192 research outputs found

    A State-of-the Art Survey on Chatbots Technology Developments and Applications in Primary Healthcare Domain

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    Chatbots, defined as artificial intelligence program able to simulate processes of human conversation via auditory or textual methods, are deployed by firms to automate customer service. In recent years, chatbots have received tremendous attention from scholars in numerous fields including e-health, e-learning, and e-commerce over many sectors. However, the technology developments and applications specifically in the primary healthcare domain are still insufficiently explored. The principal purpose of the study is to provide a broad review of the current technology developments and applications in primary healthcare domain and future directions in the research. First, we describe features of chatbots considering the healthcare domain. Next, we provide a classification of technology developments and applications in primary healthcare with a focus on recent advances. Then, we present a density map of applications in the primary healthcare domain. Furthermore, we introduce future directions in the core research technology. We expect this study to serve as a comprehensive resource for researchers in healthcare domain

    Método del Grado de Intervención: Modelo Empírico de Predimensionado del Coste en Rehabilitación de Edificios

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    La idea que dirige el Método de Análisis y Estimación Rápida, que se plantea, se fundamenta en: a) Expresar la cantidad e Intensidad de la Intervención necesaria en el edificio estudiado, expresándola en el parámetro denominado: Grado de Intervención (Gi). b) Ponderar dicho Grado de Intervención con un Coeficiente de Mayoración de Ejecución de Obra (Cm), que tiene en cuenta las circunstancias de la Edificación y de la Realización de las Obras de Adecuación. c) Imputar al Grado de Intervención Mayorado (Gi x Cm), una equivalencia en euros, aplicando un Modulo Actualizado (Ma) a dicho producto. Estas variables nos permiten conocer el Coste de los Trabajos de Intervención (Cti), mediante la Expresión

    Proyecto de vida autónomo como estrategia pedagógica para el fortalecimiento de las habilidades sociales de los jóvenes en proceso de rehabilitación por consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el municipio de San Sebastián de Mariquita Tolima.

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    ImágenesEste documento presenta los resultados del trabajo de grado realizado en la modalidad de Proyecto de investigación, está articulado con la línea de investigación Educación y Desarrollo humano de la ECEDU, y que se basó en la metodología de Hernández (2014) “enfoque cualitativo, el cual utiliza la recolección y análisis de los datos para afinar las preguntas de investigación o revelar nuevas interrogantes en el proceso de interpretación” (p. 40).; de esta manera, Hernández, facilita un paso a paso partiendo de: la idea, planteamiento del problema, recolección y análisis de datos, interpretación de los resultados y elaboración del reporte de resultados con base en la tabulación de cada dato obtenido por el objeto de estudio que son los Jóvenes de la Fundación de Jesús del Municipio de Mariquita Tolima. Se propone un proyecto de vida autónomo como estrategia pedagógica para el fortalecimiento de las habilidades sociales de los jóvenes en proceso de rehabilitación por consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, con la triangulación de los resultados y análisis obtenidos en el diagnóstico e instrumentos aplicados mediante una START-UP (Empresa Emergente) donde el joven pueda diseñar un plan de vida definiendo intereses, valores, aptitudes y metas a corto, mediano y largo plazo.This document presents the results of the undergraduate work carried out in the Research Project modality, is articulated with the line of research Education and Human Development of the ECEDU, and which was based on the methodology of Hernández (2014) “qualitative approach, the which uses the collection and analysis of data to refine research questions or reveal new questions in the interpretation process ”(p. 40) .; In this way, Hernández facilitates a step by step starting from: the idea, problem statement, data collection and analysis, interpretation of the results and preparation of the results report based on the tabulation of each data obtained by the object of study that are the Youth of the Foundation of Jesus of the Municipality of Mariquita Tolima. An autonomous life project is proposed as a pedagogical strategy to strengthen the social skills of young people in the process of rehabilitation due to the consumption of psychoactive substances, with the triangulation of the results and analysis obtained in the diagnosis and instruments applied through a START-UP (Emerging Company) where the young person can design a life plan defining interests, values, aptitudes and goals in the short, medium and long term

