261 research outputs found

    Caffeine ingestion compromises thermoregulation and does not improve cycling time to exhaustion in the heat among males

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    Purpose Caffeine is a commonly used ergogenic aid for endurance events; however, its efficacy and safety have been questioned in hot environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acute caffeine supplementation on cycling time to exhaustion and thermoregulation in the heat. Methods In a double-blind, randomised, cross-over trial, 12 healthy caffeine-habituated and unacclimatised males cycled to exhaustion in the heat (35 \ub0C, 40% RH) at an intensity associated with the thermoneutral gas exchange threshold, on two separate occasions, 60 min after ingesting caffeine (5 mg/kg) or placebo (5 mg/kg). Results There was no effect of caffeine supplementation on cycling time to exhaustion (caffeine; 28.5 \ub1 8.3 min vs. placebo; 29.9 \ub1 8.8 min, P = 0.251). Caffeine increased pulmonary oxygen uptake by 7.4% (P = 0.003), heat production by 7.9% (P = 0.004), whole-body sweat rate by 21% (P = 0.008), evaporative heat transfer by 16.5% (P = 0.006) and decreased estimated skin blood flow by 14.1% (P < 0.001) compared to placebo. Core temperature was higher by 0.6% (P = 0.013) but thermal comfort decreased by -18.3% (P = 0.040), in the caffeine condition, with no changes in rate of perceived exertion (P > 0.05). Conclusion The greater heat production and storage, as indicated by a sustained increase in core temperature, corroborate previous research showing a thermogenic effect of caffeine ingestion. When exercising at the pre-determined gas exchange threshold in the heat, 5 mg/kg of caffeine did not provide a performance benefit and increased the thermal strain of participants

    A bioinformatic and transcriptomic approach to identifying positional candidate genes without fine mapping: an example using rice root-growth QTLs

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    Fine mapping can accurately identify positional candidate genes for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) but can be time consuming, costly, and, for small-effect QTLs with low heritability, difficult in practice. We propose an alternative approach, which uses meta-analysis of original mapping data to produce a relatively small confidence interval for target QTLs, lists the underlying positional candidates, and then eliminates them using whole-genome transcriptomics. Finally, sequencing is conducted on the remaining candidate genes allowing identification of allelic variation in either expression or protein sequence. We demonstrate the approach using root-growth QTLs on chromosomes 2, 5, and 9 of the Bala × Azucena rice mapping population. Confidence intervals of 10.5, 9.6, and 5.4 cM containing 189, 322, and 81 genes, respectively, were produced. Transcriptomics eliminated 40% of candidate genes and identified nine expression polymorphisms. Sequencing of 30 genes revealed that 57% of the predicted proteins were polymorphic. The limitations of this approach are discussed

    Nutrient cycling in bedform induced hyporheic zones

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    The hyporheic zone is an ecotone connecting the stream and groundwater ecosystem that plays a significant role for stream biogeochemistry. Water exchange across the stream-sediment interface and biogeochemical reactions in the streambed concur to affect subsurface solute concentrations and eventually nutrient cycling in the fluvial corridor. In this paper we investigate the interplay of hydrological and biogeochemical processes in a duned streambed and their effect on spatial distribution of solutes. We employ a numerical model to simulate the turbulent water flow and the pressure distribution over the dunes, and then to evaluate the flow field and the biogeochemical reactions in the hyporheic sediments. Sensitivity analyses are performed to analyze the influence of hydrological and chemical properties of the system on solute reaction rates. The results demonstrate the effect of stream velocity and sediment permeability on the chemical zonation. Changing sediment permeability as well as stream velocity directly affects the nutrient supply and the residence times in the streambed, thus controlling the reaction rates under the dune. Stream-water quality is also shown to influence the reactive behavior of the sediments. In particular, the availability of dissolved organic carbon determines whether the streambed acts as a net sink or source of nitrate. This study represents a step towards a better understanding of the complex interactions between hydrodynamical and biogeochemical processes in the hyporheic zon

    A single-center, observational study of 607 children & young people presenting with Differences in Sex Development (DSD)

