254 research outputs found

    Recursos didácticos para la resolución de problemas aditivos

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    Este trabajo gira en torno a la elaboración de unos materiales didácticos que sean capaces de introducir en el niño nuevas estrategias novedosas a la hora de resolver problemas aditivos. Para lograrlo se han creado tres materiales que se han puesto en práctica en un aula de cinco años. Se ha hecho un estudio exhaustivo de los resultados que han presentado los alumnos a la hora de utilizar dichos materiales para resolver problemas aditivos. A la vez se ha buscado con estos materiales que los alumnos sean capaces de interactuar con recursos novedosos para ellos, así como que los escolares sean capaces de trabajar de una manera autónoma las matemáticas y más concretamente con los materiales elaborados para este proyecto. Para la elaboración de estos materiales y de sus correspondientes situaciones didácticas, se han seguido diferentes teorías cognitivas, didácticas y pedagógicas que se explican en el marco teóricoThe aim of this thesis is the elaboration of teaching materials that help children, who have problems to resolve sums, in an innovative way. To achieve this objective, three types of materials have been prepared and later they have been put into practice for five year old children. An exhaustive study about the results that those students achieved by using these new techniques have been elaborated. At the same time, students were given the chance to learn in a different manner and with material that enables them to work autonomously. For the elaboration of this material and its way of teaching have been applied a number of cognitive, didactic and pedagogical theories which are explained in the theoretical basisGraduado o Graduada en Maestro en Educación Infantil por la Universidad Pública de NavarraHaur Hezkuntzako Irakasletzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Sistema de verificación de documentos usando árboles de Merkle

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado trata de la utilización de las cadenas de bloques, o Blockchain, para enviar transacciones de forma segura e íntegra. Uno de los problemas de este sistema su lentitud, en http://www.blockchain.info se muestran tiempos de espera promedio para confirmar las transacciones, estos oscilan entre los 6 y los 11 minutos. Para solucionar esto, utilizamos Árboles de Merkle. Crearemos un bloque con toda la información, el cuál será metido en la cadena de bloques, de tal manera, que en una transacción tendremos la información de muchas. Asimismo, se reutiliza, no sólo el concepto de cadena de bloques, sino la red completa que usa Bitcoin para implementar el sistema descrito anteriormente. Se ha desarrollado una web donde el usuario podrá indicar su clave pública, la cuál se utilizará cuando el usuario pida que encriptemos el archivo que envié. Asimismo, el usuario puede decidir si subir el archivo ya encriptado por él, o, si desea que el archivo se quede guardado en nuestra base de datos. Estos archivos encriptados se almacenarán en una lista que, al finalizar el día, se introducirán en un árbol de Merkel para crear un bloque que se intentará unir a la cadena de bloques. Si el bloque es aceptado, la lista se vaciará para el día siguiente y se guardará en la base de datos un registro con el bloque que fue subido. Sin embargo, si el bloque no se queda en la cadena, la lista se guardará para el día siguiente con los nuevos archivos que entren. Esto permitirá poder enviar transacciones de una forma más segura y barata, ya que no creamos un bloque por archivo. Igualmente, al ir encriptadas con las claves públicas, nos aseguraremos de que solo el destinatario pueda leer el archivo que le corresponde

    Multiple veining in a paleo–accretionary wedge: The metamorphic rock record of prograde dehydration and transient high porefluid pressures along the subduction interface (Western Series, central Chile)

