10 research outputs found

    The abundance and composition of crabs (Decapoda) in Uta Ewa brackish water, Akwa Ibom State, South-South, Nigeria

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    Study on the abundance and composition of crabs in Uta Ewa brackish water was carried out between January and May 2012 at two sampling stations. The physicochemical parameters of the water were measured in situ using standard methods according to APHA (1998). Crabs species were collected at two sampling stations using square lift net trap, while at low tide, crab species were collected by hand-picking at random and preserved in a chest box for identification. Air and Water temperature ranges from 27.9-31.6 oC and 28.2-28.9 oC respectively, while Dissolved Oxygen and Salinity were between 3.28-4.09 mg/L and 7.5-12.9 ppt respectively. The results of the physicochemical parameters were within limits of the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agencies for aquatic life. A total of 107 crabs were collected from the two sampling stations. Goniopsis pelii was the most abundant in Station 1 accounting for 57.9%, followed by Callinectes amnicola 26.3%, while in Station 2, Callinectes amnicola was the most abundant accounting for 46.6% of the percentage abundance. Station 2 had the highest Shannon diversity index of 1.22, while Station 1 had 1.15. The  abundance and composition of crab species in the study areas is an indication that the area is an important ecological zone for benthos macroinvertebrates  conservation. Keywords: Uta Ewa, Brackish Water, Physicochemical Parameters, Abundance, Composition, Crab species

    Evaluation of Arthropod Diversity and Abundance in Contrasting Habitat, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to determine the abundance and diversity of soil arthropods in Anua and Ekpri Nsukara farmland communities, Uyo, Nigeria from September to November, 2012. Soil arthropods were sampled using pitfall trap. A total of 707 Individuals of soil arthropods were encountered during the study period. Of the total number, 203 individuals were encountered in Anua while 504 in Ekpri Nsukara. Hymenoptera were the dominant taxa while the least was Blattodea in the two communities. Higher Shannon diversity index 1.3 was recorded in Anua while lower diversity index 0.86 was recorded in Ekpri Nsukara. Evenness ranged from 0.006 to 0.80 in Ekpri Nsukara and 0.02 to 0.61 in Anua. The lower abundance of soil arthropod in Anua community as compared to Ekpri Nsukara could be attributed to the partially open vegetation which exposes the arthropods to avoidable predators. © JASE

    Quantum theory of damped harmonic oscillator

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    The exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation for damped harmonic oscillator with pulsating mass and modified Caldirola-Kanai Hamiltonian are evaluated. We also investigated the case of under-damped for the twomodels constructed and the results obtained in both cases do not violate Heisenberg uncertainty principle

    Treated Rhizophora mucronata tannin as a corrosion inhibitor in chloride solution

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    Treated Rhizopora mucronata tannin (RMT) as a corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel and copper in oil and gas facilities was investigated. Corrosion rate of carbon-steel and copper in 3wt% NaCl solution by RMT was studied using chemical (weight loss method) and spectroscopic (FTIR) techniques at various temperatures in the ranges of 26–90C. The weight loss data was compared to the electrochemical by the application of Faraday’s law for the conversion of corrosion rate data from one system to another. The inhibitive efficiency of RMT was compared with commercial inhibitor sodium benzotriazole (BTA-S). The best concentration of RMT was 20% (w/v), increase in concentration of RMT decreased the corrosion rate and increased the inhibitive efficiency. Increase in temperature increased the corrosion rate and decreased the inhibitive efficiency but, the rate of corrosion was mild with RMT. The FTIR result shows the presence of hydroxyl group, aromatic group, esters and the substituted benzene group indicating the purity of the tannin. The trend of RMT was similar to that of BTA-S, but its inhibitive efficiency for carbon-steel was poor (6%) compared to RMT (59%). BTA-S was efficient for copper (76%) compared to RMT (74%) at 40% (w/v) and 20% (w/v) concentration respectively. RMT was efficient even at low concentration therefore, the use of RMT as a cost effective and environmentally friendly corrosion inhibiting agent for carbon steel and copper is herein proposed

    Investigation Of Thermal Properties Of Naturally Seasoned Dry Macaranga Barteri Timber Board

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    Steady-state thermal conductivity measurements of naturally seasoned African thorn tree (Macaranga barteri) timer boards were carried out. Other thermal and physical properties such as specific heat capacity, thermal resistivity, density, thermal absorptivity and diffusivity as well as percentage of dead air space (v/v) were also determined for the wood samples. The results showed that Macaranga barteri timber board, naturally seasoned to dryness has thermal conductivity of 0.0692±0.0061 Wm-1K-1 mean specific heat capacity value of 1898.389±19.831JKg- 1K-1, thermal absorptivity and diffusivity values of 18.4226±1.3332m-1 and (1.0731±0.1560) x 10-7m2s-1 respectively. It has a bulk density of 339.82±15.49Kgm-3 and particle density of 413.53±28.18 with 17.82±1.81% as mean percentage volume of dead air space. These results are comparable with those of the conventional insulators, hence the wood material is a potential thermal insulator for building design

    Percentage absorbance and transmittance of various types of glasses

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    Studies have been made on the Percentage Absorbance and Transmittance of various types of glasses in the Ultra-Violet (UV) and Visible (Vis.) Spectrum (between the wavelength range of 200nm and 800nm). The 6mm thick plain louvre glass absorbed more than other plain louvre glasses with smaller thickness. The same results were obtained for coloured glasses. The coloured glasses absorb less in their respective colour range and hence transmit more in such range. Hence, it is recommended that thick coloured and 6mm plain louvre glasses should be used to reduce the load on the air-conditioners inside buildings, while plain louvre glass of smaller thickness be used as glazing material in flat plate solar collectors and possibly in long term storage elements. KEY WORDS: Absorbance, Transmittance, Glass. Global Jnl Pure & Applied Sciences Vol.10(2) 2004: 327-33

    Accessing Marketing Information Services And Strategies Adopted By Akwa Ibom State Agricultural Development Programme

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    This study was conducted to determine market information services and strategies adopted by Akwa Ibom State Agricultural Development Programme (AKADEP) to farmers in the state.The specific objectives of the study were to, i) identify the relationship between the extension approach adopted by extension agents and the marketing information strategies; ii) to find out the relationship between the information system and marketing of agricultural produce in the state; iii) to determine the period of disseminating information to farmers and iv) to identify the constraints to marketing information dissemination in the state.Structured pretested face and content validated questionnaire was  administered and data collected from 300 farmers randomly selected from four of the six agricultural zones in Akwa Ibom State. Similarly, 100 extension agents (EAS) randomly selected from the four agricultural zones, took part in the study. Data collected were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics. Marketing of agricultural produce was found to be influenced by lack of awareness, over dependency on production information, non-availability of subject matter specialists, and tools to aid extension agents in the dissemination of market information