14 research outputs found


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    هدفت هذه الدراسة الى التعرف لطبيعة اصابات لاعبي رفع الاثقال للمنتخب البارالمبي الأردني من حيث المكان والنوع وذلك خلال فترة الاعداد التي سبقت بطولة غرب اسيا البارالمبية الثانية بثلاث شهور والتي امتدت مابين 22/6/2019- لغاية 22/9/2019 وذلك حسب سجلات المعالج المشرف على اللاعبين، واقتصر البحث على جميع لاعبي المنتخب الذكور فئة الرجال البالغ عددهم (7)،وأشارت السجلات الى أن أبرز المفاصل تعرضا للاصابة هو المرفق، الكتف وسلاميات الكف، أما على مستوى نوع الاصابة فكانت التهاب الاوتار، ثم التكلس والكدمات. يوصي الباحث بضرورة الاهتمام بتلك الاجزاء الاكثر تعرضا للاصابة، ضرورة الانتباه لاصابات التهاب الاوتار، اجراء المزيد من الابحاث و الدراسات حول رياضة رفع الاثقال لذوي الاحتياججات الخاصة.The aim of this study was to identify the place and type of injury for disabled weight lifting players in Jordan. To do this research a sample of (7) male players were used, data was collected from the therapist files. The period was three months before West Asia two Paralympic games that was in Jordan. The results were elbow joint was the most affected , the shoulder, the leas was the hand, according to the type inflammation, trauma & calcification. The researcher recommend to give more care for elbow and shoulder joint for prevention in addition treat ligaments inflammation, and make more researches about weight lifting injuries


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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على أثر برنامج وقائي مقترح للحد من الإصابات الرياضية على تحسين بعض القدرات البدنية و المهارية لدى اللاعبات باستخدام تدريبات الأثقال ، التمرينات البليومترية ،و تمارين اللب . قام الباحث باستخدام المنهج التجريبي بصورته التطبيقية وذلك لملائمته لطبيعة وأهداف الدراسة ، حيث تكونت عينة الدراسة من (10) لاعبات لكرة القدم ممن تنطبق عليهم شروط الدراسة، وتم استخدام استمارة مقننة لقياس القدرات البدنية و المهارية . تم تطبيق البرنامج الوقائي المقترح في فترة الإعداد التي سبقت موسم المنافسة والتي استمرت (8) أسابيع قبل انطلاقة الدوري النسوي وبواقع (3) وحدات تدريبية أسبوعيا على عينة البحث . أظهرت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائيا عند مستوى دلالة (α≤ 0.05) بين القياسين القبلي و البعدي ولصالح القياس البعدي في القدرات البدنية ( قوة الرجلين ، قوة الظهر ، ثني الجذع ، الوثب العمودي ، الوثب الطويل من الثبات ، المرونة ، الرشاقة ، السرعة ) ،و المهارية ( ضرب الكرة لأبعد مسافة بالرجل اليمنى ، ضرب الكرة لأبعد مسافة بالرجل اليسرى ، الجري بين الأقماع ، التصويب على المرمى بالرجل اليمنى ، التصويب على المرمى بالرجل اليسرى) ويوصي الباحث بتطبيق البرنامج الوقائي المقترح خلال فترة الإعداد لتطوير تلك القدرات البدنية و العناصر المهارية للاعبات كرة القدم.The aim of this study was to identify the effectiveness of an injury-prevention program on improving some physical abilities & skills. A sample of (10 females) soccer players were chosen to apply the program that lasted (8) weeks. Physical abilities and skills were measured before applying the program. The study used Means, Standard Deviation, Percentage, T-Test, Kai Square for the statistical analysis to compare results between the control season and the trial season . Results of the study showed that Physical abilities and skills were improved. The researcher recommends applying the program for improving physical abilities and skill


