149 research outputs found

    Exact Scale Invariance of Composite-Field Coupling Constants

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    We show that the coupling constant of a quantum-induced composite field is scale invariant due to its compositeness condition. It is first demonstrated in next-to-leading order in 1/N in typical models, and then we argue that it holds exactly.Comment: 4 page

    Esophageal perforation secondary to malignant gastric outlet obstruction: a case report

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    Background Esophageal perforation is a rare presenting sign of gastric cancer. To date, only nine case reports of this phenomenon have been previously published. Case presentation Esophageal perforation was diagnosed radiographically during workup for acute chest pain in a 67-year-old man. Emergent endoscopy confirmed esophageal perforation and biopsied a pre-pyloric mass confirmed to be adenocarcinoma. The perforation was managed with endoscopically placed transluminal pleural and mediastinal drains and esophageal stenting. The gastric outlet obstruction was temporized with a transpyloric stent. After the patient recovered from sepsis, distal gastrectomy was performed and he made a full recovery. Conclusions Rarely, pre-pyloric gastric cancer can present with Boerhaave syndrome, spontaneous esophageal perforation associated with forceful vomiting. We present the tenth report in the literature of this phenomenon and the first to be initially treated with endoscopic stenting and transluminal thoracoscopic drainage. When endoscopic management is used to treat patients with Boerhaave syndrome, it may be beneficial to examine the entire stomach to evaluate for malignant etiology

    The Formaldehyde Masers in NGC 7538 and G29.96-0.02: VLBA, MERLIN, and VLA Observations

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    The 6 cm formaldehyde (H2CO) maser sources in the compact HII regions NGC 7538-IRS1 and G29.96-0.02 have been imaged at high resolution (beams < 50 mas). Using the VLBA and MERLIN, we find the angular sizes of the NGC 7538 masers to be ~10 mas (30 AU) corresponding to brightness temperatures ~10^8 K. The angular sizes of the G29.96-0.02 masers are ~20 mas (130 AU) corresponding to brightness temperatures ~10^7 K. Using the VLA, we detect 2 cm formaldehyde absorption from the maser regions. We detect no emission in the 2 cm line, indicating the lack of a 2 cm maser and placing limits on the 6 cm excitation process. We find that both NGC 7538 maser components show an increase in intensity on 5-10 year timescales while the G29.96-0.02 masers show no variability over 2 years. A search for polarization provides 3-sigma upper limits of 1% circularly polarized and 10% linearly polarized emission in NGC 7538 and of 15% circularly polarized emission in G29.96-0.02. A pronounced velocity gradient of 28 km/s/arcsecond (1900 km/s/pc) is detected in the NGC 7538 maser gas.Comment: accepted to ApJ, 15 figures, 11 table

    Low Velocity Ionized Winds from Regions Around Young O Stars

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    We have observed seven ultracompact HII regions in hydrogen recombination lines in the millimeter band. Toward four of these regions, there is a high velocity (full width to half maximum 60-80 km/s) component in the line profiles. The high velocity gas accounts for 35-70% of the emission measure within the beam. We compare these objects to an additional seven similar sources we have found in the literature. The broad recombination line objects (BRLOs) make up about 30% of all sources in complexes containing ultracompact HII regions. Comparison of spectral line and continuum data implies that the BRLOs coincide with sources with rising spectral indices, >=0.4 up to 100 GHz. Both the number of BRLOs and their frequency of occurrence within HII region complexes, when coupled with their small size and large internal motions, mean that the apparent contradiction between the dynamical and population lifetimes for BRLOs is even more severe than for ultracompact HII regions. We evaluate a number of models for the origin of the broad recombination line emission. The lifetime, morphology, and rising spectral index of the sources argue for photo- evaporated disks as the cause for BRLOs. Existing models for such regions, however, do not account for the large amounts of gas observed at supersonic velocities.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure

