1,570 research outputs found

    Production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil using ultrasonic tubular reactor

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    The aim of study is to produce the synthesis of biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) using ultrasonic tubular reactor at laboratory scale. The experiment was used to determine the effect of ester contents by reaction time, molar ratio of WCO to Methanol (MeOH), amount of catalyst, frequency of ultrasonic and ultrasonic output power using ultrasonic tubular reactor. Based on the optimum process by ultrasonic tubular reactor, a comparisons study of three different processes (ultrasonic tubular reactor, conventional ultrasonic cleaner and mechanical stirring) were also investigated. The optimum results of biodiesel process using ultrasonic tubular reactor are the reaction time of 5 minute, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) catalyst 1%wt of WCO, molar ratio WCO to MeOH of 1:6, frequency ultrasonic of 20 KHz and ultrasonic output power of 650 Watt. The reaction time was reduced to 12-24 times (minute) compare to mechanical stirring and the ester contents was obtained at 96.54%wt. The ternary phase diagram ultrasonic tubular reactor was to find out the liquid liquid-equilibrium base on WCO- Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) -MeOH. The results show that by increasing the residence time of the whole reactant system within the two-phase zone is good for the reaction transesterification on ultrasonic tubular reactor. The semi continuous ultrasonic tubular reactor for biodiesel process of WCO gave conversion of WCO to FAME of 98%wt with flow rate of 5.56 ml/s. Meanwhile, the pilot plan of biodiesel facilities using mechanical stirring method (capacity of 100 kg WCO/batch) was designed and the transfer knowledge about biodiesel process was a success between the university with industry in Batu Pahat


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    The research aims to know competitiveness at UKM AIKA SUMPIAH and analyzes SWOT analysis that are strength, weakness, opportuniry, threat as a strategy of increasing competitiveness at UKM AIKA SUMPIAH. The research conducted on October 2017 at UKM AIKA SUMPIAH. The research is descriptive that is to collect data to answer a question from research subject through questioner list in interview. The population was UKM AIKA SUMPIAH. Data applied primary and secondary data. Data collection technique applied questioner, interview, and observation. Research method applied descriptive with quantitative approach. Research result shows that UKM AIKA SUMPIAH is still in good condition, but there is still a need to be evaluated, UKM AIKA SUMPIAH should use a better strategy agar can survive in its competition UKM AIKA SUMPIAH is on quadrant IV that is diversification quadrant, which is also called as st strategi uses power to solve the threat. Therefore, it can bw concluded that the right strategy is implemented by UKM AIKA SUMPIAH among other thing, raising product quality in order to be able to compete in Sukabumi, do inovation or product development in order to have unique characteristic and different from other business of sumpiah production in Sukabumi

    Profil Kepala Sekolah Dasar

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    The general objective of this study was to describe the profile of Elementary School Principals at District of East Curup. In this study also uses qualitative descriptive method becauseresearchers wanted to describe and interpret objects in accordance with the actual situation. The results of this study concluded that: 1) educational qualifications Elementary School Principal se subdistrict East Curup have met the criteria and requirements as the principal, although there is notyet, but in the settlement, 2) experience the Principal is enough, 3) the principal's own good competence, 4) years of service principals that have no more than one period and some are not quite the period, 5) the principal has also been able to resolve the problems it faces

    Pergantian Pengurus Perseroan Komanditer (CV) Karena Mewarisi Dikaitkan dengan Perbuatan Hukum Perseroan Komanditer (CV)

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    In establishing a CV (Limited Partnership), there are 2 types of partners: limited partner and active partner. Active partner acts as a managing partner in a CV. In its development, a problem arises as when the director dies so that the CV has to stop temporarily, including in its legal act toward the third party and vice versa. The result of the research showed that the position of the clause in the changing of active partners can be changed because of saisine principle concerning the right and obligation of the testator\u27s assets or financial liabilities adhered to his heirs. It is recommended that the regulation of CV should be confirmed, especially about the position and the liability of the new active partner of the CV

