33 research outputs found

    Peran Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Etos Kerja Guru

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the principal in improving teacher performance. Research uses a field research approach (field research). The results of the study, the headmaster always supervises or supervises by going around the classroom to see the teacher. In addition to supervising the teaching of the madrasah head teacher also plays a role in the process of monitoring or evaluating the work of all staff in the madrasah including the teacher, the madrasa head tries to influence teachers and employees to encourage enthusiasm for work and commitment to the task objectives. The conclusion of this research is the madrasa head plays an active role in efforts to improve the work ethic of teachers, namely by establishing harmonious relationships with fellow teachers (teachers), providing welfare to teachers who accommodate, control and evaluate teachers in carrying out their tasks so that they can change mindsets in building the character of the teacher, so that the teachers helped build the madrasas to be the foremost in accordance with their vision and mission. Keywords: The Principal's Role, Teacher's Work Ethi

    Two-stage process for ammonium and nitrate removal and polyhydroxyalkanoate production by rhodobacter sphaeroides ADZ101

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    The application of photosynthetic bacteria in bioremediation is an eco-friendly technique that remains untapped. For the aquaculture industries that are based on high density protein feeding, elevated levels of ammonium and nitrate had been reported. High concentrations of ammonium can cause coma, convulsion and death to aquatic organisms besides eutrophication causing oxygen depletion in water bodies, increasing its harmful effect to aquatic organisms. In view of this, fundamental aspects of nitrogen removal were studied using synthetic medium. The ability of Rhodobacter sp. ADZ101, a denitrifying phototrophic bacterium which was successfully isolated and identified using 16S rRNA analysis was investigated for the removal of ammonium and nitrate. Different initial concentrations of ammonium and nitrate were used to determine the nitrogen removal and its reaction kinetics using the Michaelis-Menten rate expression. Results showed that 71% of nitrate was removed at initial concentration of 85 mg/L and 62% of ammonium at initial concentration of 52 mg/L under photoheterotrophic and anoxic dark conditions respectively. The kinetic coefficients of nitrate were determined as: k = 4.5Ă—10-2 g NO3- g L-1 DCW d-1, Km = 0.55 g L-1, and that of ammonium as: k = 4.5Ă—10-3g NH4-N g L-1 DCW d-1, Km = 0.52 g L-1. The yield coefficient of nitrate (YN) was 0.15 mg DCW mg L-1NO3- and that of ammonium was 0.3 mg DCW mg L-1 NH4-N. Analysis and amplification of the possible genes that are involved in denitrification revealed the presence of both nitrate reductase (napA) and nitrite reductase (nirK) genes. Rhodobacter sp. ADZ101 was also found to produce PHA. Using different carbon and nitrogen sources, acetate and ammonia chloride showed the highest accumulation of PHA of 46% (DCW) with C:N ratio of 32.5 at pH.7. The structural analysis via NMR and GCMS of PHA produced under optimised condition showed that the polymer consisted of PHB/V with methyl esters of butyrate, dodecanoic, hexadecanoic, and heptadecanoic acids as well as oxirane, 2-methyl 2-phenyl, Phenol 2,5 bis (1,1 dimethyl ethyl)-, and benzenepropanoic acid, 3,5-bis (1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyl as major monomers. The PHA has molecular weight of 628.55 kDa and maximum decomposition temperature of 395ÂşC and 454ÂşC. To incorporate nitrogen removal and production of PHA, a two-stage fermentation process was selected. The two-stage process revealed that the biomass produced during ammonium and nitrate removal enhanced the production of PHA up to 35%. This is the first report of two-stage process of ammonium and nitrate removal with PHA production using Rhodobacter sp. ADZ101

    Adopsi Inovasi Program Keluarga Berencana oleh Akseptor dari Komunitas Adat Terpencil Baduy diKecamatan Leuwidamar Kabupaten Lebak

