51 research outputs found


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    Salah satu keluhan yang muncul setelah operasi adalah nyeri pascaoperasi. Angka kejadian nyeri post operasi pada pasien dengan anestesi spinal lebih rendah dibandingkan pasien dengan anestesi umum. Pencegahan komplikasi nyeri akut dilakukan dengan berbagai cara diantaranya napas dalam dan aroma terapi lavender. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan pengaruh teknik relaksasi napas dalam dan aroma teapi lavender terhadap nyeri pasien post opeasi engan anestesi umum. Metode yang menggunakan metode quasy experiment dengan rancangan pre test dan post test control group design. Populasi studi pada penelitian ini adalah pasien post operasi yang berada di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Teknik sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel terdiri dari 30 responden, setiap kelompok terdiri dari 15 responden. Setelah pasien post operasi diberikan relaksasi napas dalam dan aroma terapi lavender terdapat penurunan terhadap skala nyeri pasien dengan hasil uji wilcoxon nilai p 0.00. Sedangkan pasien yang hanya mendapat relaksasi napas dalam tidak ada pengaruh signifikan dengan hasil uji wilcoxon nilai p 0,157. Relaksasi napas dalam dan aroma terapi lavender yang dilakukan pada pasien post operasi dengan anestesi umum berpengaruh terhadap penurunan skala nyeri pasien

    Preferensi dan Willingness To Pay Wisatawan Terhadap Virtual Reality di Malang Night Paradise Pascapandemi

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    The Covid-19 pandemic caused a decrease in the number of tourist visits and state revenue in the Indonesian tourism sector was 20.7 billion. The tourism sector's contribution to Indonesia's GDP in 2021 was only 4.2% and before the pandemic was 4.7%. Virtual Reality (VR) is an option for traveling during a pandemic. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of tourists, willingness to pay, and the factors that influence the willingness to pay of tourists on the use of VR. The sample of this study was 115 respondents who had visited Malang Night Paradise and were interested in using VR in Adventure Land. Data were analysed by using descriptive analysis, Contingent Valuation Method (CVM): bidding games & open-ended method, and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the characteristics of tourists were dominated by young people. The maximum price that respondents are willing to pay is IDR 26,772/ticket and the optimal price is IDR 19,295/ticket. This price is lower than the current ticket price, which is IDR 20,000. The factors that have a positive/negative and significant effect on the value of WTP are education, monthly income/pocket money, gender, and marital status. Therefore, companies can focus on increasing product and marketing innovation. Keywords: contingent valuation method, preference, regression, virtual reality, willingness to pa

    The Influence of Parent Brands Commitment On Consumers Atitude toward co branding between those brands

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    This paper examines the influence of parent brands' commitment on consumers' attitude toward cobranding. Co-branding refers to the combination of two brand names to launch a single and unique product for a short to long term cooperation. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses. The 82 subjects were exposed to two sessions of experiment; evaluations on each brand with no cobranding, evaluations on co-branding. Consumers' attitude was derived through obtaining consumers' perception on brand personality and favorability. The findings showed that parent brands with high commitment received more positive attitude compared to parent brands with low commitment.Keywords: co-branding, level of commitment, brand personalit

    Comparison Analysis of Clustering Methods for Clustering of Indonesian’s Gender Empowerment Conditions in 2022

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    Gender empowerment is one of the components of gender development achievement measures that is an important agenda at the global level in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. The Gender Empowerment Index (GEI) of Indonesia has been continuously improving since 2010, indicating an increasing involvement of women in various areas of life. However, behind this upward trend in GEI, there is still inequality at the provincial level. Therefore, there is a need to formulate development strategies, one of which is gender-based. One possible step is to categorize regions in Indonesia based on their gender empowerment characteristics so that government interventions can be targeted effectively. This research utilizes two clustering approaches, namely Hierarchical Methods and Partitioning Methods, with data consisting of three variables representing the components of GEI for 34 provinces in Indonesia in 2022. The selection of the best method and number of clusters is based on internal and stability validity, followed by the determination of the smallest within and between standard deviation ratios. From the cluster analysis results, the best method is found to be K-means with a total of 5 clusters.Gender empowerment is one of the components of gender development achievement measures that is an important agenda at the global level in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. The Gender Empowerment Index (GEI) of Indonesia has been continuously improving since 2010, indicating an increasing involvement of women in various areas of life. However, behind this upward trend in GEI, there is still inequality at the provincial level. Therefore, there is a need to formulate development strategies, one of which is gender-based. One possible step is to categorize regions in Indonesia based on their gender empowerment characteristics, so that government interventions can be targeted effectively.  This research utilizes two clustering approaches, namely Hierarchical Methods and Partitioning Methods, with data consisting of three variables representing the components of GEI for 34 provinces in Indonesia in 2022. The selection of the best method and number of clusters is based on internal validity and stability validity, followed by the determination of the smallest within and between standard deviation ratios. From the cluster analysis results, the best method is found to be K-means with a total of 5 clusters