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    Context Differences in sex development (DSD) represent a wide range of conditions presenting at different ages to various health professionals. Establishing a diagnosis, supporting the family and developing a management plan are important. Objective We aimed to better understand the presentation and prevalence of pediatric DSD. Design A retrospective, observational cohort study was undertaken of all children and young people (CYP) referred to a DSD multi-disciplinary team over 25 years (1995-2019). Setting A single tertiary paediatric center. Participants In total, 607 CYP (520 regional referrals) were included. Main Outcome Measures Data were analyzed for diagnosis, sex-assignment, age and mode of presentation, additional phenotypic features, mortality, and approximate point prevalence. Results Amongst the three major DSD categories, sex chromosome DSD was diagnosed in 11.2% (68/607) (most commonly 45, X/46, XY mosaicism), 46, XY DSD in 61.1% (371/607) (multiple diagnoses often with associated features), while 46, XX DSD occurred in 27.7% (168/607) (often 21-hydroxylase deficiency). Most children (80.1%) presented as neonates, usually with atypical genitalia, adrenal insufficiency, undescended testes or herniae. Those presenting later had diverse features. Rarely, the diagnosis was made antenatally (3.8%, n = 23) or following incidental karyotyping/family history (n = 14). Mortality was surprisingly high in 46, XY children, usually due to complex associated features (46, XY girls, 8.3%; 46, XY boys, 2.7%). The approximate point prevalence of neonatal referrals for investigation of DSD was 1 in 6,347 births, and 1 in 5,101 overall throughout childhood. Conclusions DSD represent a diverse range of conditions that can present at different ages. Pathways for expert diagnosis and management are important to optimize care

    Tensile Strength of Geological Discontinuities Including Incipient Bedding, Rock Joints and Mineral Veins

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    Geological discontinuities have a controlling influence for many rock-engineering projects in terms of strength, deformability and permeability, but their characterisation is often very difficult. Whilst discontinuities are often modelled as lacking any strength, in many rock masses visible rock discontinuities are only incipient and have tensile strength that may approach and can even exceed that of the parent rock. This fact is of high importance for realistic rock mass characterisation but is generally ignored. It is argued that current ISRM and other standards for rock mass characterisation, as well as rock mass classification schemes such as RMR and Q, do not allow adequately for the incipient nature of many rock fractures or their geological variability and need to be revised, at least conceptually. This paper addresses the issue of the tensile strength of incipient discontinuities in rock and presents results from a laboratory test programme to quantify this parameter. Rock samples containing visible, natural incipient discontinuities including joints, bedding, and mineral veins have been tested in direct tension. It has been confirmed that such discontinuities can have high tensile strength, approaching that of the parent rock. Others are, of course, far weaker. The tested geological discontinuities all exhibited brittle failure at axial strain less than 0.5 % under direct tension conditions. Three factors contributing to the tensile strength of incipient rock discontinuities have been investigated and characterised. A distinction is made between sections of discontinuity that are only partially developed, sections of discontinuity that have been locally weathered leaving localised residual rock bridges and sections that have been ‘healed’ through secondary cementation. Tests on bedding surfaces within sandstone showed that tensile strength of adjacent incipient bedding can vary considerably. In this particular series of tests, values of tensile strength for bedding planes ranged from 32 to 88 % of the parent rock strength (intact without visible discontinuities), and this variability could be attributed to geological factors. Tests on incipient mineral veins also showed considerable scatter, the strength depending upon the geological nature of vein development as well as the presence of rock bridges. As might be anticipated, tensile strength of incipient rock joints decreases with degree of weathering as expressed in colour changes adjacent to rock bridges. Tensile strengths of rock bridges (lacking marked discolouration) were found to be similar to that of the parent rock. It is concluded that the degree of incipiency of rock discontinuities needs to be differentiated in the process of rock mass classification and engineering design and that this can best be done with reference to the tensile strength relative to that of the parent rock. It is argued that the science of rock mass characterisation may be advanced through better appreciation of geological history at a site thereby improving the process of prediction and extrapolating properties

    How to make complexity look simple? Conveying ecosystems restoration complexity for socio-economic research and public engagement