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    Adanya trend peningkatan akseptor Keluarga Berencana (KB) pada Komunitas Adat Terpencil (KAT) Baduy Kecamatan Leuwidamar Kabupaten Lebak Banten. Data menunjukkan Tahun 2006 Akseptor KB di Baduy Luar berjumlah 647 peserta, per bulan Pebruari 2014 jumlah akseptor KB Baduy Luar 1403 peserta, dan akseptor di Baduy dalam 16 peserta. Selain itu ada variasi penggunaan alat kontrasepsi yang dipakai, pada masa awal KAT Baduy menerima konsep KB kebanyakan mereka menggunakan implant. Dari gejala tersebut penelitian ini dirancang dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan ciri inovasi KB, saluran atau media apa dalam penyebaran KB; faktor-faktor karakteristik adopter apa saja yang mempengaruhi penerimaan KB. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Survai explanasi. Jumlah sample penelitian sebanyak 100 orang. analisis dengan menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar peubah dilakukan analisis korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanUsia responden sebenarnya relatif terdistribusi mulai umur 13 sampai 45 tahun, paling banyak adalah usia 18-25 tahun. Jumlah putra yang dimiliki paling dominan antara 2 anak dan 4 anak.Jenis Pekerjaan responden sebagian besar adalah penenun kain. Jarak rumah tempat tinggal responden  ke klinik kesehatan sebagian besar berjarak 2 jam perjalanan kaki ke klinik. Jenis alat KB (kontrasepsi) mayoritas perempuan Baduy Luar menggunakan suntik. Masa lama telah ber-KB, sebagian besar 1-3 Tahun, ada juga sudah 7-9 tahun  dan yang lebih dari 10 tahun ber-KB ternayata cukup besar. Lama memutuskan ikut KB sebagian besar yakni 6 bulan. Saat awal ber KB mayoritas alat kontrasepsi yang merteka pilih dengan cara suntik. Alasan  ber-KB jawaban yang paling banyak disebut adalah demi menjarangkan anak. Diperlukan pengembangan strategi agar perubahan terencana dapat dilakukan untuk lebih memenuhi kebutuhan akan keluarga berencana masyarakat adat baduy. Terdapat korelasi yang positif antara karakteristik akseptor KB dengan efektifitas penerimaan inovasi.Korelasi antara sistem sosial dengan efektifitas penerimaan inovasi bernilai negatif atau hampir tanpa pengaruh.Korelasi antara jenis saluran komunikasi dengan efektifitas penerimaan inovasi mempunyai hubungan yang cukup kuat

    Analisis Implementasi Total Quality Management dalam Memperbaiki Mutu Religius Siswa

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    Implementation of Total Quality Management at SMKIT Khoiru Ummah Rejang Lebong is carried out as an effort to ensure quality that is carried out continuously. One of them is in the religious or religious aspects of students. discussion of the results of this study focused on the SWOT analysis of the implementation of TQM in improving the religious quality of students at SMKIT Khoiru Ummah Rejang Lebong. The research activity was carried out with a descriptive qualitative approach, data was collected by interview, observation and documentation, data were analyzed by data reduction techniques, displaying data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that there are things that are strengths, including leadership, school management, the environment and strong cooperation. The weaknessesincludethe teacher's ability in religious aspects and the teacher's firmness in giving warnings, directions, or punishments. Things that become opportunities include a well-known school name, the trust of the school's external customers, and cooperation from parents. Threats include the transfer of principals, the impact of technological developments and student interest in learning religion.  Keywords: Analysis SWOT, Total Quality Managemen


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    Kedudukan akhlak dalam kehidupan manusia menempati tempat yang penting sekali, baik sebagai individu maupun sebagai masyarakat dan bangsa. Untuk itu diperlukan berbagai upaya untuk membina dan membangun generasi yang cerdas, jujur, dan bertawakal kepada Allah, karena manusia sebagai kholifah memikul beban yang besar dihadapan Allah dalam memperbaiki Allah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagiamana hubungan akhlak mahmudah terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas VII 1 SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Palembang. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif. Adapun pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode angket, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik prosentasi dan uji t. Adapun hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa akhlak mahmudah siswa tergolong sedang, yaitu 21 siswa dengan prosentase 69,93%. Sedangkan untuk prestasi belajar siswa ditemukan bahwa tingkat prestasi belajar siswa kelas VII 1 semester 1 tergolong sedang, yaitu 17 siswa dengan prosentase 56.61%. Dan dari analisis data dengan menggunakan perhitungan secara manual yaitu dengan Uji signifikan koefisien korelasi dengan uji t didapat α = 0,05 dan n = 30, Dk = n – 2 = 30–2 = 28 sehingga diperoleh thitung > ttabel 3,90 > 1,701, itu berarti mempunyai interpretasi yang tinggi. Artinya ada Hubungan yang signifikan Akhlak Mahmudah terhadap prestasi belajar. Dengan demikian berarti bahwa hipotesa yang diajukan peneliti dalam penelitian ini diterima. Hipotesa “hubungan yang signifikan antara Akhlak Mahmudah dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa”


