667 research outputs found


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      The purpose of this research and development is to produce a model of learning basketball skills on learning physical education for students middle school first. In addition, this research and development is conducted to obtain information in depth about: development and application of learning model of bolabasket skill (hamidi) on basketball game for students of middle school first and know the effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness of student to model made. This research and development use research & development (R & D) research method from borg and gall. The subjects in this research and development are the students of the first class VII students aged 13-14 years as many as 98 people. The instruments used in this research and development are questionnaires, questionnaires, battery test tests used to collect basic engineering skill data, as well as "game performance instrument test" instruments to collect data on students' basketball skills, as for stages in research and this development is, at the stage of: (1) needs analysis, (2) expert evaluation (initial product evaluation); (3) limited testing (small group trial); and (4) the main test (field testing). The model effectiveness test uses a battery test test to determine the level of mastery of students' basic basketball techniques and "GPAI tests" to find out the skill level of play. Data analysis technique used is "t-test" based on data analysis, for elementary technique aspect of students obtained the average value of pre test 29.86 and average post test 50.36, standard deviation pre test 5.5. and post test 6.0, value t -32.36 significance level 0.05 Because H0 is rejected means an increase in basic engineering capability. As for the skills to play based on data analysis using the test "t" obtained the average value of pre test 1.6 and average post test 3.83, standard deviation pre test 0.54 and post test 15.02, t value 0.085 significance level 0.05 Because H0 rejected means there is an increase in the ability of students' playing skills. Based on the data, it can be stated that basketball skill learning model for middle school first students is developed effectively and can improve basic technique skills and basketball playing skills of first medium school students.   Keywords: Development, Game-based learning model, basic engineering skills, playing skills, basketball, students middle school first

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Praktik Pembayaran Pohon Tidak Sesuai Harga Kepantasan

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    This thesis discusses "Islamic Law Review of the Practice of Payment for Trees Not Appropriately Appropriate Prices (Case Study in Hargomulyo Village, Kokap District, Kulonprogo Regency)" The idea of ā€‹ā€‹dhaman towards victims of crime and justice has been mentioned from the beginning in the texts of the Al-Quran and Hadith. From these texts, the scholars formulated various forms of fiqh regarding Dhaman (Compensation). Dhaman can occur because of deviations from the aqad (agreement), namely Dhaman Al-alaqdi, and also because of violations, namely Dhaman 'udwan. Dharar can occur in material aspects or physical objects and services, it can also be moral and emotional damage or called dharar adabi including damage to reputation. The standard of compensation, both in quality and quantity, must be the same as the dharar suffered by the victim, although in certain cases, multiple compensation can occur based on the victim's condition. However, legal provisions are often not considered in the midst of people's lives in making compensation for dependents. As happened in Hargomulyo Village, Kec. Kab. In the Kulonprogo sale and purchase transaction for Albasiah trees, the contractor pays half the price for the trees that are cut down. Paid half the price because the tree was damaged when it was crushed, so that the farmer suffered a loss because the contractor only paid half the price of the tree he cut. This study aims to provide an overview of the practice of logging trees that are not paid according to the appropriate price and to find out what factors make the community carry out the practice of buying and selling albasiah trees not according to the appropriate price in Hargomulyo Village. This research focuses on examining the responsibility for payment of trees due to careless logging in Islamic law

    Kecerdasan Emosional Guru Pendidikan Jasmani (Studi Deskriptif-Pengembangan Alat Ukur Kecerdasan Emosional Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Sekolah Dasar)

