20 research outputs found


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    Os processos erosivos são fenômenos naturais que podem ser agravados por atividades antrópicas, como a criação de gado. As técnicas de bioengenharia são uma alternativa vantajosa para ajudar a estabilizar focos erosivos, pois apresentam alta eficiência com baixo custo financeiro, e são consideradas de simples compreensão e execução. O trabalho visou a aplicação de técnicas de bioengenharia em uma propriedade que possui nascentes degradadas por erosão hídrica, localizada no Distrito de Amadeu Amaral, no município de Marília/SP. Para isso, foram realizados o cercamento da área, para evitar a entrada do gado; a construção de estruturas de contenção de sedimentos e da água de escoamento superficial, utilizando paliçadas de bambus e sacarias de ráfia; e o plantio de mudas nativas. Com o monitoramento da área, verificou-se melhora nas condições ecossistêmicas após a implantação das técnicas, mostrando a importância de sua instalação e a possibilidade de ser utilizada em diversas outras áreas


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    A erosão é um processo natural que age sobre os solos e as rochas para modificação do relevo da terra e o tipo de solo da área é um fator que influencia sua ocorrência e intensidade. A erodibilidade é um índice que explicita a vulnerabilidade do solo em sofrer um processo erosivo, relacionando as características físico-químicas do solo e/ou o estado de cobertura da terra. O trabalho foi realizado em uma propriedade rural, localizada no Distrito de Amadeu Amaral, no município de Marília/SP e visou a análise física do tipo de solo, sua caracterização e a constatação do coeficiente de permeabilidade do solo, a fim de compreender a relação entre o processo erosivo recorrente e as características do solo. Para isso, foram realizadas análises morfológicas, texturais e do fracionamento utilizando os métodos da EMBRAPA (1997) e um ensaio de permeabilidade. Com a realização do trabalho, percebeu-se que as características do solo atribuem a ele grande susceptibilidade a processos erosivos, o que contribuiu, juntamente com as influências antrópicas, para a aceleração da erosão na área

    Comparisons of the Prevalence, Severity, and Risk Factors of Dysmenorrhea between Japanese Female Athletes and Non-Athletes in Universities

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    This study aimed to investigate the difference in the prevalence, severity, and risk factors of dysmenorrhea between Japanese female athletes and non-athletes in universities. The participants were 18 to 30 years old with no history of a previous pregnancy and/or childbirth. After application of the exclusion criteria, the cohort comprised 605 athletes and 295 non-athletes. An anonymous questionnaire, which included self-reported information on age, height, weight, age at menarche, menstrual cycle days, menstrual duration, dysmenorrhea severity, sleeping hours, dietary habits, exercise habits, training hours, and competition level was administered. Compared with athletes, non-athletes had a higher prevalence of dysmenorrhea (85.6% in athletes, 90.5% in non-athletes, p < 0.05); non-athletes also demonstrated increased severity (none/mild 27.8%, moderate 19.3%, and severe 52.9% in athletes; none/mild 21.2%, moderate 17.2%, and severe 61.6% in non-athletes; p < 0.05). Factors related to severe dysmenorrhea in athletes included long training hours, early menarche, and prolonged menstrual periods. In non-athletes, short menstrual cycle days and extended menstrual periods were related to severe dysmenorrhea. The prevalence and severity of dysmenorrhea were higher among non-athletes than among athletes; different factors were related to severe dysmenorrhea in these two groups. Thus, different strategies are necessary to manage dysmenorrhea for athletes and non-athletes in universities

    A case of a warfarinized renal cancer patient monitored for prothrombin time-international normalized ratio during methadone introduction

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    Abstract Background Warfarin, a widely used anticoagulant, interacts with various agents used in palliative care, such as oxycodone, morphine, acetaminophen, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); however, there are no reports of its interaction with methadone. We report a case of a patient receiving warfarin when methadone was introduced for pain control with monitoring of the prothrombin time-international normalized ratio (PT-INR) and deduced the pharmacological background. Case presentation A 60-year-old male was emergently admitted to our university hospital for the sudden onset of severe back pain. Abdominal CT imaging revealed that the vertebral body of the ninth thoracic vertebra was occupied by bone metastasis and crushed, which caused his back pain. He received warfarin 3.5 mg/day for atrial fibrillation and tapentadol 100 mg p.o. daily for pain relief. The prothrombin time-international normalized ratio (PT-INR) was maintained at >2.2. The patient’s history included diabetes mellitus and hypertension, but his laboratory test was unremarkable with the exception that his eGFR was 34 ml/min. Initially, a fentanyl dermal patch was used instead of tapentadol to avoid interactions with warfarin. We started concomitant administration of oxycodone and 2.4 g/day of acetaminophen while monitoring the PT-INR because acetaminophen increased the PT-INR to 2.93. A continuous intravenous infusion of oxycodone was introduced, in increments of the dose, resulting in an increase of the PT-INR to 3.41, which is required to reduce the dose of warfarin to 1.5 mg. Because of the lack of effective pain relief, methadone was introduced and the dose was gradually increased. The PT-INR was not changed and the dose of warfarin was not changed. An infusion of oxycodone and oral methadone was used to allow the patient to walk in his room, and he was later transferred to the palliative hospital. Conclusions In an oral warfarinized patient, methadone seemed to undergo different metabolism than oxycodone. When warfarin and methadone are used together, we have to consider their interaction by comparing the competitive inhibition of CYP2C9 to the induction of CYP3A4 by methadone, because CYP3A4 metabolize various drugs including oxycodone

    衣の系譜に関する研究(第5報) : 褌からビキニショーツヘ

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