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    The problem in this study is that researchers see there are some students who do not obey or obey all regulations that apply at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang such as: violating the rules of dress, smoking in the campus area, littering and scribbling existing facilities and infrastructure, and said disrespectfully. This attitude reflects bad behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Islamic religious education on the social behavior of 2017 PAI UIN Raden Fatah Palembang graduate students. This study uses quantitative descriptive methods while the type of approach used in this study is correlational, which is to find the relationship between the two variables. While the data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed to students and the answers were calculated using a percentage formula then processed and explained descriptively and calculated the two variables using the product moment formula. Based on the results of research with known product moment correlation values ​​of 0.91 and consulted with the table "r" product moment turns out that the price of Roxy is greater than the level of 5% and so is at the level of 1% or 0.37 <0.91> 0, 47 With this, Ha (alternative hypothesis) is accepted and Ho (null hypothesis) is rejected, so it is concluded that there is an influence of Islamic religious education on the social behavior of 2017 PAI UIN Raden Fatah Palembang students, therefore Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected so that the prevailing hypothesis reads there is an influence of Islamic education on the social behavior of 2017 PAI UIN Raden Fatah Palembang study program students

    Welfare Improvement Models and Strategies through Dissemination of KB Information in the Remote Indigenous Community of Baduy

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    There are many types of contraceptives used by the Baduy remote indigenous communities (Baduy KAT) in Lebak regency, Banten, West Java, Indonesia. According to data, the number of family planning acceptors among the Baduy community stood at 1,529 in February 2021 comprising 1,503 in Outer Baduy and 26 in Inner Baduy. In the beginning, most Baduy KAT used implants before they changed contraceptives of their choice. This study aims to reveal what channels are used to disseminate information about family planning, as well as to ensure the effectiveness of the innovations about family planning information they receive. The method used is explanatory survey, with a frequency distribution to analyze and determine the relationship between variables and Spearman correlation analysis. The results showed that most respondents or 49% received family planning information from their relatives, 22% received it from health workers (posyandu cadres), 21% received it from village officials, 7% received it from indigenous community leaders (kakolot), and only 1% received it from the media. This study found that there is a fairly strong relationship between communication channels and the effectiveness of innovation acceptance. Most of the respondents stated that they decided to accept the family planning innovations concept within 6 months by using humans as a communication channel, such as their relatives, health workers, village officials, and kakolot leaders


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    This article aims to describe cultural reservation in Banjarpanepen Banyumas which is positioned as a mode for the application of religious moderation. Field data were collected through interviews, observations and documentation and then analyzed qualitatively. The findings are (a) cultural reservation in Banjarpanepen classified in two forms, namely traditional culture such as takiran 1 sura and bathing rituals at Kali Cawang on the full moon night and arts culture such as the lumping horse (ebeg) and Banyumasan lengger; (b) the values of religious moderation that arise in the cultural reservation process in Banjarpanepen are the high level of togetherness in the community and cooperation in religious activities; and (c) the Banjarpanepen community viewed from the cultural reservation process carried out shows an inclusive religious attitude by not excluding tradition as something that is unlawful and prohibited

    Pretreatment of cocoa waste using ionic liquid for bioethanol production

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    Bioethanol is a fuel derived from renewable sources of feedstock typically plants and agricultural waste such as cocoa waste. It has improved 'Lifecycle CO2' performance because the plants used as feedstock take CO2 from the atmosphere as they grown. This means that almost all the CO2 produced by burning the fuel is balanced by CO2 taken from the air. The reduced CO2 emissions indicate that bioethanol is good for the environment. But unfortunately most of the chemicals used in the pretreatment processes for bioethanol production are not environmentally benign. In this study we employed the used of ionic liquid which is environmentally friendly in the pretreatment of coca waste, so that the whole process will be “green” (environmentally benign). To determine how effective Ionic liquid pretreatment is, it was compared to the untreated cocoa waste, sulphuric acid pretreatment and sodium hydroxide pretreatment. Ionic liquid pretreatment was found to showed minimal biomass destruction of 30.77% after pretreatment while H2SO4 showed 61.18% and NaOH 78.89% of biomass destruction after pretreatment. The untreated biomass has 10.23% amount of cellulose but pretreatment with ionic liquid exposed this amount up to 47.30%, H2SO4 to 49.13% and NaOH reduced this amount to 7.150%. Two types of yeast were also isolated from Tapai Ubi to do the fermentation. Using DNS method for determining reducing sugar, Ionic liquid pretreatment produced 6.3*10-2g/L of reducing sugar and untreated, H2SO4 pretreatment NaOH pretreatment produced 2.87 *10-2 g/L, 7.4*10-2g/L and 3.37*10-2g/L respectively at the end of 24 hours of incubation. Bioethanol produced during the fermentation was analysed using gas chromatography. Ionic liquid produced a total of 7.885g/L, H2SO4 produced 7.911g/L NaOH produced 6.824g/L and untreated cocoa waste produced 5.116g/L of ethanol at the end of 24 hour