6 research outputs found

    Intellectual values and epistemological understanding of middle school students in Indonesia

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    The main purpose of education is developing students’ competence and disposition to seek knowledge by themselves. Intellectual values was proposed as one of constructs that explain students’ disposition to acquire knowledge and refers to how people perceive the value of intellectual activities. This study aimed to get an initial description of how middle school students in Indonesia value the intellectual activities. The thinking of middle school students are generally based on absolutist or multiplist level of epistemological understanding. Before achieve evaluativist level, intellectual activities are assumed to be irrelevant or unnecessary. Thus it was predicted that intellectual activities is less appreciated among middle school students. Sixty eight middle school students, 12-15 old years, gave their responses to three questions about intellectual values. The early prediction is supported among this sample. It was found that only 24% of students consistently endorsing discussion in all three questions. Most of reasons given for endorsing discussion are still based on the absolutist or multiplist,  only few students indicate the thinking of evaluativist level of epistemological understanding

    Simultaneous Analysis of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid Using Polymelamine/Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Carbon Paste Electrode

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    Modification of electrode using polymelamine (PM) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) has been successfully developed via electropolymerization and electrodeposition onto carbon paste electrode (CPE) using cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. The modified electrode (AuNPs/PM/CPE) was applied as voltammetry sensors in a simultaneous of dopamine (DA) and ascorbic acid (AA). AuNPs/PM/CPE presented an effective surface area 5 times wider than CPE and demonstrated good electrocatalytic performance in the oxidation of DA and AA in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 3) with a scan rate of 100 mV s−1. The differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique was chosen as the best method for separating potential peaks of DA and AA. The linear response for determining DA and AA using the DPV technique produced a concentration range of 0.1–13 and 0.4–12 µM with coefficient linearity of 0.9999 and 0.9997, the limit of detection of 0.1405 and 0.2187 µM, the accuracy of 89.62–109.16%, and 83.63–105.08%, and the precision of 0.017–0.701% and 0.066–0.626%, respectively. In addition, this electrode was applied in a real sample of infant urine with a concentration of 1 µM by spike method and found 98.86 and 98.28% as percent recovery of DA and AA, respectively


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe .Iigscnv terhadap peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran kimia di SMA dilihat dari aspek: (1) Peningkatan prestasi belajar kimia siswa jika pengetahuan awal kimia siswa dikendalikan secara statistik, dan (2) Peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa untuk belajar kimia. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X semester 2 SMA Muhammadiyah Wonosobo, yang berjumlah 342 siswa dan terbagi dalam sembilan kelas. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 78 siswa, terbagi dalam dua kelas, yaitu kelas eksperimen (A 1) dan kelas kontrol (A2) yang diambil secara purposive cluster sampling. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah data pengetahuan awal kimia siswa, dan data prestasi belajar kimia siswa yang dianalisis dengan analisis kovarian dan data motivasi belajar kimia siswa yang dianalisis menggunakan uji t. Hasil analisis Anakova diperoleh FO , = 17,111 dan p = 0,000. Hal ini berarti bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada prestasi belajar kimia siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan metode ceramah bervariasi, jika pengetahuan awal kimia siswa dikendalikan secara statistik. Sedangkan analisis uji t diperoleh t„ = 3,364, dan p = 0,002. Hal Ini berarti ada perbedaan yang signitikan pada motivasi belajar kimia sesudah proses pembelajaran antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan metode ceramah bervariasi. Dengan demikian, metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw efektif digunakan dalam peningkatan prestasi dan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran kimia


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    The phenomena of many students who will graduate from SMA 4 Karwang who experience confusion in making decisions to determine between proceeding to college or work. The difficulty in making the choice to continue college or work is a lack of confidence in the ability of oneself so that the students faced feelings of fear wrong in taking a decision. This study aims to derermine Contribution Self-efficacy Against Interest Continuing College in students SMA Negeri 4 Karawang.The research method used in this research is quantitative with causal associative research designs. The population in the study were study were students of class XII senior high school 4 Karawang school year 2019-2020 which nombered 355 person. Sampling technique using non probability sampling with type sampling kouta. The sampling of kauta is determined by determing the sample of the population that has certain features up to the desired amount (Kouta). The size of the sampel using the formula slovin with sample eror rates 5% then the results obtained 188 people studen. Data collection using a questionnaire. Hypothesis testing between self-efficacy of the interest in continuing college has an r value of 0,410 with a significace valau of 0,000 (p<0,05). This shows that there is a contribution between self-efficacy to the interest in continuing higer education. The amount of contribution is show by the variabel of self-efficacy to interest in continuing to tertiary education to ask to continue tertiary education contributed 0.168 or equal to 16,8%. This implies that self-efficacy variables affect the interest in continuing college

    Intellectual values and epistemological understanding of middle school students in Indonesia

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    The main purpose of education is developing students’ competence and disposition to seek knowledge by themselves. Intellectual values was proposed as one of constructs that explain students’ disposition to acquire knowledge and refers to how people perceive the value of intellectual activities. This study aimed to get an initial description of how middle school students in Indonesia value the intellectual activities. The thinking of middle school students are generally based on absolutist or multiplist level of epistemological understanding. Before achieve evaluativist level, intellectual activities are assumed to be irrelevant or unnecessary. Thus it was predicted that intellectual activities is less appreciated among middle school students. Sixty eight middle school students, 12-15 old years, gave their responses to three questions about intellectual values. The early prediction is supported among this sample. It was found that only 24% of students consistently endorsing discussion in all three questions. Most of reasons given for endorsing discussion are still based on the absolutist or multiplist,  only few students indicate the thinking of evaluativist level of epistemological understanding.</div


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan adaptasi need for cognition scale (NCS) (Cacioppo, dkk., 1984) untuk sampel siswa SMP di Indonesia. NCS dikembangkan untuk mengukur konstruk need for cognition yang didefinisikan sebagai kecenderungan individu untuk terlibat dan menikmati aktivitas kognitif yang menantang. Adaptasi dilakukan melalui lima tahap, yaitu menerjemahkan butir-butir NCS dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dalam dua versi terjemahan, mengevaluasi dan memilih versi terjemahan yang memenuhi ekuivalensi konseptual dan linguistik, translasi backward, mengevaluasi kesetaraan antara hasil translasi backward dan butir-butir asli NCS, membuat format final NCS adaptasi Indonesia.  Untuk memperoleh properti psikometri, NCS adaptasi Indonesia diadministrasikan pada 162 siswa kelas 8 dan 9. Model pengukuran yang dihipotesiskan adalah model unidimensi dan diuji menggunakan confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Model fit diperoleh setelah dilakukan modifikasi model (chi-square = 9,089, df = 9, p = 0,429, GFI = 0,981, CFI = 1,000, TLI = 0,999, RMSEA = 0,008). Model fit  terdiri dari 6 butir yang semuanya adalah butir-butir unfavorabel dengan muatan faktor terendah 0,418 (alpha cronbach = 0,776). Karena berkembangnya pendapat bahwa butir-butir favorabel dan unfavorabel dapat membentuk faktor yang berbeda, peneliti selanjutnya dapat menguji beberapa model, yaitu model unidimensi, model unidimensi dengan korelasi antar error dari butir-butir unfavorabel, dan model dua faktor (faktor 1 terdiri dari butir-butir favorabel dan faktor 2 terdiri dari butir-butir unfavorabel).     Kata Kunci: need for cognition scale, adaptasi, model pengukuran, confirmatory factor analysisDOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um023v7i22018p14