25 research outputs found

    Ectoparasites on bats (Gamasida, Ixodida, Diptera) in Biscay (N lberian peninsula)

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    A study on ectoparasites infesting Chiroptera in Biscay (N lberian peninsula) was carried out during a distribution survey of bats. 160 potential hosts were examined and 664 ectoparasites were found, collected manually from living bats by means of pointed tweezers. The ectoparasites belonged to 12 species and 2 subspecies: 5 species and 2 subspecies of Gamasida, 2 species of lxodida and 5 species of Diptera. First records in the study area were obtained for Eyndhovenia euryalis euryalis, Eyndhovenia euryalis oudemansi, Argas vespertilionis and Penicillidia dufouri. Spinturnix plecotina on Rhinolophus ferrumequinum and Rhinolophus euryale and lxodes vespertilionis on Myotis nattereri are reported for the first time in the lberian peninsula; Basilia nattereri is new on Myotis nattereriin Biscay. Associations between parasites and hosts are also reported. Key words: Chiroptera, Gamasida, Ixodida, Diptera, N lberian peninsula.A study on ectoparasites infesting Chiroptera in Biscay (N lberian peninsula) was carried out during a distribution survey of bats. 160 potential hosts were examined and 664 ectoparasites were found, collected manually from living bats by means of pointed tweezers. The ectoparasites belonged to 12 species and 2 subspecies: 5 species and 2 subspecies of Gamasida, 2 species of lxodida and 5 species of Diptera. First records in the study area were obtained for Eyndhovenia euryalis euryalis, Eyndhovenia euryalis oudemansi, Argas vespertilionis and Penicillidia dufouri. Spinturnix plecotina on Rhinolophus ferrumequinum and Rhinolophus euryale and lxodes vespertilionis on Myotis nattereri are reported for the first time in the lberian peninsula; Basilia nattereri is new on Myotis nattereriin Biscay. Associations between parasites and hosts are also reported. Key words: Chiroptera, Gamasida, Ixodida, Diptera, N lberian peninsula.A study on ectoparasites infesting Chiroptera in Biscay (N lberian peninsula) was carried out during a distribution survey of bats. 160 potential hosts were examined and 664 ectoparasites were found, collected manually from living bats by means of pointed tweezers. The ectoparasites belonged to 12 species and 2 subspecies: 5 species and 2 subspecies of Gamasida, 2 species of lxodida and 5 species of Diptera. First records in the study area were obtained for Eyndhovenia euryalis euryalis, Eyndhovenia euryalis oudemansi, Argas vespertilionis and Penicillidia dufouri. Spinturnix plecotina on Rhinolophus ferrumequinum and Rhinolophus euryale and lxodes vespertilionis on Myotis nattereri are reported for the first time in the lberian peninsula; Basilia nattereri is new on Myotis nattereriin Biscay. Associations between parasites and hosts are also reported. Key words: Chiroptera, Gamasida, Ixodida, Diptera, N lberian peninsula

    Status of carnivores in Biscay (N lberian peninsula)

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    The first study on the carnivore community of Biscay was published in 1985. The present study, made twelve years later, was carried out to assess the present situation of these mammals. In this work, data collected from 1990 to 1996 by trapping, sighting, and surveying road and other kills, as well as faeces and tracks are reported. Records of 12 species were obtained, of which American mink Mustela vison (Schreber, 1777) is cited for the first time, and the wolf reappears as a non-occasional species. The main trends observed during the last twelve years seem to be related to changes in land use and management of natural resources. The situation has turned favourable for the most opportunistic species, which have become very abundant in some areas, while populations of the most specialist or relictic species show a more restricted distribution. At the same time, the expansion of wolf and European mink, with the appearance of American mink for the first time, reflect a dynamic but very unstable scene. Key words: Carnivores, Population status, Distribution, Conservation, lberian peninsula.The first study on the carnivore community of Biscay was published in 1985. The present study, made twelve years later, was carried out to assess the present situation of these mammals. In this work, data collected from 1990 to 1996 by trapping, sighting, and surveying road and other kills, as well as faeces and tracks are reported. Records of 12 species were obtained, of which American mink Mustela vison (Schreber, 1777) is cited for the first time, and the wolf reappears as a non-occasional species. The main trends observed during the last twelve years seem to be related to changes in land use and management of natural resources. The situation has turned favourable for the most opportunistic species, which have become very abundant in some areas, while populations of the most specialist or relictic species show a more restricted distribution. At the same time, the expansion of wolf and European mink, with the appearance of American mink for the first time, reflect a dynamic but very unstable scene. Key words: Carnivores, Population status, Distribution, Conservation, lberian peninsula.The first study on the carnivore community of Biscay was published in 1985. The present study, made twelve years later, was carried out to assess the present situation of these mammals. In this work, data collected from 1990 to 1996 by trapping, sighting, and surveying road and other kills, as well as faeces and tracks are reported. Records of 12 species were obtained, of which American mink Mustela vison (Schreber, 1777) is cited for the first time, and the wolf reappears as a non-occasional species. The main trends observed during the last twelve years seem to be related to changes in land use and management of natural resources. The situation has turned favourable for the most opportunistic species, which have become very abundant in some areas, while populations of the most specialist or relictic species show a more restricted distribution. At the same time, the expansion of wolf and European mink, with the appearance of American mink for the first time, reflect a dynamic but very unstable scene. Key words: Carnivores, Population status, Distribution, Conservation, lberian peninsula

