48 research outputs found

    Iäkkäiden lääkehoito vältettävät lääkkeet ja yhteisvaikutukset

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    Lääkehoitoa kehitetään moniammatillisesti KYSin päivystyksessä – potilas aktiivisesti mukana

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    Kokoveren uusi tuleminen?

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    Vuotavan potilaan hoidossa pyritään antamaan veren eri komponentteja – punasoluja, plasmaa, trombosyyttejä – fysiologisessa suhteessa. Miksei kolmen eri verivalmisteen sijaan käytettäisi suoraan kokoverta

    Iäkkäiden lääkityksen tietokanta on työkalu lääkehoidon soveltuvuuden arviointiin

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    Medication reconciliation and review for older emergency patients requires improvement in Finland

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    BACKGROUND: 10-30% of hospital stays by older patients are drug-related. The admission phase is important for identifying drug-related problems, but taking an incorrect medication history often leads to medication errors. OBJECTIVES: To enhance medication history recording and identify drug-related problems (DRPs) of older patients admitted to emergency departments (EDs). METHODS: DRPs were identified by pharmacists-led medication reconciliation and review procedures in two EDs in Finland; Helsinki University Hospital (HUS), and Kuopio University Hospital (KUH). One-hundred-and-fifty patients aged >= 65-years, living at home and using >= 6 medicines were studied. RESULTS: 100% of patients (N = 75) in HUS and 99% in KUH (N = 75), had discrepancies in their admission-medication chart recorded by the nurse or physician. Associations between admission-diagnosis and drug-related problems were found in 12 patients (16%) in HUS and 22 patients (29%) in KUH. Of these, high-alert medications (e.g. antithrombotics, cytostatics, opioids) were linked to eight patients (11%) in HUS and six patients (8%) in KUH. Other acute DRPs were identified in 19 patients (25%) in HUS and 54 patients (72%) in KUH. Furthermore, 67 patients (89%) in HUS and all patients in KUH had non-acute DRPs. CONCLUSIONS: Medication reconciliation and review at admission of older ED patients requires improvement in Finland.Peer reviewe

    Rationalisering av långtidspatienters läkemedelsbehandling på servicecentral

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    Cost analysis of a randomized stem cell mobilization study in multiple myeloma

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    Upfront autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is the standard therapy for younger multiple myeloma (MM) patients. MM patients usually undergo stem cell mobilization with cyclophosphamide (CY) followed by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), or with G-CSF alone. A limited number of randomized studies are available comparing costs of different mobilization strategies. Eighty transplant-eligible patients aged up to 70 years with untreated MM were included in this prospective study. The patients were treated with RVD induction for three 21-day cycles and randomized 1: 1 at inclusion into one of the two mobilization arms CY 2 g/m(2) + G-CSF [arm A] vs. G-CSF alone [arm B]. Plerixafor was given according to a specific algorithm if needed. Sixty-nine patients who received mobilization followed by blood graft collection were included in the cost analysis. The median total costs of the mobilization phase were significantly higher in arm A than in arm B (3855 (sic) vs. 772 (sic), pPeer reviewe

    Lääke75+ auttaa iäkkään potilaan kivun hoidossa

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    Lääkkeen ja sen annoksen valinnassa on otettava huomioon, että ikääntynyt elimistö on herkkä kipulääkkeiden haitallisille vaikutuksille. Lääke75+ on tietokanta, joka tiivistää tärkeimmät iäkkäillä potilailla huomioitavat seikat lääkeainekohtaisesti.</p