138 research outputs found

    O futebol e a questão racial nas crônicas de Lima Barreto (1907 a 1922)

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de História, 2018.O presente trabalho centra-se na dialética entre sociedade, literatura e futebol tendo como espaço/tempo a sociedade carioca de 1897 a 1922. O propósito do referido trabalho é analisar a questão racial nos escritos do literato Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto. Para tanto o texto se divide em quatro partes que tratam, respectivamente: do contexto internacional e nacional das teorias raciais e das suas influências na literatura brasileira; da vida de Lima Barreto enquanto militante; do processo de consolidação do futebol na sociedade carioca; e, por fim, da análise das crônicas do autor a respeito do futebol em relação a questão racial

    Diálogos entre direito e literatura. o grande sertão: veredas : "existe é homem humano. travessia"

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    Orientador: Vera Karam de ChueiriMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em Direit

    Changes in Fitness, physical activity, fatness, and screen time: A longitudinal study in children and adolescents

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    *_Objective:_* To analyze whether changes in Physical Activity Index (PAI), sedentary time (ST; TV and PC use), and Body Mass Index (BMI) made a significant contribution to longitudinal changes in Physical Fitness (PF) of children and adolescents. Additionally, we analyzed interaction between baseline fitness level and changes in fitness. 

*_Methods:_* This is a three years longitudinal study of 345 high school students aged 11-19 years. Students were invited to perform tests from Fitnessgram battery for strength (curl-ups, push-up), and Cardiorespiratory fitness (20m-shuttle run). PAI and ST were evaluated using a standard questionnaire. Standardized scores of physical fitness tests were summed (ZPF). Changes over time, were calculated Δ1 (TP1 minus TP0), Δ2 (TP2 minus TP1), and Δ~total~ (TP2 minus TP0). 

*_Results:_* Changes in PAI were positively and independently associated with changes in ZPF in Δ1, Δ2, and Δ~total~. No significant associations of ΔST and ΔZPF were found. ΔBMI was negative associated with ΔZPF in Δtotal. Participants with higher fitness levels at baseline were those who showed positive changes in PAI over Δ~total~, decreased screen time and had the lowest increase in BMI over three years compared with those who were low-fit at baseline. Conclusions: Changes in PAI were the best predictor for changes in Fitness in children and adolescents in each year and over the three years of evaluation. BMI changes were associated with longitudinal changes in PF

    Durabilidade do betão à ação combinada da carbonatação e dos iões cloreto

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    A corrosão das armaduras de aço tem sido a principal causa de deterioração das estruturas de betão armado em todo o mundo. A ação dos iões cloreto e da carbonatação estão, normalmente, na origem do fenómeno. Ao contrário do que acontece com o efeito individual destes agentes agressores, estudos sobre o efeito combinado no betão ainda são pouco expressivos em quantidade e não reúnem consenso. Sabe-se que, isoladamente, a carbonatação modifica a microestrutura do betão e altera o seu pH. Estes fatores, no contexto da ação combinada, podem ter influência direta na difusão dos cloretos. Estudou-se a influência da carbonatação na penetração de cloretos. Para tal, foram utilizadas amostras de betão, com cimento CEM I 42,5 R e razão água/ligante de 0,55. Após o período de cura, metade das amostras foram carbonatadas(1, 2 e 7 meses), sob as seguintes condições: 20ºC, 55%HR e 4%CO2. A outa metade, foi protegida de forma a inibir a carbonatação e foi conservada em ambiente de laboratório. Ao fim do período de carbonatação, as amostras com e sem exposição ao CO2 foram submetidas ao ensaio de migração de cloretos de acordo com a especificação LNEC E463. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, para as condições estudadas, o efeito combinado dos agentes agressores traduz-se num aumento da penetração de cloretos no betão quando comparado com o efeito individual dos iões cloreto, o que pode acelerar o processo corrosivo. Este facto pode estar relacionado com o aumento nos grandes poros capilares e com redução na capacidade de fixação de cloretos causado pela carbonatação

    Ação combinada da carbonatação e dos iões cloreto em betões com cinzas volantes

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    A incorporação de cinzas volantes (CV) em matrizes cimentícias tem sido frequentemente utilizada a fim de tornar a matriz mais resistente à ação dos cloretos. Contudo, sabe-se que o Ca(OH)2 existente na matriz é parcialmente consumido pelas reações pozolânicas, o que facilita o avanço da frente de carbonatação. Uma vez que a ação dos iões cloreto e da carbonatação estão, normalmente, na origem do fenómeno de corrosão do aço no betão, é importante perceber o comportamento de betões com incorporação de CV quando a estrutura é submitida à ação combinada destes dois agentes agressores. Desta forma, estudou-se a influência da profundidade de carbonatação no coeficiente de difusão de cloretos. Para tal, foram utilizadas amostras de betão com uma percentagem de CV em substituição da massa de ligante de 40%, cimento CEM I 42,5 R e com uma razão água/ligante de 0,5. Após o período de cura, 90 dias, as amostras foram carbonatadas sob as seguintes condições: 20ºC, 55%HR e 4%CO2, durante 1, 2 e 3 meses. Ao fim de cada período de carbonatação, foram ensaiadas as amostras carbonatadas, através do ensaio de migração em regime não estacionário de acordo com a especificação LNEC E463. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o efeito combinado dos agentes agressores estudados traduz-se num aumento da penetração de cloretos no betão com CV. Acredita-se que o aumento da profundidade de carbonatação, ao longo dos três períodos de ensaio, foi o responsável pelo aumento do coeficiente de difusão de cloretos que esteve na ordem dos 50%, do primeiro para o terceiro mês

    Internet interventions in physical activity and dietary behavior for adolescents – with or without schools?

