157 research outputs found

    A Simulation Study on Amplified WiMAX and WiFi Signal of Tikrit University

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    The limitation of WiFi coverage and free frequency create problems as well as weaken security and degrade quality of services. Therefore, a complementary wireless technology, WiMAX, is required. WiMAX and WiFi are chosen as both technology are the most highly popular by wireless network protocols usage in Iraq. Simulation on both of the network environments will be used to imitate the real situation in Tikrit University. This study provides a comprehensive field survey on wireless networking in Tikrit University of Iraq. Suitable wireless protocol, expanding coverage, performance of network will be included after the application of this study. The major benefits that have achieved as the outcome of this study are packet delivery ratio and throughput. Both WiFi scenarios achieved packet delivery ratios of 97.2% and 96.012% respectively, while WiMAX scenario scored 98.0% on packet delivery ratio. On the other hand, the throughput was found to produce interesting results and increased with packet size. WiMAX throughput had been discovered to be increasing linearly to the throughput. The maximum throughput achieved by WiMAX was 22.12 Mbps while the WiFi obtained throughputs of 22.46 Kbps and 11.61 Kbps for the different scenarios

    Reinforcement learning-based target tracking for unmanned aerial vehicle with achievement rewarding and multistage traning

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    Target tracking using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a challenging robotic problem. It requires handling a high level of nonlinearity and dynamics device. The aim is to enable accurate target tracking by UAV with responding to the dynamic generated by the target such as sudden trajectory change using reinforcement learning which is proved to learn dynamic effectively. In this thesis, the Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm (TD3), as one recent and composite architecture of reinforcement learning (RL), has been explored as a tracking agent for the problem of UAV-based target tracking. This involved several improvements on the original TD3. First, the proportional-differential controller was used to boost the exploration of the TD3 in training. Second, a novel reward formulation for the UAV-based target tracking was proposed to enable a careful combination of the various dynamic variables in the reward functions. This was accomplished by incorporating two exponential functions to limit the effect of velocity and acceleration to prevent the deformation in the policy function approximation. Third, the concept of multistage training based on the dynamic variables was proposed as an opposing concept to one-stage combinatory training. Fourth, an enhancement of the rewarding function by including piecewise decomposition was used to enable more stable learning behaviour of the policy and move out from the linear reward to the achievement formula. Fifth, a novel agent selection algorithm was developed to enable the selection of the best agent and avoid under-fitting and over-fitting. For the purpose of evaluating the performance of the control system, flight testing was conducted based on three types of target trajectories, namely fixed, square, and blinking. The evaluation was performed in both simulation and real-world experiments. The results showed that the multistage training achieved the best-accomplished performance with both exponential and achievement rewarding for a fixed trained agent with a fixed and square moving target and for a combinatorial agent with both exponential and achievement rewarding for a fixed trained agent in the case of a blinking target. With respect to the traditional proportional differential (PD) controller, the maximum error reduction rate is 86%. The developed achievement rewarding and the multistage training opens the door to various applications of RL in target tracking

    Underwater Image De-nosing using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Pre-Whitening Filter

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    Image denoising and improvement are essential processes in many underwater applications. Various scientific studies, including marine science and territorial defence, require underwater exploration. When it occurs underwater, noise power spectral density is inconsistent within a certain range of frequency, and the noise autocorrelation function is not a delta function. Therefore, underwater noise is characterised as coloured noise. In this study, a novel image denoising technique is proposed using discrete wavelet transform with different basis functions and a whitening filter, which converts coloured noise characteristics to white noise prior to the denoising process. Results of the proposed method depend on the following performance measures: peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and mean squared error. The results of different wavelet bases, such as Debauchies, biorthogonal and symlet, indicate that the denoising process that uses a pre-whitening filter produces more prominent images and better PSNR values than other methods