    Learning Outcomes of Chinese Language Training for Binus University Employees

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    This article discussed about the results of learning Chinese language for BINUS University employees. Learning method for adults and children are different, thus required teaching material and method that suit them. The aim of this research was to find out results of learning Chinese language through the material and teaching method used during training. The methods were descriptive qualitative, direct observation as trainer and collects participant test results as research data. The results show that teaching material is appropriate, however it needs to add review part. Direct method are used during the training makes the participants use Chinese language in daily conversation to achieve the goal of training. Indeed, it needs to strengthen mastery of participants' basic Mandarin through explanation about using the vocabulary and adding the classroom activities


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    Tugas Akhir ini berjudul “ Evaluasi Dan Perancangan Peningkatan Jalan Selatan-Selatan Ruas Sidareja – Jeruklegi Kabupaten Cilacap“, disusun oleh Agustian (L2A000014) dan Ahmad Safrudin (L2A000016). Seluruh analisa dan perhitungan teknis yang ada, didasarkan pada standar dari Bina Marga. Secara umum evaluasi dan perancangan jalan ini memiliki maksud dan tujuan untuk menciptakan sebuah ruas jalan yang dapat memberikan pelayanan yang baik, dari segi geometri, kapasitas, maupun struktur perkerasannya. Ruas jalan ini adalah salah satu dari tujuh paket ruas jalan, yang merupakan satu kesatuan dari jalur Selatan-Selatan Jawa. Jalan ini menghubungkan 5 propinsi, membentang mulai dari Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, D.I.Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Timur. Dengan terlaksananya proyek ini diharapkan akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan aktivitas dan pergerakan di sepanjang daerah yang dilalui Jalur Selatan - Selatan ini pada umumnya, khususnya bagi Kabupaten Cilacap. Hasil evaluasi terhadap jalan eksisting memperlihatkan adanya beberapa faktor yang menjadi pembatas dalam perancangan peningkatan jalan ini. Mulai dari Sta. 0+000 – 4+300, jalan eksisting berada pada posisi yang sejajar dengan jalan rel disebelah kiri sejauh 15-22 meter. Mulai dari Sta. 0+000 – 15+350 terdapat pipa Pertamina dengan jarak 1-1,5 meter disisi kanan jalan yang ditanam 0,8-1.5 meter dibawah tanah. Pada Sta. 15+350 terdapat persilangan sebidang dengan jalan rel. Selain hal diatas, kondisi geometri yang ada tidak layak untuk difungsikan sebagai jalan arteri primer, terutama mulai dari Sta. 14+000 sampai dengan akhir proyek yang banyak terdapat tikungan tajam dan saling overlap. Untuk menghindari terganggunya sistim distribusi minyak pertamina, dan karena tidak tersedia ruang yang cukup diantara jalan eksisting dengan jalan rel, maka peningkatan yang kami lakukan pada Sta.0+000-4+300 berupa pelebaran satu arah kesisi kanan dengan menempatkan pipa pertamina pada daerah median. Sedangkan pada Sta. 4+300- 15+350 pelebaran dilakukan kearah kiri jalan eksisting. Untuk mengantisipasi rencana pembangunan jalan rel dua lintasan (double tracks), kami menyediakan geometrik yang memungkinkan untuk dibangun overpass pada persilangan ini. Mulai dari Sta.15+350 sampai akhir, pelebaran kami lakukan pada kedua sisi jalan eksisting. Mengacu pada kecepatan rencana, maka kami melakukan perbaikan alinyemen berupa pengalihan trase pada station tertentu dan desain ulang pada semua tikungan. Hasil perancangan yang dilakukan terhadap ruas jalan ini adalah, ruas jalan sepanjang 23,869 Km, 4 lajur 2 arah dengan median (lebar lajur 3,5 meter dan median minimum 2 meter), lebar bahu jalan 2 meter. Kecepatan rencana sebesar 60-80 Km/jam, kelandaian maksimum mencapai 7 %, dengan jumlah lengkung horizontal sebanyak 45 buah, dan lengkung vertikal sebanyak 56 buah. Proyek ini dirancang untuk dapat dilaksanakan dalam jangka waktu 348 hari kalender. Dana yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp,117.810.130.994,00 (seratus tujuh belas milyar delapan ratus sepuluh juta seratus tigapuluh ribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh empat rupiah), yang dihitung berdasarkan harga satuan pada kondisi tahun 2004