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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على الإصابات الأكثر شيوعا لدى لاعبي كرة السلة بالكراسي المتحركة في الأردن، أكثر أجزاء الجسم تعرضا للإصابة، التوقيت الذي تحدث فيه أكبر نسبة من الإصابات خلال الموسم الرياضي . تم تطبيق البحث على عينة مقدارها (36) لاعب من أصل (41) لاعب وهم مجتمع الدراسة ، حيث قام الباحث بعمل استمارة استبيان وتقنينها من خلال عرضها على مجموعة من الخبراء و المختصين في المجال ، ثم قام الباحث بجمع البيانات و تحليل النتائج من خلال استعمال المتوسطات و النسب المئوية . أظهرت نتائج البحث أن أكثر الإصابات شيوعا هي كدم العظام وبنسبة 15.83% ، أكثر الإصابات شيوعا على مستوى العظام هي كدم العظم بنسبة 72.29%، وعلى مستوى المفاصل التهاب المفاصل بنسبة 50%، وعلى مستوى العضلات، الشد العضلي بنسبة 43.07%، وعلى مستوى الأنسجة الرخوة الجروح السطحية بنسبة12.08% ، أكثر الأجزاء تعرضا للإصابة على مستوى المفاصل هو مفصل الكتف بنسبة 100%، وعلى مستوى العظام هي سلاميات الأصابع بنسبة 25.30%، وعلى مستوى العضلات، العضلة الدالية والعضلة ذات الثلاثة رؤوس العضدية بنسبة 11.68%،أكثر الأجزاء تعرضا للإصابة هي السلاميات (الأصابع) وبنسبة 9.13% أكثر توقيت لحدوث الإصابة سواء على مستوى العظام، العضلات، أو المفاصل هي أثناء التدريبBasketball through movable chairs is one of the most interesting sports played by disabled. However, playing this game, is usually, exposes the person to injuries. Basketball, in general, is one of the team games, where physical crashes between individuals, is high, which result in high exposure to injuries. Knowledge of the causes of injuries is one of the most important issues held in protection of these injuries. The researcher noted lack of researches developed in disabled sport, in general, and injuries result from movable chairs basketball playing in particular. Goals of this study were to recognize the most common injuries occurred to movable chairs basketball , most exposed body parts to injuries, causes led to injuries, timing of injuries . Results were the most common injuries is bone cruises with an average of 72.29%, most common exposed to injuries parts are phalanges (fingers) with an average of 58.33%, most common causes led to the occurrence of the injuries is the lack of warm up with an average of 63.89% most exposed time to injures is during trainin

    Off-line handwritten signature recognition by wavelet entropy and neural network

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    Handwritten signatures are widely utilized as a form of personal recognition. However, they have the unfortunate shortcoming of being easily abused by those who would fake the identification or intent of an individual which might be very harmful. Therefore, the need for an automatic signature recognition system is crucial. In this paper, a signature recognition approach based on a probabilistic neural network (PNN) and wavelet transform average framing entropy (AFE) is proposed. The system was tested with a wavelet packet (WP) entropy denoted as a WP entropy neural network system (WPENN) and with a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) entropy denoted as a DWT entropy neural network system (DWENN). Our investigation was conducted over several wavelet families and different entropy types. Identification tasks, as well as verification tasks, were investigated for a comprehensive signature system study. Several other methods used in the literature were considered for comparison. Two databases were used for algorithm testing. The best recognition rate result was achieved by WPENN whereby the threshold entropy reached 92%

    Real-Time Non-Contact Road Defect Detection Using Inexpensive Sensors

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    Road defects such as potholes, humps, and road cracks have become one of the main concerns for road and traffic safety worldwide. Pavement defect detection is crucial to ensure road safety. However, current solutions to this problem are either too time-consuming or too expensive to be employed large-scale. We propose a novel approach which has the ability to autonomously detect potholes in real-time using cost-effective sensors. Inexpensive sensors are mounted on a vehicle and a deep learning algorithm is used to identify road defects. The detection system is paired with a GPS and positional sensors to map the location of the pothole. The data that is collected is annotated and used to train deep learning networks to learn the patterns of potholes. This approach is low-cost, accurate and time-saving. It can potentially be employed in large-scale crowdsourcing of road condition data where normal road users constantly update the road conditions as they use the roads