    Condiciones de operación de un biorreactor para la fermentación en café

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    Las fermentaciones con temperatura controlada se proponen como alternativa de procesamiento para obtener beneficios en la calidad del café. Las características físicas cambiantes en la masa de café, durante la fermentación, se convierten en un desafío para que el sistema de agitación logre condiciones homogéneas de temperatura. Con el objetivo de determinar las condiciones de operación de un biorreactor para fermentaciones en café, se realizó un proceso de puesta a punto, en el que se realizaron fermentaciones con variación en la velocidad de rotación, tiempo de agitación y periodo entre agitaciones. Posteriormente se determinó el comportamiento de las fermentaciones en un rango de temperatura entre 10 y 30 ºC, con intervalos de 5 ºC. Como testigo de cada proceso se realizó una fermentación espontánea. Se determinaron los tiempos de degradación de mucílago mayor a 95 % y de equilibrio de temperatura entre la masa y la chaqueta del equipo. Se observaron diferencias en el tiempo de fermentación y los valores finales de pH y temperatura de la masa, respecto al testigo y a la temperatura de control. Los procesos controlados tomaron entre 2 y 13 horas más de fermentación que el testigo correspondiente. Mediante un impulsor de paletas planas, se identificó el mejor punto de operación cuando el proceso se realizó a 3 r•m-1, por 2 min, cada 6 horas. Para lograr una temperatura de fermentación en la masa de café, de acuerdo con sus características, se requiere una agitación a baja velocidad para no generar remoción mecánica de mucílago.Fermentation at a controlled temperature is proposed as a processing alternative to obtain benefits in terms of coffee quality. The changing physical characteristics in the coffee mass during fermentation become a challenge for the stirring system to achieve homogeneous temperature conditions. A fine-tuning process was carried out to determine the operating conditions of a bioreactor for fermentation in coffee with variations in rotation speed, stirring time, and the period between stirrings. Subsequently, the behavior of the fermentations was determined in a temperature range between 10 and 30 °C, at intervals of 5 °C. As a comparison for each process, spontaneous fermentation was carried out. The time to reach mucilage degradation greater than 95 % and the time to reach equilibrium between the temperatures of the coffee mass and the equipment’s water jacket were determined. The final pH was also registered. Descriptive differences observed between the processes with controlled temperature, the spontaneous fermentation in the time to reach mucilage degradation, and the final pH and temperature values. The controlled processes required between 2 and 13 hours longer fermentations than the corresponding spontaneous process. Through a flat vane impeller, the best operating point was identified when the process was performed at 3 r•min-1 for 2 min every 6 hours. Low-speed agitation is required to reduce mechanical removal of mucilage

    Performing simulated basic life support without seeing: blind vs. blindfolded people

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    Previous pilot experience has shown the ability of visually impaired and blind people (BP) to learn basic life support (BLS), but no studies have compared their abilities with blindfolded people (BFP) after participating in the same instructor-led, real-time feedback training. Twenty-nine BP and 30 BFP participated in this quasi-experimental trial. Training consisted of a 1 h theoretical and practical training session with an additional 30 min afterwards, led by nurses with prior experience in BLS training of various collectives. Quantitative quality of chest compressions (CC), AED use and BLS sequence were evaluated by means of a simulation scenario. BP’s median time to start CC was less than 35 s. Global and specific components of CC quality were similar between groups, except for compression rate (BFP: 123.4 + 15.2 vs. BP: 110.8 + 15.3 CC/min; p = 0.002). Mean compression depth was below the recommended target in both groups, and optimal CC depth was achieved by 27.6% of blind and 23.3% of blindfolded people (p = 0.288). Time to discharge was significantly longer in BFP than BP (86.0 + 24.9 vs. 66.0 + 27.0 s; p = 0.004). Thus, after an adapted and short training program, blind people were revealed to have abilities comparable to those of blindfolded people in learning and performing the BLS sequence and CCS

    Estudio Integral sobre la Evaluación del Recurso Eólico en Entornos Urbanos. Estación Anemométrica Adaptable

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    Como consecuencia de un intenso proceso de trabajo, coordinado con Investigadores del CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas), se pretende comunicar el estado del trabajo de Investigación relacionado con la Evaluación del Potencial Eólico en entornos urbanos, con vistas a la posible generación de energía eléctrica limpia