    A 1.8 million year history of Amazon vegetation

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    During the Pleistocene, long-term trends in global climate were controlled by orbital cycles leading to high amplitude glacial-interglacial variability. The history of Amazonian vegetation during this period is largely unknown since no continuous record from the lowland basin extends significantly beyond the last glacial stage. Here we present a paleoenvironmental record spanning the last 1800 kyr based on palynological data, biome reconstructions, and biodiversity metrics from a marine sediment core that preserves a continuous archive of sediments from the Amazon River. Tropical rainforests dominated the Amazonian lowlands during the last 1800 ka interchanging with surrounding warm-temperate rainforests and tropical seasonal forests. Between 1800 and 1000 ka, rainforest biomes were present in the Amazon drainage basin, along with extensive riparian wetland vegetation. Tropical rainforest expansion occurred during the relatively warm Marine Isotope Stages 33 and 31 (ca. 1110 to 1060 ka), followed by a contraction of both forests and wetlands until ca. 800 ka. Between 800 and 400 ka, low pollen concentration and low diversity of palynological assemblages renders difficult the interpretation of Amazonian vegetation. A strong synchronicity between vegetation changes and glacial-interglacial global climate cycles was established around 400 ka. After 400 ka, interglacial vegetation was dominated by lowland tropical rainforest in association with warmer temperatures and higher CO2. During cooler temperatures and lower CO2 of glacial stages, tropical seasonal forests expanded, presumably towards eastern Amazonia. While this study provides no evidence supporting a significant expansion of savanna or steppe vegetation within the Amazonian lowlands during glacial periods, there were changes in the rainforest composition in some parts of the basin towards a higher proportion of deciduous elements, pointing to less humid conditions and/or greater seasonality of precipitation. Nevertheless, rainforest persisted during both glacial and interglacial periods. These findings confirm the sensitivity of tropical lowland vegetation to changes in CO2, temperature, and moisture availability and the most suitable conditions for tropical rainforests occurred during the warmest stages of the Mid Pleistocene Transition and during the interglacial stages of the past 400 kyr

    Outflows from the high-mass protostars NGC 7538 IRS1/2 observed with bispectrum speckle interferometry -- Signatures of flow precession

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    NGC 7538 IRS1 is a high-mass (approx. 30 M_sun) protostar with a CO outflow, an associated UCHII region, and a linear methanol maser structure, which might trace a Keplerian-rotating circumstellar disk. The directions of the various associated axes are misaligned with each other. We investigate the near-infrared morphology of the source to clarify the relations among the various axes. K'-band bispectrum speckle interferometry was performed at two 6-meter-class telescopes -- the BTA 6m telescope and the 6.5m MMT. Complementary IRAC images from the Spitzer Space Telescope Archive were used to relate the structures detected with the outflow at larger scales. High-dynamic range images show fan-shaped outflow structure in which we detect 18 stars and several blobs of diffuse emission. We interpret the misalignment of various outflow axes in the context of a disk precession model, including numerical hydrodynamic simulations of the molecular emission. The precession period is approx. 280 years and its half-opening angle is 40 degrees. A possible triggering mechanism is non-coplanar tidal interaction of an (undiscovered) close companion with the circumbinary protostellar disk. Our observations resolve the nearby massive protostar NGC 7538 IRS2 as a close binary with separation of 195 mas. We find indications for shock interaction between the outflow activities in IRS1 and IRS2. Indications of outflow precession have been discovered to date in a number of massive protostars, all with large precession angles 20--45 degrees. This might explain the difference between the outflow widths in low- and high-mass stars and add support to a common collimation mechanism.Comment: 20 pages; 8 figures; Accepted by A&A on April 10, 2006; Image quality reduced due to astro-ph file size limitations; Please download a version with high-quality images from http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/tpreibis/ngc7538.pd

