351 research outputs found

    Roles of attachment and self-esteem: impact of early life stress on depressive symptoms among Japanese institutionalized children

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    Background Although exposure to early life stress is known to affect mental health, the underlying mechanisms of its impacts on depressive symptoms among institutionalized children and adolescents have been little studied. Methods To investigate the role of attachment and self-esteem in association with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and depressive symptoms, 342 children (149 boys, 193 girls; age range 9-18 years old, mean age = 13.5 ± 2.4) living in residential foster care facilities in Japan completed questionnaires related to internal working models, self-esteem, and depressive symptoms. Their care workers completed questionnaires on ACEs. Results Structural equation modeling (SEM) was created and the goodness of fit was examined (CMIN = 129.223, df = 1.360, GFI = .959, AGFI = .936, CFI = .939, RMSEA = .033). Maltreatment negatively predicted scores on secure attachment, but positively predicted scores on avoidant and ambivalent attachment. The secure attachment score negatively predicted depressive symptoms. The ambivalent attachment score positively predicted depressive symptoms both directly and through self-esteem, whereas the avoidant attachment score positively predicted depressive symptoms only directly. Maltreatment neither directly predicts self-esteem nor depressive symptoms, and parental illness/death and parental sociopathic behaviors did not predict any variables. Conclusions Results show that the adversity of child maltreatment affects depression through attachment styles and low self-esteem among institutionalized children. Implications of child maltreatment and recommendations for child welfare services and clinical interventions for institutionalized children are discussed

    Gestão de água em uma indústria cervejeira

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    O Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresenta como objetivo descrever as atividades exercidas durante o Estágio Supervisionado em Agronomia, realizado na multinacional Anheuser-Busch InBev (Ambev). As atividades foram realizadas em uma das plantas da empresa, Cervejaria Águas Claras do Sul, localizada no município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul. O programa de estágio apresenta como epicentro o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, a partir do ensino-aprendizagem, onde os estagiários são treinados para se tornarem uma futura liderança dentro da Companhia, ganhando assim a oportunidade de participar de uma trilha de carreira. Uma das maneiras de ganhar autonomia e desenvolvimento ao entrar na Ambev é através do desdobramento e realização de um projeto individual, que é dado a partir de alguma lacuna real existente na cervejaria e apresenta grande impacto na rotina diária dos colaboradores. Dessa forma, as atividades que tiveram início no dia 04 de janeiro de 2021 e que se mantem ativas até hoje, objetivaram a gestão e o desenvolvimento de melhorias que impactavam o consumo de água dentro da cervejaria. A partir de metodologias ágeis de gestão, que resultaram em melhores práticas de utilização do recurso dentro da fábrica, foi possível observar a redução de 17.000 m3 de consumo de água durante um período de sei meses. Além da redução do consumo, o projeto permitiu identificar outras lacunas existentes e, consequentemente construiu uma maior conscientização das áreas produtivas, estabelecendo um compromisso coletivo, corroborando para a construção de um espaço produtivo mais sustentável

    Estudo da resistência à vincagem baseado na influência das propriedades do papelcartão e dos processos de conversão vinco e dobra de embalagens para alimentos líquidos

