282 research outputs found

    Strategies for Safe and Effective Treatment of Patients with Alzheimer Disease

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    Alzheimer disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that causes cognition impairment and memory loss, affecting activities in daily living. In the United States, an estimated 4.5 million people have AD and this figure is expected to reach 14 million by 2050. Because patients with AD experience a deterioration of their mental functions, patients need more help with their activities of daily living, including oral hygiene, as their AD progresses. Studies have found that individuals with AD often experience poor oral health. As advanced age is a risk factor for AD and the number of older adults in the US continues to rise, oral health professionals must be knowledgeable about treating patients with this neurodegenerative disorder

    Characterization of a novel intelligent information management architecture based on autonomous mobile agents

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    Information Systems have progressed from stand-alone platform-centric systems to network-centric intelligent systems with the rapid advancement in Information and Communication Technology.This is an evolutionary process embedded with new challenges and rewards for the users of new information systems.The migration of these systems towards network centric computing has made these systems susceptible to networking paradigm problems opening a whole new avenue of research to address the typical problems of these information systems.The user demand on information service systems is never predictable and is always changing, creating new challenges for the designers and managers of these systems.Autonomous mobile agents employed in a networked environment have shown a lot of potential to inject intelligence and to handle the heterogeneous user demands of such systems under constantly evolving conditions.This paper investigates the employment of faded information field architecture employing mobile agents to address the constantly evolving condition of an information service system.The proposed architecture was simulated with promising results in unison with predicted behavior

    An Algorithmic Evaluation of Information Search in a Mobile Agent-Based Demand-Oriented Information Service System

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    The rapid advance in information and communication technology (ICT) has given new impetus to shift the information services paradigm from platform centric to network centric computing. Commercial activity is blooming on the internet. The user or customer has become dynamic and has changing tastes and pattern in the demand of service, and desires the service at any time or place. The service provider therefore has to tailor the service provision format to suit the dynamic nature of users of information services. A business cannot afford to ignore the rapid and evolving nature of its customers. However, the current state of the wide area network services is finding it difficult to respond to constantly changing and heterogeneous demands of modern business, being centralized in nature, with the service provided through a single URL. It is imperative to update the pattern of information service provision and utilization. Faded information field architecture (FIF), reported recently, holds the potential to address these issues, being a demand-oriented architecture. Although research into various aspects of FIF has been reported, we suggest algorithms to characterize the behavior of mobile agents to seek the required information at a given node in the FIF architecture. Simulations were carried out to show the effect of various parameters on the performance of the FIF system

    The perturbation to non-Markovian equation of motion corresponding to coherent and quadrature non-Markovian SSES

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    In this paper, we derive the perturbation and post Markovian perturbation to non-Markovian equation of motion(NMEM) that correspond to coherent and quadrature non-Markovian stochastic Schr¨odinger equations (SSE). In that case, we derive two perturbation approaches for zero and first orders to the coherent and quadrature NMEM. In order to explain both approaches, we apply two examples of non-Markovian.Publisher's Versio

    Information about Diabetes Mellitus: Review

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    مرض داء السكر, او المعروف بأسم داء السكري Diabetes mellitus (DM)  هو اضطراب الايض وارتفاع عالي في مستوى السكر على مدى فترة طويلة . ويسبب داء السكر مضاعفات صحية متمثلة عدد من الامراض كأمراض القلب والعمى والفشل الكلوي وتظهر اعراض مرض فرط سكر الدم غالبا بكثرة البول ,وزيادة العطش والشهية. كما يؤدي  نمط الحياة الغير مسيطر على السكر بظهور مايسمى بالحماض الكيتوني السكري .وتسبب المضاعفات طويلة الامد الى الاصابة بعدد من الامراض منها اعتلال الشبكية السكري مع فقدان الرؤيا واعتلال الكلوي السكري مؤديا الى الفشل الكلوي وايضا اعتلال الاعصاب المحيطية التي تسبب تقرحات القدم والتهاب مفصل شاركوت وامراض القلب الوعائية والعجز الجنسي. ان ترك المصاب بمرض السكر بدون معالجة يؤدي الى الاصابة بمرض تصلب الشرايين الاوعية القلبية وامراض الشرايين المحيطية وامراض الاوعية الدماغية وارتفاع ضغط الدم .  Diabetes mellitus (DM), is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level in the blood. Diabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, Symptoms of marked hyperglycemia include polyuria, polydipsia, and sometimes with polyphagia. Acute life-threatening consequences of uncontrolled diabetes are hyperglycemia with ketoacidosis. Long-term complications of diabetes include retinopathy with loss of vision; nephropathy leading to renal failure; peripheral neuropathy with risk of foot ulcers and ,Charcot joints; and cardiovascular symptoms and sexual dysfunction. Patients with diabetes have an increased incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular, peripheral arterial, cerebrovascular disease and Hypertension in people with diabetes