    Characterization of Co-Cr-W dental alloys with veneering materials manufactured via subtractive milling and additive manufacturing LDED methods

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    Laser-directed energy deposition (LDED) is an additive manufacturing (AM) technology which can be an alternative to the traditional subtractive milling process for the obtention of porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) prosthesis. Still, the adhesion performance of the veneering ceramics for this material has been not studied yet. The main objective of this study is to perform a systematic comparison of the adhesion performance of Co-Cr-W metal frameworks obtained through LDED and conventional milling techniques. Comparison includes microstructural, superficial, and adhesion analysis. Co-Cr manufactured via LDED technique presents similar behavior (p < 0.05) in comparison to the material obtained via milling techniques, and its performance was validated with the veneering ceramics and veneering composites currently employed in the dental industry.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. EQC2019-005892-PXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/23Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020-117900RB-I0

    Training frequency for educating schoolchildren in basic life support: very brief 4-month rolling-refreshers versus annual retraining—a 2-year prospective longitudinal trial

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    Objective To compare the effectiveness of 4-month rolling-refreshers and annual retraining in basic life support (BLS) on a sample of schoolchildren. Design Prospective longitudinal trial. Setting and participants Four hundred and seventy-two schoolchildren (8–12 years old). Interventions Schoolchildren were instructed in BLS and then split into the following three groups: control group (CG), standard group (SG) and rolling-refresher group (RRG). Their BLS skills were assessed within 1 week (T1) and 2 years later (T2). Moreover, CG did not receive any additional training; SG received one 50 min retraining session 1 year later; RRG participated in very brief (5 min) rolling-refreshers that were carried out every 4 months. Primary and secondary outcomes Hands-on skills of BLS sequence and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Results BLS sequence performance was similar in all groups at T1, but SG and RRG followed the steps of the protocol in more proportion than CG at T2. When compared at T2, RRG showed higher proficiency than SG in checking safety, checking response, opening the airway and alerting emergency medical services. In addition, although the mean resuscitation quality was low in all groups, RRG participants reached a higher percentage of global quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CG: 16.4±24.1; SG: 25.3±28.8; RRG: 29.9%±29.4%), with a higher percentage of correct chest compressions by depth (CG: 3.9±11.8; SG: 10.8±22.7; RRG: 15.5±26.1 mm). Conclusions In 8-to-12-year-old schoolchildren, although annual 50 min retraining sessions help to maintain BLS performance, 4-month very brief rolling-refreshers were shown to be even more effective. Thus, we recommend implementing baseline BLS training at schools, with subsequently brief rolling-refreshers.S

    End-of-life care in a pediatric intensive care unit: the impact of the development of a palliative care unit

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    Background: The purpose of this paper is to describe how end-of-life care is managed when life-support limitationis decided in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and to analyze the influence of the further development of the Palliative Care Unit. Methods: A 15-year retrospective study of children who died after life-support limitation was initiated in a pediatric intensive care unit. Patients were divided into two groups, pre- and post-palliative care unit development. Epidemiological and clinical data, the decision-making process, and the approach were analyzed. Data was obtained from patient medical records. Results: One hundred seventy-five patients were included. The main reason for admission was respiratory failure (86/175). A previous pathology was present in 152 patients (61/152 were neurological issues). The medical team and family participated together in the decision-making in 145 cases (82.8%). The family made the request in 10 cases (9 vs. 1, p = 0.019). Withdrawal was the main life-support limitation (113/175), followed by withholding lifesustaining treatments (37/175). Withdrawal was more frequent in the post-palliative group (57.4% vs. 74.3%, p = 0.031). In absolute numbers, respiratory support was the main type of support withdrawn. Conclusions: The main cause of life-support limitation was the unfavourable evolution of the underlying pathology. Families were involved in the decision-making process in a high percentage of the cases. The development of the Palliative Care Unit changed life-support limitation in our unit, with differences detected in the type of patient and in the strategy used. Increased confidence among intensivists when providing end-of-life care, and the availability of a Palliative Care Unit may contribute to improvements in the quality of end-of-life care