400 research outputs found


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    Literary works represent the condition that employs historical moments existing in the region, country, and the world. Literature is the human’s expression. In other words, literary works such as a drama or play, novel, and poem or poetry expose the human life. One of the literary works is poetry. A lyrical poem has close relationship with songs because commonly songs include lyrics. Based on the background of the study above, the writer of this thesis arranged and formulated following problem, they are: 1). what is the general meaning of the lyrical poem “Unintended”? 2). what is the detail meaning of the lyrical poem “Unintended”? and 3). what are the messages found in “Unintended”? This study uses the descriptive method research as the research design because there is no control treatment in this study as it is found in experimental research. The approach that is used is in this is an objective approach because the writer only focuses her analysis on the literary work, he does not study the author’s experience and life. The object of this study is the lyrics of “Unintended” from Muse’s album “Showbiz” because it contains general meaning, detailed meaning and the message inside. The general meaning of the lyrical poem “Unintended” is about the poet’s expression to the girl who he did not want actually to be his girlfriend. The detailed meaning of the lyrical poem “Unintended” describes that he didn’t really love that girl, while he has already chosen that girl to accompany him and fill his day. He has some reasons why he tries to defend his love. She is a kind girl and gives happiness in his life. She is the only one who always becomes a good listener for every problem and complains. In the second stanza the poet develops his poem by promising to the girl that he will always accompany that girl whenever she needs him. He tries to make her girlfriend happy although he is trying hard to fix his heart from the disappointment of his first love. There was a girl who ever filled his heart, but she disappointed him. Now, he finds a new girlfriend who gives more attention and the real love. Although he didn’t really love his new girlfriend, he feels calm and happy when beside her. The message found in the lyrical poem “Unintended” is that we should appreciate someone’s love. Another lesson that we get is that we should keep our promise that we give to other persons

    Keanekaragaman dan Spesies Indikator pada Hutan Mangrove di Teluk Sampit, Kotawaringin Timur: The Diversity and Indicator Species in the Mangrove Forest at Sampit Bay, East Kotawaringin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan mangrove dan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan mangrove yang merupakan spesies indikator dalam komunitas hutan mangrove di Teluk Sampit, Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif, dengan teknik  nested sampling yang merupakan kombinasi dari sistem jalur (11) dan petak (7).  Masing-masing jalur panjangnya 440 m, pada setiap jalur dibuat 7 petak pengamatan yang letaknya berseling, dan antar petak berjarak 50 m. Analisis data menerapkan analisis indeks keragaman jenis menurut Shannon-Wiener dan analisis struktur vegetasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Jenis-jenis tumbuhan mangrove yang dijumpai pada kawasan hutan mangrove di Teluk Sampit terdiri dari 11 jenis, yaitu Sonneratia caseolaris, Sonneratia ovata, Avicennia alba, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa, Bruguiera sexangula, Cerbera mangha, Xylocarpus granatum, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Metroxylon sago, dan Pandanus tectorius. (2) Indeks keanekaragaman jenis (H’) antara 0,5789 hingga 0,6511, (3) Struktur Vegetasi didominasi oleh jenis Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera sexangula, Avicennia alba, dan Sonneratia caseolaris, secara berturut-turut menguasai komunitas, (4) Ada 2 jenis tumbuhan mangrove yang dapat diidentifikasi sebagai spesies indikator pada hutan mangrove di Teluk Sampit, yaitu Rhizophora mucronata dan Sonneratia caseolaris

    Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Households in Kota Pekalongan

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    This study adds to the studies about the impact of the 2008 global financial crisis (gfc) on Indonesia's economy both at the macro- and microeconomic levels. kota (city of) pekalongan was chosen because of the facts that the city is a community-based monitoring system (cbms) area in Indonesia and that there is household-level data available in the city. the data analysis at the macroeconomic level was intended to find the occurrence of gfc and how it was transmitted to the city. qualitative data collection through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews enrich the macroeconomic analysis. by combining data from the 2009 cbms census and the gfc impact survey in five kelurahani, the study aims to identify which household group was the most affected. principal component analysis (pca) is used to predict which households belong to which quintile of household welfare in each kelurahan. the fall of prices of commodities, particularly cotton, and the depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah were the shocks of the gfc that significantly appeared at the macroeconomic level and were transmitted to the city's batik home industry, which later affected the households. there were also other local shocks that contributed to the gfc resulting in compound crises felt by the households. the affected households are those that had a household member that switched jobs, even to a worse one, and experienced an income decline during june 2008−june 2009. based on the household welfare quintile, the majority of the affected households come from the poorest household group (the first quintile). the poorest households, particularly the affected ones, reduced their food consumption, used the health insurance for the poor, and had children (10−18) who dropped out of school during the crises and started work. the provision of well-targeted social protection programs such as the health insurance for the poor and unconditional cash transfer 2009 (blt 2009) programs helped the poor to cope with the compound crises. in kota pekalongan, the poor households benefited from the programs when they lost their financial ability during the crises. in times of crisis, the government should also provide incentives for industries that are vulnerable to external shocks and that many households rely on as a source of income. in anticipation of future crises, a good database of targeted households and vulnerable industries will enable the government to create an effective early response system and take prompt action. other than the database provided by the central government, databases initiated by the local governments, such as the household data from the cbms project in kota pekalongan, can be of great benefit. keywords: cbms, global financial crisis, kota pekalongan, impac

    Determining Comprehensive Criteria and Census Variables for the Protection of the Poor at the Local Level

