104 research outputs found

    SQL Injection Vulnerability Detection Using Deep Learning: A Feature-based Approach

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    SQL injection (SQLi), a well-known exploitation technique, is a serious risk factor for database-driven web applications that are used to manage the core business functions of organizations. SQLi enables an unauthorized user to get access to sensitive information of the database, and subsequently, to the application’s administrative privileges. Therefore, the detection of SQLi is crucial for businesses to prevent financial losses. There are different rules and learning-based solutions to help with detection, and pattern recognition through support vector machines (SVMs) and random forest (RF) have recently become popular in detecting SQLi. However, these classifiers ensure 97.33% accuracy with our dataset. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based solution for detecting SQLi in web applications. The solution employs both correlation and chi-squared methods to rank the features from the dataset. Feed-forward network approach has been applied not only in feature selection but also in the detection process. Our solution provides 98.04% accuracy over 1,850+ recorded datasets, where it proves its superior efficiency among other existing machine learning solutions

    A Model of Virus Infection Dynamics in Mobile Personal Area Network

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    In this paper, the authors explore the mobile network security focused on the virus threat. Firstly, the authors explain the importance of mobile network security which sometimes not really takes into considerations by users. This paper then explains the virus threat of mobile devices virus where it explains how the viruses spread. The threats can be in three major forms namely the virus spreading via mobile personal area network, virus spreading via internet access and virus spreading via messaging. Lastly a model explains the dynamics of the infection on Mobile Network is introduced

    Design And Development Of An RS232-Based ROV Controller System.

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    The overall design of an underwater robot which includes the design of electro-mechanical components and the control circuit diagrams are introduced

    Providing Complete Precision Timing Solution for Hospitals by GPS Time Synchronized with MCS

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    The time is very important in the life and hasa special significance for hospitals, Where is specially used inoperating rooms, Nurse Call System (NCS) , various medicaltests and many other medical services. Those importantthings are mainly to use Master Clock System (MCS) in thehospitals. In this paper we provided high precision time forhospitals by used Global Positioning System (GPS) timesynchronized with MCS. The time will get synchronizedfrom satellite via GPS according to the Time Zone. GPSreceivers can provide precise time, speed, and coursemeasurements. Westerstrand GPS unit uses a miniature 12-channel GPS will use in the system and its compact size andlow power consumption make it ideal for this application.The system consists of Master clock control unit, GPSreceiver with antenna and related accessories

    Light database encryption design utilizing multicore processors for mobile devices

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    The confidentiality of data stored in embedded and handheld devices has become an urgent necessity more than ever before. Encryption of sensitive data is a well-known technique to preserve their confidentiality, however it comes with certain costs that can heavily impact the device processing resources. Utilizing multicore processors, which are equipped with current embedded devices, has brought a new era to enhance data confidentiality while maintaining suitable device performance. Encrypting the complete storage area, also known as Full Disk Encryption (FDE) can still be challenging, especially with newly emerging massive storage systems. Alternatively, since the most user sensitive data are residing inside persisting databases, it will be more efficient to focus on securing SQLite databases, through encryption, where SQLite is the most common RDBMS in handheld and embedded systems. This paper addresses the problem of ensuring data protection in embedded and mobile devices while maintaining suitable device performance by mitigating the impact of encryption. We presented here a proposed design for a parallel database encryption system, called SQLite-XTS. The proposed system encrypts data stored in databases transparently on-the-fly without the need for any user intervention. To maintain a proper device performance, the system takes advantage of the commodity multicore processors available with most embedded and mobile devices

    Topology Design of Extended Torus and Ring for Low Latency Network-on-Chip Architecture

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    In essence, Network-on-Chip (NoC) also known as on-chip interconnection network has been proposed as a design solution to System-on-Chip (SoC). The routing algorithm, topology and switching technique are significant because of the most influential effect on the overall performance of Network-on-Chip (NoC). Designing of large scale topology alongside the support of deadlock free, low latency, high throughput and low power consumption is notably challenging in particular with expanding network size. This paper proposed an 8x8 XX-Torus and 64 nodes XX-Ring topology schemes for Network-on-Chip to minimize the latency by decrease the node diameter from the source node to destination node. Correspondingly, we compare in differences on the performance of mesh, full-mesh, torus and ring topologies with XX-Torus and XX-Ring topologies in term of latency. Results show that XX-Ring outperforms the conventional topologies in term of latency. XX-Ring decreases the average latency by 106.28%, 14.80%, 6.7 1%, 1.73%, 442.24% over the mesh, fully-mesh, torus, XX-torus, and Ring topologies

    Muscle Fatigue in the Three Heads of the Triceps Brachii During a Controlled Forceful Hand Grip Task with Full Elbow Extension Using Surface Electromyography

