genel yapısını anlamak için çeşitli ikincil verilerden yararlanılmıştı

    The role of ADAMTS1 and versican in human myocardial infarction: A postmortem study

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    Objective: To determine the role of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif (ADAMTS1) and fragmented versican in the myocardial infarction (MI) process in humans and to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of ADAMTS1 for postmortem diagnosis of MI. Methods: Thirty autopsied individuals were allocated into 2 groups, namely, a study group of individuals who died of myocardial infarction (n = 20), and a control group who died of trauma (n = 10). We performed standard immunohistochemical staining on myocardial tissue specimens, studying anti-ADAMTS1, anti-versican, and anti-versican C terminal peptide sequence (DPEAAE) fragments. Results: Strong, diffuse staining was observed throughout myocardial tissue for ADAMTS1 in the 2 groups. However, in the study group, we observed no expression for ADAMTS1 around fibrotic areas but detected slight staining in coagulative and necrotic zones. Conclusion: Similar localizations of ADAMTS and fragmented versican in human heart tissue indicate that versican presumably is cleaved by ADAMTS1. Hence, ADAMTS1 can be regarded as a new marker for postmortem differential diagnosis of MI

    Aslan Hepgür hayatı ve musiki çalışmaları

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    (ASLAN HEPGÜR HAYATI VE MÛSİKÎ ÇALIŞMALARI) Önemli bir keman virtüözü ve bestekar olan Aslan Hepgür’ün hayatı ve mûsikî çalışmalarını konu alan bu çalışma üç bölüm ve eklerden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm Aslan Hepgür’ün hayatı, sanat hayatı, keman icracılığı, bestekârlığı ve şahsiyeti hakkında bilgiler vermektedir. İkinci bölüm Aslan Hepgür’ün aile fertleri, dostları ve yakın çalışma arkadaşları ile gerçekleştirilen mülakatları muhtevidir. Üçüncü bölümde Aslan Hepgür bestelerinin genel bir değerlendirmesini, eserlerinin listesini ve notalarını içermektedir. Ekler bölümünde ise Aslan Hepgür’ün hayatı ve çalışmaları ile ilgili belgeler, aldığı ödüller ve hayatına ışık tutacak fotoğraflar yer almaktadır. ABSTRACT (ASLAN HEPGÜR LIFE AND MUSIC STUDIES) This study is a subject matter of the life and musical studies of Aslan Hepgür who is an important violin virtuoso and a composer.It is composed of three chapters and attachments. First chapter gives information about the life,art life,violin performans,virtuosity and personality of Aslan Hepgür. Second chapter includes of interviews with family members,companions and close work friends of Aslan Hepgür. Third chapter includes of general evaluation of Aslan Hepgür’s compositions,the lists of works and notes. Documentary materials of Aslan Hepgür’s life and studies ,his awards and photographs which lighten his life are in attachment part

    Pathophysiological function of ADAMTS enzymes on molecular mechanism of Alzheimer's disease

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) is an environment that has various enzymes attended in regeneration and restoration processes which is very important to sustain physiological and biological functions of central nervous system (CNS). One of the participating enzyme systems in ECM turnover is matrix metalloproteinases. A disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motifs (ADAMTS) is a unique family of ECM proteases found in mammals. Components of this family may be distinguished from the ADAM (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase) family based on the multiple copies of thrombospondin 1-like repeats. The considerable role of the ADAMTS in the CNS continues to develop. Evidences indicate that ADAMTS play an important role in neuroplasticity as well as nervous system pathologies such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). It is hopeful and possible that ADAMTS family members may be utilized to develop therapies for CNS pathologies, ischemic injuries, neurodegenerative and neurological diseases. To understand and provide definitive data on ADAMTS to improve structural and functional recovery in CNS injury and diseases, this review aimed to enlighten the subject extensively to reach certain information on metalloproteinases and related molecules/enzymes. It will be interesting to examine how ADAMTS expression and action would affect the initiation/progression of above-mentioned clinical situations, especially AD