12 research outputs found

    Microgranular fertilizer and biostimulants as alternatives to diammonium phosphate fertilizer in maize production on marshland soils in northwest Germany

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    The eutrophication of groundwater through widespread diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertilization and excessive farm fertilizer is one of the major problems in European agriculture. Organomineral microgranular fertilizers that have a reduced phosphorus (P) content, alone or in combination with biostimulants, offer promising alternatives to DAP fertilization. We conducted a field experiment with maize (Zea mays) on a marshland soil site in order to compare the yield increase and the phosphorus balance of DAP and microgranular fertilizer variants. P content of the soil on the study site is 3.9 g P per 100 g soil. Treatments involved a combination of two fertilizers, namely DAP or a P-reduced microgranular slow-release organomineral fertilizer (Startec) and the biostimulants mycorrhiza, humic substances and soil bacteria, applied individually or along with two of the above biostimulants. Fertilizer variants were also tested individually without additional biostimulants. One in four plots was used as a control, treated only with biogas slurry, to identify site-specific spatial variability and to implement correction factors to process raw data using standardized methods. Startec performed as well as DAP in terms of both the yield and corn cob ratio, while the P excess was lower in plots treated with Startec (av. = 4.5 kg P2O5 ha-1) compared to DAP (av. = 43.7 kg P2O5 ha-1). The latter differences are of statistical significance. Individual biostimulants and a combination of multiple biostimulants rarely resulted in significantly higher yields, with the exception of some combinations with humic substances and mycorrhiza in individual years. The influence of the climatic conditions in each of the years was higher than the influence of the biostimulants. However, average increases in yield over three years would be economically beneficial for farmers in the case of the applied humic substances product and mycorrhiza. An adequate alternative to DAP was found in the form of a Preduced microgranular fertilizer from Startec

    Cerebrovascular Events in Suspected Sepsis: Retrospective Prevalence Study in Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Full-Body Computed Tomography

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    Purpose: This study aimed at retrospectively evaluating full-body computed tomography (CT) examinations for the prevalence of cerebrovascular events in patients with suspected sepsis treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: All full-body CT examinations, i.e., both cranial CT (cCT) and body CT including chest, abdomen and pelvis, for focus search in septic patients over a 12-months period were identified from three ICUs, using full-text search. From this retrospective cohort, we fully analyzed 278 cCT examinations for the occurrence of acute cerebral findings. All acute cerebrovascular events were independently reviewed by two blinded readers. Clinical and laboratory findings were extracted. The data were statistically analyzed using contingency tests. Results: In our population of patients with suspected sepsis, 10.8% (n = 30/278) were identified to have major cerebral events, including 7.2% (n = 20/278) major cerebrovascular events and 4.3% (n = 12/278) generalized parenchymal damage. 13.4% (n = 22/163) of patients with a severe coma as compared with non-severe coma, 4.4% (n = 3/68), showed a major cerebral event (p = 0.04). Patients referred from the cardiology/nephrology ICU ward showed major cerebral events in 16.3% (n = 22/135), as compared with 4.9% (n = 3/61) in patients from pulmonary ICU and 6.1% (n = 5/82) major cerebral events with surgical referral (p = 0.02). Conclusion: Our study provides further evidence that septic patients may suffer from cerebral events with relevance to their prognosis. Severe coma and the referring ward were associated with acute cerebral conditions. Full-body CT has the advantage of both detecting of septic foci and possibly identifying ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke in this vulnerable patient population

    Impact of life stage and duration of exposure on arsenic-induced proliferative lesions and neoplasia in C3H mice