    Evaluation the Using of Local Aggregate in High Modulus Asphalt Concrete Layers

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    The performance of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixtures is greatly affected by the properties of the aggregate characteristics. The aggregate properties that significantly influence the performance of HMA mixtures are gradation, shape (angularity) and texture (roughness) .In 1990, the French Road Administration (LCPC) developed asphalt mixtures with a gradient "BBME", for the purpose of this new mixtures is to get a good resistance to rutting and good fatigue behavior. in Iraq, this type of the mixture is not used yet.The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of asphalt mixtures with "BBME" gradient and compare them with the conventional mixture for binder course. To achieve this aim, one type of asphalt grade (40-50) from  Al-Nasiriyah refinery and two types of  local aggregates were used. First type of Al-nibaie area and the second from an area of ​​Badra and Jassan with two types of texture rounded and fully fracture. Physical tests on asphalt binder and aggregate, indirect tensile strength and wheel truck testing have been made in this work. Three asphalt contents (optimum asphalt content , optimum asphalt content ± 0.5) were used in indirect tensile strength test with one asphalt content (optimum asphalt content) in wheel truck testing under 60° temperature. The results of experimental work showed that the Marshall stability for BBME mixture were more than that for conventional(SCRB) mixture by 3, 3, 4 percent for al-nibaie half fracture, Badra and Jassan fully fracture and Badra and Jassan fully rounded aggregate mixture, respectively. The Indirect Tensile Strength resistance of the BBME mixes were approximately equal with comparison to the conventional mixes for all aggregate types, and showed that the mixes contain optimum asphalt content have a resistance to indirect tensile strength more than that mixes contain (optimum asphalt content ± 0.5) for BBME and conventional mixtures. As result, the both conventional and BBME mixes were failed at the same number of passing but less at rutting depth for the mixtures with BBME gradation.The mixtures that contain al-nibaie aggregate have an excellent resistance to Indirect Tensile Strength and permanent deformation in comparison with other types of aggregate.Based on AFNOR specification with using K formula and values of rutting percent, it was found that the mixture used in this study, Class III, is the type used in the roads with higher traffic. Keywords: BBME gradation, Marshall stability, Indirect Tensile Strength, Wheel Truck Testing, Optimum Asphalt Content

    Improved anti-noise attack ability of image encryption algorithm using de-noising technique

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    Information security is considered as one of the important issues in the information age used to preserve the secret information through out transmissions in practical applications. With regard to image encryption, a lot of schemes related to information security were applied. Such approaches might be categorized into 2 domains; domain frequency and domain spatial. The presented work develops an encryption technique on the basis of conventional watermarking system with the use of singular value decomposition (SVD), discrete cosine transform (DCT), and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) together, the suggested DWT-DCT-SVD method has high robustness in comparison to the other conventional approaches and enhanced approach for having high robustness against Gaussian noise attacks with using denoising approach according to DWT. MSE in addition to the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) specified the performance measures which are the base of this study’s results, as they are showing that the algorithm utilized in this study has high robustness against Gaussian noise attacks

    Requirements for Accounting for Financial Derivatives Between Reality and Expectations

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    Abstract: The Current Study Aimed to Identify the Impact of International Accounting Standards (Standard 39) on the Requirements of Accounting for Financial Derivatives and The Possibility of Their Application in Iraq. Banking In the Iraqi Financial Market, And the Results of The Study Concluded That There Is an Impact of The Impact of International Accounting Standards (Standard 39) on the Requirements of Accounting for Financial Derivatives from The Point of View of Accountants Working in The Banking Sector in The Iraqi Financial Market. (39) In Improving the Process of Recognizing Financial Derivatives as Well as Recognizing All Financial Assets and Liabilities in The Balance Sheet. Keywords: International Accounting Standards, (Standard 39), Financial Derivatives Accounting Requirements. متطلبات المحاسبة للمشتقات المالية بين الواقع والتوقعات ملخص الدراسة: هدفت الدراسة الحالية الي التعرف على تأثير معايير المحاسبة الدولية (معيار 39) على متطلبات محاسبة المشتقات المالية وإمكانية تطبيقها في العراق، ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة استخدم الباحث أداة الاستبانة التي طبقها باستخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي على عينة الدراسة التي تكونت من (160) موظف يعملون في القطاع المصرفي في السوق المالي العراقي، وتوصلت نتائج الدراسة الي وجود أثر لأثر لمعايير المحاسبة الدولية (معيار 39) على متطلبات محاسبة المشتقات المالية من وجهة نظر المحاسبين العاملين في القطاع المصرفي في السوق المالي العراقي، وفي ضوء النتائج أوصت الدراسة ضرورة توظيف معيار المحاسبة الدولي (معيار 39) في تحسين عملية الاعتراف بالمشتقات المالية وكذلك الاعتراف الموجودات والمطلوبات المالية كافة في الميزانية العمومية. الكلمات المفتاحية: معايير المحاسبة الدولية، (معيار 39)، متطلبات محاسبة المشتقات المالية