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan utama mengembangkan alat ukur baku kecerdasan emosi yang cocok untuk guru penjas SD. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif Pengembangan dengan teknik kuantitatif-kualitatif. Populasi sebanyak 500 orang guru penjas SD di Kota Cimahi dan Kota Sukabumi, dengan sampel sebanyak 100 orang diambil secara random. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Emotional intelligence secara konseptual merupakan karakter individu yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan, dorongan, sekaligus kemampuan untuk mengenali, mengelola, dan mengekspresikan emosi diri dengan tepat, serta bagaimana mengenali emosi orang lain dan membina hubungan dengan orang lain. Kecerdasan emosi itu sendiri terbagi pada 13 dimensi., 2) Alat ukur tersebut dikembangkan berupa pilihan ganda dengan empat alternatif pilihan. Setiap pilihan menggambarkan preferensi atas setiap dimensi emotional intelligence dan antar pilihan itu bersifat ordinal dari mulai yang sangat menggambarkan sampai dengan tidak menggambarkan karakter yang diukur. Penentuan bobot skor untuk setiap pilihan ditentukan dengan menggunakan sucessive interval method., 3) Sebagian besar item yang dikembangkan memiliki tingkat keterbacaan tinggi dan memadai sebagai alat ukur kecerdasan emosi guru penjas SD terutama berdasarkan judgement pakar yang telah dilakukan., 4) Item yang terpilih menjadi 69 butir, sisanya sebanyak 31 butir dinyatakan tidak memadai (tidak valid). Item-item yang tidak terpilih tersebut adalah nomor 1, 3, 4, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 26, 33, 35, 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 64, 71, 90, 95, dan 99. Indeks reliabilitas item yang telah dinyatakan valid sebesar 0,950 dengan SEM sebesar 6,870. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa item-item tersebut memiliki keajegan yang handal.This study has the main objective of developing a measuring instrument for emotional intelligence that is suitable for elementary Physical Education teachers. The research method used was descriptive quantitative-qualitative technique development. The population was 500 elementary school physical education teachers in Cimahi City and Sukabumi City, with a sample of 100 people taken randomly. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Conceptual emotional intelligence is an individual character that is related to needs, as well as the ability to manage, express oneself appropriately, and how to manage other people's emotions and build relationships with others. Emotional intelligence itself is divided into 13 dimensions. 2) The measuring instrument was developed in the form of multiple choice with four alternative choices. Each choice describes a preference for each dimension of emotional intelligence and between choices are ordinal, ranging from very descriptive to not describing the character being measured. The weighting of the score for each choice is determined using the consecutive interval method., 3) Most of the items developed with a high and adequate level of readability as a measure of emotional intelligence for elementary school teachers based on expert assessments that have been carried out to 69 items, the remaining 31 items were declared inadequate (invalid). The items that are not selected are numbers 1, 3, 4, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 26, 33, 35, 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 , 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 64, 71, 90, 95, and 99. The item reliability index that has been declared valid is 0.950 with a SEM of 6,870. This shows that these items have a reliable consistency.

    Dc Line-Interactive Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with Load Leveling for Constant Power and Pulse Loads

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    Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) systems are usually considered as a backup power for electrical systems, providing emergency power when the main power source fails. UPS systems ensure an uninterruptible, reliable and high quality electrical power for systems with critical loads in which a continuous and reliable power supply is a vital requirement. A novel UPS system topology, DC line-interactive UPS, has been introduced. The new proposed UPS system is based on the DC concept where the power flow in the system has DC characteristic. The new DC UPS system has several advantageous with respect to the on-line 3-phase UPS which is extensively used in industry, such as lower size, cost and weight due to replacing the three-phase dual converter in the on-line UPS system with a single stage single phase DC/DC converter and thus higher efficiency is expected. The proposed system will also provide load leveling feature for the main AC/DC rectifier which has not been offered by conventional AC UPS systems. It applies load power smoothing to reduce the rating of the incoming AC line and consequently reduce the installation cost and time. Moreover, the new UPS technology improves the medical imaging system up-time, reliability, efficiency, and cost, and is applicable to several imaging modalities such as CT, MR and X-ray as well. A comprehensive investigation on different energy storage systems was conducted and couple of most promising Li-ion cell chemistries, LFP and NCA types, were chosen for further aggressive tests. A battery pack based on the LFP cells with monitoring system was developed to be used with the DC UPS testbed. The performance of the DC UPS has also been investigated. The mathematical models of the system are extracted while loaded with constant power load (CPL) and constant voltage load (CVL) during all four modes of operation. Transfer functions of required outputs versus inputs were extracted and their related stability region based on the Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria were found. The AC/DC rectifier was controlled independently due to the system configuration. Two different control techniques were proposed to control the DC/DC converter. A linear dual-loop control (DLC) scheme and a nonlinear robust control, a constant frequency sliding mode control (CFSMC) were investigated. The DLC performance was convincing, however the controller has a limited stability region due to the linearization process and negative incremental impedance characteristics of the CPL which challenges the stability of the system. A constant switching frequency SMC was also developed based on the DC UPS system and the performance of the system were presented during different operational modes. Transients during mode transfers were simulated and results were depicted. The controller performances met the control goals of the system. The voltage drop during mode transitions, was less than 2% of the rated output voltage. Finally, the experimental results were presented. The high current discharge tests on each selected Li-ion cell were performed and results presented. A testbed was developed to verify the DC UPS system concept. The test results were presented and verified the proposed concept

