214 research outputs found

    Library Automation Software Packages: A Comparative Study of Virtua, Alice for Windows, SOUL and LIBSYS

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    The core purpose of present research effort is to discern a reasonable evaluation of the features of automation software packages to guide the librarians select a package that suits their requirements and enhance library services effectively. Of the several available software packages; Virtua, Alice for Windows, SOUL, and LIBSYS are chosen for conducting micro evaluation of selected software features. A checklist comprising several parameters like operating systems, integration of modules; compatibility with international standards; Web-OPAC facility, etc. were highlights of the study. Virtua, with 308 out of 328 rating points, figured atop of the table with most sophisticated features and facilities followed by Alice for Windows with 247 points, LibSys with 228 points, and SOUL with 175 points. Virtua has been found with most modern facilities and compatibility to global standards; however SOUL has observed most used software in Indian libraries followed by LibSys. Since the study has covered popularly used softwares; therefore, it is expected to serve as aiding tool for librarians to select the package with advanced features to fulfill the emerging demands of techno-savvy users effectively


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    ABSTRAK Nasyid saat ini sedang popular dikalangan milenial, hal ini membuktikan bahwa nasyid sangat dicintai oleh masyarakat luas. Syair yang terterapun mengandung unsur-unsur pesan dakwah yang mengajak manusia untuk melakukan kebaikan, taat kepada Allah, amar ma‟ruf nahi munkar, memberikan kedamaian jiwa, dan penambahan keimanan. Komunitas Kampoeng Nasyid merupakan Kampoeng Nasyid merupakan badan komunitas bagi penggemar musik nasyid baik solo, grup, duo, dan para pengagum nasyid yang ada di Lampung. Hadirnya Kampoeng Nasyid merupakan peluang bagi masyarakat Lampung untuk mengenal dan memperdalam musik islami agar dapat berkembang lebih luas dalam menyampaikan pesan dakwah. Syair lagu milik Kampoeng nasyid merupakan media komunikasi untuk menyampaikan makna dakwah dan isi lirik lagu kepada para pendengar melalui serangkaian kata berbentuk lirik yang dipadukan dengan musik yang akhirnya menjadi sebuah syair atau lagu yang sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Allahulkaafi merupakan salah satu dari banyaknya syair ciptaan Kampoeng nasyid dengan versi berbahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dekriptif dengan model library reseach, dengan metode analisis wacana model VanD Dijk dimana sasaran daripada penelitian ini adalah lagu dan syair. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari Dokumentasi serta wawancara yang diperoleh dari akun media sosial serta wawancara CEO Kampoeng Nasyid. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis wacana model Van Dijk yaitu dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis secara detail makna dari lagu “Allahulkaafi”. Hasil penelitian yang penulis temukan ialah, Berdasarkan penjabaran pengertian diatas disini peneliti bisa menarik kesimpulan bahwa media dakwah nasyid ini sudah cukup mewakili untuk menyampaikan pesan dakwah, yang mana nasyid sebagai media dakwah nasyid dapat dikatakan sudah efektif, karena dilihat dari berbagai sisi melalui hasil analisis wacana dengan detail lirik pada lagu “Allahulkaafi” menjadi pembuktian bahwasannya nasyid layak dikatakan sebagai media dakwah, kampoeng nasyid mengemas hal tersebut sesuai perkembangan zaman tapi tetap tidak menurunkan citra diri. Pada syair AllahulKaafi mengandung pesan-pesan agar senantiasa mengajak para manusia untuk bersunguh-sungguh