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    Epidemiological studies suggest that chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic is associated with cancer of the skin, urinary bladder and lung as well as the kidney and liver. Previous experimental studies have demonstrated increased incidence of liver, lung, ovary, and uterine tumors in mice exposed to 85 ppm (∌8 mg/kg) inorganic arsenic during gestation. To further characterize age susceptibility to arsenic carcinogenesis we administered 85 ppm inorganic arsenic in drinking water to C3H mice during gestation, prior to pubescence and post-pubescence to compare proliferative lesion and tumor outcomes over a one-year exposure period. Inorganic arsenic significantly increased the incidence of hyperplasia in urinary bladder (48%) and oviduct (36%) in female mice exposed prior to pubescence (beginning on postnatal day 21 and extending through one year) compared to control mice (19 and 5%, respectively). Arsenic also increased the incidence of hyperplasia in urinary bladder (28%) of female mice continuously exposed to arsenic (beginning on gestation day 8 and extending though one year) compared to gestation only exposed mice (0%). In contrast, inorganic arsenic significantly decreased the incidence of tumors in liver (0%) and adrenal glands (0%) of male mice continuously exposed from gestation through one year, as compared to levels in control (30 and 65%, respectively) and gestation only (33 and 55%, respectively) exposed mice. Together, these results suggest that continuous inorganic arsenic exposure at 85 ppm from gestation through one year increases the incidence and severity of urogenital proliferative lesions in female mice and decreases the incidence of liver and adrenal tumors in male mice. The paradoxical nature of these effects may be related to altered lipid metabolism, the effective dose in each target organ, and/or the shorter one-year observational period

    Aboveground biomass of plant functional groups from a climate and land-use gradient in Mongolian rangelands, sampled in 2014 and 2015

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    The data set features the variance of aboveground plant biomass along a 600km long gradient in Mongolian rangeland vegetation. The data was collected to study the role of climatic variability for the effects of grazing in rangelands. 15 sites were selected across a 600 km long precipitation gradient in Central Mongolia. At each site, 5 subplots were sampled within each distance of 50m, 150m, 350, 750m and 1500m to a grazing hotspot. The 375 plots were visited in 2014 and resampled in 2015. The samples were clipped at ground level on 50 cm x 50 cm plots, separated into plant functional groups, dried at 65°C for 24h and weighted. More information is available in the corresponding paper

    Vascular plant species richness along a climate and land-use gradient in Mongolian rangelands in 2014 and 2015

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    The data set features the species richness of vascular plants along a 600km long gradient Mongolian rangeland vegetation. The data was collected to study the role of climatic variability for the effects of grazing in rangelands. 15 sites were selected across a 600 km long precipitation gradient in Central Mongolia. At each site, 5 subplots were sampled within each distance of 50m, 150m, 350, 750m and 1500m to a grazing hotspot. The 375 plots with 10 m x 10 m were visited in 2014 and resampled in 2015. More information is available in the corresponding paper

    On the Negative Impact of Mycorrhiza Application on Maize Plants (Zea mays) Amended with Mineral and Organic Fertilizer

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    Many studies describe the positive effect of mycorrhiza, but few report on negative effects. Furthermore, there is a research gap on the mechanisms under which conditions the symbiotic mycorrhizal plant interaction or a parasitic one predominates. The study was conducted as a field experiment over three years to investigate the effect of mycorrhiza (Rhizoglomus intraradices) and soil bacteria applications on fertile soil. A standard fertilizer (diammonium phosphate) and two microgranular fertilizers (mineral and organomineral) were applied alone or in combination with the biostimulants mycorrhiza and/or soil bacteria (Bacillus velezensis). The application of the mycorrhiza as the only biostimulant resulted in lower yields compared to all fertilizer variants without the mycorrhiza or with mycorrhiza in combination with soil bacteria in the dry years 2015 (p = 0.0241) and 2016 (p = 0.0003). The usage of soil bacteria alone, or soil bacteria with fertilizer, resulted in few occasional significant differences. The combination with soil bacteria raised the yield of mycorrhiza-treated fertilizer variants to a significant extent in 2015 (p = 0.0007) and 2016 (p = 0.0019). The negative effects of mycorrhiza application in this study were alleviated by the simultaneous use of soil bacteria. Treatments with organomineral microgranular fertilizer, which were expected to promote the naturally occurring soil microbiome more than the mineral fertilizer variants, were most negatively affected by the mycorrhiza. We hypothesize that the naturally occurring microbiome of the study site was already optimal for maize plants, and thus the successful introduction of other microorganisms through the application of the mycorrhiza and soil bacteria tended not to be beneficial. The present study is the first report on the negative influence of arbuscular mycorrhiza on maize yields gained with a standard fertilizer (diammonium phosphate) and two microgranular fertilizer, and the alleviation of that impact by combined application of soil bacteria. We conclude that the application of the used biostimulants may have negative impacts on maize yield if the soil is already rich in nutrients and water is the limiting factor

