63 research outputs found

    Bi2Te_xSe_y series studied by resistivity and thermopower

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    We study the detailed temperature and composition dependence of the resistivity, ρ(T)\rho(T), and thermopower, S(T)S(T), for a series of layered bismuth chalcogenides Bi2_2Te3−x_{3-x}Sex_x, and report the stoichiometry dependence of the optical band gap. In the resistivity of the most compensated member, Bi2_2Te2.1_{2.1}Se0.9_{0.9}, we find a low-temperature plateau whose onset temperature correlates with the high-temperature activation energy. For the whole series S(T)S(T) can be described by a simple model for an extrinsic semiconductor. By substituting Se for Te, the Fermi level is tuned from the valence band into the conduction band. The maximum values of S(T)S(T), bulk band gap as well the activation energy in the resistivity are found for x≈0.9x \approx 0.9

    Manifestation of the spin textures in the thermopower of MnSi

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    To identify possible spin texture contributions to thermoelectric transport, we present a detailed temperature and pressure dependence of thermopower SS in MnSi, as well as a low-temperature study of SS in a magnetic field. We find that S/TS/T reconstructs the (p,T)(p,T) phase diagram of MnSi encompassing the Fermi liquid, partially ordered, and non-Fermi liquid phases. Our results indicate that the latter two phases have essentially the same nature. In the partially ordered phase, S(T)S(T) is strongly enhanced, which may be understood as a spiral-fluctuation-driven phase. A low temperature upturn in S/TS/T pertaining to the partial order phase persists up to the highest pressure, 24 kbar. Contrarily, a small suppression of S(T)S(T) is observed in the ordered skyrmion lattice AA phase

    Competing orders in strongly correlated systems studied by transport measurements

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    Competing orders in strongly correlated systems lead to rich phase diagrams comprising many electronic phases, such as superconductivity, charge/spin density wave, charge order, or bad metallicity. These phases are generically sensitive to a variety of parameters, for example temperature, magnetic field, dimensionality, presence of disorder, geometrical frustration. In this thesis, we employ electronic transport measurements under high pressure on few model compounds to gain insight into the complex physics of strongly correlated compounds. The transport coefficients, resistivity and thermoelectric power, shed light onto conduction processes and the thermodynamics. The pressure is a perfect tool to investigate competition of different ground states: by modifying the lattice parameters, it can tune the interactions without introducing disorder. Several representative compounds were chosen for this study. In the first part, we focus on the transport properties of the quasi-one dimensional BaVS3. The main characteristic of this 3d1 system is the coexistence of a broad one-dimensional dz2 electronic band and a narrow isotropic eg band at the Fermi level. The suppression of the insulating phase by high pressure leads to a non-Fermi liquid phase. We showed that magnetic field does not recover the Fermi liquid behavior, and that the disorder pushes the system further into non-Fermi liquid state. This is at variance with what has been observed in other non-Fermi liquid compounds, and confirms the novelty of the mechanism for non-Fermi liquid behavior in BaVS3. To achieve better understanding of the role of the localized electrons, we investigated systematically the influence of disorder. In addition, we studied the properties of the BaVSe3, which due to the reinforced interchain interactions may be considered as the high-pressure counterpart of BaVS3. The system is a metallic ferromagnet, in which the strong interaction of dz2 and eg electrons dictates the behavior of transport coefficients. In the following part we studied the rich physics of quasi-one dimensional ÎČ-vanadium bronzes. In the stoichiometric ÎČ-SrV6O15, we followed the pressure dependence of the semiconductor-insulator transition by resistivity and thermopower. We found evidence suggesting that the ground state is charge ordered. Under pressure, the changing character of the transport coefficients implied a competition of different ground states. Moreover, we observed resistive switching in the insulating phase. When strontium doping is decreased, in SrxV6O15 and x < 1, the disorder starts governing the physics of the system. The off-stoichiometric compounds are characterized by the absence of phase transition, absence of resistive switching, and possibly by the presence of polarons. We also found resistive switching in another charge ordered transition-metal oxide, Fe2OBO3. This system shows an interplay of commensurate and incommensurate charge order. The switching is restricted to the incommensurate phase, whose origin probably lies in the geometrical frustration of the interactions between iron atoms. With pressure we enhance the Coulomb repulsion, and the incommensurate phase shrinks in temperature. In the final part, we address the high-pressure transport of a superconductor on a geometrically frustrated pyrochlore lattice, ΚOs2O6. The potassium atoms are enclosed in oversized cages and their rattling motion introduces a localized low-energy mode. The transport coefficients in this compound are highly anomalous: the resistivity shows no saturation at low temperatures, and the scythe-shaped thermoelectric power is reminiscent of the one observed in cuprates. We were able to reproduce the temperature and pressure dependence of the transport coefficients within a simple model of the density of states