dan iii istiqomah dalam memperbaiki diri dan agamanya serta sebagai pendengar kita bisa mengambil ibroh atau manfaat untuk kehidupan sehari-hari, mengenai bahwasannya kita tidak boleh berharap kepada siapapun kecuali Allah SWT. Lagu-lagu Kampoeng Nasyid mengandung pesan dakwah yang didalamnya berisi penyampaian agama dari segi akidah, akhlak, dan syariah, dimana syair pada lagu AllahulKaafi ini lebih menonjolkan mengenai Akhlak karena syair dalam lagu Allahulkaafi terdapat lirik yang berbunyi “Benahi diri dan jaga hati” berisikan mengenai ajakan yang mempengaruhi terhadap Akhlak seseorang agar senantiasa mampu memperbaiki diri dan didampingin dengan keistiqomahan untuk menjaga hati agar tidak terbuai kembali oleh fatamorgana dunia. Kata Kunci: Analisis Teu VanDijk, Syair Lagu, Pesan Dakwah syair lagu iv ABSTRACT Nasyid is currently popular among millennials, this proves that nasyid is very much loved by the wider community. The poetry contained also contains elements of da‟wah messages that invite people to do good, obey Allah, amar ma‟ruf nahi munkar, provide peace of mind, and increase faith. The Kampoeng Nasyid Community is Kampoeng Nasyid, a community body for fans of nasyid music, both solo, groups, duos, and nasyid admirers in Lampung. The presence of Kampoeng Nasyid is an opportunity for the people of Lampung to get to know and deepen Islamic music so that they can develop more broadly in conveying da‟wah messages. Kampoeng nasyid‟s song lyrics are a communication medium to convey the meaning of da‟wah and the contents of song lyrics to listeners through a series of words in the form of lyrics combined with music which eventually becomes a poem or song that is in accordance with Islamic law. Allahulkaafi is one of the many poems created by Kampoeng Nasyid with an Indonesian version. This study uses a descriptive research method with the library research model, with the VanD Dijk model of discourse analysis where the target of this research is songs and poetry. The data sources in this study consisted of documentation and interviews obtained from social media accounts and interviews with the CEO of Kampoeng Nasyid. The analysis technique in this study is the Van Dijk model of discourse analysis, which is carried out by analyzing in detail the meaning of the song "Allahulkaafi". The results of the research that the authors found are, Based on the elaboration of the meaning above here the researcher can draw the conclusion that this nasyid da'wah media is sufficiently representative to convey da'wah messages, in which nasyid as a nasyid da'wah media can be said to be effective, because seen from various sides through the results of discourse analysis with the detailed lyrics of the song "Allahulkaafi" proving that nasyid is worthy of being called a da'wah medium, Kampoeng Nasyid packs it according to the times but still doesn't degrade self-image. The Allahul Kaafi poem contains messages to always invite humans to be serious and istiqomah in improving themselves and their religion and as listeners we can take ibroh or benefits for everyday life, regarding that we should not rely on anyone except Allah SWT. Kampoeng Nasyid v songs contain da'wah messages which contain the delivery of religion in terms of faith, morals, and sharia, where the lyrics in the AllahulKaafi song emphasize more about morality because the lyrics in the Allahulkaafi song have lyrics that read "Fix yourself and take care of your heart" which contains about an invitation that influences one's morals to always be able to improve oneself and is accompanied by persistence to guard the heart so that it is not lulled again by the mirage of the world. Keywords: Analysis of Teu VanDijk, Song Lyrics, Message of Dakwah song lyric

