11 research outputs found

    Stability and detectability of exomoons orbiting HIP 41378 f, a temperate Jovian planet with an anomalously low apparent density

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    Moons orbiting exoplanets (“exomoons”) may hold clues about planet formation, migration, and habitability. In this work, we investigate the plausibility of exomoons orbiting the temperate (T eq = 294 K) giant (R = 9.2 R ⊕) planet HIP 41378 f, which has been shown to have a low apparent bulk density of 0.09 g cm−3 and a flat near-infrared transmission spectrum, hinting that it may possess circumplanetary rings. Given this planet’s long orbital period (P ≈ 1.5 yr), it has been suggested that it may also host a large exomoon. Here, we analyze the orbital stability of a hypothetical exomoon with a satellite-to-planet mass ratio of 0.0123 orbiting HIP 41378 f. Combining a new software package, astroQTpy, with REBOUND and EqTide, we conduct a series of N-body and tidal migration simulations, demonstrating that satellites up to this size are largely stable against dynamical escape and collisions. We simulate the expected transit signal from this hypothetical exomoon and show that current transit observations likely cannot constrain the presence of exomoons orbiting HIP 41378 f, though future observations may be capable of detecting exomoons in other systems. Finally, we model the combined transmission spectrum of HIP 41378 f and a hypothetical moon with a low-metallicity atmosphere and show that the total effective spectrum would be contaminated at the ∼10 ppm level. Our work not only demonstrates the feasibility of exomoons orbiting HIP 41378 f but also shows that large exomoons may be a source of uncertainty in future high-precision measurements of exoplanet systems

    The First Near-infrared Transmission Spectrum of HIP 41378 f, A Low-mass Temperate Jovian World in a Multiplanet System

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    Abstract: We present a near-infrared transmission spectrum of the long-period (P = 542 days), temperate (T eq = 294 K) giant planet HIP 41378 f obtained with the Wide-Field Camera 3 instrument aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). With a measured mass of 12 ± 3 M ⊕ and a radius of 9.2 ± 0.1 R ⊕, HIP 41378 f has an extremely low bulk density (0.09 ± 0.02 g cm−3). We measure the transit depth with a median precision of 84 ppm in 30 spectrophotometric channels with uniformly sized widths of 0.018 μm. Within this level of precision, the spectrum shows no evidence of absorption from gaseous molecular features between 1.1 and 1.7 μm. Comparing the observed transmission spectrum to a suite of 1D radiative-convective-thermochemical-equilibrium forward models, we rule out clear, low-metallicity atmospheres and find that the data prefer high-metallicity atmospheres or models with an additional opacity source, such as high-altitude hazes and/or circumplanetary rings. We explore the ringed scenario for HIP 41378 f further by jointly fitting the K2 and HST light curves to constrain the properties of putative rings. We also assess the possibility of distinguishing between hazy, ringed, and high-metallicity scenarios at longer wavelengths with the James Webb Space Telescope. HIP 41378 f provides a rare opportunity to probe the atmospheric composition of a cool giant planet spanning the gap in temperature, orbital separation, and stellar irradiation between the solar system giants, directly imaged planets, and the highly irradiated hot Jupiters traditionally studied via transit spectroscopy

    Three Saturn-mass planets transiting F-type stars revealed with TESS and HARPS

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    While the sample of confirmed exoplanets continues to increase, the population of transiting exoplanets around early-type stars is still limited. These planets allow us to investigate the planet properties and formation pathways over a wide range of stellar masses and study the impact of high irradiation on hot Jupiters orbiting such stars. We report the discovery of TOI-615b, TOI-622b, and TOI-2641b, three Saturn-mass planets transiting main sequence, F-type stars. The planets were identified by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and confirmed with complementary ground-based and radial velocity observations. TOI-615b is a highly irradiated (\sim1277 FF_{\oplus}) and bloated Saturn-mass planet (1.690.06+0.05^{+0.05}_{-0.06}RJupR_{Jup} and 0.430.08+0.09^{+0.09}_{-0.08}MJupM_{Jup}) in a 4.66 day orbit transiting a 6850 K star. TOI-622b has a radius of 0.820.03+0.03^{+0.03}_{-0.03}RJupR_{Jup} and a mass of 0.300.08+0.07^{+0.07}_{-0.08}~MJupM_{Jup} in a 6.40 day orbit. Despite its high insolation flux (\sim600 FF_{\oplus}), TOI-622b does not show any evidence of radius inflation. TOI-2641b is a 0.370.04+0.05^{+0.05}_{-0.04}MJupM_{Jup} planet in a 4.88 day orbit with a grazing transit (b = 1.040.06+0.05^{+0.05}_{-0.06 }) that results in a poorly constrained radius of 1.610.64+0.46^{+0.46}_{-0.64}RJupR_{Jup}. Additionally, TOI-615b is considered attractive for atmospheric studies via transmission spectroscopy with ground-based spectrographs and JWST\textit{JWST}. Future atmospheric and spin-orbit alignment observations are essential since they can provide information on the atmospheric composition, formation and migration of exoplanets across various stellar types.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, submitted to A&

