23 research outputs found


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    High humidity in room temperature will cause mold formation and contribute to unpleasant odour especially in small places like wardrobe and shoe racks. Moisture absorber is required in order to reduce humidity but the current moisture absorber in the market is costly and utilizes calcium chloride derived from limestone. Limestone mining gave several environmental problems such air pollution and erosion, (Langer, 2011). This project is to discover a greener alternative to producing calcium chloride which using Anadara granosa waste. Anadara granosa waste is the cockle shells which abundantly available in Malaysia. This cockle shells has not yet discover the ability to produce moisture absorber medium, calcium chloride. The calcium and carbon content of cockle shell is equivalent to limestone makes it as an alternative to replace limestone as the raw material to produce calcium chloride. This experiment is to synthesis calcium chloride using cockle shell. Calcium chloride is the valuable chemical as moisture absorbent in any dehumidifier product. The experiment product was compared with the commercialize moisture absorber in sorption of moisture capability and the result shows that they are comparable and have the tremendous opportunity to replace limestone as the raw material to produce calcium chloride. As the conclusion, this innovation will able help people to reduce the humidity in a particular disclose area and indirectly can utilize the cockle shell waste


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    The aim of this research was to develop local potential based biology teaching material on subject matter of living thing diversity for grade VII Junior High Schools. The teaching material used in schoolwas only teaching material from the central education office. Local examples in Gorontalo Province were not available. This resulted in the learners did not recognize the local potential that exists in the area. Application of curriculum requires the utilization of local potential as a learning resource through teaching materials, student worksheets, and media. It was important to develop a learning book by using local examples exist in the environment with which student can learn the concept of biology. The method used was the teaching materialdevelopment, with a 4-D model. Data collection instrumentswere the need analysis questionnaire for teachersand the feasibility assessment questionnaire of instructional material draft for experts and validators of biology teacherpractitioners, and the student questionnaire. The learning bookproduced is very feasible to use for learning. The validation includeslearning bookvalidation test by material experts, instructional media experts and linguists. From this research resulted the teaching materials on the biodiversity material of living things to add examples of the diversity of animals and plants that are local potential, along with the problems and efforts to overcome them. Keywords: development, instructional material, local potential, diversit


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    High humidity in room temperature will cause mold formation and contribute to unpleasant odour especially in small places like wardrobe and shoe racks. Moisture absorber is required in order to reduce humidity but the current moisture absorber in the market is costly and utilizes calcium chloride derived from limestone. Limestone mining gave several environmental problems such air pollution and erosion, (Langer, 2011). This project is to discover a greener alternative to producing calcium chloride which using Anadara granosa waste. Anadara granosa waste is the cockle shells which abundantly available in Malaysia. This cockle shells has not yet discover the ability to produce moisture absorber medium, calcium chloride. The calcium and carbon content of cockle shell is equivalent to limestone makes it as an alternative to replace limestone as the raw material to produce calcium chloride. This experiment is to synthesis calcium chloride using cockle shell. Calcium chloride is the valuable chemical as moisture absorbent in any dehumidifier product. The experiment product was compared with the commercialize moisture absorber in sorption of moisture capability and the result shows that they are comparable and have the tremendous opportunity to replace limestone as the raw material to produce calcium chloride. As the conclusion, this innovation will able help people to reduce the humidity in a particular disclose area and indirectly can utilize the cockle shell waste

    Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan oleh Anggota TNI (Tinjauan Yuridis Putusan Nomor 19-K/PM.II-10/AD/III/2016)

