161 research outputs found

    Supply Chain Management in the Indonesian Fashion Industry and Analysis of Corporate

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the role of risk and performance on maintaining the SSCM level, to regulate the role of sustainable supply chain management on maintaining the sustainable product, to discuss the mediating role of SSCM between the role of risk and performance and the sustainable product and to examine the role of PLS assessment product on maintaining the sustainable product. Through e-mail survey has been chosen, and questionnaires has been dispersed by using simple random sampling method. The three hundred (300) questionnaires has been dispersed among fashion industry model of Indonesia. The result shown that Risk and Performance, SSCM and PLC Assessment possess a positive association on Sustainable Product. Further, the results of the investigation uncover that these organizations in Indonesia center altogether around provider consistence with their set of accepted rules, utilizing further checking and inspecting exercises to avert production issues in creating nations, enhance generally sustainability criteria and supply chain performance for their providers

    Capital market products and investor protection

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    Consumer protection is an important issue in the commercial domain. In particular, consumer goods and services should receive protection. This study deals with consumer securities protection. Consumer securities protection has been applied in the US because of the financial crisis and fraud. Indonesia has experienced a huge case of financial fraud that involved the Bank Century-Antaboga. This article shows that a separate surveillance on the financial industry weakens, instead of integrating, this particular industry. Moreover, the role of authority is influential in governing the banking-securities industry. The Bank Century-Antaboga case shows a factual absence of disclosure in offering and selling securities instruments. Bapepam-LK should play its role in applying the disclosure principle. Otherwise, the Bank Century-Antaboga case will occur again.peer-reviewe

    Faktor Penyebab Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak Usia 24-59 Bulan

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    Latar Belakang: Prevalensi stunting di Indonesia dari tahun 2007 hingga tahun 2018 belum menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan. Aceh merupakan provinsi dengan prevalensi stunting yang cukup tinggi. Salah satu kabupaten yang mempunyai prevalensi stunting cukup tinggi adalah Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya yang mempunyai prevalensi sebesar 42,53%. Beberapa faktor yang diduga menjadi penyebab stunting adalah karakteristik, sosial ekonomi, pemberian ASI eksklusif, inisiasi menyusui, pola konsumsi, dan penyakit menular.Tujuan: Mengukur faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penyebab stunting pada anak usia 24-59 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Blangpidie Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya.Metode: Penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain case control, telah dilaksanakan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Blangpidie pada tahun 2021. Sampel sebanyak 37 kasus dan 37 kontrol diambil secara acak.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempunyai hubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 24-59 bulan adalah berat badan lahir rendah (p=0,025), riwayat penyakit menular (p=0,011), pendapatan keluarga (p=0,000 ), dan pola makan (p = 0,000). Sedangkan faktor yang dominan adalah pola makan (p=0.002; OR=8.1) yaitu sekitar 8.1 kali dapat menyebabkan stunting dibandingkan dengan pola makan yang cukup setelah dilakukan pengendalian variabel BBLR, penyakit menular, pendapatan keluarga.Kesimpulan: Faktor penyebab terjadinya stunting pada anak usia 24-59 bulan di Blangpidie adalah berat badan lahir rendah, pernah mengalami penyakit menular, pendapatan keluarga rendah dan pola makan yang buruk. Faktor penyebab stunting yang paling dominan adalah pola makan anak yang buruk

    Studi Analisis Rugi-rugi Baterai Tipe Alumunium Udara pada Beban Listrik Statis

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    Rugi-rugi baterai tipe alumunium udara (Al-udara) pada beban listrik statis telah dianalisis. Sel baterai Al udara berbentuk segi empat dengan panjang 6 cm, lebar 5 cm, dan tebal 1 cm. Baterai menggunakan plat Al, KOH, tissue, dan silika xerogel berturut-turut sebagai anoda, elektrolit, separator dan bahan aktif katoda udara. Karakteristik baterai ditentukan dengan memvariasikan lamanya charging dan pengisian ulang larutan elektrolit ke dalam sel baterai. Sel baterai dikarakterisasi menggunakan metode Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) dan Battery Testing System (BTS). Modul baterai dikonfigurasi dengan 12 sel baterai yang tersusun secara paralel/seri. Modul baterai diuji ke beban listrik statis menggunakan lampu Light Emitting Diode (LED) berdaya 75 mW. Rugi-rugi baterai Al-udara (impedansi karakteristik) sebelum dan setelah pengosongan pada lampu LED dibandingkan dan dianalisis. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa arus pengosongan optimum baterai adalah 0.8 mA dan kapasitas maksimum 0,59 mAh. Pada pengujian beban LED, pengulangan charging baterai menurunkan waktu uji dan suplai daya baterai terhadap beban. Waktu uji baterai dan daya suplai baterai terhadap beban LED berturut-turut menurun dari 185 menit menjadi 7 menit dan dari 18,69 mWatt menjadi 3,14 mWatt jika baterai melakukan pengulangan charging dari charging pertama sampai charging keempat, sehingga rugi-rugi daya sekitar 83,19% dari daya originalnya untuk sampai ke pengulangan charging keempat


