19 research outputs found

    Penilaian terhadap pengaruh reka bentuk studio dan kemudahan teknologi ke atas peningkatan kemahiran pelajar senibina: satu kajian kes di salah sebuah politeknik di pantai barat Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Kajian kes ini adalah bertujuan untuk memahami pandangan pelajar tentang keselesaan pembelajaran di politeknik dilihat daripada aspek rekabentuk studio dan teknologi serta kemudahan yang disediakan kepada mereka yang mengikuti kersus senibina. Kajian ini akan mengukur secara kualitatif aras kepuasan individu pclajar terhadap produk atau hasil kerja mereka yang dipengaruhi oleh persekitaran pembelajaran yang dinilai dari kedua-dua aspek diatas. Kajian kes ini telah mengambil sampel kajian seramai 117 orang yang tcrdiri daripada pelajar peringkat Sijil dan Diploma sebagai responden. Penganalisaan kc atas data sam pel adalah mengikut pecahan semester iaitu semester 1, semester 2 dan semester 4 bagi pelajar Sijil dan semester 5 dan semester 6 bagi pclajar Diploma. Kaedah soal se!idik telah dipilih oleh penyelidik sebagai instrumen kajian untuk mendapatkan data dari responden. Borang soal selidik ini telah dicipta oleh penyelidik sendiri berpandukan kepada soal se!idik penyelidik terdahulu dan dibimbing oleh pensyarah penyelia. Hasi! daripada proses penganalisaan data akan dipaparkan di dalam bentu\.; jadual dan histob'Tam bagi menunjukkan pandangan pelajar senibina terhadap reka bentuk studio dan kemudahan telG1OIogi ke atas peningkatan kemahiran sescorang

    Ibn Fadlan's role in the Islamisation of Bulghar society

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    Islam is the oldest established religion among Bulghar entity, the residents along the riverbanks of the Volga-Kama triangle. This valley was famous as the first Islamic country erected in the Eastern European region. The presence of Islam in the region has raised the name of the ruler of Volga Bulgaria and was reinforced by relationship with Baghdad. The Islamisation of the Bulghar society is relevant to the role played by Ahmad ibn Fadlan, the ambassador of the Abbasid government based in Baghdad. Therefore, this article aims to examine the role played by Ibn Fadlan in the Islamization of the Bulghar society. For this study, a qualitative method using historical descriptive approach was employed, which involved compilation and evaluation of the facts of the Risalah Ibn Fadlān. Data for this study were obtained through library research. The data analyses were conducted through texts and document analyses, as well as comparison method. This study finds that Ibn Fadlan plays an important role in the islamisation of the Bulghar society, not just as an ambassador of Abbasid government but as a teacher, preacher and counselor to the Bulghar king and the whole nation

    Ibn Fadlan’s Role in the Islamisation of Bulghar society

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    Islam is the oldest established religion among Bulghar entity, the residents along the riverbanks of the Volga-Kama triangle. This valley was famous as the first Islamic country erected in the Eastern European region. The presence of Islam in the region has raised the name of the ruler of Volga Bulgaria and was reinforced by relationship with Baghdad. The Islamisation of the Bulghar society is relevant to the role played by Ahmad ibn Fadlan, the ambassador of the Abbasid government based in Baghdad. Therefore, this article aims to examine the role played by Ibn Fadlan in the Islamization of the Bulghar society. For this study, a qualitative method using historical descriptive approach was employed, which involved compilation and evaluation of the facts of the Risalah Ibn Fadlān. Data for this study were obtained through library research. The data analyses were conducted through texts and document analyses, as well as comparison method. This study finds that Ibn Fadlan plays an important role in the islamisation of the Bulghar society, not just as an ambassador of Abbasid government but as a teacher, preacher and counselor to the Bulghar king and the whole nation

    Institusi pondok sebagai pilihan tempat tinggal warga emas wanita ke arah kesejahteraan hidup : kajian kes di Terengganu

