26 research outputs found

    The effect of transformational leadership on innovation : evidence from Lebanese banks

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    Purpose: Transformational leadership (TL) has been recognized as one of the most important factor influencing innovation. It is argued that this style plays an essential role in developing the process, structure and climate for organizations to become innovative. This research aims to examine the impact of TL on two aspects of innovation namely product and process innovation. Design/Methodology/Approach: The quantitative and explanatory analysis was taken by using the Structural equations modeling (SEM) with AMOS 20 to examine the relationship between TL and innovation. Research data were collected through a survey method. The sample result was determined by the probability stratified sampling technique of about 310 employees at 27 banks in Lebanon. Findings: The findings confirmed the importance of TL in enhancing innovation in banking sector. The main implication of the research highlights that individualized consideration is the most important predictor of product and process innovation followed by, inspirational motivation and idealized influence, respectively, whereas, intellectual stimulation has insignificant influence on product and process innovation. Practical Implications Findings point to how transformational style of leadership produce better outcomes for the banks by mobilizing employees to engage in innovative products and processes. Originality/Value: These findings extends the understanding of the processes through which transformational styles of leadership stimulate innovation, and also highlight the benefits gained by cultivating more transformational styles of leadership to generate more innovative outcomes.peer-reviewe

    Transformational leadership and innovation at the Lebanese banking industry

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    Purpose: Transformational leadership (TL) has been recognized as one of the most important factor influencing innovation. It is argued that this style plays an essential role in developing the process, structure and climate for organizations to become innovative. This research aims to examine the impact of TL on two aspects of innovation namely product and process innovation. Design/Methodology/Approach: The quantitative and explanatory analysis was taken by using the Structural equations modeling (SEM) with AMOS 20 to examine the relationship between TL and innovation. Research data were collected through a survey method. The sample result was determined by the probability stratified sampling technique of about 310 employees at 27 banks in Lebanon. Findings: The findings confirmed the importance of TL in enhancing innovation in banking sector. The main implication of the research highlights that individualized consideration is the most important predictor of product and process innovation followed by, inspirational motivation and idealized influence, respectively, whereas, intellectual stimulation has insignificant influence on product and process innovation. Practical Implications: Findings point to how transformational style of leadership produce better outcomes for the banks by mobilizing employees to engage in innovative products and processes. Originality/Value: These findings extends the understanding of the processes through which transformational styles of leadership stimulate innovation, and also highlight the benefits gained by cultivating more transformational styles of leadership to generate more innovative outcomes.peer-reviewe

    Knowledge Sharing and Innovation at the Lebanese Banking Industry

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    Knowledge is considered the main critical resource for competitive advantage. By encouraging a knowledge‐sharing culture within service settings such as banks, the quality of service is enhanced and the opportunities for innovation is created. This research seeks to test the relationship between knowledge sharing (KS) and innovation. A quantitative and explanatory analysis was done by using Structural equations modeling (SEM) to investigate the effect of KS on process and product innovation. Research data were collected through a survey method. The sample result was determined through a probability stratified sampling technique of about 310 employees at 27 banks in Lebanon. The findings confirmed the vital role played by KS in enhancing innovation. The main implications of the research emphasize that knowledge sharing is the most important predictor of process innovation followed by product innovation. The findings highlight how KS produces better outcomes for banks by mobilizing employees to engage in the innovation of products and processes. It is recommended that banks promote KS by establishing a suitable climate that helps employees to meet and communicate ideas effectively. This motivates them to get involve in process and product innovation, by stimulating them to look for novel ideas and adopt advanced technologies. These findings extend the understanding of the processes through which sharing knowledge stimulate innovation, and also stress on the benefits gained by cultivating knowledge sharing processes to generate more innovative outcomes