    Safety of medication use in primary care

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    © 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.BACKGROUND: Medication errors are one of the leading causes of harmin health care. Review and analysis of errors have often emphasized their preventable nature and potential for reoccurrence. Of the few error studies conducted in primary care to date, most have focused on evaluating individual parts of the medicines management system. Studying individual parts of the system does not provide a complete perspective and may further weaken the evidence and undermine interventions.AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this review is to estimate the scale of medication errors as a problem across the medicines management system in primary care. Objectives were: To review studies addressing the rates of medication errors, and To identify studies on interventions to prevent medication errors in primary care.METHODS: A systematic search of the literature was performed in PubMed (MEDLINE), International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA), Embase, PsycINFO, PASCAL, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, and CINAHL PLUS from 1999 to November, 2012. Bibliographies of relevant publications were searched for additional studies.KEY FINDINGS: Thirty-three studies estimating the incidence of medication errors and thirty-six studies evaluating the impact of error-prevention interventions in primary care were reviewed. This review demonstrated that medication errors are common, with error rates between 90%, depending on the part of the system studied, and the definitions and methods used. The prescribing stage is the most susceptible, and that the elderly (over 65 years), and children (under 18 years) are more likely to experience significant errors. Individual interventions demonstrated marginal improvements in medication safety when implemented on their own.CONCLUSION: Targeting the more susceptible population groups and the most dangerous aspects of the system may be a more effective approach to error management and prevention. Co-implementation of existing interventions at points within the system may offer time- and cost-effective options to improving medication safety in primary care.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis, Structure and Reactions of 1,3-Dimethyl-5-bis(thiomethyl)methylenebarbituric Acid

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    Dedicated to Professor Otto J. Scherer on the occasion of his 75 th birthday 1,3-Dimethyl-5-bis(thiomethyl)methylenebarbituric acid (8) is obtained from 1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid and CS 2 /NEt 3 followed by alkylation with methyl iodide. Compound 8 reacts with aqueous ammonia to give 5-amino(thiomethyl)methylene-1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid (9). With benzylamine, the thiomethyl substituent in 9 is replaced to give 5-amino(benzylamino)methylene-1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid (10) while with methanesulfonic acid the sulfonate salt 11 is formed. The crystal structures of 8 and 9 are reported

    Off-Line Handwritten Signature Recognition by Wavelet Entropy and Neural Network

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    Handwritten signatures are widely utilized as a form of personal recognition. However, they have the unfortunate shortcoming of being easily abused by those who would fake the identification or intent of an individual which might be very harmful. Therefore, the need for an automatic signature recognition system is crucial. In this paper, a signature recognition approach based on a probabilistic neural network (PNN) and wavelet transform average framing entropy (AFE) is proposed. The system was tested with a wavelet packet (WP) entropy denoted as a WP entropy neural network system (WPENN) and with a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) entropy denoted as a DWT entropy neural network system (DWENN). Our investigation was conducted over several wavelet families and different entropy types. Identification tasks, as well as verification tasks, were investigated for a comprehensive signature system study. Several other methods used in the literature were considered for comparison. Two databases were used for algorithm testing. The best recognition rate result was achieved by WPENN whereby the threshold entropy reached 92%

    Healthy lifestyle behaviors are major predictors of mental wellbeing during COVID-19 pandemic confinement: A study on adult Arabs in higher educational institutions.

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    BackgroundIn the past infectious diseases affected the quality of lifestyle during home confinement. The study conducted examines the influence of home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak on lifestyle, mental wellbeing, nutritional status, and sleeping pattern.MethodAn online multicategorical questionnaire was distributed to collect demographic information combined with the following tools: Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), WHO-5 wellbeing score, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). A snowball non-discriminate sampling procedure was conducted to collect data from people attending or working at higher institutions from March 1, 2020 to April 24, 2020. A total of 1723 completed responses (917 males, 37.4 ±13.4 years old and 806 females 32.2 ± 11.5 years old) were collected.ResultsThe female participants had significantly lower mental health scores than males (53.9% vs. 46.1%). The mental wellbeing scores were higher among participants with medium and high physical activity (PA) levels (p ConclusionFactors such as PA, diet, and sleeping patterns were associated with mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 confinement among Arab participants