1,271 research outputs found

    ALMA Observations of the IRDC Clump G34.43+00.24 MM3: DNC/HNC Ratio

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    We have observed the clump G34.43+00.24 MM3 associated with an infrared dark cloud in DNC JJ=3--2, HN13^{13}C JJ=3--2, and N2_2H+^+ JJ=3--2 with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The N2_2H+^+ emission is found to be relatively weak near the hot core and the outflows, and its distribution is clearly anti-correlated with the CS emission. This result indicates that a young outflow is interacting with cold ambient gas. The HN13^{13}C emission is compact and mostly emanates from the hot core, whereas the DNC emission is extended around the hot core. Thus, the DNC and HN13^{13}C emission traces warm regions near the protostar differently. The DNC emission is stronger than the HN13^{13}C emission toward most parts of this clump. The DNC/HNC abundance ratio averaged within a 15â€Čâ€Č×15â€Čâ€Č15^{\prime\prime} \times 15^{\prime\prime} area around the phase center is higher than 0.06. This ratio is much higher than the value obtained by the previous single-dish observations of DNC and HN13^{13}C JJ=1--0 (∌\sim0.003). It seems likely that the DNC and HNC emission observed with the single-dish telescope traces lower density envelopes, while that observed with ALMA traces higher density and highly deuterated regions. We have compared the observational results with chemical-model results in order to investigate the behavior of DNC and HNC in the dense cores. Taking these results into account, we suggest that the low DNC/HNC ratio in the high-mass sources obtained by the single-dish observations are at least partly due to the low filling factor of the high density regions.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Reduced tubulin polyglutamylation suppresses flagellar shortness in Chlamydomonas

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    Ciliary length control is an incompletely understood process essential for normal ciliary function. The flagella of Chlamydomonas mutants lacking multiple axonemal dyneins are shorter than normal; previously it was shown that this shortness can be suppressed by the mutation suppressor of shortness 1 (ssh1) via an unknown mechanism. To elucidate this mechanism, we carried out genetic analysis of ssh1 and found that it is a new allele of TPG2 (hereafter tpg2-3), which encodes FAP234 functioning in tubulin polyglutamylation in the axoneme. Similar to the polyglutamylation-deficient mutants tpg1 and tpg2-1, tpg2-3 axonemal tubulin has a greatly reduced level of long polyglutamate side chains. We found that tpg1 and tpg2-1 mutations also promote flagellar elongation in short-flagella mutants, consistent with a polyglutamylation-dependent mechanism of suppression. Double mutants of tpg1 or tpg2-1 and fla10-1, a temperature-sensitive mutant of intraflagellar transport, underwent slower flagellar shortening than fla10-1 at restrictive temperatures, indicating that the rate of tubulin disassembly is decreased in the polyglutamylation-deficient flagella. Moreover, alpha-tubulin incorporation into the flagellar tips in temporary dikaryons was retarded in polyglutamylation-deficient flagella. These results show that polyglutamylation deficiency stabilizes axonemal microtubules, decelerating axonemal disassembly at the flagellar tip and shifting the axonemal assembly/disassembly balance toward assembly

    Efficient production of polar molecular Bose-Einstein condensates via an all-optical R-type atom-molecule adiabatic passage

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    We propose a scheme of "RR-type" photoassociative adiabatic passage (PAP) to create polar molecular condensates from two different species of ultracold atoms. Due to the presence of a quasi-coherent population trapping state in the scheme, it is possible to associate atoms into molecules with a \textit{low-power} photoassociation (PA) laser. One remarkable advantage of our scheme is that a tunable atom-molecule coupling strength can be achieved by using a time-dependent PA field, which exhibits larger flexibility than using a tunable magnetic field. In addition, our results show that the PA intensity required in the "RR-type" PAP could be greatly reduced compared to that in a conventional "Λ\Lambda -type" one.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, to appear in New Journal of Physic

    Complex organics in IRAS 4A revisited with ALMA and PdBI: Striking contrast between two neighbouring protostellar cores

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    We used the Atacama Large (sub-)Millimeter Array (ALMA) and the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI) to image, with an angular resolution of 0.5â€Čâ€Č'' (120 au) and 1â€Čâ€Č'' (235 au), respectively, the emission from 11 different organic molecules in the protostellar binary NGC1333 IRAS 4A. We clearly disentangled A1 and A2, the two protostellar cores present. For the first time, we were able to derive the column densities and fractional abundances simultaneously for the two objects, allowing us to analyse the chemical differences between them. Molecular emission from organic molecules is concentrated exclusively in A2 even though A1 is the strongest continuum emitter. The protostellar core A2 displays typical hot corino abundances and its deconvolved size is 70 au. In contrast, the upper limits we placed on molecular abundances for A1 are extremely low, lying about one order of magnitude below prestellar values. The difference in the amount of organic molecules present in A1 and A2 ranges between one and two orders of magnitude. Our results suggest that the optical depth of dust emission at these wavelengths is unlikely to be sufficiently high to completely hide a hot corino in A1 similar in size to that in A2. Thus, the significant contrast in molecular richness found between the two sources is most probably real. We estimate that the size of a hypothetical hot corino in A1 should be less than 12 au. Our results favour a scenario in which the protostar in A2 is either more massive and/or subject to a higher accretion rate than A1, as a result of inhomogeneous fragmentation of the parental molecular clump. This naturally explains the smaller current envelope mass in A2 with respect to A1 along with its molecular richness.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    NH_3(1_0-0_0) in the pre-stellar core L1544