    Al-Kāshī, the first scientist who introduced dynamical system

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    In 15th century, two renowned mathematicians, Ghiyāth al-DÄ«n JamshÄ«d Masā€™Å«d al-KāshÄ« (also known as JamshÄ«d KāshānÄ«; d. 1429) and his patron, MÄ«rzā Muhammad Tāraghay bin Shāhrukh (well known as Ulugh Beg; d. 1449) were able to calculate the sine and chord of one-third of an angle. With this, they successfully computed sine 1Ā° to 17 correct decimal digits (ten correct sexagesimal places) by the invention of ingenious converging iteration algorithm. The iteration algorithm suggested by Al-KāshÄ« one can consider as pioneering dynamical system and Al-KāshÄ« himself can be considered as the initiator, pioneer of the theory of dynamical systems. In this paper we revise Al-KāshÄ«ā€™s work on this computation of sine 1Ā° using modern theory of dynamical systems. The main reference for this computation will be based on A Study of Risāla al-Watar waā€™l Jaib (ā€œThe Treatise on the Chord and Sineā€), written by Mohammad K. Azarian. In the end, we discuss the significance of this revision in the Islamic point of view


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    The study of the da'wah epistemology from the perspective of KH. Chariri Shofa reveals the concept of thoughts, struggles, masterpieces, and role-model aspects. This typical religious intellectual scholar with his magnum opus of the book "Al-Burhan" summarizes a number of brilliant achievements in the struggle from the local level of Banyumas to the national level. The comprehensive aspect of the da'wah of KH. Chariri Shofa covers literacy regarding Islamic laws, Islamic boarding schools, academic careers, da'wah methodology, and exemplary aspects in the family that inspires society. The climax was the appreciation for KH. Chariri Shofa obtained from the President of the Republic of Indonesia as the winner of the National Sakinah Family Competition in 2016. The epistemology of da'wah built by KH. Chariri Shofa includes the mastery of fundamental sciences in religious texts, especially Arabic language and isį¹­inbat al-hukmi, spiritual quality, Islamic social proress, and the strong academic capacity. The strongest aspect in the da'wah epistemology of KH. Chariri Shofa is on the scholar-intellectual capacity, role model, and the sympathetic and charismatic methodology of da'wah. The success indicators of the da'wah in the study of this figure are the acceptance of the society and the government, the scientific transformation and role model, and the inheritance of his eternal struggle

    Analisis Pengaruh Nilai Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) Terhadap Story Shear Bangunan Bertingkat

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    This study aims to analyze and examine the effect of peak land acceleration value (PGA) on shear story using dynamic method of response spectrum. The PGA value and the spectrum response used are the spectrum responses issued by the PU ministry. The review is soft land in the citys in Riau. The results showed that the higher the story shear value, the higher the PGA value in each region. The areas with the highest inner and PGA grades are Pasir Pangarian (Rohul) and the lowest is Kota Selat Panjang (Meranti District). This is because the area of Rohul Regency is an area close to West Sumatera Province that has a high enough earthquake intensity when compared with Meranti Regency which is a coastal area located on the lower plains

    Study the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete slab using polystyrene

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    Nowadays, polystyrene was widely used as food and manufacturing production equipment as packaging tools to absorb vibration during handling and transportation process. It is estimated that it produced large amount of wastes as it abundantly used in the market. Due to its lightweight characteristics, it has potential to serve as aggregates replacement of coarse aggregates. Thus, a study of concrete made of polystyrene beads as aggregates was carried out. Through this study, the mechanical properties of polystyrene can be determined whether it is good or not when replace it as aggregate in the concrete. The main objective of this study is to determine the mechanical properties of the lightweight concrete slab using polystyrene. Several tests were conducted to determine the compressive strength, flexural strength, deformation and also crack pattern of the slabs. There were nine samples of slabs were constructed which consist of three different ratio,1:3:0(Control) ,1:2:1 and 1:1.75:1.25.Each ratio consists of three samples. All the samples were concreted and tested at Heavy Structure Laboratory Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). From the compression test, the strength of the two ratio were lower than strength of the control. That is mean it meet the required characteristic of the study. The average load of control sample is the highest which is 81.84kN.Meanwhile the average load for ratio 1 and ratio 2 were 52.19kN and 51.59kN, respectively. For the deflection, the control sample also got the highest value which is 6.60mm. While ratio 1 and ratio 2 were 3.10mm and 1.90mm, respectively. The load and deflection are decrease due to the increasing amount of polystyrene. Besides, the type of crack and failure such as shear failure, compression failure and also tension failure also determined in this study. In a nutshell, polystyrene beads(EPS) can be used as aggregate replacement in the concrete. Overall of the study showed that the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete mainly influenced by the content of polystyrene beads and the strength decrease with the increase of the polystyrene content