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    Purpose of Study: To perform a review on internet interventions for adolescents focusing physical activity and dietary behavior and to understand the effect of schools and teachers involvement in the outcomes. Background: Although the well known benefits of a healthy lifestyle (high physical activity levels and a healthy eating pattern), the adolescents of most industrialized countries fail to meet dietary and physical activity guidelines. Most governments are trying to find effective interventions that may focus in a wide range of individuals, rather than face to face (school based) interventions. The internet has been used recently in a lot of health interventions, its advantages have been mentioned broadly, especially when targeting children and adolescents. Recent reviews on similar topics are not coherent on their conclusions, some are in favour of the computer based interventions, others mention that there is no clear effectiveness of eHealth interventions. However no studies exclusively on adolescents were found. It seems relevant to perform an updated review, focusing studies with adolescents. Methods: Articles were identified for inclusion using key word database literature searches. An initial search using electronic databases: Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge, Elsevier and Ebsco was performed, using as key terms: Internet Intervention; Web based intervention or online intervention. The search was completed using the Boolean term “and” with expressions: nutrition; diet; physical activity; exercise or motor activity. The full text review was done according to a matrix developed in a Microsoft windows excel database. It was calculated a quality score, based in nine methodological items. Conclusions and discussion: Most of the papers reviewed had modest results in favour of the intervention group, but failed to show long term effects, when evaluated. Less than 50% of the studies involved teachers, schools, parents or group leaders, and no relation was found between this involvement and the outcomes. This review shows that besides the importance of interventions for adolescents, few studies are published. The improvement in diet and physical activity outcomes seem modest and not long term, either with the involvement of schools or not. Schools should evaluate and improve the health education programmes. The authors suggest that more interventions should be planned including innovative methodologies, as so much is still to be known in how to improve health behaviours in adolescents

    Nutrition knowledge in adolescents: perception of parents and peers behavior and stimulus

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    It is well known the influence that parents and peers have in children and adolescent choices and behaviors, including eating habits and physical activity practice. No work has been done yet about parents and peers influence in nutrition knowledge. This work aims to study the relation between adolescents’ perception of parents and peers food habits, physical activity practice, stimulus to the adolescent to follow a healthy diet and be physically active and adolescents Nutritional Knowledge. Methods: A translated and validated version of the Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire (Parmenter and Wardle, 1999) was used with another questionnaire about adolescents’ perception of parents and peers behavior and stimulus. Results: Data from a 653 male and female sample, mean age 15,9 years (SD=2,10) show that Nutrition Knowledge is related to the perception adolescents have of their fathers’ physical activity level (p<0,05), and of their mothers (p<0,05) and peers (p<0,01) healthy eating habits. No statistical significance was found to the relation between nutrition knowledge and all other adolescent perceptions. Conclusions: These results suggest that beside there is a relation of Nutrition Knowledge and parents and peers perceived habits, the major role must be in schools. Showing that school based and adolescent focused interventions must be planned to improve nutrition knowledge

    Nutrition knowledge in adolescents: perception of parents and peers behavior and stimulus

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    It is well known the influence that parents and peers have in children and adolescent choices and behaviors, including eating habits and physical activity practice. No work has been done yet about parents and peers influence in nutrition knowledge. This work aims to study the relation between adolescents’ perception of parents and peers food habits, physical activity practice, stimulus to the adolescent to follow a healthy diet and be physically active and adolescents Nutritional Knowledge. Methods: A translated and validated version of the Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire (Parmenter and Wardle, 1999) was used with another questionnaire about adolescents’ perception of parents and peers behavior and stimulus. Results: Data from a 653 male and female sample, mean age 15.9 years (SD = 2.10) show that Nutrition Knowledge is related to the perception adolescents have of their fathers’ physical activity level (P < 0.05), and of their mothers (P < 0.05) and peers (P < 0.01) healthy eating habits. No statistical significance was found to the relation between nutrition knowledge and all other adolescent perceptions. Conclusions: These results suggest that beside there is a relation of Nutrition Knowledge and parents and peers perceived habits, the major role must be in schools. Showing that school based and adolescent focused interventions must be planned to improve nutrition knowledge

    What is being a teacher in the countryside? Conceptions of Brazilian peasant higher education students about the Supervised Curricular Internship

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    The present paper has the objective of analyzing students' conceptions about the supervised curricular internship in the Licentiate degree in Rural Education with qualification in Arts and Music, at the Federal University of Tocantins, Campus Tocantinópolis, Brazil. We also propose with this text to address the historical and pedagogical aspects of this course, as well as to discuss the importance of the Internship for the educators’ training of to work in countryside schools. This case study was based on the qualitative approach, with documentary research and semi structured interviews with students of this course as data collection instruments. The type of data analysis - theoretical and empirical - followed the perspective of the interpretative research technique. The results demonstrated that in order to overcome the challenges faced by students and teachers of the Licentiate degree in Rural Education with qualification in Arts and Music of UFT in Tocantinópolis, demands elaborating a proposal of joint training between the training institutions and the school, in the sense to guarantee actions that will attend the various subjects, especially those of the Rural Education