18 research outputs found

    Utilization of Virtual Reality Technology in Knowing the Symptoms of Acrophobia and Nyctophobia

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    Acrophobia and Nyctophobia are the most common phobias suffered by people in this world. A phobia is an excessive anxiety or fear of something. Acrophobia is a phobia or fear of being at heights and nyctophobia is an extreme phobia or fear of the night or the dark that can trigger signs of excessive anxiety and hopelessness. This research attempts to know the level phobia a person on child while given exposure virtually. The hypothesis of this research is that there is a significant effect through the use of the new technology, namely virtual reality on changes in physiological responses and different heart rates before and before getting exposure / exposure virtually. The purpose of this research is to investigate a phobia early on in children with the help of vr 3d headset box. The result of this research obtained 4 of 5 children suffering from acrophobia and nyctophobia

    Evaluation of The Website ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta of University Performance Based on Search Engine Optimization Using Automated Software Testing Gtmetrix

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    Each college would have definitely have a website, because in the world of Education, the website is very important in addition to as one of the supporting facilities for the needs of the information, the website also as a media promotion for each college. Therefore the performance of the website on higher education should be the most important thing due to one important role of a website in the support activities in a higher education. ’Aisyiyah Surakarta of University is one of the new university after previously named Stikes Aisyiyah Surakarta, therefore, the evaluation of the quality of the website conducted to determine the quality of the website using GTMetrix. The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of the website ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta of University as well as provide recommendations for improvement for the management of the website. Based on the test results obtained by the website located at grade E.This The results of testing the research evaluation of the performance of the website ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta of University can be concluded that the Performance Score with Page Speed in level E (56%) and Yslow at the level of E (53%)

    Pengaruh Tingkat Kesadaran Halal Suplai Chain Dalam Mendorong Keputusan Pembelian (Halal Food UMKM MEDAN)

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    Indonesia is currently a developing country seeking to improve its economic sector in all areas, including the industrial sector. The enactment of the Halal Product Warranty Act (UUJPH) guarantees the convenience, safety and availability of Halal products in the consumption and use of Halal products and in the consumption and use of products by the general public. idea. The purpose of this survey is to provide information on the impact of SMEs in Medan's perception of the Halal supply chain on halal food purchase decisions. The sample for this survey is a consumer of Medan SMEs with a total of 40 respondents. This survey or survey uses a quantitative method by collecting data through voting shared on social media such as WhatsApp and Instagram. The data processing used in this study is to use  SPSS version 25 for validation, reliability, correlation, and hypothesis testing. The results of this survey show that awareness of the Halal supply chain has a significant impact on Medan SMEs' purchasing decisions

    Features Selection based on Enhanced KNN to Predict Raw Material Needs on PT. SANM

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    Raw material inventory must be able to meet production needs. So it is necessary to plan / predict raw material needs in the following month to determine the raw material inventory. Currently PT. SANM uses a manual counting method, the expenditure of raw materials for six months, then deducts the current raw material inventory. As a result, there are raw materials that are over order or lacking, which causes production to be constrained. The manual calculation method is not effective enough to meet the raw material inventory. In this research, the researcher proposes an algorithm which is contained in Data Mining, that is Enhanced KNN using GWO to predict raw material needs. Because GWO and Enhanced KNN algorithms give the results are easy to understand, have good accuracy compared to other machine learning methods, can cover the trapped problem from KNN traditional and capable of improving the accuracy using feature selection method. The method used in this study is to compare Enhanced KNN with and without GWO that gives a significant increase in the accuracy value by 16.5%, from 44.6% to 61.1%

    Hubungan Kecakapan Pasien Simulasi (Standardized Patient) dengan Hasil Evaluasi Osca

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    Objective Structured Clinical Assesment (OSCA) merupakan alat uji yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pengetahuan, keterampilan komunikasi, keterampilan kompetensi pemeriksaan fisik, keterampilan dalam menginterpretasikan dan menganalisa hasil pemeriksaan diagnostik, menilai perilaku dan hubungan interpersonal. Pasien simulasi merupakan komponen penting yang harus ada dalam pelaksanaan OSCA, bagaimana kecakapan pasien simulasi dalam memainkan perannya sebagai pasien dalam OSCA dapat mempengaruhi hasil evaluasi OSCA. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui hubungan antara kecakapan pasien simulasi dengan hasil evaluasi OSCA mahasiswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, menggunakan sampel 83 mahasiswa reguler semester II, IV, dan VI keperawatan. Teknik sampling menggunakan proportional startified random sampling. Isntrumen menggunakan kuesioner modifikasi yang telah divaliditas dan reliabel dan hasil evaluasi mahasiswa dalam melakukan OSCA. Analisa data menggunakan uji Pearson. Hasil penelitian skor kecakapan yang tertinggi diperoleh oleh pasien simulasi adalah 93 dengan hasil evaluasi tertinggi dengan perolehan nilai 98, uji hasil Pearson p=0,299 (p>0,05). Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kecakapan pasien simulasi dengan hasil evaluasi OSCA