    Composición y calidad de la dieta del ciervo (Cervus elaphus L.) en el norte de la península ibérica

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    Plant composition and quality of the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) diet in the northern Iberian peninsula The feeding pattern of red deer varies greatly among the different European populations. The aim of our study was to elucidate the plant composition and the quality of the red deer diet in the Pyrenees (Northern Iberian peninsula). Over a one-year period, the red deer fed mainly on browse, pines being the main food. However, unlike other populations on the Iberian peninsula, consumption of herbaceous plants was higher than browse in the spring-summer period. Nevertheless, the diet of Pyrenean red deer shared some features with the Mediterranean populations such as browsing on woody legumes. Fecal nitrogen content, as an index of diet quality, showed low annual values with a marked decrease in winter. The overall feeding pattern was similar to that of other Central European populations. The large size of the surveyed population probably affected its high level of browse consumption and poor quality diet

    Composición vegetal y calidad de la dieta del ciervo (Cervus elaphus L. ) en el norte de la península Ibérica

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    The feeding pattern of red deer varies greatly among the different European populations. The aim of our study was to elucidate the plant composition and the quality of the red deer diet in the Pyrenees (Northern Iberian peninsula). Over a one–year period, the red deer fed mainly on browse, pines being the main food. However, unlike other populations on the Iberian peninsula, consumption of herbaceous plants was higher than browse in the spring–summer period. Nevertheless, the diet of Pyrenean red deer shared some features with the Mediterranean populations such as browsing on woody legumes. Fecal nitrogen content, as an index of diet quality, showed low annual values with a marked decrease in winter. The overall feeding pattern was similar to that of other Central European populations. The large size of the surveyed population probably affected its high level of browse consumption and poor quality diet.El patrón de alimentación del ciervo es muy variable entre las diferentes poblaciones europeas. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue determinar la composición vegetal y la calidad de la dieta del ciervo en los Pirineos (norte de la península Ibérica). Durante un periodo de un año, el ciervo se alimentó principalmente de plantas leñosas, siendo los pinos su principal alimento. Sin embargo a diferencia de otras poblaciones de la península Ibérica, el consumo de plantas herbáceas fue superior al de leñosas en primavera y verano. No obstante, la dieta del ciervo del Pirineo comparte algunas características con la de las poblaciones mediterráneas, como el consumo de plantas leguminosas leñosas. El contenido en nitrógeno fecal, como índice de calidad de la dieta, presenta valores anuales bajos con una marcada disminución en invierno. El patrón de alimentación global fue similar al de otras poblaciones centroeuropeas. El gran tamaño de la población estudiada influye probablemente en el alto nivel de consumo de leñosas y la baja calidad de su dieta

    Fishing long-fingered bats (<i>Myotis capaccinii</i>) prey regularly upon exotic fish

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    7 p.The long-fingered bat Myotis capaccinii is a European trawling bat reported to feed on fish in several Mediterranean locations, but the ecological circumstances of this behavior have not yet been studied. To elucidate the importance of fishing in this bat's diet, we evaluated the frequency and seasonal variation of fish remains in 3,000 fecal pellets collected from M. capaccinii at a nursery roost in Dénia (Eastern Iberian Peninsula) in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Fish consumption occurred evenly throughout the year. All otoliths found in feces were identified as belonging to the surface-feeding fish Gambusia holbrooki. Measuring otoliths, we estimated that the mean size of consumed fish was significantly smaller than the mean measured for available fish, suggesting that the long-fingered bat's relatively small body may constrain its handling of larger prey. Of note, one bat had eaten 15 fish, showing that fish may be a locally or seasonally important trophic resource for this species. By capturing 15 bats and radio-tracking the four with the most fish remains in their droppings, we also identified fishing areas, including a single fishing ground comprising several ponds within a golf course. Ponds hold a high density of G. holbrooki, suggesting that the amount of fish at the water surface may be the principal factor triggering fishing. The observed six-fold increase in percentage of consumed fish across the study period may be related to recent pond-building in the area. We discuss whether this quick behavioral response is a novel feature of M. capaccinii or an intrinsic feature that has erupted and faded locally along the species' history.This study was part of the MICINN project CGL2009-12393 coordinated by J. Aihartza, UPV/EHU. The Basque Government provided grant support to O. Aizpurua and A. Alberdi (BFI-2009-252 and BFI-2010-190). Support was also provided by the University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU (INF09/15) and the Basque Government (IT385-07 and IT301-10). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. This study was performed with the permission of the Valencian Government

