659 research outputs found


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    Current experience shows, it is often impossible to fulfill certain functional tasks that are essential in challenging drilling and production environments using conventional macro and micro type fluid additives due to their inadequate physical, mechanical, chemical, thermal and environmental characteristics. Hence, the industry is looking for physically small, chemically and thermally stable for designing smart fluids to use virtually in all areas of oil and gas exploration. Due to totally different and highly enhanced physio-chemical, electrical, thermal, hydrodynamic properties and interaction potential of nanomaterials compared to their parent materials, the nanos are considered to be the most promising material of choice for smart fluid design for oil and gas field application. This project will describe the formulation and preliminary test results of graphene enhancement as an additional nano- additive for drilling fluids. This project is basically to test whether graphene material enhancement can give a significant improvement to the conventional oil based drilling fluid it terms of its rheological properties and performanc

    The leadership of the Kiai in Facing the Globalization of Education in Islamic Boarding School

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    Abstract: The leadership of the Kiai is very important in the management of Islamic boarding schools, especially the salafiyah Islamic boarding schools, which of course depend heavily on the leadership of the Kiai. The flow of globalization which is a very fast change also affects the pattern of education and of course Islamic boarding schools as one of the national education entities. The influence of globalization in Islamic boarding schools mainly occurs in the pattern of education and leadership models which also affect all aspects of pesantren life. This change also occurred in the Salafiyah Islamic boarding school, which eventually implemented paperless learning because some books had become e-books that could be edited for student learning. In the end, Kiai's leadership became a milestone in the rise of Islamic boarding schools in the era of globalization

    Pemikiran Abdullah Ahmed An-Naim tentang Dekontruksi Syari’ah sebagai Sebuah Solusi

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    The laws contained in the Qur'an still exist that require interpretation and have the potential to develop. Muslims worldwide may be entitled to apply Islamic law, provided it does not violate the rights of other people and groups, both within and outside of the Islamic community. That is, in claiming and using individual and collective rights to self-determination, Muslims must also recognize and guarantee equal rights for others. Abdullah, descriptive-analytical nature. Ahmed An-Naim to answer the gap between shari'ah and issues of modernity . Shari'a decontructions are used for Islamic legal issues using the Knife of Analysis used first by Mahmud Thaha's Theory of Law Evolution, the second nasikh mansukh theory, the third  Makiyyah and Madaniyah, the fourth the interpretation of the gender-based text, the fifth concept of shari'a on human right

    Pengaruh Motivasi Intrinsik Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Dan Disiplin Kerja Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pada Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Magelang

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    This study proposed to examine and analyze the effect of intrinsic motivation on employee performance, with job satisfaction and work discipline as mediating variable.The object of this study is the office of the Statistics of Magelang regency, and the subject of this study are employees (civil servants) at the Office Statistics of Magelang Regency. The sampling technique in this study is saturated sample. All employees civil servants in BPS Magelang regency totaling 41 people are given a questionnaire.Data from the study were tested and analyzed using the Smart-PLS. The first conclusion is intrinsic motivation significantly influence job satisfaction, and a second conclusion is intrinsic motivation significantly influence the work discipline. The third conclusion is the intrinsic motivation significantly influence performance. The fourth conclusion is job satisfaction does not affect the work discipline, and the fifth conclusion is job satisfaction also has no impact on performance. The sixth conclusion is discipline significantly influence on the performance. The study also concluded that the discipline of work are variables that mediate the relationship between intrinsic motivation to the performance on  the Office Statistics of Magelang regency


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    PTK Research Classroom Action Research was conducted at MTs Riyadlus Sholihin Rejing-Tiris-Probolinggo in the subjects of Al-Qur'an Hadith class VII B which amounted to 24 female students. The purpose of the study is to improve student learning outcomes. The focus of this research is improvement in the use of learning media. Learning improvement is carried out in two improvement cycles, from these two improvement cycles researchers design learning plans using power point media. In pre-cycle learning activities, there were 52.17% of students who did not complete or scored below 70 (KKM) and only 47.83% of students had scored 70 and above. In the first cycle, there were 34.78% of students who were incomplete and 65.22% of students who had completed. In this first cycle of learning improvement, student learning completeness increased by 14.72% from learning carried out in the pre-cycle. In this second cycle of learning improvement, the increase in learning outcomes has increased significantly and completeness has reached 95.65%. The results of the implementation of the second cycle of learning have improved well and have reached the expected completeness criteria with the level of completeness of student learning outcomes reaching 95.65%