    Asteroseismic modelling of solar-type stars: A deeper look at the treatment of initial helium abundance

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    Detailed understanding of stellar physics is essential towards a robust determination of stellar properties (e.g. radius, mass, and age). Among the vital input physics used in the modelling of solar-type stars which remain poorly constrained, is the initial helium abundance. To this end, when constructing stellar model grids, the initial helium abundance is estimated either (i) by using the semi-empirical helium-to-heavy element enrichment ratio, (ΔY/ΔZ), anchored to the standard big bang nucleosynthesis value, or (ii) by setting the initial helium abundance as a free variable. Adopting 35 low-mass, solar-type stars with multiyear Kepler photometry from the asteroseismic ‘LEGACY’ sample, we explore the systematic uncertainties on the inferred stellar parameters (i.e. radius, mass, and age) arising from the treatment of the initial helium abundance in stellar model grids. The stellar masses and radii derived from grids with free initial helium abundance are lower compared to those from grids based on a fixed ΔY/ΔZ ratio. We find the systematic uncertainties on mean density, radius, mass, and age arising from grids which employ a fixed value of ΔY/ΔZ and those with free initial helium abundance to be ∼ 0.9 per cent, ∼ 2 per cent, ∼ 5 per cent, and ∼ 29 per cent, respectively. We report that the systematic uncertainties on the inferred masses and radii arising from the treatment of initial helium abundance in stellar grids lie within the expected accuracy limits of ESA’s PLATO, although this is not the case for the age. © 2020 The Author(s).The authors acknowledge the dedicated team behind the NASA'S Kepler missions. BN thanks Verma Kuldeep, Achim Weiss, and the Stellar Evolution research group at Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik (MPA) for the useful comments on this article. BN also acknowledges postdoctoral funding from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. AGH, JCS, and BN acknowledge funding support from Spanish public funds (including FEDER funds) for research under projects ESP2017-87676-C5-2-R and ESP2017-87676-C5-5-R. TLC acknowledges support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 792848 (PULSATION). JF wishes to honor the memory of Johannes Andersen, recently passed way. JF acknowledges funding from POCH and Portuguese FCT grant SFRH/BSAB/143060/2018. CITEUC is funded by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (projects UID-PB/00611/2020). MSC is supported by national funds through Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) - in the form of a work contract and through the research grants UIDB/04434/2020, UIDP/04434/2020, and PTDC/FIS-AST/30389/2017, and by FEDER -Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional through COMPETE2020 Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (grant: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030389). AGH also acknowledges support from 'FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Economia y Conocimiento' under project E-FQM-041-UGR18 by Universidad de Granada. JCS also acknowledges support from project RYC-2012-09913 under the 'Ramon y Cajal' program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education. JC is funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (grant: 19lgpy278). BA acknowledges support from the FCT PhD programme PD/BD/135226/2017. We thank the reviewer for the constructive remarks

    A full transit of v2 Lupi d and the search for an exomoon in its Hill sphere with CHEOPS

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    The planetary system around the naked-eye star v2 Lupi (HD 136352; TOI-2011) is composed of three exoplanets with masses of 4.7, 11.2, and 8.6 Earth masses (M⊕). The TESS and CHEOPS missions revealed that all three planets are transiting and have radii straddling the radius gap separating volatile-rich and volatile-poor super-earths. Only a partial transit of planet d had been covered so we re-observed an inferior conjunction of the long-period 8.6 M⊕ exoplanet v2 Lup d with the CHEOPS space telescope. We confirmed its transiting nature by covering its whole 9.1 h transit for the first time. We refined the planet transit ephemeris to P = 107.13610.0022+0.0019 days and Tc = 2459009.77590.0096+0.0101 BJDTDB, improving by ~40 times on the previously reported transit timing uncertainty. This refined ephemeris will enable further follow-up of this outstanding long-period transiting planet to search for atmospheric signatures or explore the planet s Hill sphere in search for an exomoon. In fact, the CHEOPS observations also cover the transit of a large fraction of the planet s Hill sphere, which is as large as the Earth s, opening the tantalising possibility of catching transiting exomoons. We conducted a search for exomoon signals in this single-epoch light curve but found no conclusive photometric signature of additional transiting bodies larger than Mars. Yet, only a sustained follow-up of v2 Lup d transits will warrant a comprehensive search for a moon around this outstanding exoplanet.ISSN:0004-6361ISSN:1432-074