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    Penganiayaan dalam istilah yang digunakan KUHP yaitu untuk tindak pidana terhadap tubuh. Tindak pidana penganiayaan dalam KUHP diatur dalam Buku II Bab XX Pasal 351 sampai dengan Pasal 356 KUHP dimana dalam tiap-tiap pasal diatur ancaman hukumannya. Salah satu kasus penganiayaan melibatkan anggota TNI AD dalam putusan Nomor 19-K/PM.II-10/AD/III/2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui unsur-unsur apayang terbukti dalam Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan yang dilakukan anggota TNI. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui dasar pertimbangan hukum dari hakim dalammenjatuhkan pidana terhadap anggota TNI dalam Putusan Pengadilan Militer II.10 Semarang Nomor 19-K/PM.II-10/AD/III/2016. Guna mencapai tujuan tersebut,maka penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif.Data sekunder yang terkumpul kemudian diolah, disajikan, dan dianalisa secara kualitatif dengan penyajian data teks naratif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa, terdakwa memiliki status sebagai militer, berdinas aktif sebagai anggota TNI aktif di Koramil/0720 Rembang dengan pangkat Koptu, sehingga berdasarkan status terdakwa sebagai anggota militer, maka terdakwa diadili di Pengadilan Militer. Selain itu unsur-unsur dalam Pasal 351 ayat 1 KUHP dapat dibuktikan dari persesuaian bukti-bukti berupa keterangan saksi diantaranya Mukhlisin, Masrukin dan Doni Setiawan, alat bukti surat, petunjuk dan keterangan terdakwa sehingga hakim memperoleh keyakinan akan kesalahan terdakwa

    ¿Porqué ha caído la participación del trabajo en la renta nacional?

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    En el siguiente trabajo se estudiará la tendencia decreciente de la participación del trabajo en la renta nacional. Es un fenómeno reciente que se está produciendo en muchos países, tanto en economías desarrolladas como en mercados emergentes y en vías de desarrollo. Se observa que la tendencia comenzó en torno a la década de los años ochenta, y sigue avanzando, provocando un aumento progresivo de la proporción de renta que retribuye a las rentas del capital, el otro factor importante en la distribución funcional de la renta. Para examinar este hecho, primero se construirá un marco empírico donde se cuantifica la magnitud de esta caída, dónde y desde cuándo se produce, y a qué grupos de trabajadores afecta en función de su cualificación. Junto con esto, se analizarán las divergencias intrasectoriales en la evolución de la participación de los salarios. Todo este marco teórico se enfoca para el posterior estudio de los factores explicativos de estas tendencias, en los que se incluyen el progreso tecnológico, la globalización, y otros factores. En los países desarrollados, los avances tecnológicos contribuyen a casi la mitad de la caída. En países emergentes y en desarrollo, la participación en cadenas globales de valor es el factor determinante.The following paper will examine the decreasing trend in the labour’s share in national income. It is a recent phenomenon that is taking place in many countries, not only in developed economies but also in emerging and developing markets. It is observed that this tendency began around the 1980s and continues to advance, leading to a progressive increase in the proportion of income that returns to capital income, which is another important factor in the functional distribution of income. In order to assess this feature, an empirical framework will first be constructed in which the magnitude of this decline is quantified, where and since when it occurs, and which groups of workers are affected according to their qualifications. Along with this, the intrasectoral divergences in the evolution of the wage share will be analyzed. This whole theoretical background is focused on the subsequent study of the explanatory factors of these trends, which include technological progress, globalization, among other factors. Moreover, in developed countries, technological advances account for almost half of the fall. Otherwise, in emerging and developing countries, the share in global value chains is the decisive factor.Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico e Historia e Instituciones EconómicasGrado en Economí

    Atividade antimicrobiana in vitro do ácido acético e dos vinagres branco e tinto sobre bactérias hospitalares*

