204 research outputs found

    Zhivaia Starina in 2016

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    Zhivaia Starina

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    At the start of 2018, Zhivaia Starina journal changed ownership and is currently being published by Polenov Russian State Folk Art House (Moscow). The journal’s key topics for 2017 involve the role of tradition and innovations in folklore genres and the interconnection between folklore and folk mythology as well as between folklore texts and oral history. Additionally, Issues 3 and 4 feature sections to commemorate the 870th anniversary of the founding of Moscow and the centenary of the Russian October Revolution

    Zhivaia Starina

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    The Russian journal Zhivaia Starina [Living Antiquity] continues the activity of the journal of the same name that had been published by the Russian  Geographical Society in 1890—1917. The renewal of its publication was  undertaken in 1994 by the State Center of the Republic for Russian  Folklore

    Geochemical features of soils in an undulating glaciolacustrine sandy plain in the middle taiga subzone of Karelia

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    The geochemically conjugate series of soils (Albic Podzol – Albic Podzol Gleyc – Hystosol) formed on an undulating glaciolacustrine plain in the middle taiga of Karelia was investigated. Surveys for redox conditions showed them to vary from oxidizing in automorphic soils to reducing in soils occupying accumulation-favoring locations. The geochemical coefficients descriptive of the features of accumulation and directions of migration in the studied soils were calculated and analyzed. The distribution of silicic acid and a majority of sesquioxides inside the profile of the studied soils is typical of podzols. The podzolic horizons of the soils occupying interstitial positions have a faster outmigration of elements than in automorphic soils, while their Al-Fe-humic horizons accumulate aluminum, iron, titanium and phosphorus. All the soils are deficient in a majority of microelements as compared to their background levels; very low concentrations were determined for nickel, cobalt and manganese. The content of copper and sometimes zinc is at the background level. The distribution of the studied elements across the soil profile follows the accumulation-eluviation-illuviation pattern, but the scope of variation in the migration of elements varies among topographic positions. In well-drained locations microelements are quite monotonously distributed through the lower part of the soil profile, while soils in transitional landscapes have a higher differentiation of microelements. The differentiation of the catena through lateral migration is of the transient eluviation type, i.e. soils in lower-lying positions are poorer in the studied elements than soils in automorphic positions. This pattern is due to the natural characteristics of the area: low surface slope, homogeneous sandy parent material, low humus content in soil

    Катойконимы в локальной печати конца ХХ – начала XXI в. (случай Твери)

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    The paper deals with names with which the local press referred to Tver inhabitants as a whole at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21th centuries. The author analyzes the dynamic of their use from the 1990s, when the historical name Tver was restored, to the 2010s (studying statistical data for the use of these katoikonyms in Tver press, as well as some texts in local media which contain the local community’s reflections about the names for Tver inhabitants). The study reveals both preferences of different local media, and the influence of philological recommendations on the language of media. In 1990, when the city Tver was given back its original name, one of the local newspapers published an article by professor R. D. Kuznetsova (Tver State University), where the katoikonym tverityane pl. (tverityanin sing., tverityanka sing. f.) was declared to be the most appropriate due to its appearance in the historical period of forming “all-Russian national norms of language” and its usage in the Russian literature of the 19th century. This variant was not very characteristic for the local usage of the 20th century (unlike the others), but due to the linguistic recommendations it gained normative status and asserted itself in almost half of the local media. In the rest of the media other variants were used: tveritchi pl. (tverich sing., tverichanka sing. f.) or tverichane pl. (tverichanin sing., tverichanka sing. f.). The recommendations mentioned above also furthered the marginalization of the variant tveryaki pl. (tveryak sing., tveryachka sing. f.), which was almost wholly forced out from the local newspapers. The author considers the success of the intentional reactualization of the least popular onym to be caused by the long period (almost 60 years) when the city Tver carried the name of Kalinin, and any derivates from the name Tver were thus forced out to the periphery of usage.В статье рассматривается употребление названий жителей Твери в местной печати (преимущественно в газетах) конца ХХ – начала XXI в. Прослеживается динамика их использования с 1990 г., когда городу было возвращено историческое имя, и до 2010-х годов. Выявляются предпочтения различных вариантов в отдельных СМИ и влияние филологических рекомендаций на язык газет. Так, название тверитяне (тверитянин, тверитянка), практически не свойственное местному узусу ХХ в., благодаря рекомендациям лингвистов приобрело статус нормативного и утвердилось почти в половине местных газет. В других газетах в качестве основных сегодня приняты названия тверичи (тверич, тверичанка) либо тверичане (тверичанин, тверичанка). Кроме того, рекомендации способствовали маргинализации названия тверяки (тверяк, тверячка), к настоящему времени почти полностью вытесненного со страниц газет

    Representation of Communicative and Pragmatic Frame ‘Intellect’ In English, German and Russian Paremiological World Pictures

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    The purpose of the study is to conduct a cognitively-comparative analysis of the representation of the communicative-pragmatic frame intellect (Russianум, German Klugheit) objectified in proverbs of English and Russian languages, which, being a reflection of the world view of a particular ethnic group, are a conventional way of expressing stereotypes of the people.The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of stereotypical assessments of the intellectual abilities of an individual as a representative of a particular society, through the study of paremias containing the nomination of the intellect – foolishness binome in the English, German and Russian paremiological view of the world.The article bears the result of the study of 1243 proverbial units – 412 English, 433 German and 398 Russian proverbs and sayings. As a result, universal and unique stereotypical representations of the value and the availability of knowledge and intelligence were revealed; the relationship between the level of mental abilities and behavior, luck; dependence of intelligence on alcohol, age, wealth and happiness.In addition, a correlation was determined between related (English and German) and unrelated (Russian) languages, which, in turn, facilitates the process of cognitive learning of the languages studied. Consequently, the article contributes to solving the problems of intercultural communication.

    Beijing genotype is the most dominant genotype among clinical isolates of m.tuberculosis in Kazakhstan

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    Methods of genotyping of M. tuberculosis play important role in tuberculosis (TB) infection control. These techniques are used to detect or exclude laboratory errors, control recurrent cases and determine ways of TB transmission. Today, there are more than 10 methods of genotyping, MIRU-VNTR being one of the most widely used methods in the world

    Toxicity studies of combination of silver nanoparticles and cryogels

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    The combination "cryogel + nanoparticles" allows developing a new type of wound dressing, where antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles made have been utilized. Previous reports have shown that the production of shaped nanoparticles and the incorporation onto cryogels is feasible [1-2]. This study investigates the toxicity of these constructs to primary human dermal fibroblast cells in context of possible clinical application

    The Volga region banking and real sectors interaction cluster initiatives

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    © Venera Vagizova, Vadim Homenko, Gulnaz Akhmetova, 2014. The article deals with the questions of organizational structure of the innovation cross-border construction cluster based on the example of the cluster model of construction enterprises in the Volga Federal region and the role of this cluster in the economy of the Volga region as an innovation mechanism of cross-regional integration, which provides a synergetic effect in the solving of complex tasks. It also analyzes the possibilities of collaboration between Volga region's financial and real sectors of economy