394 research outputs found
The language and style of Johan Moschus and the Apophthegmata Patrum
Бавили смо се језиком и стилом двају веома важних делима позноантичке монашке књижевности, Луга духовног Јована Мосха (c. 550 – 619), који је писан током Јованових путовања по важним монашким центрима крајем шестог и почетком седмог века и Apophthegmata Patrum, нешто раније збирка изрека пустињских отаца, углавном египатских, која је добила облик у којем је сада познајемо негде почетком шестог века. Писана језиком веома различитим од дела класицистичке (или, можда боље, атицистичке) књижевности истог периода, ова два дела се, уз Хронографију Јована Малале (c. 491 – 578), узимају као главни представници књижевности ниског стила, понекад и као, поред папируса, најбољи извори за проучавање говорног грчког језика...In this dissertation we have studied the language and style of two very important works of late antique monastic literature, the Pratum Spirituale by John Moschus (c.550-634) written during his voyages to the most important monastic centres in the late sixth and early seventh century, and Apophthegmata Patrum, a somewhat earlier compilation of sayings of desert fathers, mostly Egyptian, which took its earliest form we know today sometime in the early sixth century. Written in a language very different from the one used in classicist (or, maybe more accurately, Atticist) literature, these two works are, along with Chronography of John Malalas (c. 491-578), considered to be the most important representatives of the literature of the low stylistic level, and sometimes together with papyri as the best source for the vernacular Greek of the period..
The language and style of Johan Moschus and the Apophthegmata Patrum
Bavili smo se jezikom i stilom dvaju veoma važnih delima poznoantičke monaške književnosti, Luga duhovnog Jovana Mosha (c. 550 – 619), koji je pisan tokom Jovanovih putovanja po važnim monaškim centrima krajem šestog i početkom sedmog veka i Apophthegmata Patrum, nešto ranije zbirka izreka pustinjskih otaca, uglavnom egipatskih, koja je dobila oblik u kojem je sada poznajemo negde početkom šestog veka. Pisana jezikom veoma različitim od dela klasicističke (ili, možda bolje, aticističke) književnosti istog perioda, ova dva dela se, uz Hronografiju Jovana Malale (c. 491 – 578), uzimaju kao glavni predstavnici književnosti niskog stila, ponekad i kao, pored papirusa, najbolji izvori za proučavanje govornog grčkog jezika...In this dissertation we have studied the language and style of two very important works of late antique monastic literature, the Pratum Spirituale by John Moschus (c.550-634) written during his voyages to the most important monastic centres in the late sixth and early seventh century, and Apophthegmata Patrum, a somewhat earlier compilation of sayings of desert fathers, mostly Egyptian, which took its earliest form we know today sometime in the early sixth century. Written in a language very different from the one used in classicist (or, maybe more accurately, Atticist) literature, these two works are, along with Chronography of John Malalas (c. 491-578), considered to be the most important representatives of the literature of the low stylistic level, and sometimes together with papyri as the best source for the vernacular Greek of the period..
AKTUALISASI PROSES TAUBAT DALAM FILM(Analisis Semiotik Terhadap Film Dalam Mihrab Cinta Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazi)
Film “Dalam Mihrab Cinta” diangkat dari sebuah novel best seller karangan
Habiburrahman El Shirazy, yang menceritakan aktualisasi proses taubat seorang
tokoh utama yaitu Samsul Hadi. Penelitian ini berjudul “Aktualisasi Proses
Taubat Dalam Film (Analisis Semiotik terhadap Film Dalam Mihrab Cinta Karya
Habiburrahman El Shirazy). Penelitian ini ingin memahami secara mendalam
aktualisasi proses taubat dalam film “Dalam Mihrab Cinta” melalui analisis
semiotika. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana aktualisasi proses
taubat yang digambarkan dalam Film “Dalam Mihrab Cinta” Karya
Habiburrahman El Shirazy?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui
aktualisasi proses taubat yang digambarkan dalam Film “Dalam Mihrab Cinta”
Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy.
Film memiliki kekuatan dan kemampuan untuk menjangkau banyak segmen
sosial, karena film memiliki potensi untuk mempengaruhi khalayak luas. Salah
satunya adalah mempengaruhi khalayak untuk bertaubat. Hakikat taubat menurut
arti bahasa adalah “kembali”. Kata taba berarti kembali, maka taubat maknanya
juga kembali. Artinya, kembali dari sesuatu yang dicela dalam syari’at menuju
sesuatu yang dipuji dalam syari’at. Taubat merupakan istilah yang terbangun dari
tiga variabel yaitu ilmu, keadaan dan amal. Ilmu akan menghasilkan keadaan dan
keadaan akan menghasilkan amal.
Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian studi kasus. Subyek penelitian adalah film
“Dalam Mihrab Cinta” Karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Obyek penelitiannya adalah
scene-scene proses taubat dalam film Dalam Mihrab Cinta. Analisis data dalam
penelitian ini, menggunakan analisis semiotik.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah aktualisasi proses taubat yang
digambarkan dalam Film “Dalam Mihrab Cinta” Karya Habiburrahman El
Shirazy yaitu (1) Diawali dengan keterjagaan dari keterlelapan lupa dan
kemampuan saling melihat sesuatu pada dirinya yang hakikatnya merupakan
bagian dari keadaannya yang buruk; (2) Upaya mendapatkan ilmu. Ilmu akan
menghasilkan keadaan dan keadaan akan menghasilkan amal; (3) Keadaan
menjadi lebih baik dengan adanya perubahan dalam diri; (4) Amal. Pengalaman
dan keilmuan yang telah diperoleh Hadi selanjutnya diamalkan. Baik dalam
bentuk perilaku maupun dikemas dalam materi ceramahnya untuk mengajak
jamaah berbuat lebih baik lagi dan berusaha untuk terus memperbaiki diri
Simulation supported analytic hierar-chy approach in public transport mode selection
Ulaştırma yatırımları ve özellikle de kentiçi koridorlarda gerçekleştirilecek olan toplu taşıma yatırımlarında hangi ulaştırma türünün tercih edileceği son derece önemli bir karardır. Bu tercihte bir bölümü nicel bir bölümü ise nitel olan pek çok faktör etkili olur. Ölçüt olarak kabul edilen bu faktörlerin hepsinin birlikte değerlendirmede etkili olmasını sağlayacak yöntemlerden bir tanesi, bir çok ölçütlü karar verme yöntemi olan analitik hiyerarşi yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada bir kentiçi koridorda, hangi toplu taşıma sisteminin uygulanması gerektiğine ilişkin verilecek olan karar süreci için analitik hiyerarşi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Öte yandan, toplu taşıma türünün seçimi, seçenek türlerin performanslarının koşullara göre nasıl değişeceği öngörülerek yapılmalıdır. Toplu taşıma sistemlerinde performans göstergelerinden önemli bir tanesi taşıtların yolculuk süreleridir. Taşıtların yolculuk süreleri bir dizi etmene göre değişmektedir. Değişen yolcu talebi, durak aralıkları, ödeme türü ve buna bağlı olarak ödeme süresi, taşıt hızı, yolcuların taşıtlara biniş ve iniş süresi gibi koşullara göre toplu taşıma sistemlerinin performanslarının nasıl değiştiğini görebilmek için bu çalışmada bir simülasyon modeli geliştirilmiştir. Bu simülasyon modeli ile elde edilen sonuçlar, toplu taşıma türleri arasında seçim yapılması amacıyla kullanılan analitik hiyerarşi yöntemine uyarlanmıştır. Analitik hiyerarşi yönteminde, toplu taşıma türü seçimi için göz önüne alınacak diğer ölçütler belirlenmiştir. Ölçütlerin kendi aralarında ve iki toplu taşıma türü seçeneği için ağırlıkları anket ve sayısal değerlerin karşılaştırılması ile saptanmıştır. Bu simülasyon destekli analitik hiyerarşi yöntemi, İstanbul kenti içerisindeki iki koridorda “otobüs yolu” ve “tramvay” seçenekleri için uygulanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Toplu taşıma, simülasyon, çok ölçütlü karar verme, analitik hiyerarşi yöntemi.Critical decisions that are taken at the stage of planning new transportation investments or improving present transportation systems usually turn out to be selecting one alternative among others. The most important condition in transport mode selection is to make a comparison between different alternatives. This comparison stage is perhaps the most precision-requiring stage in the transport mode selection process. The comparison process has many difficulties. The foremost difficulty is to decide on the factors to be included in the comparison. Some of these factors are quantitative or are capable of being quantified; many others are qualitative. Evaluation of the qualitative factors requires experience and enforces the correct jurisdictions. Therefore, defining the comparison process with just a quantitative model is not meaningful. Accordingly, expressing the results of the comparison analysis with just a single quantitative value would not be accurate. One of the important problems in comparing investment alternatives come out in including the some criteria that cannot be expressed numerically in the analysis. These kinds of criteria are either incorrectly quantified and included in the analysis or they are being tried to be evaluated verbally. In this study, one of the methods that are developed for including both numerical and nonnumeric criteria in the evaluation, the analytical hierarchy method is used. This method is supported by a travel time simulation model; and an application that can be useful in public transport mode selection is made. When deciding on a new investment that is going to be made within an urban public transport system, several criteria, which expand over a broad scale, should be taken into consideration. Since