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    Acetic acid and vinegar have a long history and human applicability including the clinical treatment of wounds. Objective: to evaluate in vitro the acid antimicrobial activity of acetic and the vinegar by means of the technique of diffusion of well of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. The study was applied to assessment of the antimicrobial activity of acetic acid (Merck) a 1,0 e 0,7% and white vinegar and red at 30,0; 25,0 e 10,0%. The strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli e Staphylococcus aureus have been isolated of hospitalized patients. For analysis statistics the test of variance ANOVA - ONEWAY followed of the test of multiple comparisons was used; with level of significance = 5%. In general the white and red vinegars 30.0% and of acetic acid 1,0 and 0.7% had shown significant to antimicrobial activity on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. In the concentration of 25,0 and 10.0% there was tenuous growth of some and no action on Staphylococcus aureus. It is possible to consider that there is direct relation of the chemical agent concentration with the antimicrobial activity or inhibition of bacteria.O ácido acético e o vinagre têm longa história e aplicabilidade humana, incluindo o tratamento de feridas. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar in vitro a atividade antimicrobiana do ácido acético e de vinagres sobre cepas hospitalares. A atividade antimicrobiana foi avaliada por meio da Técnica de Difusão de Poço, sobre cepas de Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Escherichia coli. Assim, os vinagres branco e tinto foram diluídos a 30,0; 25,0 e 10,0% e oácido acético a 1,0 e 0,7%. Para análise estatística, foi usado o teste de variância ANOVA–ONEWAY, seguido do teste de comparações múltiplas, com nível de significância a = 5%. No computo geral, o vinagre branco e tinto a 30,0% e doácido acético a 1,0 e 0,7% mostraram atividade antimicrobiana sobre Pseudomonas e Escherichia. Na concentração de 25,0 e 10.0%, houve crescimento tênue de algumas cepas e nenhuma ação sobre Staphylococcus aureus. Diante do exposto, é possível considerar que existe relação direta entre a concentração do agente químico e a atividade antimicrobiana

    Effect of crushed clay brick as partial fine aggregate replacement on properties of concrete

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    The continuous construction activity increases the demand for concrete production. At the same time, the construction and demolition activity also generate solid waste which is disposed of at landfills. The approach of discarding waste such as concrete waste, brick waste, and timber waste pollutes the environment. Thus, the present research investigates the effect of integrating local clay brick waste as a partial fine aggregate replacement on the properties of concrete. Several concrete mixes were prepared by integrating various percentages of crushed clay brick ranging from 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% as partial sand replacement in concrete. All specimens were subjected to continuous water curing until the testing date which is 7 days and 28 days. The finding shows that the use of up to 10% crushed clay brick successfully enhances the compressive strength of concrete. The water absorption of concrete increase as larger content of crushed clay brick waste is integrated in the mix. Basically, the use of clay brick waste in concrete would help to reduce dependency on river sand supply for concrete manufacturing and promote a cleaner environment

    Mixed matrix membrane chromatography based on lewatit mp500 anion exchanger resin and lewatit cnp105 cation exchanger resin for whey protein fractionation

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    The concept of mixed matrix membrane (MMM) chromatography is an alternative that provides a simple method for the preparation of adsorptive membranes, yet results in high quality membrane chromatography performance. MMMs are prepared by incorporating an ion exchange resin (or any adsorptive resin) into a membrane polymer solution prior to membrane casting. In this study, MMM will be prepared by combining cation and anion simultaneously in EVAL based polymer solution. The membrane will be used for whey protein fractionation to recover both acidic and basic protein. Whey is the liquid byproduct of casein precipitation of milk in the cheese or casein manufacturing industries and of milk concentration prior to milk powder production (Saufi, 2010). Rather than using the high cost ion exchange resin that purposely design for protein fractionation, this study will using a low cost ion exchanger resin that commonly used at the industry. The 7.5 wt% anion resin (MP500) will be bland with 7.5 wt% cation resin (CNP105) in the 15wt% EVAL based polymer solution. This mixed mode interaction MMM will applied for whey protein fractionation. The feasibility of MMM was tested in whey protein fractionation processes. WPI solutions were diluted to 2mg/mL with different pH binding buffer solution (pH 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8). The whey protein compositions after binding were assayed using UPLC column ACQUITY UPLC PrST using a C4 Jupiter column. A combination of pH and salt elution using different pH elution buffers will be performed to selectively elute the bound protein on the membrane. This membrane had a maximum static binding capacity of 0.260 mg/mL β-Lac, 0.214 mg/mL BSA, and 0.118 mg/mL α-Lac per membrane at pH 5. The membrane was successfully applied to bind acidic and basic proteins simultaneously from a mixture. Based on batch elution experimental results, a productivity of 0.156 mg whey protein mL-1 membrane h-1 was calculated using this customized mixed mode MM