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Carlos Itsuo YamamotoCo-orientador: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo VieiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais - PIPE. Defesa: Curitiba, 20/02/2015Inclui referências : fls. 104-107Área de concentração: Engenharia e ciência de materiaisResumo: Vinco e dobra do papelcartão são duas operações essenciais para a obtenção de uma embalagem de forma bem definida e resistente. A resistência à vincagem (Relative Crease Strength, RCS) é uma propriedade especificada para controle do processo de vinco e dobra e é definida como a relação entre o máximo momento de flexão na área do vinco e na área não vincada a um ângulo de 30º a 5º/s. O presente trabalho possui o objetivo de avaliar o RCS medido em amostras coletadas do processo industrial real utilizado para controle de processo de vincagem comparado à estudos prévios onde as amostras foram vincadas em vincador de laboratório e avaliar as propriedades do papelcartão bem como os parâmetros dos processos de conversão vinco e dobra capazes de predizer RCS. Como o RCS pode ser medido apenas após a vincagem, o estudo permitirá predizer a qualidade de vincagem e ações diretas durante produção do papelcartão. Medições de RCS foram realizadas nas direções longitudinal e transversal. A propriedade física do papelcartão que apresentou maior correlação com o RCS foi Ply Bond. Baseado nesta informação uma produção piloto com baixo Ply Bond foi avaliada. Baixos valores de RCS foram obtidos, como preditos. Microtomografia de raios X revelou maior estratificação entre camadas do papelcartão com valores mais baixos de Ply Bond. Finalmente novos métodos para avaliação da qualidade de vincagem são abordados. Palavras-chave: Relative crease strength. RCS. Papelcartão. Vinco. Dobra. Conversão. Momento de flexão.Abstract: Creasing and folding of paperboard are two essential operations to obtain a well-defined shape and strength of a package. Relative Crease Strength, RCS, is specified for process control of creasing and folding and is defined as the ratio between the maximal bending force for a crease and uncreased sample bend to the bending angle of 30º at a rate of 5º/sec. Thus, the present work had as objective to evaluate RCS measured in real industrial samples used for process control of creasing compared to previous studies were the samples were creased in a laboratory creaser and evaluate the influence of paperboard properties and converting processes creasing and folding. As RCS can be measured only after creasing, the study can give directions to paperboard production process control at Klabin. Creasing measurements were done on both machine direction (MD) and cross machine direction (CD) samples. The paperboard property that showed the highest correlation to RCS was Scott Bond. Based on this one pilot production with lower Scott Bond was evaluated. Lower values of RCS were obtained, as predicted. X-Ray microtomography revealed higher stratification between fiber layers in the paperboard with lower Scott Bond. Finally new creasing quality evaluation methods are discussed. Key-words: Relative Crease Strength. RCS. Paperboard. Creasing. Folding. Converting. Bending force

    Factors Affecting Catecholamines in Caregivers of Patients with Dementia

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    Background: Caregivers of dementia patients have significantly higher levels of serum IL-6 and CRP compared to non-caregivers, and the accumulation of everyday stressors reportedly promotes the induction of inflammatory markers. However, few studies have identified factors that affect catecholamine levels in caregivers who experience a combination of physical and mental stress from caregiving. Purpose: This study aimed to identify physical factors that impact catecholamine levels in caregivers of dementia patients. Methods: Participants were elderly caregivers living together with elderly Alzheimer’s-type dementia patients. We performed logistic regression analysis, with levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine (indicators of catecholamine) as dependent variables. Results: Caregiver BMI had a significant impact on adrenaline levels (OR: 0.792; 95%CI: 0.654-0.960) and noradrenaline levels (OR: 1.210; 95%CI: 1.009-1.451), whereas age had a significant impact on dopamine levels (OR: 1.162; 95%CI: 1.019- 1.324). Discussion: While caregiver BMI significantly impacted adrenaline and noradrenaline levels, the mechanism underlying these relationships is unclear. One possibility is that obesity (BMI) and a rise in sympathetic nerve activity contributed to hypertension. Our findings suggest that chronic stress in elderly caregivers may potentially impair the dopaminergic activation system in the brain. Conclusion: There is a need to identify factors which increase BMI in caregivers. Future studies aimed at gaining a better understanding of the lifestyle habits of caregivers and intervention studies aimed at reducing their BMI are warrante

    A Comparative Study on Life Table Characteristics of Two Strains of Aedes albopictus from Japan and Thailand

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    Life tables of two strains of Aedes albopictus originated from Nagasaki, Japan and Chiangmai, Thailand were examined in the laboratory conditions of 27℃, 75% R.H. and 16L:8D. The developmental period (egg to adult) in females of Chiangmai strain tended to be shorter than in those of Nagasaki strain. The body sizes of femals were not significantly different between the two strains. Since females of Nagasaki strain took blood meals more frequently and produced more eggs per blood meal than those of Chiangmai strain, a marked difference was observed in m_x-curve between the two strains. l_x-curve of females in the two strains were similar and no significant differences were observed in the longevity of the females. Nagasaki strain showed larger values of the net reproductive rate and the intrinsic rate of increase, and longer mean generation time than Chiangmai strain

    Movement of individually marked Aedes albopictus females in Nagasaki, Japan.

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    Sequential movement of Aedes albopictus was observed by the release of individually marked females in Nagasaki, Japan. Three cohorts of laboratory females were individually marked and released for 3 successive days from a point in an isolated, small, grassy and scrub area in May, 1990. Human bait collection was made at 10 fixed collection points for 15 days, and collected females were checked for the mark. The marked females were released again from the point of recapture. Unmarked females collected were individually marked and released from the point where they were collected. From the repeated recapture data, sequential movements of females among 10 collection points were recorded and analyzed. Some points characterized by accumulation and/or frequent exchange of females were distinguished through the analysis. The spatial variation in the number of biting females among 10 collection points was partly explained by repeated movements among collection points