    Nondisjunction and Chromosomal Anomalies

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    La no segregación es el fracaso de los cromosomas homólogos en separarse correctamente durante la meiosis. Esto resulta en la producción de gametos que contienen una cantidad de cromosomas mayor o menor a la encontrada en una célula normal. Consecuentemente, el individuo puede desarrollar una trisomía o monosomía. La no disyunción puede ocurrir en meiosis I o meiosis II de la división celular, es una causa de diversas condiciones médicas anormales, incluyendo el Síndrome de Down (trisomía del cromosoma 21), Síndrome de Patau (trisomía del cromosoma 13), Síndrome de Edward (trisomía del cromosoma 18) y Síndrome de Turner (la presencia de un solo cromosoma X). A pesar de que es la causa de numerosos trastornos genéticos, aún no se conoce su etiología exacta y el proceso en el cual se lleva a cabo. La no disyunción se origina en el mayor de los casos de errores en la meiosis II materna, sin embargo, la meiosis paterna y la meiosis I materna influyen en ella. La edad materna se considera como un factor de riesgo de las trisomías, igual que la alteración de la recombinación y otros factores que pueden afectar la segregación cromosó­­mica, tal como la genotoxicidad y translocaciones cromosómicas. Esta revisión se realizará con base en artículos publicados entre 2003 y 2009 en ISI Web, Science Direct, PUBMED, SPRINGER y SCIELO; se interpretará y analizará en ella los resultados de estos estudios que lograron demostrar conclusiones importantes y sobresaltaron factores interesantes que pueden ser el punto de partida para próximas investigaciones.Palabras clave: No disyunción, monosomía, trisomía, miosis, mitosis, recombina­­ción, sindrome, genotoricidad, mutación cromosómica.AbstractNondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes to disjoin correctly during meiosis. This results in the production of gametes containing a greater or lesser chromo­­somal amount than normal ones. Consequently the individual may develop a trisomal or monosomal syndrome. Non disjunction can occur in both Meiosis I and Meiosis II of the cellular division. It is a cause of several abnormal medical conditions, including Down´s syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 21), Patau´s Syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 13), Edward´s Syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 18) and Turner´s Syndrome (the presence of only one X chromosome). It is also the main cause of many genetic disorders, however its origin and process remains vague. Although it results in the majority of cases from errors in the maternal meiosis II, both paternal and maternal meiosis I do influence it. The ma­­ternal age, is considered a risk factor of trisomies, as well as recombination alterations and many others that can affect the chromosomal segregation, such as genotoxicity and chro­­mosomal translocations. We will review the results of previously realized studies between the years 2003 and 2009, found in ISI WEB, PUBMED, SCIENCE DIRECT,SPRINGER LINK and SCIELO, that led to important conclusions and highlighted interesting factors that can be the starting point to future investigation.Key words: Nondisjunction, monosomy, trisomy, Meiosis, Mitosis, Recombina­­tion, Syndrome, genotoxicity, chromosomal mutation

    Una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre los costos del tratamiento para pacientes con Infarto Agudo de Miocardio

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    Objective: To analyze the costs treatment for patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) over the period from 2000 to 2016. Materials and methods: Systematic review of the literature on the costs of treatment for patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction in the period 2000-2016. We selected 30 scientific articles from the database Scielo, Medline, Redalyc, Springer Medizin and Lilacs, which met the inclusion criteria: articles published in Spanish, Portuguese or English from 2000 to 2016. To restrict the search of articles, we use the health descriptors: costs, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular, combining them with the Boolean operators ‘’AND’’, ‘’OR’’ and ‘’NOT’’. Of which, a sample of 11 articles was selected. Results: It was evidenced that a high percentage (63.6%) came from the Scielo database. According to the country of origin of the articles, it was identified that the highest percentage (36.4%) came from Colombia. Concerning the direct and indirect costs of patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) from an international perspective, the total estimated cost for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in 2011, including direct and indirect costs, is 1.26million(USdollarsareusedthroughout).InColombia,theaveragecostofacaseofAMIduringthefirstfiveyearsafterdiagnosisisUSD1.26 million (US dollars are used throughout). In Colombia, the average cost of a case of AMI during the first five years after diagnosis is USD 8,786.9. Ambulatory management costs represent 54%. Conclusion: The costs of people with Acute Myocardial Infarction in both ambits, the international and national (Colombia) are significantly attributable by surgical interventions, treatment, hospital stay and post-diagnostic outpatient management

    Mental health, suicide attempt, and family function for adolescents' primary health care during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: The study's purpose was to identify associations between mental health risk, suicide attempts, and family function. Methods: A correlational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of adolescents in the last grade of secondary school to establish the association between mental health risk, suicide attempt, and family functionality. The instruments used were the self-report questionnaire, the suicide risk assessment scale, and the family APGAR. Data analysis was performed using the artificial intelligence algorithm (gower clustering). Results: 246 adolescents responded to the three instruments, which made it possible to select those with correlations of sensitive interest and, based on these, an intervention plan. Psychological distress was found in 28%, psychotic symptoms in 85%, and problematic alcohol use in 9%. Good family functioning was identified in 34% and some type of family dysfunction in 66%. In terms of suicide risk, there was a low suicide risk of 74%, 24% medium risk, and 2% high risk. It could be shown that there is a correlation in a group of 15% of the respondents. Conclusions: The risk of suffering mental health deterioration and the suicide risk, during this pandemic period, seems to be related to family functionality