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    Parasitic plants were usually considered harmful in the forest ecosystem, the changes of parasities is a counterweight to the ecosystem which is expected to tbe able to give benefits to the community. This study was aimed to determine the types of characteristic of parasitic plants in the natural tourist park of Lake Sicikeh-cikeh which was conducted in Oktober-December 2019 by using exploration method or roaming method and by utilizing qualitative descriptive as data collection techniques. The research result showed that were 7 species of parasitic plants were included become 5 families. those were 2 species of Balanophoraceae family, named (Balanophora papuana Schltr. and Rhopalocnemis palloides Jungh.), 2 species of Loranthaceae family, named (Macrosolen avenis Danser and Scurrula sp). 1 species of Santalaceae family, named (Dendromyza reinwardtiana (Blume ex Korth.) Danser), 1 species of Rafflesia family, named (Rafflesia meijeri Wiriad. & Sari), and 1 species of Orchidaceae family, named (Gastrodia sp.). Based on the characteristics of the hosts, Loranthaceae and Santalaceae family were parasite on tree, Balanophoraceae and Rafflesiaceae were parasite on roots and Orchidaceae family with Gastrodia sp. Species were parasite on fungus

    Implementasi Pariwisata Halal: Studi Terhadap Hotel Royal Homy Syariah di Yogyakarta

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    Pertumbuhan pariwisata syariah telah memicu pertumbuhan hotel di Indonesia. Sebagai negara yang mayoritas Muslim, permintaan akan hotel syariah mulai menggeliat, khususnya di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis implementasi hotel syariah pada Hotel Royal Homy Syariah di Yogyakarta. Metode yang dilakukan secara kualitatif deskriptif. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah Hotel Royal Homy Syariah sudah menjalankan prinsip syariah dalam operasionalnya. Meski begitu pada sisi pengelolaan keuangan hotel ini masih belum sesuai dengan aturan DSN-MUI terkait dengan pedoman pariwisata halal


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    Elderly Gymnastics, Acupressure, Hypertension, Elderly. Hypertension is the number one occurrence that causes death. Hypertension is a lifelong disease and treatment can be done using blood and using long-term anti hypertensive agents. The purpose of this study was to determine whether patients could make improvements in hypertensive patients at the Posyandu Srondol Banyumanik elderly. This type of research is quasi experimental design with a sample of 22 respondents, 11 respondents received treatment for elderly gymnastics while 11 respondents received acupressure treatment. The study was conducted once a week for 3 weeks with 60 minutes of elderly gymnastics and 10 minutes of acupressure. The results of this study prove that there were no significant differences in blood pressure before and after treatment. This is evidenced by the value of ρ more than 0.05. In addition from the results of the mean mean difference between acupressure and elderly gymnastics, it can be seen that acupressure is more effective in lowering blood pressure compared to elderly gymnastics. Conclusion: acupressure is more effective in lowering blood pressure than elderly exercise

    Implikasi social mapping terhadap human security di kampung Gurimbang

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    Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pemetaan sosial di Kampung Gurimbang (Berau). Konsep keamanan manusia menjadi topik penting ketika berkaitan dengan pemetaan sosial. Menyikapi persoalan tersebut, dokumen pemetaan sosial merupakan dokumen yang sangat penting, karena merupakan data baseline kondisi masyarakat dan aktor-aktor yang perlu dikelola. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan pendekatan kualitatif yang diterapkan. Data diperoleh melalui observasi partisipan dan wawancara mendalam kepada beberapa informan. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan penekanan padaproses data segmenta tion.  Hasil pemetaan jejaring sosial Kampung Gurimbang menunjukkan adanya interaksi yang saling melengkapi antar aktor. Hubungan komplementer ini dapat dilihat di hampir setiap lini interaksi antara individu, kelompok dan institusi

    Dorms and Covid-19: resilient architecture approach to Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School dormitory design

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    Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for the past few years. One of the impacts of the pandemic is change in education sector, including in pesantren. Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) issues requirements that must be met if a boarding school is opened. Life in a boarding school, especially in dormitory housing is identical with shared activities. The issue of the pandemic and the potential of the dormitory environment become a new cluster for the spread of Covid-19 is the background for designing resilient dormitory. The Resilient Architecture approach that is applied stems from the resilient theory by Istiadji, Hardiman, and Satwiko which has four principles, namely: Recovery, Responsive, Adaptive, and Absorptive. The principles of resilience architecture approach in the design are complemented by two Islamic principles those are protecting views and maintaining privacy. The design process uses linear analysis which applicate the resilient concept in the arrangement of mass and user circulation, natural lighting of the room, the structure and processing of the building's facade, as well as the open space on the site. The application of four principles of resilient architecture and two Islamic principles makes the dormitory design able to adapt to changes during the pandemic and the environment around the site