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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the time to fatigue and compare the fatiguing condition among the three heads of the triceps brachii muscle using surface electromyography during an isometric contraction of a controlled forceful hand grip task with full elbow extension. Eighteen healthy subjects concurrently performed a single 90 s isometric contraction of a controlled forceful hand grip task and full elbow extension. Surface electromyographic signals from the lateral, long and medial heads of the triceps brachii muscle were recorded during the task for each subject. The changes in muscle activity among the three heads of triceps brachii were measured by the root mean square values for every 5 s period throughout the total contraction period. The root mean square values were then analysed to determine the fatiguing condition for the heads of triceps brachii muscle. Muscle fatigue in the long, lateral, and medial heads of the triceps brachii started at 40 s, 50 s, and 65 s during the prolonged contraction, respectively. The highest fatiguing rate was observed in the long head (slope = -2.863), followed by the medial head (slope = -2.412) and the lateral head (slope = -1.877) of the triceps brachii muscle. The results of the present study concurs with previous findings that the three heads of the triceps brachii muscle do not work as a single unit, and the fiber type/composition is different among the three heads


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    ABSTRACT Intrusion Prevention Systems(IPS) is a new type of security element that pervades the network and automatically protects organizations from a broad variety of attack types and from all potential points of attack inside out. This embedded system plays an important role in recent technology development. This IPS application will be develop and embed on the linux-based single board computer (SBC).SBC can handle several functions depend to their features even they has limitation in term of memory, capacity, control system and security. This paper will explain the concept of Embedded Intrusion Prevention System(eIPS) on a Linux-based Single Board Computer. The eIPS also is giving an idea described how network management software and extensible hardware can work together in order to protect the e-commerce applications. KEYWORDS Intrusion Prevention Systems, embedded system INTRODUCTION The tremendous increase in cyber attacks linked with the dependence of modern organization on the reliability and functionality of their IT structure has led to a change in mindset. As "IT downtime" is rising, the priorities are shifting. As recent surveys show, cyber attacks -especially targeted to the networks -are real, and no longer an unlikely incident that only occur to few exposed networks of organizations in the limelight. In the struggle to both maintain and implement any given IT security policy, professional IT security management is no longer able to ignore these issues, as attacks on networks become not only more frequent but also more devastating; in many organizations commercial success is directly related to the safe and reliable operation of their networks. The term Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) is relatively new, often pushed by the marketing departments to move the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) manufactures away from the negative image of IDS. They are essentially a combination of access control (firewall/router) and IDS, this alliance coming naturally as both technologies often use shared technologies. Nearly all modern commercial firewalls use "stateful" inspection and commercial IDS use signature recognition. Both technologies need to "look deep into the packet" before making an access decision in the case of a firewall or raise an alarm in the case of an IDS. To make this possible in an efficient manner, sufficient processing power is necessary, which has become more easily available in recent years. An IPS works like an in-line network IDS allowing for instant access control policy modifications. With the arrival of DDoS attacks such as the recent "W32.Blaster.Worm" the market trend is clearly focussing on IPS rather than IDS. Predominantly an IPS is not only found on security appliances, such as (ICoEC) 2006, 19th-20th September, Penang, Malaysia 114 certain firewalls, but also on stand alone appliances delivered. The idea to implement IPS here is driven by commercial as well as technical aspects. To-date IPS has had the most success with "flood" (i.e. DoS) type attacks. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Commerce With the progress of technical sophistication in the hacker methods, especially modern DoS or DDoS attacks, attack signatures are not easily detected. Generically one may assume that an attack signature is derived from a stream of packets with a malicious content in both the packet header and the packet payload. INTRUSION PREVENTION SYSTEM(IPS) Definition of IPS An IPS can be defined as an in-line product that focuses on identifying and blocking malicious network activity in real time. In general, there are two categories: • rate-based products; and • content-based (also referred to as signature-and anomaly-based). The devices often look like firewalls and often have some basic firewall functionality. But firewalls block all traffic except that for which they have a reason to pass, whereas IPS pass all traffic except that for which they have a reason to block. Rate-based IPS Rate-based Intrusion Prevention Systems block traffic based on network load, for example, too many packets, or too many connects, or too many errors. In the presence of too much of anything, a rate-based IPS kicks in and blocks, throttles or otherwise mediates the traffic. Most useful rate-based IPS include a combination of powerful configuration options with range of response technologies. For example, limit queries to the Domain Name Server (DNS) server to 1000 per second and/or offer other simple rules covering bandwidth and connection limiting. A rate-based Intrusion Prevention System can set a threshold of maximum amount of traffic to be directed at a given port or service. If the threshold is exceeded, the IPS will block all further traffic of the source IP only, still allowing other users (source Internet Protocol (IP)s) to use that service. Disadvantages of rate-based IPS The biggest problem with deploying rate-based IPS products is deciding what constitutes an overload. For any rate-based IPS to work properly, the network owner needs to know not only what "normal" traffic levels are (on a host-by-host and port-by-port basis) but also other network details, such as how many connections their web servers can handle. However, most commercial products do not yet provide any help in establishing this base-line behaviour, but require the services of a "trained" product specific systems engineer who often spend hours on site setting-up the IPS. Because rate-based IPS require frequent tuning and adjustment, they will be most useful in very high-volume Web, application and mail server environments. Content-based products Content-base Intrusion Prevention Systems block traffic based on attack signatures and protocol anomalies; they are the natural evolution of the Intrusion Detection Systems and firewalls. They block the following: • Worms -(e.g. Blaster and MyDoom) that match a signature can be blocked. • Packets that do not comply with TCP/IP RFCs can be dropped. • Suspicious behaviour such as port scanning triggers the IPS to block future traffic from a single host