Movement of individually marked Aedes albopictus females in Nagasaki, Japan.


Sequential movement of Aedes albopictus was observed by the release of individually marked females in Nagasaki, Japan. Three cohorts of laboratory females were individually marked and released for 3 successive days from a point in an isolated, small, grassy and scrub area in May, 1990. Human bait collection was made at 10 fixed collection points for 15 days, and collected females were checked for the mark. The marked females were released again from the point of recapture. Unmarked females collected were individually marked and released from the point where they were collected. From the repeated recapture data, sequential movements of females among 10 collection points were recorded and analyzed. Some points characterized by accumulation and/or frequent exchange of females were distinguished through the analysis. The spatial variation in the number of biting females among 10 collection points was partly explained by repeated movements among collection points

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