    The geometric albedo of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b measured with CHEOPS

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    Context. Measurements of the occultation of an exoplanet at visible wavelengths allow us to determine the reflective properties of a planetary atmosphere. The observed occultation depth can be translated into a geometric albedo. This in turn aids in characterising the structure and composition of an atmosphere by providing additional information on the wavelength-dependent reflective qualities of the aerosols in the atmosphere. Aims. Our aim is to provide a precise measurement of the geometric albedo of the gas giant HD 189733b by measuring the occultation depth in the broad optical bandpass of CHEOPS (350-1100 nm). Methods. We analysed 13 observations of the occultation of HD 189733b performed by CHEOPS utilising the Python package PyCHEOPS. The resulting occultation depth is then used to infer the geometric albedo accounting for the contribution of thermal emission from the planet. We also aid the analysis by refining the transit parameters combining observations made by the TESS and CHEOPS space telescopes. Results. We report the detection of an 24.7 ± 4.5 ppm occultation in the CHEOPS observations. This occultation depth corresponds to a geometric albedo of 0.076 ± 0.016. Our measurement is consistent with models assuming the atmosphere of the planet to be cloud-free at the scattering level and absorption in the CHEOPS band to be dominated by the resonant Na doublet. Taking into account previous optical-light occultation observations obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, both measurements combined are consistent with a super-stellar Na elemental abundance in the dayside atmosphere of HD 189733b. We further constrain the planetary Bond albedo to between 0.013 and 0.42 at 3σconfidence. Conclusions. We find that the reflective properties of the HD 189733b dayside atmosphere are consistent with a cloud-free atmosphere having a super-stellar metal content. When compared to an analogous CHEOPS measurement for HD 209458b, our data hint at a slightly lower geometric albedo for HD 189733b (0.076 ± 0.016) than for HD 209458b (0.096 ± 0.016), or a higher atmospheric Na content in the same modelling framework. While our constraint on the Bond albedo is consistent with previously published values, we note that the higher-end values of ∼0.4, as derived previously from infrared phase curves, would also require peculiarly high reflectance in the infrared, which again would make it more difficult to disentangle reflected and emitted light in the total observed flux, and therefore to correctly account for reflected light in the interpretation of those phase curves. Lower reported values for the Bond albedos are less affected by this ambiguity.ISSN:0004-6361ISSN:1432-074

    Examining the orbital decay targets KELT-9 b, KELT-16 b, and WASP-4b, and the transit-timing variations of HD 97658 b

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    Context. Tidal orbital decay is suspected to occur for hot Jupiters in particular, with the only observationally confirmed case of this being WASP-12 b. By examining this effect, information on the properties of the host star can be obtained using the so-called stellar modified tidal quality factor Q′∗, which describes the efficiency with which the kinetic energy of the planet is dissipated within the star. This can provide information about the interior of the star. Aims. In this study, we aim to improve constraints on the tidal decay of the KELT-9, KELT-16, and WASP-4 systems in order to find evidence for or against the presence of tidal orbital decay. With this, we want to constrain the Q′∗ value for each star. In addition, we aim to test the existence of the transit timing variations (TTVs) in the HD 97658 system, which previously favoured a quadratic trend with increasing orbital period. Methods. Making use of newly acquired photometric observations from CHEOPS (CHaracterising ExOplanet Satellite) and TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), combined with archival transit and occultation data, we use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms to fit three models to the data, namely a constant-period model, an orbital-decay model, and an apsidal-precession model. Results. We find that the KELT-9 system is best described by an apsidal-precession model for now, with an orbital decay trend at over 2 σ being a possible solution as well. A Keplerian orbit model with a constant orbital period provides the best fit to the transit timings of KELT-16 b because of the scatter and scale of their error bars. The WASP-4 system is best represented by an orbital decay model at a 5 σ significance, although apsidal precession cannot be ruled out with the present data. For HD 97658 b, using recently acquired transit observations, we find no conclusive evidence for a previously suspected strong quadratic trend in the data.ISSN:0004-6361ISSN:1432-074