    The Role of kindergarten educators in promoting the concept of the national affiliation of kindergarten children from their Perspectives ‹‹A Field Study in Lattakia››

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    The current research aimed to show the role of kindergarten educators in promoting the concept of the national affiliation of kindergarten children from their Perspectives, The research sample consisted of (104) nanny from private kindergarten teachers in Lattakia for the academic year 2018/2019. The researcher adopted the descriptive approach, And she used as a research tool, which was designed by her and ruled by a group of arbitrators, The results were determined by applying a sample of (34) female kindergarten teachers from outside the research sample by calculating the coefficient of alpha Cronbach (0.886), as well as from the Spearman Brown equation (0.847). The research reached the following: -The role of kindergarten educators in promoting the concept of national belonging to kindergarten children has been high. - There are no differences in the views of kindergarten educators about their role in the development of national belonging to the child according to the variable number of years of experience. - There are differences in the views of kindergarten educators on their role in the development of national belonging to the child according to the variable educational and educational qualification of the educator, for the benefit of both the university leave and diploma of educational rehabilitation. هدف البحث الحالي إلى تعرف دور مربيات رياض الأطفال في تعزيز مفهوم الانتماء الوطني لطفل الروضة من وجهة نظرهن، وقد تكونت عينة البحث من (104) مربية من مربيات رياض الأطفال الخاصة في مدينة اللاذقية للعام الدراسي 2018/2019. اعتمدت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي، واستخدمت الاستبانة كأداة بحث، حيث صممت من قبلها وحكمت من قبل مجموعة من المتخصصين، وتم التأكد من ثباتها بتطبيقها على عينة استطلاعية شملت (34) مربية روضة من خارج عينة البحث، من خلال حساب معامل ألفا كرونباخ، والذي بلغ (0.886)، وكذلك من معادلة سبيرمان براون الذي بلغ (0.847). توصل البحث إلى الآتي: - دور مربيات رياض الأطفال في تعزيز مفهوم الانتماء الوطني لدى طفل الروضة جاء بدرجة مرتفعة. - لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في وجهات نظر مربيات رياض الأطفال حول دورهن في تنمية الانتماء الوطني لدى الطفل وفق لمتغير عدد سنوات الخبرة للمربية. - توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في وجهات نظر مربيات رياض الأطفال عن بنود الاستبانة حول دورهن في تنمية الانتماء الوطني لدى الطفل وفق متغير المؤهل العلمي والتربوي للمربية لصالح حملة كل من الإجازة الجامعية ودبلوم التأهيل التربوي

    An overview of role of retinoids in management of warts: Review article

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    Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV)-inducing HPV-types can cause a wide range of cutaneous wart morphology and histological patterns that are distinct from one another. Certain forms of warts are more commonly related with various HPVs that cause cutaneous warts. It is essential that treatments for different forms of warts are both safe and painless. As warts can resolve up to two-thirds of the time without treatment, and treatments should not increase morbidity, this is particularly significant. In contrast, a large number of warts do not self-resolve fast and are associated with diminished quality of life, embarrassment, and pain in the skin. In terms of structure and function, retinoids resemble vitamin A in many ways. Both the differentiation and proliferation of keratinocytes and the immune system are hampered by their immunomodulatory effects. Objective: Assessment of role of retinoids in management of warts.Conclusion: Oral retinoids such as isotretinoin and acitretin are safe and reported to be effective therapy for different types of wart


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    Introduction: Renal failure underlies various etiologies among which are infectious and autoimmune origins which may link directly or indirectly with blood groups. Objectives: To determine the frequency of blood groups among a sample of patients with renal failure at Royal medical services, and to investigate the association of renal function tests with blood groups. Methodology: A retrospective study design was followed to collect data from files of patients with renal failure. Files of renal patients was included if blood groups were written and kidney function tests were provided. A data sheet was made for each patient that included relevant information about renal patients. A total of 197 files were reviewed. Data were entered into excel sheet to make raw data for all patients. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS V20. Data were presented as frequencies and percentages. The relationships between blood groups and renal function tests were investigated using T-independent test. Significance was considered at alpha level < 0.05. Results: the most prevalent blood group among renal failure patients was blood group A (45.7%), blood group O (30.4%), blood group B (17.3%), and blood group AB (6.6%). When biochemical tests including renal function tests were compared between renal failure patients according their blood groups, results showed slight variations, which were not statistically significant (p>0.05), except for potassium level which was observed in its maximal level among patients with blood group A, and its minimal levels were observed among patients with blood group AB (p=0.032). Conclusions: The present study showed that renal failure patients exhibited more frequency with blood groups A and O and agreed with other studies in which blood group AB is the least associated blood group with renal failure. The level of potassium was highest in patients with blood group A and lowest in patients with blood group AB and this was statistically significant (p=0.032)

    Keragaman ikan karang di perairan Pulau Makian Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    Abstract. The objective of the present study was to identify and evaluate reef fish community structure at Makian Island. Sampling was conducted in two stations at coordinate position of 00º.22’15.75”N -127 º.25’12.00”E to 00 º.22’7.90”N - 127º. 25’17.40”E with two different depths i.e. 5 meters and 10 meters. Coral reef data were collected using line intercept transect method, while the reef fish data were taken using a census visual method. A total of 138 species of coral reef fishes were recorded during the survey belong to 47 genera and 21 families. The fish diversity on station 1 for both depths (5 meters and 10 meters) were a medium level, while on station 2 at 5 meters water depth was also a medium category, but a higher diversity was detected at 10 meters depth. The percentage coral covers on station 1 at 5 meters depth was a medium level, at 10 meters depth was classified as high covered, while on station 2 at 5 meters and 10 meters depth were classified very high percent covers.Key word. Diversity, coral, percent covers, and line intercept transec

