55 research outputs found

    Manajemen Mutu Terpadu dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    Total Quality Management (TQM) or Integrated Quality Management in the field of Islamic education has the ultimate goal of improving quality and competitiveness for output (graduates) with indicators of competency both intellectual and skill as well as high social competence of students/graduates. In achieving these results, the implementation of TQM in Islamic education organizations needs to be done truthfully, not half-heartedly. By utilizing all the quality entities that exist within the organization, our education will not run where it is today. Implementation of TQM in educational organizations, especially in Islamic educational institutions, is not easy. There are obstacles in the work culture, the performance of teachers and employees is very influential. There is no denying that the work culture, performance and discipline of civil servants in our country is very low. This greatly affects the effectiveness of TQM implementation. This study uses the approach of the concept of Integrated Quality Management and the concept of Quality Management in Islamic Education. While this research uses library research methods, and qualitative methods. This research is expected to be able to provide input and good knowledge of new knowledge for the world of education, especially in Islamic education

    Quizizz As an Arabic Vocabulary Media Learning in Digitalization Era: Process, Weakness and Strengths

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    Some students still have difficulty in learning Arabic. Various application platforms can be used by teachers as interesting learning media in the digital era. One of them is Quizizz, a game-based online learning media, it is very appropriate to use in the digital era to follow learning styles and increase students' enthusiasm for learning. So far, many have discussed Quizizz in learning, but no one has specifically discussed the process, weakness, and strengths of Quizizz. Therefore, this study focuses on exploring the perceptions of students who are not interested in the Arabic Language towards learning the Arabic Language using Quizizz media, which focuses on Arabic Vocabularies. The research method used in this research is case study with observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of the study found that the strengths of using Quizizz were to foster student enthusiasm in competing because there was a ranking system that appeared after answering the quiz, and was flexible in its use because there was no need to download applications that would fill the cellphone memory. As for the weakness, Quizizz requires a stable internet, which will make students rush and carelessly in answering quizzes because of the time limit

    Evaluating the success factors of Information Systems (IS) -case study of Malaysian public sector

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    Managing and implementing project well is important issues for IS projects in the public sector as well as other sectors. The government tasks the public sector to use public resources to deliver large and complex projects for the benefit of its citizens. Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasingly vital role in the daily lives of people, revolutionizing work and leisure and changing the rules of doing business. However, still there is a gap between reality and achievement the success. This paper aims to evaluating the success factors of information system (IS) projects implementation in Malaysian government sector focusing on the correlated of project success criteria including Processes, People, Project Tools (Hardware and Software) and Project environment. The proposed model of project success criteria will be introduced and discussed

    Perlembangaan Itqan Muluk dan Nasionalisme Melayu-Islam

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    Perlembagaan Itqan Muluk membuktikan keilmuan Melayu-Islam di Tanah Melayu dan sebagai bukti kearifan tempatan Melayu-Islam dalam menjalani kehidupan bernegara. Terkandung di dalamnya tentang bagaimana cara masyarakat Melayu menangani masalah negara dan berhadapan dengan cabaran penjajahan kuasa asing. Oleh kerana itulah artikel ini akan cuba menganalisis konsep nasionalisme Melayu-Islam yang difahami dalam Perlembangaan Itqan Muluk. Ia juga bakal menunjukkan keunggulan teori, world-view dan pemikiran sarjana Melayu sendiri berbanding dengan teori nasionalisme barat. Kajian mendapati bahawa perlembagaan Itqan Muluk memainkan peranan penting dalam penjagaan nasionalisme masyarakat Melayu tanpa mengabaikan ketinggian syariat Islam di Tanah Melayu

    Knowledge management initiative and solution: a case study in International Islamic University of Malaysia(IIUM)

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    Universities are the important place for learning and sharing information internally or externally where the knowledge management (KM) implementation will give sustainable competitive advantage, achieving substantial savings, improve significant performance and establish the long-term existence among the others. The International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) is a private publicly funded university in Malaysia while eight different governments from the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) as its financial sponsor. So far, IIUM does not really have a system in managing the knowledge to inculcate a knowledge culture in development of education in Malaysia. This paper represents KM initiative and solution through investigating resource content and organization culture in IIUM in developing the appropriate KM framework that include set of plan and strategy based on ontology approach

    Highly Compact GCPW-Fed Multi-Branch Structure Multi-Band Antenna for Wireless Applications

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    In this work, we present a highly compact multi-branch structure multi-band antenna with a grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW)-fed structure printed on 26 ร—13 ร—1.6 mm3 sized FR-4 substrate having dielectric constant r of 4.3 and loss tangent of 0.02. In the proposed antenna, ve branches are extended from the main radiator to provide multi-band behavior. Two branches are introduced at the upper end of the main radiator, e ectively covering the lower bands, while the other three branches are introduced near the center of the main radiator to extend operation to higher bands. e designed antenna covers ve di erent bands: 2.4 GHz, 4.5 GHz, 5.5 GHz, 6.5 GHz, and 7.8 GHz, with respective gain values of 1.34, 1.60, 1.83, 1.80, and 3.50 dBi and respective radiation e ciency values of 90, 88, 84, 75, and 89%. e antenna shows a good impedance bandwidth, ranging from 170MHz to 3070 MHz. e proposed antenna is simulated in CST Microwave Studio, while its performance is experimentally validated by the fabrication and testing process. e antenna has potential applications for IoT, sub-6 GHz 5G and WLAN (both enablers for IoT), C-band, and X-band services.Dr. Mohammad Alibakhshikenari acknowledges support from the CONEX-Plus programme funded by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the European Unionโ€™s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 801538

    Anjing pembawa virus rabies: signifikan dan metode interaksi berasaskan fiqh al-hadith / Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin [et al.]

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    Rabies (penyakit anjing gila) kembali membangkitkan keresahan dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia pada Ogos 2015 setelah kali terakhir direkodkan pada tahun 1999. Penularan wabak bawaan anjing ini menjangkiti manusia melalui luka gigitan, luka pada kulit yang terdedah kepada air liur, cairan dan tisu tubuh dari haiwan dijangkiti. Kini semua agensi berkaitan telah dikerahkan bagi tujuan kawalan wabak. Pelbagai tindakan kawalan yang difikirkan wajar telah mula dilaksanakan di peringkat negeri dan kawasan, termasuk menghapus dan melupuskan anjing yang telah dijangkiti. Signifikannya, Nabi SAW telah membincangkan mengenai bahaya dan ancaman kelompok haiwan perosak termasuk anjing dalam himpunan sabda baginda SAW. Justeru, makalah ini berusaha mengupas fiqh al-Hadith berkenaan anjing yang didapati daripada perbincangan ulamaโ€™ terdahulu dan kontemporari. Ini penting bagi memberi panduan kepada masyarakat akan mudharat yang mampu dijelmakan haiwan tertentu dan teknik kawalan paling berkesan menurut sunnah Nabi SAW tanpa meminggirkan hak-hak eksklusif haiwa
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