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    The skeleton of Pawon Man’s that lived in Mesolitic era aged 5,660±170 BP - 9,500± 200 BP (Before Present) years before Christ (BC) has been used for forensic odontology research.  However, there has not been any research on dental caries of Pawon Man. The aim of this research was to describe the dental caries in skulls of Pawon Man. The type of the research was descriptive by using purposive sampling. The samples were from four Pawon Man skulls and their teeth. The research was conducted by using clinical examination. All aspects were recorded, collected and presented in tabular form. The result shows that 12.5% of the samples from 32 teeth of skulls of Pawon Man I, III, IV and V had experienced dental caries. Clinical examination shows presence of dental caries in samples of Pawon Man III of  permanent mandibular third molar tooth of region 4(48) in lingual area and buccal lesion of lower left third molar (38). In Pawon IV, lingual lesion of lower left permanent second molar (37) and in lower left permanent third molar (38). All lesions are only in enamel which is code 1 according to ICDAS code. In conclusion, the dental caries in skulls of Pawon Man was low due to their low sugar diets from fruits and sugar-rich plants (fructose sugars). Consumption of hard foods and evidence of presence of animal teeth and mollusks had contributed to the higher percentage of dental attrition compared to dental caries


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    The skeleton of Pawon Man’s that lived in Mesolitic era aged 5,660±170 BP - 9,500± 200 BP (Before Present) years before Christ (BC) has been used for forensic odontology research.  However, there has not been any research on dental caries of Pawon Man. The aim of this research was to describe the dental caries in skulls of Pawon Man. The type of the research was descriptive by using purposive sampling. The samples were from four Pawon Man skulls and their teeth. The research was conducted by using clinical examination. All aspects were recorded, collected and presented in tabular form. The result shows that 12.5% of the samples from 32 teeth of skulls of Pawon Man I, III, IV and V had experienced dental caries. Clinical examination shows presence of dental caries in samples of Pawon Man III of  permanent mandibular third molar tooth of region 4(48) in lingual area and buccal lesion of lower left third molar (38). In Pawon IV, lingual lesion of lower left permanent second molar (37) and in lower left permanent third molar (38). All lesions are only in enamel which is code 1 according to ICDAS code. In conclusion, the dental caries in skulls of Pawon Man was low due to their low sugar diets from fruits and sugar-rich plants (fructose sugars). Consumption of hard foods and evidence of presence of animal teeth and mollusks had contributed to the higher percentage of dental attrition compared to dental caries.

    Quality inspection of engraved image using based matching approach

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    The role of machine vision system as a vital component for quality control mainly in manufacturing process cannot be denied. The system is developed to overcome the discrepancy from human vision and illumination changes. This paper proposes shape-based vision algorithm, a hierarchical template-matching approach that implemented in flexible manufacturing system to verify the quality of engraved image. Color and gray scale charged couple device (CCD) cameras are used to acquire engraved image for different kind of environment. The engraved image is preprocessed using image processing technique. Region of interest (ROI) is then selected and digitized into gray level to extract the contour of the object using segmentation technique. The extracted contour is used as template for object recognition during matching process. Several objects are engraved on the acrylic souvenir bases with different color background to test the algorithm. This experiment result shows that the algorithm works better with detection rate of 100% and matching accuracy of more than 98%. The approach can be applied in packaging, pharmacy, education, medical or any other areas which apply shape in their application

    Imla dan Komputer Arab Sebagai Transformasi Mata Kuliah Kitabah Mubtadi di UIN Raden Fatah Palembang

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    The Kitabah lil mubtadi course is a special course in the Arabic language education study program. In the 2022 academic year, this odd semester course will undergo a transformation into Arabic Imla and Computer courses. This is the background of this research so that it needs to be studied in depth to describe the transformation or changes in this course. This research is a library research that uses inductive-deductive analysis techniques. This study aims to reveal Arabic Imla and Computer courses as a transformation of special Arabic science courses. The results of this study indicate that the change in this course is a form of responding to the demands of national qualifications at the undergraduate level. This course focuses on digitizing the ability to write Arabic in a sentence and paragraph that is contained in the software offline and online. Imla and Arabic Computers are also a manifestation of the integration of science, religion, technology

    Exploring the Relationship Between Immunization and Stunting: Understanding the Impact of Vaccinations on Child Growth and Development

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    The study aimed to investigate the relationship between stunting and completeness of immunization among children under five years old in Indonesia. The study used a cross-sectional design with a quantitative approach, utilizing secondary data from the Indonesian Family Life Study (IFLS) V big data in 2014. The sample consisted of children aged 12-59 months from 13 provinces in Indonesia, representing 83% of the total population. Data were analyzed using SPSS and STATA programs. Statistical analysis was performed to determine the association between immunization status and stunting. The results showed a significant statistical relationship (p-value <0.05) between immunization status and stunting occurrence among children aged 12-59 months in Indonesia, with a p-value of 0.001 and a PR value of 1.2 (95% CI: 1.14-1.6). Children who receive incomplete immunization have a 1.2 times greater risk of stunting compared to those who receive complete immunization. The study concluded that completeness of immunization is associated with stunting among children under five years old in Indonesia. Therefore, it is essential to ensure complete immunization coverage to prevent stunting in this population
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