    Death certificate completion skills of hospital physicians in a developing country

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    Background Death certificates (DC) can provide valuable health status data regarding disease incidence, prevalence and mortality in a community. It can guide local health policy and help in setting priorities. Incomplete and inaccurate DC data, on the other hand, can significantly impair the precision of a national health information database. In this study we evaluated the accuracy of death certificates at a tertiary care teaching hospital in a Karachi, Pakistan. Methods A retrospective study conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan for a period of six months. Medical records and death certificates of all patients who died under adult medical service were studied. The demographic characteristics, administrative details, co-morbidities and cause of death from death certificates were collected using an approved standardized form. Accuracy of this information was validated using their medical records. Errors in the death certificates were classified into six categories, from 0 to 5 according to increasing severity; a grade 0 was assigned if no errors were identified, and 5, if an incorrect cause of death was attributed or placed in an improper sequence. Results 223 deaths occurred during the study period. 9 certificates were not accessible and 12 patients had incomplete medical records. 202 certificates were finally analyzed. Most frequent errors pertaining to patients’ demographics (92%) and cause/s of death (87%) were identified. 156 (77%) certificates had 3 or more errors and 124 (62%) certificates had a combination of errors that significantly changed the death certificate interpretation. Only 1% certificates were error free. Conclusion A very high rate of errors was identified in death certificates completed at our academic institution. There is a pressing need for appropriate intervention/s to resolve this important issue

    Off-pump coronary revascularization: A potential benefit for female patients?

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    AbstractCoronary artery disease is one of the leading causes of illness for both men and women. However, women are 3 times more likely to die for coronary artery disease as they are of breast cancer. There are an increasing prevalence of coronary artery disease in women and thus facing the need for surgical revascularization. It has long being accepted that women carry a high risk of coronary surgery than men. Many investigators have suggested that female itself is predictive of poor outcome after on pump coronary surgery. We thought to search the litlature to investigate whether women who undergo off-pump surgery receive any benefits compared with women undergoing on-pump surgery

    Optical Properties of (Polystyrene-Wood buckthorn Peel) Composites

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    In this work, samples of pure polystyrene and polystyrene (PS) doped with wood buckthorn peel (WBP)  were prepared using casting method .The effect of addition of wood buckthorn peel (WBP) concentration on optical properties of poly styrene have been studied in the wavelength range (200-800)nm. The absorption coefficient ,energy gap, refractive index and extinction coefficient have been determined. The results show that the optical constants change with increase of WBP concentration . Key words; polymer , PS, wood buckthorn peel (WBP)  , Optical properties, absorbance

    Evaluation of Antifungal Activity of Plant Extracts of (Thymus vulgaris) and (Cinnamomum) against fungal

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    The present study impression concentrations different from extract alcohol some of the medicinal plants thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum zylanicum) agent isolation the fungal and which included (Aspergillus niger, Penicillium ssp, Fusarium ssp, Alternariа ssp, Cladosporium ssp, Mucor ssp, Rhizopus ssp, Botrytis ssp ) where showed the results if extract thyme give higher inhibition against fungal at concentration 1500 mg/ml Aspergillus niger, Penicillium ssp, Fusarium ssp, Alternariа ssp, Cladosporium ssp, Mucor ssp, Rhizopus ssp, Botrytis ssp. of 9 mm , 5 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm, 9 mm, 8 mm, 10mm,8 mm on respectively comparative other while was extract cinnamon effected low from extract thyme agents fungal at concentration 1500 mg/ml Aspergillus niger, Penicillium ssp, Fusarium ssp, Alternariа ssp, Cladosporium ssp, Mucor ssp, Rhizopus ssp, Botrytis ssp. of 11 mm , 8 mm, 9 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm, 9 mm, 11mm,10 mm on respectively . got decrease inhibition against fungal Aspergillus niger, Penicillium ssp, Fusarium ssp, Alternariа ssp, Cladosporium ssp, Mucor ssp, Rhizopus ssp, Botrytis ssp both extract (thyme and cinnamon) . Key words. :Plant extracts, fungal, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternariа, Cladosporium, Mucor, Rhizopus, Botryti