    DNA metabarcoding and spatial modelling link diet diversification with distribution homogeneity in European bats

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    Inferences of the interactions between species’ ecological niches and spatial distribution have been historically based on simple metrics such as low-resolution dietary breadth and range size, which might have impeded the identification of meaningful links between niche features and spatial patterns. We analysed the relationship between dietary niche breadth and spatial distribution features of European bats, by combining continent-wide DNA metabarcoding of faecal samples with species distribution modelling. Our results show that while range size is not correlated with dietary features of bats, the homogeneity of the spatial distribution of species exhibits a strong correlation with dietary breadth. We also found that dietary breadth is correlated with bats’ hunting flexibility. However, these two patterns only stand when the phylogenetic relations between prey are accounted for when measuring dietary breadth. Our results suggest that the capacity to exploit different prey types enables species to thrive in more distinct environments and therefore exhibit more homogeneous distributions within their rangesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inventario y criterios de gestión de los mamíferos del Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido

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    2 volúmenes + 1 vol. Anexos + Resumen.-- Informe Final del Convenio de Investigación entre el Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales y el Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC).Peer reviewe

    Distribución de los murciélagos de los géneros pipistrellus, Hypsugo y Eptesicus (Mammalia, Chiroptera) en el País Vasco Occidental

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    Hemos determinado la distribución de los murciélagos de los géneros Pipistrellus, Hypsugo y Eptesicus en Araba, Biakaia eta Gipuzkoa. Para ello se han muestreado sistemáticamente todas las cuadrículas UTM de 10x10 km entre 1995y 2000 combinando la búsqueda directa en refugios, el empleo de redes y trampas de arpa, y los detectores de ultrasonidos. P. pipistrellus es muy frecuente y aparece prácticamente en todas las cuadrículas y, además, todas las identificaciones mediante detectores correspondieron al fonotipo de 45 kHz ; no se obtuvieron datos sobre P. pygmaeus (fonotipo 55 kHz). P. kuhlii es una especie muy frecuente y de distribución amplia, aunque con lagunas en algunas zonas de montaña como el extremo oriental de Araba y sur de Gipuzkoa. Unicamente se obtuvieron 3 citas de P. nathusii, concordantes con su carácter migratorio en nuestro entorno. H. savii se encontró al sur de Araba, cerca de zonas de montaña y de los pueblos. E. serotinus es de distribución amplia, más abundante en zonas de montaña o sus estribaciones con amplias zonas rocosas

    Plant composition and the quality of the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) diet in the northern Iberian peninsula

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    11 páginas, 4 figuras.[EN]: The feeding pattern of red deer greatly among the different European populations. The aim of our study was to elucidate the plant composition and the quality of the red deer diet in the Pyrenees (Northern Iberian peninsula). Over a one–year period, the red deer fed mainly on browse, pines being the main food. However, unlike other populations on the Iberian peninsula, consumption of herbaceous plants was higher than browse in the spring–summer period. Nevertheless, the diet of Pyrenean red deer shared some features with the Mediterranean populations such as browsing on woody legumes. Fecal nitrogen content, as an index of diet quality, showed low annual values with a marked decrease in winter. The overall feeding pattern was similar to that of other Central European populations. The large size of the population surveyed probably affected its high level of browse consumption and poor quality diet.[ES]: El patrón de alimentación del ciervo es muy variable entre las diferentes poblaciones europeas. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue determinar la composición vegetal y la calidad de la dieta del ciervo en los Pirineos (norte de la península Ibérica). Durante un periodo de un año, el ciervo se alimentó principalmente de plantas leñosas, siendo los pinos su principal alimento. Sin embargo a diferencia de otras poblaciones de la península Ibérica, el consumo de plantas herbáceas fue superior al de leñosas en primavera y verano. No obstante, la dieta del ciervo del Pirineo comparte algunas características con la de las poblaciones mediterráneas, como el consumo de legumbres leñosas. El contenido en nitrógeno fecal, como índice de calidad de la dieta, presenta valores anuales bajos con una marcada disminución en invierno. El patrón de alimentación global fue similar al de otras poblaciones centroeuropeas. El gran tamaño de la población estudiada influye probablemente en el alto nivel de consumo de leñosas y la baja calidad de su dieta.El Gobierno Vasco subvencionó este trabajo mediante una beca predoctoral al primer autor y el Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (C.S.I.C.) aportó su infraestructura y personal.Peer reviewe