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu, (1) mendeskripsikan hasil analisis tekstual teks biografi yang ditulis oleh siswa kelas X AP-1 SMK Negeri 1 Bandung, (2) mendeskripsikan prototipe bahan ajar menulis teks naratif yang sesuai berdasarkan kebutuhan siswa kelas X AP-1 SMK Negeri 1 Bandung, dan (3) mendeskripsikan hasil penilaian prototipe bahan ajar menulis teks naratif yang sesuai berdasarkan kebutuhan siswa kelas X AP-1 SMK Negeri 1 Bandung. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks biografi. Selain itu, pentingnya pengenalan, pengetahuan, pemahaman dan penerapan prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung dalam teks biografi harus diberikan sejak dini kepada siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini bersumber dari teks biografi yang ditulis oleh siswa SMK Negeri 1 Bandung kelas X AP-1 yang berjumlah sebanyak 34 orang. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa hasil tes kemampuan menulis teks biografi. Hasil penelitian tersebut adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks biografi berdasarkan tiga aspek (isi organisasi, dan penggunaan bahasa) masih tergolong rendah. Kedua, bahan ajar sebagai produk yang dikembangkan dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks biografi berjudul Mahir Menulis Teks Biografi. Bahan ajar tersebut dinilai kelayakannya oleh dosen ahli berdasarkan empat aspek, yaitu aspek kelayakan isi, bahasa dan keterbacaan, penyajian materi, dan gambar dan tampilan. Ketiga, bahan ajar pembelajaran menulis teks biografi pada aspek kelayakan isi memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 81,24 dengan kategori ā€˜sangat baikā€™, aspek bahasa dan keterbacaan memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 86,66 dengan kategori ā€˜sangat baikā€™, aspek penyajian materi memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 83,97 dengan kategori ā€˜sangat baikā€™, dan aspek gambar dan tampilan memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 86,11 dengan kategori ā€˜sangat baikā€™. Apabila keempat skor tersebut diakumulasikan, maka menghasilkan skor rata-rata sebesar 84,49. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka bahan ajar Mahir Menulis Teks Biografi ternilai layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran teks biografi. ---------- The aims of this research are, (1) describing the result of textual analysis of biography text which were written by X graders of AP-1 in SMK Negeri 1 Bandung, (2) describing the prototype of teaching material in writing narrative text which is appropriate with X gradersā€™ requirement of AP-1 class in SMK Negeri 1 Bandung, and (3) describing the result of the prototype of teaching material in writing narrative text which is appropriate with X gradersā€™ requirement of AP-1 class in SMK Negeri 1 Bandung. The background of this research is based on the low ability of students in writing biography text. Aside from that, the importance of recognition, knowledge, understanding, and application of principles contained within biography text should be delivered to the students from the beginning. This research used descriptive qualitative method. This research comes from biography texts written by X graders of AP-1 which amounted to 34 persons in SMK Negeri 1 Bandung. The data in this research is the result of the ability test in writing biography text. The results of that test are as follows. First, the ability test in writing biography text based on three aspects (content, organization, and the language features) still quite low. Second, teaching material as the product which developed in order to enhance studentsā€™ ability in writing biography text entitled Mahir Menulis Teks Biografi. That teaching material is assessed the validity and reliability by expert based on four aspects, those are eligibility of content, language and legibility, presentation of material, images and appearance. Third, the teaching material of writing biography text on eligibility of content aspect obtained an average score of 81,24 with ā€˜very goodā€™ category, language and legibility aspect obtained an average score of 86,66 with ā€˜very goodā€™ category, presentation of material aspect obtained an average score 83,97 with ā€˜very goodā€™ category, and images and appearance aspect obtained an average score 86,11 with ā€˜very goodā€™ category. If the score is accumulated, then it obtains an average score of 84,49. Based on that result, the teaching material entitled Mahir Menulis Teks Biografi is valid and reliable to use in teaching and learning of biography text
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