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    Pre-stellar cores represent the initial conditions in the process of star and planet formation, therefore it is important to study their physical and chemical structure. Because of their volatility, nitrogen-bearing molecules are key to study the dense and cold gas present in pre-stellar cores. The NH_3 rotational transition detected with Herschel-HIFI provides a unique combination of sensitivity and spectral resolution to further investigate physical and chemical processes in pre-stellar cores. Here we present the velocity-resolved Herschel-HIFI observations of the ortho-NH_3(1_0-0_0) line at 572 GHz and study the abundance profile of ammonia across the pre-stellar core L1544 to test current theories of its physical and chemical structure. Recently calculated collisional coefficients have been included in our non-LTE radiative transfer code to reproduce Herschel observations. A gas-grain chemical model, including spin-state chemistry and applied to the (static) physical structure of L1544 is also used to infer the abundance profile of ortho-NH_3 . The hyperfine structure of ortho-NH_3(1_0-0_0) is resolved for the first time in space. All the hyperfine components are strongly self-absorbed. The profile can be reproduced if the core is contracting in quasi-equilibrium, consistent with previous work, and if the NH_3 abundance is slightly rising toward the core centre, as deduced from previous interferometric observations of para-NH_3(1,1). The chemical model overestimates the NH_3 abundance at radii between ~ 4000 and 15000 AU by about two orders of magnitude and underestimates the abundance toward the core centre by more than one order of magnitude. Our observations show that chemical models applied to static clouds have problems in reproducing NH_3 observations.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    The gas temperature in flaring disks around pre-main sequence stars

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    A model is presented which calculates the gas temperature and chemistry in the surface layers of flaring circumstellar disks using a code developed for photon-dominated regions. Special attention is given to the influence of dust settling. It is found that the gas temperature exceeds the dust temperature by up to several hundreds of Kelvins in the part of the disk that is optically thin to ultraviolet radiation, indicating that the common assumption that Tgas=Tdust is not valid throughout the disk. In the optically thick part, gas and dust are strongly coupled and the gas temperature equals the dust temperature. Dust settling has little effect on the chemistry in the disk, but increases the amount of hot gas deeper in the disk. The effects of the higher gas temperature on several emission lines arising in the surface layer are examined. The higher gas temperatures increase the intensities of molecular and fine-structure lines by up to an order of magnitude, and can also have an important effect on the line shapes.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Direct numerical simulations of the kappa-mechanism II. The nonlinear saturation and Hertzsprung's progression

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    Context: We study the kappa-mechanism that excites radial oscillations in Cepheid variables. Aims: We address the mode couplings that manages the nonlinear saturation of the instability in direct numerical simulations (DNS). Methods: We project the DNS fields onto an acoustic subspace built from the regular and adjoint eigenvectors that are solutions to the linear-oscillations equations. Results: We determine the time evolution of both the amplitude and kinetic energy of each mode that propagates in the DNS. More than 98% of the total kinetic energy is contained in two modes that correspond to the linearly-unstable fundamental mode and the linearly-stable second overtone. Because the eigenperiods ratio is close to 1/2, we discover that the nonlinear saturation is due to a 2:1 resonance between these two modes. An interesting application of this result concerns the reproduction of Hertzsprung's progression observed in Bump Cepheids.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores

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    We have investigated the evolution and distribution of molecules in collapsing prestellar cores via numerical chemical models, adopting the Larson-Penston solution and its delayed analogues to study collapse. Molecular abundances and distributions in a collapsing core are determined by the balance among the dynamical, chemical and adsorption time scales. When the central density n_H of a prestellar core with the Larson-Penston flow rises to 3 10^6 cm^{-3}, the CCS and CO column densities are calculated to show central holes of radius 7000 AU and 4000 AU, respectively, while the column density of N2H+ is centrally peaked. These predictions are consistent with observations of L1544. If the dynamical time scale of the core is larger than that of the Larson-Penston solution owing to magnetic fields, rotation, or turbulence, the column densities of CO and CCS are smaller, and their holes are larger than in the Larson-Penston core with the same central gas density. On the other hand, N2H+ and NH3 are more abundant in the more slowly collapsing core. Therefore, molecular distributions can probe the collapse time scale of prestellar cores. Deuterium fractionation has also been studied via numerical calculations. The deuterium fraction in molecules increases as a core evolves and molecular depletion onto grains proceeds. When the central density of the core is n_H=3 10^6 cm^{-3}, the ratio DCO+/HCO+ at the center is in the range 0.06-0.27, depending on the collapse time scale and adsorption energy; this range is in reasonable agreement with the observed value in L1544.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figure
