36 research outputs found

    How Impact the Design of Aluminum Swaging Circle Fitting on the Sealing for Piping Systems: Analytical and Numerical Model

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    Installation and repair of hydraulic installations are carried out by joining the pipes in the field. Pipe connections in aviation are made in a very narrow space and field. For this reason, fitting swaging method is used to connect the fittings to the pipes with a hydraulic hand tool. The basis for developing a swaging tool is knowledge of the design parameters for the plastic deformation of the swaging circle fitting. In addition to the design parameter, pipes have to be joined in cryogenic vacuum conditions, which require sealing in such sensitive and harsh conditions. In this study, the effect of swaged circle fitting designs on tightness and strength was determined and different swaging methods were examined for its improvement. Different geometric swaged circle fittings are designed and analytical and numerical models are solved. The solution results obtained show the characteristic effect of the fitting swaging analysis methodology and the swaged circle fitting design on the sealing of the pipe joint. The innovation is mainly the effect of the swaging circle connection design on the sealing of the pipe joint. With the finding in this work, it is now possible to develop or develop new tools for engineered swaging circle fitting

    Relationship Stability in Emerging Adulthood: The Predictions of Maternal Bonding and Need for Cognitive Closure

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    The main purpose of this study is to examine the predictive effects of maternal bonding and need for cognitive closure on relationship stability in the context of a model. In addition, it was examined whether the relationship stability and its subscales significantly differed according to some demographic variables. In the study in which the relational descriptive model was used, the research group consists of 403 individuals, 45% male (n = 180) and 55% (n = 223) female. “Relationship Stability Scale”, “Parental Attachment Inventory-Mother Short Form” and “Need for Completion Scale-Short Form” were used as data collection tools in the study. Path model and t-Test are the basic statistics used in data analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that maternal bonding (ß = .16,

    Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Friction Stir Spot Welding and Numerical Solution With The Finite Element Method

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    In this paper, friction stir spot welding (FSSW) of magnesium sheets were analyzed using finite element method (FEM). Various tool shoulder types used in Friction stir welding (FSW) were chosen as different parameter. Thermic simulations were showed that thermic conditions vary with tool shoulder design types used in friction stir welding. Heat energy input (Q) of numerical model was solved analytically and calculated based on the various parameter values. Friction factor surface pressure and materials thermic properties which are changing with generated heat during friction welding were also considered in the FEM analysis. Thermic field model was solved numerically and results were presented

    Developing of Seedless Grape Varieties

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    In this study, it was planned to identify the seedless genotypes by screening with molecular markers for early selection among the F1 genotypes obtained in the hybridization study. In addition, it was aimed to determine the appropriate sampling time by applying the embryo rescue technique for F1 genotypes obtained from these combinations in which seedless varieties were used as the female parent. When the conversion rates into plants were examined, 50% success was achieved in the Yalova Seedless X Glenora combination, while this rate was 62.5% in the Yalova Seedless X Philipp combination. In the study, F1 genotypes obtained from these were screened with the VvAGL11 marker. When the appropriate sampling times were examined, while the 8th week was prominent in the Yalova Seedless X Philipp combination, the best results were obtained from the samples taken at the 9th week in the Yalova Seedless X Glenora combination

    Investıgatıon Of Shoulder Profıle Desıgn Of The Screwless Stırrıng Tool And The Mechanıcal Propertıes Of The Joıned Magnesıum Plates Wıth Frıctıon Stır Spot Weldıng

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    Magnezyum alaşımının ağırlık kazancı ve yakıt tüketiminde tasarruf sağlaması özellikle otomotiv ve havacılık alanındaki düşük ağırlıklı mühendislik malzemelerinin geliştirilmesinde kullanımını da artırmaktadır. Magnezyum; alüminyum’a göre %35, titanyuma göre de %65 daha hafif bir metal olsa da ergitme esaslı birleştirme yöntemleri ile birleştirmelerde problemler yaşanmasına da neden olabilmektedir. Ergitme birleştirme yöntemleri ile magnezyum levhaların birleştirilmesi zor olması nedeni ile son yıllarda alüminyum ve magnezyum levhaların birleştirilmesinde sıkça kullanılan Sürtünme Karıştırma Kaynağı (SKK) bir katıhal birleştirme yöntemi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada SKK yöntemi ile malzemelerin birleştirilmesi için vidasız (pimsiz) sürtünme karıştırma karıştırıcı uç omuz profili tasarımları ve bu uçlarla birleştirilen Magnezyum levhaların mekanik özelliklerinin ve metalografik yapısının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Karıştırıcı uç ve ucun omuz profili tasarımları yapılarak, birleştirme bölgesi vidasız pim ile karıştırılarak otomotiv ve havacılık alanında kullanılan ince Magnezyum levhaların birleştirilmesi mümkün hale getirilmiştir. Magnezyum levhaların rahatlıkla birleştirilebildiği, yapılan deneyler ve mühendislik uygulamalarıyla sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak deneysel ve teorik olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan vidasız karıştırıcı uç omuz profili tasarımı ve Sürtünme Karıştırma Nokta Kaynağı (SKNK) yöntemiyle birleştirilen magnezyum malzemelerin mekanik özelliklerden; çekme-kesme dayanımı, üç nokta eğme dayanımı, yorulma dayanımı, sertlik ölçümleri, X-Ray görüntüleri alınmış ve metalografik yapı incelenmiştirThe weight gain of the magnesium alloy and the savings in fuel consumption also increase its use in the development of low-weight engineering materials, especially in the automotive and aviation sectors. Even though magnesium is 35% lighter than aluminum and 65% lighter than titanium, it can still cause problems in joining with melting based welding methods. Due to the fact that magnesium plates are difficult to join with melting based welding methods, the friction stir welding (FSW) method, which is frequently used in joining of aluminum and magnesium plates, has been used in recent years. In this investigation, it is aimed to investigate the mechanical features and metallographic structure of the screwless friction stir tool shoulder profile designs for joining the materials by the FSW method used in recent years and magnesium plates joined with these tools. Joining the magnesium plates used in automotive and aviation sectors has been made possible through making stirring tool shoulder profile designs and stirring joining with screwless tool. Thus, the fact that magnesium plates can be easily joined and their usability in engineering applications were evaluated experimentally and theoretically by using finite element method and the experiments. Of the mechanical features of the magnesium materials joined with the screwless stirring tool shoulder profile design and the Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSSW) method; tensile-shear strength, bending strength, fatigue strength, hardness measurements, X-Ray scans and metallographic structure were investigate