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    The development of targeting methods for government social programs has to date experienced favorable progress. however, since the issuance of law no. 52/2009, there has been a shift from household-based targeting to family-based targeting. this paper offers an alternative method to determine a set of comprehensive criteria for family-based targeting. to establish the criteria, an analysis of locally-specific welfare indicators are undertaken. these indicators are used to determine levels of family welfare categories. the categories are set based on a number of variables which weigh the highest. these main variables may vary among regions. the levels of family welfare are determined through descriptive analysis and principal component analysis (pca). the levels defined are used for program recipient targeting based on the budget allocation for a region. the result of the analysis can be used for better targeting based on program clusters, such as education or health, in a given area. keywords: family, welfare, criteria, targeting, welfare level


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    This study aimed to obtain an empirical explanation of the role of debt policy and dividend policy as variables mediating the influence of profitability on stock prices. This study used six mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period of 2012–2016 as samples, hence there were 30 observational data. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling. This study found that profitability had a positive effect on stock prices, but the increasing profitability would not necessarily reduce the debt policy. The increasing profitability did not significantly increase the dividend policy, however, increasing dividend policy would increase the stock prices. The results also proved that debt and dividend policy did not mediate the influence of return on equity on the stock prices


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    ABSTRAK  Keberhasilan belajar siswa dapat dilihat dari kemampuannya dalam menguasai materi pelajaran, prestasi belajar yang dicapai siswa, ketrampilan dan kebenaran dalam menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan guru dan lain-lain.Tinggi rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa yang menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan belajarnya, dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, baik dari dalam maupun dari luar diri siswa. Kedisiplinan belajar siswa yang baik atau dapat dikatakan tinggi akan dapat mendorong siswa meraih prestasi yang tinggi pula. Namun kenyataannya, tingkat disiplin belajar siswa di sekolah antara siswa yang satu dengan yang lain berbeda.Dikarenakan adanya hubungan kedisiplinan dan kondisi keluarga yang berbeda-beda pula. Prestasi belajar Merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kegiatan belajar, karena kegitan belajar merupakan proses, sedangkan prestasi merupakan hasilyang diperoleh dari proses belajar.Sependapat dengan penjelasan menurut Sumandi Suryabrata mengemukakan bahwa “prestasi belajar adalah nilai yang merupakan perumusan terakhir yang dapat diberikan oleh guru mengenai kemajuan/prestasi belajar selama masa tertentu. Kedisiplinan belajar dan kondisi keluarga yang paling dominan yaitu kedisiplinan belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di MIM Siyotobagus Tulungagung. Dengan perolehan nilai r hitung 0,236 > 0,227 dan tingkat sig. 0,017 < 0,05.  Kata Kunci      : “Kedisiplinan dan Prestasi Belajar.


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    AKHMADI. “Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Penerapan Model Jaring Laba-Laba (Webbed Model) Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Ekonomi (PTK terhadap siswa kelas VIII-C di SMP Negeri 2 Gunung Jati kabupaten Cirebon)” Dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas, guru harus pandai dalam menciptakan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan, asik, dan menarik. Guru juga harus mampu meningkatkan minat belajar siswa agar hasil belajar siswapun ikut meningkat. Salah satu hal yang harus diperhatikan oleh guru adalah penggunaan model pembelajaran dalam melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas. Kreatifitas guru dalam penggunaan model pembelajaran bisa menentukan keberhasilan belajar. Hal ini akan tercapai apabila guru kreatif dalam penggunaan model pembelajaran ketika proses belajar mengajar berlangsung. Model jaring laba-laba (webbed model) merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang bisa dipakai oleh guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Model jaring laba-laba (webbed model) ini ialah model pembelajaran yang mengaitkan mata pelajaran yang satu dengan mata pelajaran lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penerapan model jaring laba-laba (webbed model) dalam pelajaran IPS Ekonomi, 2. Untuk memperoleh data mengenai aktivitas peneliti (sebagai guru) dan kegiatan siswa di kelas dalam pelajaran IPS Ekonomi dengan menggunakan model jaring laba-laba (webbed model), 3. Untuk mengkaji apakah penerapan model jaring laba-laba (webbed model) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pelajaran IPS Ekonomi Penelitian ini bertolak dari kerangka pemikiran bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran mempunyai peranan yang cukup besar dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Salah satunya model jaring laba-laba (webbed model), penggunaan model pembelajaran di dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas dapat membantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi dan membantu siswa dalam menyerap materi yang disampaikan oleh gurunya. Dengan demikian dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam penyerapan materi dan imbasnya akan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yang menjadi tujuannya bisa tercapai. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik obeservasi, wawancara, angket dan tes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII C SMP Negeri 2 Gunung Jati yang berjumlah 38 orang. Adapun dalam menganalisa datanya dengan menggunakan statistic deskriptif Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah respon siswa SMP Negeri 2 Gunung Jati terhadap model jaring laba-laba (webbed model) baik hal dapat dibuktikan dengan yang menjawab ya 72,25% , kadang-kadang 23,68% dan tidak 4,07%. Hasil belajar siswa meningkat dapat dilihat dari siklus I jumlah siswa yang tuntas 22 orang sehingga ketuntasan belajar kelas 58%, nilai rata-rata kelas adalah 72,76 , dan daya serap kelasnya 72,76%. Pada siklus II jumlah siswa yang tuntas 28 orang sehingga ketuntasan belajar kelas 74%, nilai rata-rata kelas adalah 83,86 dan daya serapnya 83,86%. Pada siklus III jumlah siswa yang tuntas 38 orang sehingga ketuntasan belajar kelas 100%, nilai rata-rata kelas adalah 92,63 dan daya serap kelasnya 92,63%. Aktivitas guru dan murid mengalami peningkatan dilihat dari aktivitas guru dapat dilihat presentase observasi dari siklus I sebesar 60% , siklus II 70% dan siklus III 78%. Dan kegiatan siswa dapat dilihat presentase observasi dari siklus I sebesar 54% , siklus II 68% dan siklus III 84%