    Interactions between species richness, herbivory and precipitation affect standing biomass in Mongolian rangelands

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    Questions: Livestock management in rangelands depends on the production of plant biomass. Biomass production is driven by the temporal and spatial variability in precipitation, but our understanding of how precipitation variability mediates grazing effects on biomass production is still fragmented. Along a 600-km precipitation gradient we extracted biomass data to ask the questions: (a) what are the effects of grazing intensity on biomass production; (b) does grazing intensity interact with plant species richness to affect biomass production; and (c) how do plant functional groups respond to grazing and precipitation?. Location: Mongolia. Methods: Biomass was sampled along 15 grazing intensity transects within the precipitation gradient over two consecutive years. We modeled spatial variability in above-ground plant biomass using mixed-effects models. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data were combined with field-sampled biomass data to correct for inter-annual precipitation variation. The effects of species richness were modeled with respect to possible interactions with grazing intensity, and the composition of plant functional groups was modeled with respect to possible interactions between grazing intensity and precipitation. Results: Biomass was negatively correlated with grazing intensity and this effect increased as precipitation increased. Biomass was positively correlated with species richness in both years, but the strength of this effect and the interaction between species richness and grazing intensity differed between 2014 and 2015 in line with highly variable precipitation between both years. The plant functional groups grasses, sedges, legumes, wormwood and forbs had contrasting responses to grazing and precipitation. Conclusion: Biomass production in drylands is more vulnerable to changes in precipitation variability and grazing intensities in relatively moist and productive rangelands than in dry and unproductive ones. Future rangeland management needs to address potentially increasing precipitation variability in order to promote desired forage plants, and to preserve the positive effects of biodiversity for biomass production

    Functional and Radiologic Outcomes of Degenerative Versus Traumatic Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears Involving the Supraspinatus Tendon.

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    BACKGROUND Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) is among the most commonly performed orthopaedic procedures. Several factors-including age, sex, and tear severity-have been identified as predictors for outcome after repair. The influence of the tear etiology on functional and structural outcome remains controversial. PURPOSE To investigate the influence of tear etiology (degenerative vs traumatic) on functional and structural outcomes in patients with supraspinatus tendon tears. STUDY DESIGN Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2. METHODS Patients undergoing ARCR from 19 centers were prospectively enrolled between June 2020 and November 2021. Full-thickness, nonmassive tears involving the supraspinatus tendon were included. Tears were classified as degenerative (chronic shoulder pain, no history of trauma) or traumatic (acute, traumatic onset, no previous shoulder pain). Range of motion, strength, the Subjective Shoulder Value, the Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS), and the Constant-Murley Score (CMS) were assessed before (baseline) and 6 and 12 months after ARCR. The Subjective Shoulder Value and the OSS were also determined at the 24-month follow-up. Repair integrity after 12 months was documented, as well as additional surgeries up to the 24-month follow-up. Tear groups were compared using mixed models adjusted for potential confounding effects. RESULTS From a cohort of 973 consecutive patients, 421 patients (degenerative tear, n = 230; traumatic tear, n = 191) met the inclusion criteria. The traumatic tear group had lower mean baseline OSS and CMS scores but significantly greater score changes 12 months after ARCR (OSS, 18 [SD, 8]; CMS, 34 [SD,18] vs degenerative: OSS, 15 [SD, 8]; CMS, 22 [SD, 15]) (P < .001) and significantly higher 12-month overall scores (OSS, 44 [SD, 5]; CMS, 79 [SD, 9] vs degenerative: OSS, 42 [SD, 7]; CMS, 76 [SD, 12]) (P≀ .006). At the 24-month follow-up, neither the OSS (degenerative, 44 [SD, 6]; traumatic, 45 [SD, 6]; P = .346) nor the rates of repair failure (degenerative, 14 [6.1%]; traumatic 12 [6.3%]; P = .934) and additional surgeries (7 [3%]; 7 [3.7%]; P = .723) differed between groups. CONCLUSION Patients with degenerative and traumatic full-thickness supraspinatus tendon tears who had ARCR show satisfactory short-term functional results. Although patients with traumatic tears have lower baseline functional scores, they rehabilitate over time and show comparable clinical results 1 year after ARCR. Similarly, degenerative and traumatic rotator cuff tears show comparable structural outcomes, which suggests that degenerated tendons retain healing potential