they make non-numerical important factors considerable, using multiple criteria decision making processes will be more meaningful in selecting a public transport mode. Analytical hierarchy method, which is one of multiple criteria decision making methods, is used in this study. This method provides meaningful results because of its simplicity and its ability to be adopted for different conditions. For evaluating some of the varying physical conditions, a simulation model is developed and used. Thus, the proposed method can be called a simulation supported analytic hierarchy method. Forecasting the possible performance of a public transport mode in a corridor has numerous benefits. It is important to forecast the performance in order to make accurate decisions on factors like vehicle frequency, station places and station spacing and in deciding between more than one alternative. The varying performance of a public transport based on characteristics like varying passenger demand, speed, station spacing and boarding/alighting time (according to payment type and other physical factors) system can be forecasted with the help of a simulation model. Such a simulation model is developed in this study. The performance indicator in the model is travel time. The model is run separately for busway and tram systems. In this study, two different examples for an urban corridor on which a public transport system will be built were taken into consideration. The alternatives of “busway” and “tram” were evaluated in the two examples, which are the Beşiktaş-Levent and Taksim-Aksaray corridors. As stated above, the analytical hierarchy method was utilised in deciding on the public transport alternative. In the analytical hierarchy method, first, the weights (w) of each alternative and each criterion should be estimated. A survey was organised in order to receive the experts’ opinions. After assessing the expert opinions gathered through the survey, relative weights of each criterion was determined. In the following step, the weights of each criterion for each of the public transport alternatives were estimated. For quantitative criteria, information from different sources was used; while for non-quantitative criteria, the second part of the survey was utilised. The weights of the criteria at the lower level of the hierarchy, which was defined by the analytical hierarchy method, were estimated for busway and tram alternatives through the method explained above. In the following step, these weights were multiplied by the criteria’s own weights that are placed in the middle level of the hierarchy. The results for each alternative were then summed up in order to find a total weight for each alternative. The results show that the relative weight of the busway is slightly higher than that of the tram’s. With the analytical hierarchy method, the busway is found out to be a more preferable option than the tram. Keywords: Public transport, simulation, multiple-criteria decision making, analytic hierarchy process
New Hysteroscopic Approaches to Uterine Fibroids
The hysteroscopic myomectomy is a very important application of the gynecologic endoscopy, as it allows minimal invasive removal of the type 0, 1, and 2 fibroids with minimal damage to the uterine wall. In the last decade, new developments of this method allowed an even less invasive approach, with possibility of ambulatory procedure. We discuss the importance of these new developments, based very much on the pseudocapsule of the myoma, and analyze the literature data regarding the outcome. The cold loop resection is a technique that could be used in type 1 and type 2 myomas, with less complications and limitations than the classical electrical resectoscope. Another development, more useful for type 0 and 1 myoma, is the hysteroscopic morcellator, similar to the laparoscopic one, but providing a faster and safer procedure. We also update the complications of hysteroscopic myomectomy and their management, including long-term and obstetrical complications related to hysteroscopic myomectomy. In conclusion, new developments and studies show that hysteroscopic myomectomy has become a valid endoscopic technique ready to be used by many specialists
Does the distribution of R&D incentive among production factors matter? A dynamic general equilibrium model for Türkiye