    Clinical phenotypes and constipation severity in Parkinson’s disease: Relation to Prevotella species

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    Background: The gut microbiome is speculated to play a crucial role in its pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease as a triggering factor. Recent hypotheses suggested that Prevotella species regulate gut permeability, exert a neuroprotective effect, and interestingly, has been suspected to be deficient in PD patients, and so may play a role in this disease. Aim: This study was designed to compare between PD patients and their healthy controls as regards relative Prevotella abundance, prevalence of Prevotella-dominant Enterotype, and constipation severity. Also, to correlate Prevotella changes with the clinical phenotypes and  severity of motor and non-motor symptoms of PD. Methods: Twenty-five PD cases were enrolled in this study and cross-matched to 25 healthy subjects representing the control group. Overall NMS severity was assessed using the Non-Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS). Quantitative SYBR green Real Time PCR was performed for the identification and quantitation of Prevotella in stool. Results: Prevotella relative abundance was 4-fold decreased in cases when compared to controls with PIGD phenotype showing the lowest abundance, however the difference was not statistically significance. Prevotella-dominant Enterotype was less presented in cases compared to controls, the result was statistically significant. Severe and very severe constipation grades presented 64% of cases group Vs 12% of control group. There was statistically significant positive correlation between total constipation score and UPDRS total score and motor symptoms phenotypes. Conclusion: Relative low Prevotella abundance in PD patients appears to be related to severe phenotypes of the disease; PIGD and mixed phenotypes. Severe constipation was more presented in PD cases which may be considered  as a preclinical biomarker for PD

    Association mapping unravels the genetics controlling seedling drought stress tolerance in winter wheat

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    Drought is a major constraint in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain yield. The present work aimed to identify quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs)/ candidate genes influencing drought tolerance-related traits at the seedling stage in 261 accessions of a diverse winter wheat panel. Seeds from three consecutive years were exposed to polyethylene glycol 12% (PEG-6000) and a control treatment (distilled water). The Farm-CPU method was used for the association analysis with 17,093 polymorphic SNPs. PEG treatment reduced shoot length (SL) (-36.3%) and root length (RL) (-11.3%) compared with control treatments, while the coleoptile length (CL) was increased by 11% under drought conditions, suggesting that it might be considered as an indicator of stress-tolerance. Interestingly, we revealed 70 stable QTN across 17 chromosomes. Eight QTNs related to more than one trait were detected on chromosomes 1B, 2A (2), 2B, 2D, 4B, 7A, and 7B and located nearby or inside candidate genes within the linkage disequilibrium (LD) interval. For instance, the QTN on chromosome 2D is located inside the gene TraesCS2D02G133900 that controls the variation of CL_S and SL_C. The allelic variation at the candidate genes showed significant influence on the associated traits, demonstrating their role in controlling the natural variation of multi-traits of drought stress tolerance. The gene expression of these candidate genes under different stress conditions validates their biological role in stress tolerance. Our findings offer insight into understanding the genetic factors and diverse mechanisms in response to water shortage conditions that are important for wheat improvement and adaptation at early developmental stages.Fil: Schierenbeck, Matías. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research; Alemania. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Cátedra de Cerealicultura; ArgentinaFil: Alqudah, Ahmad M.. Qatar University; QatarFil: Thabet, Samar G.. Fayoum University; EgiptoFil: Lohwasser, Ulrike. Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research; AlemaniaFil: Simón, María Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Cátedra de Cerealicultura; ArgentinaFil: Börner, Andreas. Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research; Alemani

    Technomoral Affordances of Artificial Intelligence in Data-Driven Systems

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    In a panel session on Data, Platforms, and Policies, participants examined the state of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Arab states and discussed the responsible use of AI in data-driven systems in government, health care, education, and industry