14 research outputs found


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    Detection of Escherichia Coli in Children Stool with Diarrhea Patients Using Culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction Method

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    Introduction : Diarrheal diseases are a serious issue on health in developing countries and the liquid cause's morbidity and mortality in children that cause the diarrhea pathogenic bacte- ria including Escherichia coli. This research aims to detect E. coli in stool diarrhea patient of the child with culture method and Polymerase Chain Reaction. Methods : This research is descriptive research design with cross-sectional approach. The sampling was collected from some public health centers namely Pampang, Barabarayya, Antang Perumnas, Tamangapa public health centers. Specimen testing process was conducted at Microbiology laboratory of the Teaching Hospital University of Hasanuddin to identify E. coli bacterium with the culture and to detect eae gene and bfp with PCR technique. Results : The results indicate that from50 samples, there are 15 samples (30%) of samples positively detection E. coli using culture method and PCR test using eae and bfp primer found 20 (40%) and 1 sample (2%) positive enteropathogen E. coli. Conclusion : PCR methods indicated the result of E. coli bacteria results faster and more accurate that other culture methods

    Detection of Shigella SP on Stool Children with Diarrhea Using Culture Methode and Pcr

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    Introduction: Diarrhea is one health problem in the world with mortality and morbidity rates are high, both in developed and developing countries. This research aims to detect Shigella sp in the stool of children with diarrhea using culture method and PCR. Methods: This research is a descriptive with cross-sectional design. A total of 50 samples were obtained from four health centers in Makassar city, i.e Barabaraya, Pampang, Antang Perumnas and Tamangapa from May - July 2016 with rectal swab method. For culture test, the samples were inoculated on medium SSA. While with PCR test, primer icsA (526 bp) was used. Results: The results indicate that, from 50 samples tested by using culture method, there is no sample (0%) posi- tive detected Shigella sp. While the PCR method there 6 samples (24%) positive detected Shigella sp. Conclusion: The sensitivity of PCR in the detection of Shigella sp from the level of dilution 100 - 10-3. Al together, it can be inferred that PCR method is more accurate method detect Shigellasp than other culture methode


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    In uncovering female mixologists as actors from the tourism industry, on the basis of the theory of cultural concepts, work ethic, and community views. The work ethic of women to actualize themselves in order to improve the family economy is based on socio-cultural, educational, technological and environmental factors. although the role of women is able to contribute significantly to their own, family and community departments but social views about their profession as mixologists which add a series of stereotypes to women that have a negative impact on female workers including mixologist workers


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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Diarrhea is one health problem in the world with mortality and morbidity rates are high, both in developed and developing countries. This research aims to detect Shigella sp in the stool of children with diarrhea using culture method and PCR. Methods: This research is a descriptive with cross-sectional design. A total of 50 samples were obtained from four health centers in Makassar city, i.e Barabaraya, Pampang, Antang Perumnas and Tamangapa from May - July 2016 with rectal swab method. For culture test, the samples were inoculated on medium SSA. While with PCR test, primer icsA (526 bp) was used. Results: The results indicate that, from 50 samples tested by using culture method, there is no sample (0%) posi- tive detected Shigella sp. While the PCR method there 6 samples (24%) positive detected Shigella sp. Conclusion: The sensitivity of PCR in the detection of Shigella sp from the level of dilution 100 - 10-3. Al together, it can be inferred that PCR method is more accurate method detect Shigellasp than other culture methode. Keywords: Diarrhea, Shigellasp, Culture, PC

    Development of Learning Media Based on Prezi on Sociology Subject at 11th Grade of Social Program

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    This research is aimed to make a proper learning media using application of prezi. The application can be used in learning process and helps the students to learn sociology subject especially on the material of conflict, violence and its solution. The research method was method of Research and Development (R&D). The procedure of learning media development was based on perspective of Alessi and Trollip (2001). It consisted of 2 development attributes, namely planning, design and development. This research was conducted in SMA N 1 Sukoharjo. Planning was conducted through the procedure of planning and development which consisted of necessity analysis and media design. The steps of product designing was conducted through media and content material selection, validation, revision and testing. The criteria of success in this development research reffered to the success of expert validation and product testing. This research shows that learning media of prezi belongs to proper category if it is reviewed from: (1) material aspect, the score is 95% (very good), (2) media aspect, the score is 85% (very good). The result of properness testing to the university students on each person obtained total score of 78, 53% (good). On the testing of small group, it obtained total score of 80,82% (good)

    Pseudomonas Putida E16 16 SRNA Potential as Enzyme-Producing Bacteria

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    seudomonas putida strain E16 16S Ribosomal RNA is identified molecularly as bacterial symbiont spesies of macroalga Sargassum polycystum which produce L-Asparaginase (E.C., levels of optimum fermentation time and substrate concentration are 48 hours and 10g/L respectively, 60-80% Fraction is The Highest L-Asparaginase Activity (2,03 IU/ml). Gel filtration chromatography sefadeks G-100 has a purity level of 11.505 compared to the crude extract which continued to CM-Sephadex C50 ion-exchange chromatography, the pure L-Asparaginase of fraction 28 have purity level of 197.112 compared to crude extract

    Peran Strategis Manajemen Humas di Pesantren Modern al-Junaidiyah Biru Kabupaten Bone

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen Humas di Pesantren Modern al-Junaidiyah Biru Bone dilaksanakan dengan sistematis berdasarkan pada kerangka kerja yang telah diprogramkan oleh pengelola Pesantren Modern al-Junaidiyah Biru Bone. Humas di Pesantren Modern al-Junaidiyah Biru Bone dilaksanakan oleh Tim Humas yang dibentuk. Tim tersebut bekerja melalui tahapan; identifikasi, perencanaan dan penyusunan program, pengembangan jaringan dan eksekusi, pelaksanaan program, dan laporan pertanggungjawaban. Peran strategi manajemen humas di Pesantren Modern al-Junaidiyah Biru Kabupaten Bone terlihat dari berbagai kerjasama program dengan berbagai pihak, perbaikan dan pengadaan fasilitas pendidikan di Pesantren, serta berperan di dalam mempromosikan pesantren di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Peluang dan tantangan manajemen Humas memiliki bagi pengembangan Pesantren Modern al-Junaidiyah Biru Kabupaten Bone didukung oleh; respon positif pemerintah, kondisi sosial dan budaya masyarakat Bone, serta keterbukaan media indormasi. Humas tetap mendapatkan berbagai kendala yaitu tidak tersedianya tenaga ahli, dan keterbatasan kemampuan komunikasi yang masih dimiliki oleh Tim Humas Pesantren Modern al-Junaidiyah Biru Bone, serta belum adanya konsep yang jelas di dalam manajemen humas