    Quality Detection For Web Objects

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011Web içerdiği nesnelerin sayısı açısından bakıldığında gün geçtikçe artan bir hızla büyümektedir. Günümüzde Web in ulaştığı boyut, içerdiği nesnelerin kalitelerinin uzmanlar tarafından elle belirlenmesini imkansız hale getirmektedir. İnternetteki otorite eksikliği ve kullanıcıların Web e tamamen özgürce içerik ekleyip, bu içerikleri idare etmesi de kalitesi düşük içeriğin veya kötü niyetli yaramaz (spam) içeriklerin Web deki miktarını önemli ölçüde arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, belirtilen nedenlerden ötürü önemi artan, Web deki nesnelerin kalitelerinin tespit edilmesi üzerine çalışılmıştır. İlk etapta yaramaz mim (bookmark) nesnelerinin yaramaz olmayanlardan ayrılması görevini içeren ikili karar problemi çözülmeye çalışılmıştır. Bunun için eldeki folksonomi verisi ilişkisel bir veriymiş gibi kabul edilerek, ilişkisel verinin sınıflandırılması için önerilmiş olan İlişkisel Bayes Sınıflandırıcı (İBS) ile karar verme işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bunun yanında C4.5 karar ağacı algoritması, nitelik seçimi amacıyla eldeki veriye uygun olacak şekilde uygulanmıştır. Yapılan deneylerle, önerdiğimiz yöntemin yaramaz nesneleri belirleme de oldukça başarılı olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuçlar ve yöntemin artı-eksi yönleri, aynı veri kümesini kullanan diğer çalışmalar göz önüne alınarak tartışılmıştır. İkinci olarak internette yer alan sitelerin kalite seviyelerine göre derecelendirilmesi üzerine çalışılmıştır. Burada karşı karşıya kalınan problem kategori gibi ikiden fazla değer alabilen ve güvenilirlik, tarafsızlık gibi göreceli değerlendirilmesi gereken kalite sınıfına ait niteliklerin tahmin edilmesidir. Bu yüzden, söz konusu çoklu karar problemlerini içeren kalite tespitinin yapılması için bir sistem önerilmiştir. Önerilen sistemden deneyler sonucunda tatmin edici sonuçlar alınmıştır. Ayrıca, bu çalışmada kullanılan veri kümesinin sahip olduğu göreli sınıf etiketlerinin etiketlenmesi safhasında problem olması ve yine aynı veri setinde birçok site için terim vektörünün bulunmaması gibi sorunlara da değinilmiştir. Bir önceki çalışma sırasında kullanılan veri kümesindeki bazı sitelerin bazı nitelik değerlerinin eksik olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu tür sitelerin kalite sınıfının belirlenmesinde problem olması nedeniyle, üçüncü çalışmada bu problem için bir çözüm önerilmiştir. Bu tür sitelerin kalite sınıflarının belirlenmesi amacıyla çizge (graph) üzerinde yayılma (propagation) yapılmıştır. Kalite sınıfını belirleyemediğimiz bir sitenin, sınıfını bildiğimiz komşu siteleri kullanılarak söz konusu site için belli fonksiyonlar yardımıyla sonuca gidilmiştir. Buradaki problem ise çizgenin bağlı olmayan parçalar içermesidir. Bu konuda da yapılabilecek olası çalışmalara tez içerinde değinilmiştir. Çizge üzerinde yayılma ile istenilen sonuçlara, yani daha fazla sayıda sitenin kalitesi belirlenirken, performansın düşmemesi amacına başarıyla erişilmiştir.Web is growing rapidly day by day. Today, if size of the Web is considered, it is impossible to detect quality of the Web objects such as e-mail or Web pages manually by experts. Lack of authority in the Web and users freedom on adding and managing content on the Internet causes increase of the number of spam and low quality content. That s why, in this study, detecting quality of the Web objects, which is a very important subject due to mentioned reasons, is studied. At the first step, it is studied to split spam bookmark objects from non-spam bookmark objects which is a two-class decision problem. For this, available folksonomy data is adopted as relational data and then Relational Bayesian Classifier (RBC) which is proposed for classification of relational data is used for decision process. Also, C4.5 algorithm is adopted to available data set for attribute selection. With experimental results, for detecting spam content, it is shown that the system proposed in this study is quite succesfull. Results of the proposed system and both positive and negative features of it mentioned according to other studies focused on the same data set. At the second step, we study about ranking Web sites according to their quality levels. Here, the problem we faced is multi-class decision problem caused by multi-class valued attributes such as category and categories which requires relatively determination such as trustiness and neutrality. That s why, a system which handles these decision problems is proposed. For proposed system, satisfactory results are obtained with experimental results. Also, problems related with dataset are pointed. For example, for most of the Web sites, there isn t any term vector which is the base element of our framework. Besides, according to distribution of relative class attributes such as trustiness, neutrality and bias, it is concluded that these class attributes are labeled by experts without any standard. At the third step, as continuation of the study at the second step, for Web sites that don t have category prediction results due to term vector absence, graph propagation is performed to generate category prediction results for these pages. For Web sites that don t have category prediction results, category prediction results are obtained according to their neighbors category prediction results and some propagation formulas. Here, problem is the nodes that are seperate from the biggest and connected graph component. For this problem, possible future studies are mentioned in the thesis. With graph propagation, intended results, namely generating results for more Web sites without any performance decrease, are taken.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Directional Effect of the Strong Ground Motion on the Seismic Behavior of Skewed Bridges