    Cell Signaling in Neuronal Stem Cells

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    The defining characteristic of neural stem cells (NSCs) is their ability to multiply through symmetric divisions and proliferation, and differentiation by asymmetric divisions, thus giving rise to different types of cells of the central nervous system (CNS). A strict temporal space control of the NSC differentiation is necessary, because its alterations are associated with neurological dysfunctions and, in some cases, death. This work reviews the current state of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the transcription in NSCs, organized according to whether the origin of the stimulus that triggers the molecular cascade in the CNS is internal (intrinsic factors) or whether it is the result of the microenvironment that surrounds the CNS (extrinsic factors)

    Cell Signaling in Neuronal Stem Cells

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    The defining characteristic of neural stem cells (NSCs) is their ability to multiply through symmetric divisions and proliferation, and differentiation by asymmetric divisions, thus giving rise to different types of cells of the central nervous system (CNS). A strict temporal space control of the NSC differentiation is necessary, because its alterations are associated with neurological dysfunctions and, in some cases, death. This work reviews the current state of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the transcription in NSCs, organized according to whether the origin of the stimulus that triggers the molecular cascade in the CNS is internal (intrinsic factors) or whether it is the result of the microenvironment that surrounds the CNS (extrinsic factors)

    Neurogénesis en Cerebro Adulto

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    La generación de nuevas neuronas en el cerebro en etapas posteriores al desarrollo embrionario es conocida como neurogénesis adulta. Este proceso sirve para mantener un grupo de neuronas con propiedades únicas, presentes durante un tiempo limitado después de su nacimiento, permitiendo tipos específicos de procesamiento neural. La neurogénesis del adulto es importante para la separación de patrones en la formación de la memoria, entre otras funciones. Enfermedades neurodegenerativas como Huntington, Parkinson, Alzheimer, así como accidentes cerebrovasculares, lesiones cerebrales de cualquier etiología incluyendo las lesiones traumáticas, suponen trastornos irreversibles en la función cognitiva, el sistema motor, somato sensorial e incluso alteraciones personalidad como consecuencia de la perdida progresiva de neuronas. Este tipo de lesiones carecen de tratamientos curativos eficaces, siendo la búsqueda de opciones terapéuticas uno de los campos de investigación más activos en la neurociencia actual. En este sentido, el descubrimiento de la reposición neuronal a partir de células madre neurales (NSC) en el sistema nervioso central (SNC) adulto ha supuesto un nuevo enfoque en el desarrollo de terapias para este tipo de lesiones cerebrales. El descubrimiento de células madre neurales (NSC) en el cerebro adulto ha abierto la posibilidad de desarrollo de nuevas terapias neurorregenerativas basadas en la reposición neuronal a partir de células madre neurales (neurogénesis). En condiciones fisiológicas, existe neurogénesis a partir de NSC únicamente en dos zonas del cerebro adulto, el hipocampo y la zona subventricular (SVZ), mientras que en el resto del cerebro adulto no existe neurogenesis o es escasa. Sin embargo, cuando se produce una lesión cerebral, estas NSC son reclutadas en el perímetro de la lesión y pueden verse células con características de precursores neurales (NPC) que proliferan. En la publicación se hace una revisión exhaustiva de los conocimientos actuales sobre la neurogenesis en cerebro adulto

    Epigenetic mechanisms and posttranslational Modifications in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    The complex physiology of eukaryotic cells is regulated through numerous mechanisms, including epigenetic changes and posttranslational modifications. The wide-ranging diversity of these mechanisms constitutes a way of dynamic regulation of the functionality of proteins, their activity, and their subcellular localization as well as modulation of the di erential expression of genes in response to external and internal stimuli that allow an organism to respond or adapt to accordingly. However, alterations in these mechanisms have been evidenced in several autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The present review aims to provide an approach to the current knowledge of the implications of these mechanisms in SLE pathophysiology