Purpose – This study aims to explain the effect of research and development (R&D) incentives on economic growth, focusing on the case of Türkiye. A one-sector endogenous growth model has been constructed. The model includes three actors: firm, consumer and government. The consumer derives utility from consumption, supplies human capital and engages in saving. The representative firm invests in R&D to maximize the current value of profit flows by choosing how much input it will use and how much R&D it will undertake. The public sector provides incentives for labor and capital used in R&D production. R&D has been defined as a function that endogenously increases total factor productivity (TFP). Design/methodology/approach – In line with the stated purpose, this study presents a dynamic general equilibrium model. Then, this study calibrates the model parameters with Türkiye's data. Findings – The results imply that incentives for R&D personnel instead of physical capital have a stronger impact on economic growth. Practical implications – The findings of this study point to an important conclusion on how to distribute R&D incentives across the two main factors in R&D production, labor and capital. Incentives given to R&D personnel are more effective in Türkiye. Originality/value – This study shows that the R&D incentives provided by the public sector can be important in emerging countries where many firms have just started their R&D activities. In this study, the authors worked on Türkiye as an emerging country. This study discusses policies on how the R&D incentives will be more effective on economic growth in Türkiye. This study considers that these policies may apply to all emerging countries, due to similar R&D activities in countries that cannot export technology and mostly import technology. 研究目的 – 本研究擬以土耳其的實例為焦點, 探討研究與開發 (研發) 的激勵如何影響經濟的增長;具體地說, 研究旨在探討透過不同生產要素所提供的研發激勵所產生的影響存在著什麼差異。 研究設計/方法/理念 – 為達研究目的, 研究人員構建了一部門內生增長模型。模型內有三個參與者: 公司、消費者和政府。消費者從消費中得到他們所需要的, 提供人力資本, 並參與儲蓄的活動。為了要把利潤的現值儘量提高, 代表公司透過調控投入的數量和研發的承擔, 投資在研發上。公共部門會為研發生產上使用的勞工和資本提供激勵。研究與開發被解釋為一個以內生方式增加全要素生產率的功能。構建的模型是因應土耳其的經濟狀況而調整出來的, 當中也進行了仿真模擬。 研究結果 – 研究結果暗示, 為研發人員提供的激勵, 而不是物質資本, 更能推動經濟增長。 實務方面的啟示 – 研究結果, 就如何於研發生產的兩個主要因素之間, 即勞工與資本之間, 分配研發激勵的問題上, 提供了重要的結論;就土耳其而言, 分配給研發人員的激勵是更為有效的。 研究的原創性/價值 – 我們展示了在新興國家裏, 公共部門提供的研發激勵是重要的, 而在這些國家裏, 剛開始進行研發活動的公司為數不少。在本研究裏, 我們把土耳其當作新興國家看待。我們討論了若要在土耳其使研發激勵更有效地幫助推動經濟增長, 什麼政策是最合適的呢? 因為那些不能把技術出口到其它地方, 而主要靠引進技術的國家均進行相似的研發活動, 所以我們認為討論得來的政策是可應用於所有新興國家的
Tanggung Jawab Pihak Bank Terhadap Kerugian Nasabah Dalam Akad Sewa
Ahmad Budiansyah, (2021): Tanggung Jawab Pihak Bank Terhadap
Kerugian Nasabah Dalam Akad Sewa
Menyewa Safe Deposit Box Pada Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Pekanbaru Menurut Perspektif Fiqih Muamalah Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya program yang diberikan Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Pekanbaru berupa penyimpanan barang berharga pada safe deposit box berdasarkan akad sewa menyewa (ijarah). Peniliti tertarik mengkaji secara mendalam bagaimana pelaksanaan akad sewa menyewa Pada safe deposit box Bank BNI Syariah cabang Pekanbaru, bagaimana tanggung jawab pihak bank terhadap kerugian nasabah dalam akad sewa menyewa safe deposit box pada Bank BNI syariah cabang Pekanbaru dan bagaimana tinjauan fiqih muamalah terhadap tanggung jawab pihak bank terhadap kerugian nasabah dalam akad sewa menyewa safe deposit box pada Bank BNI syariah cabang Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum Islam sosiologi (sosiologi yuridis) dengan menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan (field research), yang berlokasi di Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Pekanbaru yang beralamat di Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 484 Pekanbaru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 12 orang, terdiri dari 2 orang karyawan BNI Syariah kantor cabang Pekanbaru dan 10 orang nasabah yang menggunakan jasa safe deposit box pada tahun 2020. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penlitian ini penulis menggunakan metode total sampling yaitu seluruh populasi di jadikan sampel. Dalam pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, angket, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa secara umum pihak Bank belum melaksanakan akad ijarah dengan baik pada safe deposit box. Dan tidak adanya tanggung jawab pihak Bankterhadap kerugian nasabah dalam penyimpanan safe deposit box. Setelah dilakukan penelitian di dapatkan hasil bahwa pelaksanaan akad sewa menyewa pada safe deposit box di Bank BNI syariah cabang Pekanbaru masih terdapatkekurangan-kekurangan antara lain: a. Tidak boleh adanya pajak penyewaan safe deposit box, b. Pihak Bank tidak menggunakan 2 kunci, c. Pihak Bank tidak menerapkan adanya denda ketika terlambat membayar sewa, d. Pihak Bank tidak mengetahui jenis barang yang disimpan, e. Pihak Bank tidak mempunyai i‟tikat baik untuk bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan barang nasabah yang di simpan dalam safe deposit box. Dengan demikian ditinjau dari Fiqih muamalah terhadap pelaksanaan akad sewa menyewa pada safe deposit box Pekanbaru belum memenuhi aturan fiqih muamalah. Seharusnya pihak Bank mempunyatai i‟tikat baik untuk bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan barang nasabah yang di simpan dalam safe deposit bo
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