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    One of the main issues on seismic design of bridges is the determination of strong ground motion application direction in order to capture the most unfavorable situation. The most common approach to this problem is known as 30% combination rule. In this approach, one of the two horizontal components of the strong ground motion record is applied in one principal direction of the bridge whereas the remaining horizontal component is applied to the other direction. Then, the resultant response is calculated by simply adding the results of the first case to the 30% of the results of the second case. In order to get the envelope, the reverse condition is also investigated. However, 30% combination rule is applicable only for the structural elements having an elastic behavior under seismic loads. Thus, for bridge elements such as columns and cap beams which can go beyond the elastic range, 30% combination rule may not provide reliable results. On the other hand, choice of the horizontal component of strong ground motion to be applied in which principal direction of the bridge is another problem to deal with while performing nonlinear response history analysis. Furthermore, in nonlinear response history analysis, deciding the angle of attack of ground motion in which the most unfavorable situation can be captured is a distinctive property depending on the rigidity and skewness of bridges. In this study, two types of bridges are investigated one of which is characterized to be rigid and the other is flexible. Both types of bridges are modelled for 7 different skew angles starting from 0 degrees up to 60 degrees in an increment of 10 degrees. Therefore, 14 models are created for variable geometrical properties. A series of nonlinear response history analysis are performed for each of them at 12 particular angles of attack starting from 0 degrees with an increment of 15 degrees at each step up to an angle of 120 degrees. Moreover, these analyses are repeated for 7 different strong ground motion records and sensitivity analyses are accomplished. Change in column moments and curvatures in strong and weak axis are examined as seismic demand parameters. At the end of the study, strong dependence of critical angle of attack on the skewness and rigidity properties of the bridges is emphasized

    Celastrol restricts experimental periodontitis related alveolar bone loss by suppressing inflammatory cytokine response

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    Introduction: Periodontitis is a common chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth. The host defense mechanisms are responsible for inflamatuar and destructive reactions in periodontitis. Celastrol is one of the most promising components of the plant in Eastern and Southern China that has a long history of use in traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammatory conditions. Aim: The aim of this animal study was to inspect the preventive or restrictive effects of celastrol on periodontitis-related inflammatory host response and alveolar bone loss. Methods: 24 male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned into 3 groups: control, experimental periodontitis (Ep), and experimental periodontitis-celastrol (Ep-Cel). Periodontitis was induced by placing ligatures sub-paramarginally around the mandibular first molars of the rats in the Ep and Ep-Cel groups and maintaining the ligatures for 15 days. For 14 days following the ligature placement, celastrol administration (1 mg/kg BW day) for the Ep-Cel group and vehicle injection for the control and Ep groups was carried out. At the end of the experiment, mandibula and gingiva samples were obtained after the euthanasia. Alveolar bone loss was measured on serial histological slices; Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Interleukin-1b levels were measured on gingiva samples by ELISA. Results: Systemic celastrol administration significantly restricted the alveolar bone loss that was higher in rats with periodontitis. (p < 0.05) Tumor Necrosis Factor- a and Interleukin-1b levels that were high in the gingiva of the rats with periodontitis were found significantly lower in rats administered celastrol. (p < 0.05) Conclusion: Celastrol restricted periodontitis-related alveolar bone loss by suppressing the inflammatory response