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    Thaïs Hyppolito is acknowledged for sharing her knowledge about local geology. Anne Verlaguet, Hugues Raimbourg, and James Connolly are also acknowledged for insightful discussions on fluid-rock metamorphic processes. Ralf Halama and two anonymous reviewers are warmly acknowledged for insightful comments. Mauricio Calderón, Francisco Fuentes, and the Earth Sciences department at Universidad Andrés Bello (Santiago, Chile) are thanked for their technical assistance. A.C. acknowledges the research grant provided by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a post-doctoral fellowship at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.High pressure–low temperature metamorphic rocks from the late Paleozoic accretionary wedge exposed in central Chile (Pichilemu region) are characterized by a greenschist-blueschist lithological association with interbedded metasediments that reached peak burial conditions of ~400 °C and 0.8 GPa during late Carboniferous times. We herein combine new extensive field observations, structural measurements, and geochemical and petrological data on vein and matrix material from Pichilemu transitional greenschist-blueschist facies rocks. The studied veins were first filled by albite, followed by quartz and calcite as well as glaucophane and winchite. Field, structural, and microscopic zoning patterns show that these rocks underwent a protracted sequence of prograde vein-opening events, which have been largely transposed to the main foliation before and during underplating in the basal accretion site near 25–30 km depth. While some of the earliest albite-filled vein sets may have formed after prograde breakdown of sub–greenschist facies minerals (<250 °C), our thermodynamic modeling shows that relatively minor amounts of fluid are produced in the subducted pile by dehydration reactions between 250 and 400 °C along the estimated geothermal gradient. It also confirms that the formation of interlayered blueschist and greenschist layers in Pichilemu metavolcanics is a consequence of local bulk composition variations, and that greenschists are generally not formed due to selective exhumation-related retrogression of blueschists. The early vein sets are a consequence of prograde internal fluid production followed by sets of hydrofractures formed at near-peak burial that are interpreted as a record of external fluid influx. We postulate that such a fractured sequence represents a close analogue to the high-Vp/Vs regions documented by seismological studies within the base of the seismogenic zone in active subduction settings.This work has been funded by an Initiative D’EXcellence (IDEX) grant 16C538 to S.A. The University of Granada is acknowledged for partial funding. Part of this work was also supported by the TelluS Program of CNRS/INSU. This is Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris contribution 4124

    Virtual reality training for occupational risk prevention: application case in geotechnical drilling works

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    The construction industry is considered one of the most dangerous industries globally. The construction site is a complex environment where diverse teams of people interact with large machinery. In addition, the lack of safety culture on the job site and deficiencies in safety training increase these problems. Within the construction works, geotechnical drilling worksites involve high-powered machinery, and workers are exposed to different risks when using them. Despite these risks, safety training courses on these topics are not specialized. Most of the training courses are generic in occupational hazards, failing to address in detail the work dynamics and risks associated with geotechnical work, where heavy machinery is a fundamental factor. There is a lack of adequate learning content specific to drilling works, meaning the heavy machinery, how to use it and how to prevent accidents due to these drilling tasks are poorly understood. This research investigates the risks associated with geotechnical drilling work and explores the potential of virtual reality (VR) to simulate immersive work environments, focusing on interaction with drilling machinery. A geotechnical drilling machine modelled 3D and integrated into a realistic VR environment. The machinery motions and the different tasks of the work team were modelled. The simulation allows a worker to interact in a working environment, identify risks and prevent accidents, and, moreover, be trained in best practices for machinery usage, according to previous real-world experiences from senior workers.This research has been supported by the CONICYT through its economic support of Felipe Muñoz, beneficiary of a predoctoral grant (CONICYT-PCHA/International Doctorate/2019-72200306), ‘DI emergente PUCV 2022’project ofthe Vicerrectoría de Investigación y estudios avanzados-Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (039.350/2022) and by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain (MICIU) through the BIMI- oTICa project (RTC-2017-6454-7). The authors also acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the ‘Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (CEX2018-000797-S)’. The authors declare their compliance with all provisions of the Authors’ Duties according to the WIT Press Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Prevention of occupational risks in geotechnical drilling works through virtual reality training