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    Institusi pondok telah menjadi salah satu pilihan tempat tinggal bagi warga emas beragama Islam untuk tujuan kerohanian. Umur yang panjang dan sihat pada usia 60 tahun dan ke atas adalah masa yang sesuai untuk mendalami ilmu agama dan aktiviti kerohanian sebagai bekalan di akhirat. Kajian ini bertujuan meneroka secara mendalam faktor pendorong warga emas memilih pondok sebagai tempat tinggal dan hubungannya dengan kesejahteraan hidup mereka. Seramai dua puluh (20) orang warga emas dalam kumpulan umur 59 hingga 80 tahun dan beragama Islam di Pondok Al-Huda, Wakaf Tapai, Marang, Terengganu dipilih sebagai responden dengan menggunakan kaedah temu bual mendalam. Maklumat daripada warga emas dikaji dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis kandungan. Hasil kajian menemui faktor utama warga emas memilih tinggal di pondok adalah untuk mencari ketenangan dan menambah ilmu agama. Kebanyakan warga emas wanita cenderung memilih tinggal di pondok kerana kesunyian hidup selepas kematian suami. Dari aspek kesejahteraan, keseluruhan warga emas seronok dan mencapai kesejahteraan jiwa menerusi pelbagai pengisian rohani dan fizikal yang disertai di pondok seperti aktiviti harian yang bermanfaat, peluang berkawan, dan jaminan keselamatan. Kajian ini menonjolkan sumbangan penting Institusi Pondok al-Huda, Wakaf Tapai, Marang, Terengganu sebagai institusi sokongan sosial yang amat diperlukan oleh warga emas untuk menjalani kehidupan pada usia tua yang sejahtera dan selamat

    Analysis on social change among Bulghar society based on Risalah Ibn Fadlan 922 AD

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    The role of Islam in the forming of the society solidarity consisting of multi-ethnic backgrounds into a consistency ethno system is a great thing about the Volga Bulgaria that occupied by Bulghar society. The process of Islamization has become the main factors for social changes happened in the society. Thus, this writing is intended to analyse the social changes that occurred in the society that affected Bulghar society achievement, by referred to text analysis on Risalah Ibn Fadlan, 922 AD and some other sources related. For this study, the qualitative method using historical descriptive approach has been employed which involving compilation and evaluation of the facts of the Risalah Ibn Fadlān. Therefore, data onto this study were obtained through library research. The analyses on data study were conducted through texts and document analyses, as well as comparison method. This study finds islamization is the major factor contributing to the social change among Bulghar society. The social change in Bulghar society incorporating the changing of thinking to achieve development in education, the way of life, infrastructure, literature and the spirit of dacwah, the norms and values based on Islam, which the society adheres after becoming Muslim

    Socio-religious harmony index instrument indicators for Malaysia

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    The subject of inter-religious relationship among different religious adherents is crucial in determining social peace and harmony in a multi religious country like Malaysia. The question to what extend the society is susceptible to religious issues remains uncertain. This study will contribute in understanding the Malaysian socio-religious harmony status among the multi-religious adherents through development of the social religious index. To suffice part of this effort, the aim of this study was to develop the socio-religious harmony index instrument which is viable to measure socio-religious harmony level in Malaysia. However, the development of a reliable and valid instrument relies heavily on the quality of the variables or the indicators to be used to measure the index. Hence, the instrument was developed using key informants’ input via experts’ panelist which included selected stakeholders from various backgrounds such as academics, ministry officers, policy makers, non-government organization members, and head or representative of religious groups. To effectively manage the input from the expert panelists, the study adopted Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) as main methodology to determine the indicators and sub-indicators (quantitative indicators) to be included in the index instrument questionnaires. Fuzzy Delphi was conducted in two rounds: FDM round 1 to determine the main indicators and FDM 2 to determine the sub-indicators to measure each main indicators. Based on the experts’ consensus, the findings of FDM 1 proposed 22 socio-religious harmony indicators. For FDM 2, based on the indicators, the experts proposed 53 sub-indicators as quantitative indicators to measure each indicators. These indicators and their respective sub-indicators will be used to form the index instrument

    Bio-based polycationic polyurethane as an ion-selective membrane for nitrate tapered optical fiber sensors

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    A novel bio-based polycationic polyurethane as an ion-selective membrane for nitrate sensing was successfully developed. In this work, the intermolecular interactions at active polymeric sites play a primary role in selective nitrate-ion detection. From the experiment, FTIR shows a significant shift from 1543 cm−1 to 1548 cm−1 in N-H bending, indicating that intermolecular interactions occur between the polycationic polyurethane and nitrate. AFM shows that the surface roughness of the polycationic polyurethane decreases from 95.7 nm to 12.2 nm after immersion in nitrate solution. Meanwhile, FESEM images show that the bright area, which represents the hard segment of polycationic polyurethane, decreases after immersion, indicating that the nitrate is interacting with the hard segment of the polycationic polyurethane via intermolecular interaction. Furthermore, EIS shows that the conductivity increases from 2.84 × 10−11 to 5.34 × 10−11 S cm−1 after ion exchange occurs between the iodide and nitrate on the polycationic polyurethane. To assess the sensing performance, the sensor probe is fabricated by coating the polycationic polyurethane thin film on the tapered region of an optical fiber. Rapid detection, good repeatability, and a sensitivity of 5.94 × 10−2µW/ppm are obtained for nitrate detection using the above bio-based-sensing material. The selectivity study also shows that the sensing material possesses high affinity toward the nitrate ion

    Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa Extracts Prepared with Various Solvents

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    Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk. has a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects and has been used to treat wounds, colic diarrhoea, heartburns, abscesses and gynaecopathy. The potential antiproliferative activities of R. tomentosa extracts from different solvents were evaluated in vitro on HepG2, MCF-7 and HT 29 cell lines while antioxidant activity was monitored by radical scavenging assay (DPPH), copper reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) and b-carotene bleaching assay. Extracts from R. tomentosa show the viability of the cells in concentration-dependent manner. According to the IC50 obtained, the ethyl acetate extracts showed significant antiproliferative activity on HepG2 (IC50 11.47 ± 0.280 mg/mL), MCF-7(IC50 2.68 ± 0.529 mg/mL) and HT 29 (IC50 16.18 ± 0.538 mg/mL) after 72 h of treatment. Bioassay guided fractionation of the ethyl acetate extract led to the isolation of lupeol. Methanol extracts show significant antioxidant activities in DPPH (EC50 110.25 ± 0.005 mg/ml), CUPRAC (EC50 53.84 ± 0.004) and b-carotene bleaching (EC50 58.62 ± 0.001) due to the presence of high total flavonoid and total phenolic content which were 110.822 ± 0.017 mg butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)/g and 190.467 ± 0.009 mg gallic acid (GAE)/g respectively. Taken together, the results extracts show the R. tomentosa as a potential source of antioxidant and antiproliferative efficacy

    High-gain PDMS-magnetite zero refractive index metamaterial antenna for Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications

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    This paper presents the simulation design of a high-gain antenna using zero refractive index fishnet metamaterial (MTM) perforated on PDMS-Magnetite substrate for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. In order to design the MTM, magnetite nanoparticles, 10-nm iron oxide (Fe3O4) are dispersed into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix. Subsequently, the unit cell is designed by removing the circular hole with radius of 3.69 mm on the PDMS-Magnetite substrate layer and arranged in 5×5 array fishnet configuration. This optimized MTM is inserted between the antenna design and pure PDMS substrate to improve the gain. The characteristic of the respective unit-cell is investigated to operate at 5.9 GHz and the effectiveness of MTM is performed by comparing the antenna performance with and without MTM. The unique characteristics of zero refractive index transform the diverging wave into plane wave for perfectly parallel wave impact on the design to improve the directivity and gain of the antenna. The proposed MTM into design improves the antenna gain to 7.36 dB without having to compromise other antenna parameters of return loss, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), gain, directivity, efficiency, current distribution, radiation pattern and bandwidth. These advantages has made proposed antenna as a suitable candidate for V2V in Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) application since high-gain directional antenna is required to increase the sensitivity towards signals coming from certain direction

    Mode-locked pulse generation in erbium-doped fiber laser by evanescent field interaction with reduced graphene oxide-titanium dioxide nanohybrid

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    In this work, a new nanohybrid saturable absorber (SA)is successfully fabricated from reduced graphene oxide (rGO)nanosheets and titanium dioxide (TiO2)nanoparticles. The nanohybrid material is synthesized using the simple and inexpensive hydrothermal technique. The SA is fabricated by depositing the nanohybrid solution onto a D-shaped fiber in an erbium-doped fiber (EDF)laser cavity. The evanescent wave interaction between the incident light and rGO-TiO2 nanohybrid material induces mode-locking in the EDF laser at the threshold pump power of 100.80 mW. A stable soliton pulse with a center wavelength of 1560.45 nm and 3-dB bandwidth of 2.47 nm is obtained. The generated pulses have a repetition rate and pulse width of 11.19 MHz and 1.05 ps at the highest pump power of 268.10 mW. The proposed rGO-TiO2 nanohybrid of this work is a promising SA material for generating mode-locking in an EDF laser for optical modulation applications. © 201