    To Express Required CT-Scan Resolution for Porosity and Saturation Calculations in Terms of Average Grain Sizes

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    Despite advancements in specifying 3D internal microstructure of reservoir rocks, identifying some sensitive phenomenons are still problematic particularly due to image resolution limitation. Discretization study on such CT-scan data always has encountered with such conflicts that the original data do not fully describe the real porous media. As an alternative attractive approach, one can reconstruct porous media to generate pore space representations. The reconstructed structures are then used for simulations using some sort of discretization. In this paper, It is examined the effect of discretization on porosity and saturation calculations in porous media models. Some 3D Boolean models of random overlapping spheres of fixed and variable diameters in three dimensions are used. The generated models are then discretized over 3D grids with different number of voxels. The porosity can be calculated and saturation of the discretized models are then compared with the analytical solutions. The results show that when meshgrid sizes are 8% of smallest grains, porosity is calculated with 95% precision. In addition to that, meshgrid sizes of 5% and 3% of average grain diameter are adequate to calculate non-wetting and wetting phase saturations with at least 95% precision. This helps in choosing the optimum voxel size required in imaging for efficiently use of available computational facility

    Moderating Role of Artificial Intelligence Between Leadership Skills and Business Continuity

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    Purpose: The objective of the study is to identify the moderating role of artificial intelligence between leadership skills and business continuity.   Theoretical framework: For the said purpose the underpinning support of the concept combination theory has been used to develop the framework of the study and artificial intelligence as a moderator is the main theoretical contribution of the study. The reliability and validity of the instrument was analyzed followed by Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling to test the framework of the study.   Design/methodology/approach: For the said purpose the data from 384 respondents was collected through simple random sampling. The questionnaires were adopted based on prior studies and was analyzed using 7-point Likert Scale representing 1 as strongly disagree and 7 as strongly Agree. The data was collected during 2021.   Findings:  The findings revealed that Artificial Intelligence and Leadership Skills both have a significant impact over Business Continuity. Moreover, the findings confirmed the moderating role of artificial intelligence over the relationship between leadership skills and business continuity.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The study enriched the concept combination theory by confirming the moderating role of artificial intelligence. The findings are significant for the leaders and the organizations that in the current era artificial intelligence is the need of the time and organizations can maintain their sustainability with the help of artificial intelligence.   Originality/value: The study opened the horizons for new research by confirming the need for other factors that may compliment the leadership skills for the growth and continuity of the businesses

    Aptitudes of Pakistani Rice Industry with Respect to Global Trade

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    Economy of Pakistan based on agriculture, owing to the export of agricultural commodities is major source of foreign exchange earnings. Export of rice play a vital role in country’s economy. However, trade policies influenced the performance of agricultural sector, as there are some gaps of technical advancement in system, financial irregularity, as well as other constitutional regulatory factors. Pakistan is following three years Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) since 2009, to enhance the performance and efficiency of trade sector. Since last few years, trade of rice is decreasing due to traditional markets, energy crises and lack of research and development in agricultural sector. Thus, Pakistan has lost its more than 30% share from Gulf market via rice export during previous three decades. The transaction cost to imports is significantly lower than the exportation, which is negatively affecting the competitiveness of country’s exports. So, it's prior need to pay attention in the export chain sector, to approach the Europeans markets for encouraging trade performance of rice sector, as well as, improve the reforms in trade policies to compete in the international market for maximum foreign exchange revenues. Keywords: Trade strategies, Export competition, Rice expor


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    Purpose of the study: In this article, the objective is to discover the influence of business financial policy on the firm’s Capital structure of the textile zone of Pakistan. The present outcomes of productivity, total assets, future growth, and asset structure have started a discussion over the total debt ratio. Methodology: The methodology used to conduct this work in order to examine the effect of total assets, future growth, profitability, and asset structure and its impact on total debt ratio, Panel data analysis has been accomplished and together the firm and industry explicit dynamics have been measured, yearly data has been taken off 96 textile firms of Pakistan concluded the period of 2012 - 2017 for OLS, regression model & LSDVM. Main Findings: The results reveal that the OLS regression model is not a good fit and the model shows that there is no significant impact of all the independent variables on the dependent variables. Whereas the results of LSDVM indicated that this model is a good fit, the model revealed that the entire individuals have combined effect on the dependent variable. Similarly, the alternate hypothesis indicates the significant influence of independent variables on the dependent variable whereas the Null hypothesis indicated no or insignificant influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. Application of this study: This study contributes toward the financial sector for policymakers in order to construct the best capital configuration of the firm. This study also suggests that which element is having more importance while making capital configuration of the firm. The originality of this study: Capital structure is a crucial issue for entrepreneurs and CEOs of any firm. The number of studies is available related to other industries but fewer studies are available related to the textile firms of Pakistan so this research work provides the technique while making the best capital configuration for textile firms of Pakistan