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    The architecture, engineering, construction and operations industry has high accident rates as a result of characteristics of the construction site and work activities, the heavy machinery used and a lack of safety culture. In particular, geotechnical drilling worksites involve the use of high-powered machinery and workers are exposed to different risks when using them. However, risk prevention training courses are not well-specialised for this type of work. There is a lack of adequate learning content specific to drilling works, meaning the heavy machinery, how to use it and how to prevent accidents due to these drilling tasks are poorly understood. Therefore, this research explores the potential of virtual reality technology as a tool for analysing the risks associated with geotechnical drilling works and as complementary training content to traditional courses. A specific use case, a geotechnical drilling machine is modelled in 3D and integrated into a realistic virtual reality environment where the movements of the machine are recreated, in addition to interactions so that workers can simulate the geotechnical drilling process, identify risks and prevent accidents, and, moreover, be trained in best practices for machinery usage, according to previous real-world experiences from senior workers. © 2021 WIT PressThis work has been supported by the CONICYT through its economic support of Felipe Muñoz, beneficiary of a pre-doctoral grant (CONICYT – PCHA/International Doctorate/2019-72200306) and by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain (MICIU) through the BIMIoTICa project (RTC-2017-6454-7). The authors also acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the “Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (CEX2018-000797-S)”.Postprint (published version

    Factores explicativos de la información consolidada en el contexto económico actual

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    A través de un análisis de 70 empresas cotizadas en el mercado español, todas ellas dominantes de grupos consolidables, se analiza la capacidad explicativa que tienen las cuentas individuales de la sociedad dominante sobre las cuentas consolidadas del grupo, así como en qué medida dicha información se ve afectada por la actual situación económica y si dependiendo del sector de actividad al que pertenecen, los cambios son más acentuados. Para el análisis hemos utilizado una serie de ratios y la aplicación de diferentes técnicas estadísticas

    A Component-Based Approach for Securing Indoor Home Care Applications

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    eHealth systems have adopted recent advances on sensing technologies together with advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) in order to provide people-centered services that improve the quality of life of an increasingly elderly population. As these eHealth services are founded on the acquisition and processing of sensitive data (e.g., personal details, diagnosis, treatments and medical history), any security threat would damage the public's confidence in them. This paper proposes a solution for the design and runtime management of indoor eHealth applications with security requirements. The proposal allows applications definition customized to patient particularities, including the early detection of health deterioration and suitable reaction (events) as well as security needs. At runtime, security support is twofold. A secured component-based platform supervises applications execution and provides events management, whilst the security of the communications among application components is also guaranteed. Additionally, the proposed event management scheme adopts the fog computing paradigm to enable local event related data storage and processing, thus saving communication bandwidth when communicating with the cloud. As a proof of concept, this proposal has been validated through the monitoring of the health status in diabetic patients at a nursing home.This work was financed under project DPI2015-68602-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE), UPV/EHU under project PPG17/56 and GV/EJ under recognized research group IT914-16

    No camines sola

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    La situación actual de exclusión social del colectivo de mujeres responsables de familias monoparentales del barrio de Añaza, sumada a una brecha digital existente en nuestra sociedad entre hombres y mujeres, hace necesaria la creación de programas formativos que reduzcan dicha brecha y mejoren la empleabilidad de las mujeres, mejorando su situación laboral, y con ella, la personal y familiar. Por ello, pretendemos ofrecer un proyecto con la colaboración de la Asociación Familias Monoparentales de Canarias (AFAMOCAN), por medio del cual dotaremos a las usuarias de esta asociación de diversos conocimientos y habilidades para el dominio de herramientas digitales y conocimientos de búsqueda activa de empleo, ofreciéndoles diversos protocolos que deben seguir para integrarse de forma adecuada al mundo laboral. El hecho de formarse en cuestiones digitales y laborales también permitirá a dicho colectivo sentirse con mayor seguridad a la hora de enfrentarse a una entrevista de trabajo, lo que a su vez hará que mejore su autoestima.The current situation of social exclusion of the group of single parent women of the neighborhood of Añaza, added to a digital divide existing in our society between men and women, makes it necessary to create training programs that reduce this gap and increase the employability of women, improving their work and boosting their personal and family situation. For this reason, we intend to offer a project in collaboration with Canary Single Parent Families Association (Asociación de Familias Monoparentales de Canarias -AFAMOCAN), by which we will provide users of this association with digital knowledge and abilities, and knowledge of active job search, offering various protocols they must follow in order to get a proper integration into the world of work. Participate in training activities in digital and labor issues also will allow the group to feel more confident when facing a job interview, which in turn will improve their self-esteem