    A near-infrared study of the NGC 7538 star forming region

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    We present sub-arcsecond (FWHM ~ 0".7), NIR JHKs-band images and a high sensitivity radio continuum image at 1280 MHz, using SIRIUS on UH 88-inch telescope and GMRT. The NIR survey covers an area of ~ 24 arcmin^2 with 10-sigma limiting mags of ~ 19.5, 18.4, and 17.3 in J, H, and Ks-band, respectively. Our NIR images are deeper than any JHK surveys to date for the larger area of NGC 7538 star forming region. We construct JHK CC and J-H/J and H-K/K CM diagrams to identify YSOs and to estimate their masses. Based on these CC and CM diagrams, we identified a rich population of YSOs (Class I and Class II), associated with the NGC 7538 region. A large number of red sources (H-K > 2) have also been detected around NGC 7538. We argue that these red stars are most probably PMS stars with intrinsic color excesses. Most of YSOs in NGC 7538 are arranged from the N-W toward S-E regions, forming a sequence in age: the diffuse H II region (N-W, oldest: where most of the Class II and Class I sources are detected); the compact IR core (center); and the regions with the extensive IR reflection nebula and a cluster of red young stars (S-E and S). We find that the slope of the KLF of NGC 7538 is lower than the typical values reported for the young embedded clusters, although equally low values have also been reported in the W3 Main star forming region. From the slope of the KLF and the analysis by Megeath et al. (1996), we infer that the embedded stellar population is comprised of YSOs with an age of ~ 1 Myr. Based on the comparison between models of PMS stars with the observed CM diagram we find that the stellar population in NGC 7538 is primarily composed of low mass PMS stars similar to those observed in the W3 Main star forming region.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures in JPEG format. Accepted for the publication in ApJ. Report is also available at : http://www.tifr.res.in/~ojha/NGC7538.htm

    Intersubject and intrasubject variability of potential plasma and urine metabolite and protein biomarkers in healthy human volunteers

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    A limited understanding of intersubject and intrasubject variability hampers effective biomarker translation from in vitro/in vivo studies to clinical trials and clinical decision support. Specifically, variability of biomolecule concentration can play an important role in interpretation, power analysis, and sampling time designation. In the present study, a wide range of 749 plasma metabolites, 62 urine biogenic amines, and 1,263 plasma proteins were analyzed in 10 healthy male volunteers measured repeatedly during 12 hours under tightly controlled conditions. Three variability components in relative concentration data are determined using linear mixed models: between (intersubject), time (intrasubject), and noise (intrasubject). Biomolecules such as 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropanoate, platelet-derived growth factor C, and cathepsin D with low noise potentially detect changing conditions within a person. If also the between component is low, biomolecules can easier differentiate conditions between persons, for example cathepsin D, CD27 antigen, and prolylglycine. Variability over time does not necessarily inhibit translatability, but requires choosing sampling times carefully.Analytical BioScience

    The free energy of NOAA active region AR 11029

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    The NOAA active region AR 11029 was a small but highly active sunspot region which produced 73 GOES soft X-ray flares. The flares appear to show a departure from the well known power-law frequency-size distribution. Specifically, too few GOES C-class and no M-class flares were observed by comparison with a power-law distribution (Wheatland in Astrophys. J. 710, 1324, 2010). This was conjectured to be due to the region having insufficient magnetic energy to power large events. We construct nonlinear force-free extrapolations of the coronal magnetic field of active region AR 11029 using data taken on 24 October by the SOLIS Vector-SpectroMagnetograph (SOLIS/VSM), and data taken on 27 October by the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope SpectroPolarimeter (Hinode/SP). Force-free modeling with photospheric magnetogram data encounters problems because the magnetogram data are inconsistent with a force-free model, and we employ a recently developed `self-consistency' procedure which addresses this and accommodates uncertainties in the boundary data (Wheatland and Regnier in Astrophys. J. 700, L88, 2009). We calculate the total energy and free energy of the self-consistent solution and find that the free energy was 4x10^29 erg on 24 October, and 7x10^31 erg on 27 October. An order of magnitude scaling between RHESSI non-thermal energy and GOES peak X-ray flux is established from a sample of flares from the literature and is used to estimate flare energies from observed GOES peak X-ray flux. Based on the scaling, we conclude that the estimated free energy of AR 11029 on 27 October when the flaring rate peaked is sufficient to power M-class or X-class flares, and hence the modeling does not appear to support the hypothesis that the absence of large flares is due to the region having limited energy.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic
