14 research outputs found

    Analisis Produktivitas pada Pengolahan Ikan Tuna Cube di PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari

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    PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari is a nautical product manufacturer based in the Lampulo fishing port, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Productivity is a comparison of input and output that indicates how effectively resources are managed and exploited to obtain the best results. High production means there is less likelihood of delays. PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari's productivity achievement indicator values fluctuate annually, with some years seeing low or high production.  The purpose of this study is to identify productivity-influencing elements, as well as to estimate the level of labor productivity, production amount, total productivity, and the difference in production amount when processing tuna cubes at PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari. This study examines monthly production data from 2023 to determine worker productivity and output. The method is to measure partial and total productivity and then launch monthly productivity changes. The study's findings demonstrate that labor productivity and tuna cube output are higher than number one, indicating productive performance. PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari met its production objective of 350 kg per month, with an average total labour productivity of 2.6%. This study advises that firms maintain production consistency and form a network of collaborating partners to ensure raw material availability

    Rancang Bangun Vertical Clarifier Tank Mini dengan Adjusment Variasi Kedalaman Pipa Inlet untuk Melihat Pengaruh Tingkat Kadar Kotoran pada Minyak Overflow Crude Palm Oil

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    Vertical Clarifier Tank (VCT) has a very crucial role to separate oil, water and sludge by gravity, where oil with a smaller specific gravity of 0.8 grams / cm3 will be in the uppermost layer, while water whose specific gravity is 1 gram / cm3 will be in the middle layer, and sludge with a density of 1.3 grams / cm3 from the Vertical Clarifier Tank (VCT). The experimental design of this study was to determine the appropriate depth of the inlet pipe to obtain low levels of impurities during oil extraction. The results of the study obtained from variations in the depth of 25 cm, 40 cm, 55 cm, and 70 cm inlet pipes used as the inflow of crude oil from Crude Palm Oil with variations in sedimentation time of 100 minutes, 120 minutes, 140 minutes, 160 minutes, 180 minutes, and 200 minutes, obtained the least level of impurities in the Inlet Pipe which has a length of 55 cm with a variable sedimentation time of 200 minutes

    Implementasi Linier Programming Modelling untuk Maksimasi Profit Penjualan Produk Seblak pada UD. XYZ di Aceh Barat

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    Seblak is a food that has seen an increase in demand in recent years, and is a promising culinary business that can be run with a small capital. UD. XYZ is a seblak business that started selling seblak in early 2022 in West Aceh and wants to maximize the profits from its seblak sales. One method that can do this is Linear Programming, which can determine decision-making that can group limited materials or resources to achieve an optimal or best solution. From UD. XYZ's weekly sales data, it can be transformed into a mathematical model that helps to find the maximum function of the profit from seblak sales. The linear programming calculation process in this study uses the Lingo 18.0 software to solve linear programming problems, which will be continued with the linear graph visualization of the objective function with the MATLAB software. The results of the study show that the maximum profit that will be obtained by UD. XYZ in one week is Rp. 420,000/week, this profit is already categorized as net profit that can be used for the development of UD. XYZ's seblak business. Of the three variables X1 (seblak noodles and crackers), X2 (seblak eggs), and X3 (seblak chicken/feet), variables X1 and X2 have the potential to increase maximum profit if increased. In this study, the objective point is also on the point axis (X1=0, X2=0, and X3 = 175)

    Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Sekolah Dasar

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    The implementation of this training was themed Utilization of Information and Communication Technology-Based Learning Media in Elementary Schools. The purpose of this training is to increase students' awareness of the importance of information and communication technology-based learning media in elementary schools. The training participants were students of SDN Ujong Patihah. The training participants took part in socialization in the form of lectures, discussions, and questions and answers regarding technology-based learning media. The output of this training is to open students' insights as the younger generation who live in the millennial era and in facing the industrial revolution 4.0, it is hoped that this will further improve technology-based learning media. In addition, the younger generation must also have qualified skills or abilities so that they can easily adapt to various technological developments, and not be increasingly left behind and lost in local and global competition. Technological developments have made it easier for the younger generation to learn both online and offline

    Pengukuran Kesenjangan Produktivitas Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) pada Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan S2 di Divisi II Kebun Matapao PT. Socfindo

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    Telapak tangan minyak adalah salah satu perkebunan yang memiliki peran penting bagi sub sektor perkebunan. Produktivitas tandan buah kelapa sawit meningkat dengan cepat dan mencapai maksimum pada usia 8-12 tahun, kemudian menurun secara bertahap hingga usia 25 tahun. Kelas kesesuaian tanah dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas kelapa sawit. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Divisi II Kebun Matapao Pt. Socfindo. Ini dilakukan pada Mei 2021 hingga Juli 2021. Penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif, menggunakan produktivitas data kelapa sawit di Divisi II Kebun Matapao. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa jumlah rata -rata tandan per pohon pada tahun 2011 hingga 2013 meningkat 1,49% dari potensi, berat rata -rata tandan menurun 5,82% dari potensial, dan produktivitas rata -rata tikat buah kelapa sawit menurun 15,10% dari potensi. Kesenjangan produktivitas kelapa sawit di Divisi II Kebun Matapao Pt. Socfindo dipengaruhi oleh faktor iklim, usia faktor tanaman dan jumlah pohon per hektar

    Sosialisasi Pentingnya Promosi Sekolah Guna Meningkatkan Jumlah Siswa di Era Pandemi Covid-19

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    Community service activities are a medium for delivering science and technology to the community. This community service is carried out by a lecturer in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Teuku Umar University. The theme of this community service is the importance of promoting schools in order to increase the number of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this community service is to provide an overview to the foundation about the importance of introducing the profile of the foundation to the surrounding community, and as an effort to increase the number of new students at the Makmue Raya Foundation. Participants in this community service are foundation administrators, teachers and students of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) under the auspices of the Makmue Raya foundation, totaling 83 people. Community service participants participated in the socialization in the form of lectures, discussions and questions and answers about the importance of school promotion during the COVID-19 pandemic. The output of this community service is as basic knowledge about school promotion to foundations, and can introduce school promotion methods during the covid-19 pandemic to foundations


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) merupakan media penyampaian ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kepada masyarakat. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan oleh Dosen Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Teuku Umar. Pelaksanaan PKM ini dengan bertema meningkatkan kesadaran siswa terhadap pentingnya pendidikan di masa pandemi covid-19. Tujuan PKM ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran siswa terhadap pentingnya pendidikan bagi generasi muda di era revolusi industri 4.0, dan terutama juga di masa Pandemi Covid-19. Peserta PKM adalahsiswa-siswi Madrasah Aliyah (MA) dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) yang bernaung dibawah yayasan Makmue Raya, dan juga dihadiri oleh para pengurus yayasan dan Guru yang keseluruhannya berjumlah 83 orang. Peserta PKM mengikuti sosialisasi yang berupa ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab mengenai pentingnya pendidikan bagi generasi muda.Luaran dari PKM ini adalah membuka wawasan siswa sebagai generasi muda yang hidup di era milenial dan dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0, diharapkan agar dapat lebih meningkatkan kesadaran dalam hal pendidikan. Selain itu generasi muda juga harus memiliki skill atau kemampuan yang mumpuni agar mudah beradaptasi dengan berbagai perkembangan teknologi, dan tidak semakin tertinggal serta kalah dalam persaingan lokal maupun global.Perkembangan teknologi pun mempermudah generasi muda dalam belajar, terutama dalam masa pandemi covid-19 yang aksesnya secara fisik serba terbatas

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square pada PT. XYZ

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    PT.XYZ Banda Aceh yang bertugas untuk melayani kepentingan umum dan bergerak di bidang pelayanan keluhan pelanggan, pelayanan listrik padam, pelayanan pemasangan baru dan lainnya. PT. XYZ Banda Aceh telah memberikan yang terbaik agar memberikan kepuasan terhadap pelanggannya, akan tetapi dalam pelaksanaan operasionalnya tidak dapat dihindari beberapa masalah yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan dan keinginan pelanggan, seperti pelayanan yang kurang maksimal sehingga menyebabkan pelanggan merasa kurang puas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap tingkat kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh pelanggan yang mengunakan jasa PT. XYZ Banda Aceh. Penentuan sampel ditentukan dengan teknik non probability sampling yaitu sampling purposive sebanyak 100 sampel. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu Partial Least Square (PLS). Dengan menggunakan software SmartPLS versi 3.2.6 dan SPSS versi 17.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan pelanggan pada PT. XYZ Banda Aceh dapat diukur dari 5 dimensi kualitas pelayanan yang terdiri dari tangible, emphaty, reabilty, responsiviness dan assurance. Variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan adalah variabel assurance, responsiviness dan variabel reliability. Sedangkan variabel tangible dan variabel emphaty tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan

    Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Paving Block untuk Meminimalkan Cacat Menggunakan Six Sigma pada UD. Meurah Mulia

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    A production process will not be free of difficulties with faulty goods during its implementation; this is a problem that is a major factor in the production process; if the process still has many problems with product defects, the process has not been adequately regulated. Moving on from the issues raised above, the author did research at UD. Meurah Mulia, a paving stone manufacturer. For the time being, the control process in the manufacturing process is inspection control, which is an inspection that just distinguishes good and faulty goods without improving the process. In this scenario, the authors advise using the Six Sigma approach to eliminate flaws, which is a process control method that can affect decisions connected to product manufacturing, namely the production and insfection functions. The results of the analysis through processing with the Six Sigma method, which goes through five stages, namely define, measure, analyze, improve, and control, show that the current control process is ineffective, as evidenced by the occurrence of numerous defects in the manufacturing of Paving Blocks