    Optical properties of Bi2Te2Se at ambient and high pressure

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    The temperature dependence of the complex optical properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Te2Se is reported for light polarized in the a-b planes at ambient pressure, as well as the effects of pressure at room temperature. This material displays a semiconducting character with a bulk optical gap of 300 meV at 295 K. In addition to the two expected infrared-active vibrations observed in the planes, there is additional fine structure that is attributed to either the removal of degeneracy or the activation of Raman modes due to disorder. A strong impurity band located at 200 cm^{-1} is also observed. At and just above the optical gap, several interband absorptions are found to show a strong temperature and pressure dependence. As the temperature is lowered these features increase in strength and harden. The application of pressure leads to a very abrupt closing of the gap above 8 GPa, and strongly modifies the interband absorptions in the mid-infrared spectral range. While ab initio calculations fail to predict the collapse of the gap, they do successfully describe the size of the band gap at ambient pressure, and the magnitude and shape of the optical conductivity.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Optical properties of AFe2As2 (A=Ca, Sr, and Ba) single crystals

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    The detailed optical properties have been determined for the iron-based materials AFe2As2, where A=Ca, Sr, and Ba, for light polarized in the iron-arsenic (a-b) planes over a wide frequency range, above and below the magnetic and structural transitions at TN=138, 195, and 172 K, respectively. The real and imaginary parts of the complex conductivity are fit simultaneously using two Drude terms in combination with a series of oscillators. Above TN, the free-carrier response consists of a weak, narrow Drude term, and a strong, broad Drude term, both of which show only a weak temperature dependence. Below TN there is a slight decrease of the plasma frequency but a dramatic drop in the scattering rate for the narrow Drude term, and for the broad Drude term there is a significant decrease in the plasma frequency, while the decrease in the scattering rate, albeit significant, is not as severe. The small values observed for the scattering rates for the narrow Drude term for Tâ‰ȘTN may be related to the Dirac conelike dispersion of the electronic bands. Below TN new features emerge in the optical conductivity that are associated with the reconstruction Fermi surface and the gapping of bands at Δ1≃45–80 meV, and Δ2≃110–210 meV. The reduction in the spectral weight associated with the free carriers is captured by the gap structure; specifically, the spectral weight from the narrow Drude term appears to be transferred into the low-energy gap feature, while the missing weight from the broad term shifts to the high-energy gap

    Vibrational anomalies in AFe2As2 (A=Ca, Sr, and Ba) single crystals

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    The detailed behavior of the in-plane infrared-active vibrational modes has been determined in AFe2As2 (A=Ca, Sr, and Ba) above and below the structural and magnetic transitions at TN=172, 195, and 138 K, respectively. Above TN, two infrared-active Eu modes are observed. In all three compounds, below TN, the low-frequency Eu mode is observed to split into upper and lower branches; with the exception of the Ba material, the oscillator strength across the transition is conserved. In the Ca and Sr materials, the high-frequency Eu mode splits into an upper and a lower branch; however, the oscillator strengths are quite different. Surprisingly, in both the Sr and Ba materials, below TN the upper branch appears to be either very weak or totally absent, while the lower branch displays an anomalous increase in strength. The frequencies and atomic characters of the lattice modes at the center of the Brillouin zone have been calculated for the high-temperature phase for each of these materials. The high-frequency Eu mode does not change in position or character across this series of compounds. Below TN, the Eu modes are predicted to split into features of roughly equal strength. We discuss the possibility that the anomalous increase in the strength of the lower branch of the high-frequency mode below TN in the Sr and Ba compounds, and the weak (silent) upper branch, may be related to the orbital ordering and a change in the bonding between the Fe and As atoms in the magnetically ordered state

    Two-dimensional conical dispersion in ZrTe5 evidenced by optical spectroscopy

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    Zirconium pentatelluride was recently reported to be a 3D Dirac semimetal, with a single conical band, located at the center of the Brillouin zone. The cone's lack of protection by the lattice symmetry immediately sparked vast discussions about the size and topological/trivial nature of a possible gap opening. Here we report on a combined optical and transport study of ZrTe5, which reveals an alternative view of electronic bands in this material. We conclude that the dispersion is approximately linear only in the a-c plane, while remaining relatively flat and parabolic in the third direction (along the b axis). Therefore, the electronic states in ZrTe5 cannot be described using the model of 3D Dirac massless electrons, even when staying at energies well above the band gap 6 meV found in our experiments at low temperatures.Comment: Physical Review Letters 122, 217402 (2019). Corrected acknowledgment

    From Mott state to superconductivity in-1T-TaS

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    The search for the coexistence between superconductivity and other collective electronic states in many instances promoted the discovery of novel states of matter. The manner in which the different types of electronic order combine remains an ongoing puzzle. 1T-TaS is a layered material, and the only transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) known to develop the Mott phase. Here, we show the appearance of a series of low-temperature electronic states in 1T-TaS with pressure: the Mott phase melts into a textured charge-density wave (CDW); superconductivity develops within the CDW state, and survives to very high pressures, insensitive to subsequent disappearance of the CDW state and, surprisingly, also the strong changes in the normal state. This is also the first reported case of superconductivity in a pristine 1T-TMD compound. We demonstrate that superconductivity first develops within the state marked by a commensurability-driven, Coulombically frustrated, electronic phase separation