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    Kandungan karbon tersimpan terdapat pada permukaan tanah sebagai biomassa tumbuhan, sisa tumbuhan yang sudah mati (nekromasa), maupun dalam tanah sebagai bahan organik tanah. Tulisan ini memaparkan tentang  bagaimana kandungan karbon tersimpan pada hutan primer dan hutan sekunder. Cadangan karbon pada berbagai kelas penutupan lahan di hutan alam berkisar antara 7,5 – 264,70 ton C/ha. Pada hutan primer cadangan karbon berkisar 15,02 – 264,70 ton C/ha. Cadangan karbon terendah terdapat pada hutan bukit kapur dan tertinggi pada hutan alam primer dataran rendah dan dipterokarpa. Hutan alam sekunder  memiliki cadangan karbon berkisar 7,5 – 249,1 ton C/ha, dengan cadangan karbon terendah pada hutan bekas bakaran dan tertinggi pada hutan bekas tebangan. Cadangan karbon hutan alam primer lebih tinggi dari pada hutan alam sekunder yang disebabkan oleh keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan pada hutan alam primer lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hutan sekunder sehingga pengembalian karbon organik ke dalam tanah berjalan dengan cepat dan penyimpanan biomassa hasil konversi karbon bertambah besar seiring dengan semakin banyaknya karbon yang diserap pohon tersebut

    Pengaruh Latihan Lari Interval Terhadap Kecepatan Lari Pada Pemain Sepak Bola Di Sekolah Sepak Bola Rukun Agawe Santosa (RAS) Klaten

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    Background: Speed is a person's ability to perform a movement that is carried out continuously in the shortest possible time. At 50 meters running speed profile football players RAS Klaten measured using a stopwatch that has an average of 8.35 seconds with a classification that is moderate. One of exercise that is used to increase the speed of running is running interval training. Objective: To determine the effect running interval training on running speed of the the football players in school soccer RAS Klaten. Methods: The study was a quasi experiment with pre and post test without control group design. All samples submitted inclusion criteria given running interval training for 4 weeks with a frequency 3 times a week. Speed measurement made with a run of 50 yards using parameters such as a stopwatch. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon test to test the effect of running interval training on running speed. Results: There was an effect running interval training on running speed of the football players in School Football RAS Klaten after the statistical test using wilcoxon match pair test with values obtained significance (2-tailed) 0.000. Conclusion: There was an effect running interval training on running speed of the football players in School Football RAS Klaten

    Perancangan Aplikasi Multimedia Untuk Pengenalan Bahasa Isyarat Bagi Anak Tuna Rungu Umur 6-9 Tahun

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    Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan pokok yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap orang karena mempunyai peranan penting dalam menentukan arah hidup dan keberhasilan seseorang. Terlebih pendidikan bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK) di usia dini yang memegang peranan sangat penting dalam memacu kemampuannya pada saat berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa isyarat. Tahap perancangan media pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). Media pembelajaran dibangun diatas platform html5, javascript, css3. Hasil dari perancangan adalah Aplikasi Multimedia Untuk Pengenalan Bahasa Isyarat Bagi Anak Tunarungu Umur 6 – 9 tahun yang berbentuk 2 buah CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read Only Memory). Yang pertama CD-ROM untuk di PC / komputer yang berisi tentang materi pembelajaran bahasa indonesia, contoh kalimat sederhana, latihan soal dan puzzle dan setiap materi terdapat video isyarat. Sedangkan CD-ROM untuk di VCD Player berisi tentang materi pembelajaran bahasa indonesia dan di setiap materi terdapat video isyarat

    Kiprah Kerajaan Islam Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia

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    The role of Islamic kingdoms before the colonial era significantly influenced the spread of Islam in Indonesia. They succeeded in forming and developing an Islamic education system different from the Dutch colonial education system. This research conducted a qualitative analysis of various historical and literary sources to explore the contribution of Islamic kingdoms to the spread of Islam in Indonesia. The results showed that Islamic kingdoms played a crucial role in Dakwah activities and in forming Islamic educational institutions such as pesantren. They also contributed to the development of Islamic culture through arts, literature, architecture, and so on. Therefore, understanding the history of Islamic kingdoms in Indonesia is crucial in comprehending the country's development of religion, culture, and education


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    Minat membaca di indonesia berada pada peringkat di bawah rata-rata, terutama para siswa-siswi di Desa Danau Pantau. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kurang memanfaatkan perpustakaan disekolah dan kurang koleksi buku bacaan. Karena hal itu, siswa-siswi di sekolah dasar SDN 1 Desa Danau Pantau kurang berminat membaca ke perpustakaan. Adapun pelaksanaan dalam kegiatan ini menggunakan metode  sosialisasi untuk meningkatan minat baca dan pemanfaatan perpustakaan yang dilakukan secara bertahap diantaranya, pembukaan dan pengenalan program, sosialisai pojok literasi dengan membaca yang dimulai dari buku-buku yang menarik minat baca siswa/siswi di SDN 1 Desa Danau Pantau. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat mahasiswa KKN Kelompok 71 Danau Pantau yaitu, memberikan edukasi mengenai pentingnya minat  buku serta memanfaatkan perpustakaan dan meningkatkan minat  baca para siswa-siswi SDN 1 Desa Danau Pantau. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada Agustus-September 2023 yang dihadiri oleh anak usia 7-8 tahun siswa kelas IV B. Kegiatan pojok literasi dilakukan secara bertahap diantaranya, pembukaan dan pengenalan program, sosialisasi pojok literasi dengan membaca dan menceritakan buku yang ada di Perpustakaan SDN 1 Desa Danau Pantau. Program KKN tersebut berjalan dengan lancar para siswa antusias ketika berkunjung ke perpustakaan