    Pemikiran Abdullah Ahmed An-Naim tentang Dekontruksi Syari’ah sebagai Sebuah Solusi

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    The laws contained in the Qur'an still exist that require interpretation and have the potential to develop. Muslims worldwide may be entitled to apply Islamic law, provided it does not violate the rights of other people and groups, both within and outside of the Islamic community. That is, in claiming and using individual and collective rights to self-determination, Muslims must also recognize and guarantee equal rights for others. Abdullah, descriptive-analytical nature. Ahmed An-Naim to answer the gap between shari'ah and issues of modernity . Shari'a decontructions are used for Islamic legal issues using the Knife of Analysis used first by Mahmud Thaha's Theory of Law Evolution, the second nasikh mansukh theory, the third  Makiyyah and Madaniyah, the fourth the interpretation of the gender-based text, the fifth concept of shari'a on human right

    Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Tinggi dan Makna Kuliah Bagi Mahasiswa

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    The quality of higher education institutions in Indonesia to date is still is low. This can be known when compared with institutions higher education in other countries. It is also known that there is the gap between the existing reality with the goals and standards of graduate competence universities that have been formulated in laws and regulations government and related universities. Many factors play a role in it. One is the paradigm education - including higher education - is becoming a community benchmark. This growing paradigm will then determine how students give meaning to the lecture that is being pursued. Meanwhile, meaning and any understanding they have about college, will determine their attitudes, behaviors, actions and activities in the process learning. And it will ultimately determine their success within learn. After quite a while, in the recent paradigm behavioristik become displaced by a new paradigm. The developing and the will be more established lately is a constructive paradigm. With referring to this paradigm, students become the central point in the process learning. Therefore, whatever meaning is given by the students of lectures will determine their attitudes and actions in following learning process. Furthermore, this meaning will determine success educational goals as will be achieved together

    Tinjauan Hukum Acara Perdata terhadap Putusan Ekseptio Res Judicata dalam Perkara Perceraian

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang putusan verstek hakim terhadap perkara perceraian Nomor 1596/Pdt.G/ 2000/PA.Kab.Kdr dan Nomor 2322/Pdt.G/2012/PA.BL sudah memenuhi unsur ekseptio res judicata serta kekuatan hukum ekseptio res judicata perkara perceraian dengan Nomor 1596/Pdt.G/2000/PA.Kab.Kdr dan Nomor 2322/Pdt.G/2012/ PA.BL ditinjau dari sistem peradilan di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa putusan verstek antara dua lembaga peradilan agama yakni Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri dan Pengadilan Agama Blitar sudah memenuhi unsur-unsur ekseptio res judicata dan kekuatan hukumnya berakibat pada penggunaan akta cerai yang dikeluarkan pihak panitera pengadilan agama harus ditolak oleh pegawai pencatat nikah sebagai hukuman bahwa hakim tidak boleh memutus perkara yang telah diputus sebelumnya oleh subyek, objek, dan alasan yang sama

    Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Tinggi dan Makna Kuliah Bagi Mahasiswa

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    The quality of higher education institutions in Indonesia to date is still is low. This can be known when compared with institutions higher education in other countries. It is also known that there is the gap between the existing reality with the goals and standards of graduate competence universities that have been formulated in laws and regulations government and related universities. Many factors play a role in it. One is the paradigm education - including higher education - is becoming a community benchmark. This growing paradigm will then determine how students give meaning to the lecture that is being pursued. Meanwhile, meaning and any understanding they have about college, will determine their attitudes, behaviors, actions and activities in the process learning. And it will ultimately determine their success within learn. After quite a while, in the recent paradigm behavioristik become displaced by a new paradigm. The developing and the will be more established lately is a constructive paradigm. With referring to this paradigm, students become the central point in the process learning. Therefore, whatever meaning is given by the students of lectures will determine their attitudes and actions in following learning process. Furthermore, this meaning will determine success educational goals as will be achieved together
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