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    Ecosystems degradation represents one of the major global challenges at the present time, threating people’s livelihoods and well-being worldwide. Ecosystem restoration therefore seems no longer an option, but an imperative. Restoration challenges are such that a dialogue has begun on the need to re-shape restoration as a science. A critical aspect of that reshaping process is the acceptance that restoration science and practice needs to be coupled with socio-economic research and public engagement. This inescapably means conveying complex ecosystem’s information in a way that is accessible to the wider public. In this paper we take up this challenge with the ultimate aim of contributing to making a step change in science’s contribution to ecosystems restoration practice. Using peatlands as a paradigmatically complex ecosystem, we put in place a transdisciplinary process to articulate a description of the processes and outcomes of restoration that can be understood widely by the public. We provide evidence of the usefulness of the process and tools in addressing four key challenges relevant to restoration of any complex ecosystem: (1) how to represent restoration outcomes; (2) how to establish a restoration reference; (3) how to cope with varying restoration time-lags and (4) how to define spatial units for restoration. This evidence includes the way the process resulted in the creation of materials that are now being used by restoration practitioners for communication with the public and in other research contexts. Our main contribution is of an epistemological nature: while ecosystem services-based approaches have enhanced the integration of academic disciplines and non-specialist knowledge, this has so far only followed one direction (from the biophysical underpinning to the description of ecosystem services and their appreciation by the public). We propose that it is the mix of approaches and epistemological directions (including from the public to the biophysical parameters) what will make a definitive contribution to restoration practice

    Multi-scale digital soil mapping with deep learning

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    We compared different methods of multi-scale terrain feature construction and their relative effectiveness for digital soil mapping with a Deep Learning algorithm. The most common approach for multi-scale feature construction in DSM is to filter terrain attributes based on different neighborhood sizes, however results can be difficult to interpret because the approach is affected by outliers. Alternatively, one can derive the terrain attributes on decomposed elevation data, but the resulting maps can have artefacts rendering the approach undesirable. Here, we introduce ‘mixed scaling’ a new method that overcomes these issues and preserves the landscape features that are identifiable at different scales. The new method also extends the Gaussian pyramid by introducing additional intermediate scales. This minimizes the risk that the scales that are important for soil formation are not available in the model. In our extended implementation of the Gaussian pyramid, we tested four intermediate scales between any two consecutive octaves of the Gaussian pyramid and modelled the data with Deep Learning and Random Forests. We performed the experiments using three different datasets and show that mixed scaling with the extended Gaussian pyramid produced the best performing set of covariates and that modelling with Deep Learning produced the most accurate predictions, which on average were 4–7% more accurate compared to modelling with Random Forests

    Environmental controls on benthic food web functions and carbon resource use in subarctic lakes

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    Climate warming and consequent greening of subarctic landscapes increase the availability of organic carbon to the detrital food webs in aquatic ecosystems. This may cause important shifts in ecosystem functioning through the functional feeding patterns of benthic organisms that rely differently on climatically altered carbon resources. Twenty-five subarctic lakes in Finnish Lapland across a tree line ecotone were analysed for limnological and optical variables, carbon (delta C-13) and nitrogen (delta N-15) stable isotope (SI) composition of surface sediment organic matter (OM) and fossil Chironomidae (Diptera) remains to examine environmental controls behind chironomid functional feeding group (FFG) structure and their isotopic associations for assessing ecosystem functioning and carbon utilisation. We hypothesise that the chironomid SI signatures reflect increased allochthony with increasing allochthonous input, but the resource use may be altered by the functional characteristics of the assemblage. Multivariate analyses indicated that carbon geochemistry in the sediments (delta C-13, delta N-15, C/N), nutrients, indices of productivity (chlorophyll-a) and lake water optical properties, related to increasing presence of OM, played a key role in defining the chironomid FFG composition and isotopic signatures. Response modelling was used to examine how individual FFGs respond to environmental gradients. They showed divergent responses for OM quantity, dissolved organic carbon and nutrients between feeding strategies, suggesting that detritivores and filter feeders prefer contrasting carbon and nutrient conditions, and may thus hold paleoecological indicator potential to identify changes between different carbon fluxes. Benthic production was the primary carbon source for the chironomid assemblages according to a three-source SI mixing model, whereas pelagic and terrestrial components contributed less. Between-lake variability in source utilisation was high and controlled primarily by allochthonous OM inputs. Combination of biogeochemical modelling and functional classification is useful to widen our understanding of subarctic lake ecosystem functions and responses to climate-driven changes in limnology and catchment characteristics for long-term environmental change assessments and functional paleoecology.Peer reviewe