    The Impact of Bilingual Class Program on Students’ Speaking Ability

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    Abstract. The implementation of a bilingual class program in schools is expected to improve students’ ability to use English. This study examines how bilingual class affects students' English-speaking abilities.This study's goal was to investigate how a bilingual program affected students' capacity to speak more fluently in class XI of Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Kepahiang, Bengkulu. In this research employs a posteriori approach. The survey population consisted of all Class XI students of Pesantren Darussalam Kepahiang. Random sampling was used by researchers to obtain research data. The total number of samples in this study is 35 students from Class XI. A Likert scale questionnaire and a photo-oral test were used as survey tools. To support the study, the researchers used questionnaires as a reference to assess the effectiveness of the bilingual program and oral tests to assess the students' language abilities. Researchers have used regression analysis to analyze existing data. According to results of the study, it was found that Bilingual program had an impact on the speaking ability of the students of Class XI of Pesantren Darussalam Kepahiang. After processing the data, a significant improvement was obtained. In the standard F-table, df = 33 has a significance of 5%, the result is 4.17, and the number of F characters is 113.451. This display that the calculated F value is greater than the F table. It means that students’ English language skills improve with their application of a bilingual program at school

    An Analysis of Comparative Lexical Cohesion Between BBC News and Jakarta Post News

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    Abstract Research conducted by researchers was related to Lexical Cohesion (repetition, synonym, superordinate, general word, and collocation). The purposes of this research were (1) to find out the comparison of lexical cohesion between BBC News and The Jakarta Post News; (2) to find out the type of lexical cohesion between BBC News and Jakarta Post; and (3) to find out the dominant use of lexical cohesion in BBC News and The Jakarta Post News. Descriptive qualitative was used in this study, while the source of the data was taken from news texts written by BBC News and The Jakarta Post News, totaling 20 news about the Qatar 2022 world cup football, consisting of 10 news texts from BBC News and 10 news texts from The Jakarta Post. To analyze the data, the researchers used the Halliday and Hassan’s theory. The results found that for Lexical Cohesion for BBC News, there were 214 repetitions, 0 synonyms, 0 superordinate, 2 general words, and 33 collocations. So, the total Lexical Cohesion is 249. While for The Jakarta Post News, it was found 429 repetitions, 9 synonyms, 0 superordinate, 20 general words, and 25 collocations. So, the total of lexical cohesions found is 483. From the comparison of the data above, The Jakarta Post News has more types of Lexical Cohesion namely 483, compared to BBC News which only found 249 types of Lexical Cohesion. The dominant type of Lexical Cohesion in this research is the type of repetition


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    ABSTRAKKeigiatan peinangguilangan beincana yang dilakuikan oleih MDMC Suilaweisi Teinggara meiruipakan reispon banjir bandang yang teirjadi di Kabuipatein Konawei Uitara builan Juini 2019. Banjir bandang yang teirjadi akibat cuirah huijan yang tinggi seihingga meiluiapnya air dari Suingai Lalindui, Suingai Lasolo, dan Suingai Landawei meingakibatkan banjir di eimpat Kabuipatein di Suilaweisi Teinggara yaitui Konawei Uitara, Konawei, Konawei Seilatan, dan Kolaka Timuir. Dampak banjir bandang itui yaitui keiruisakan banguinan, ruimah, masjid dan infrastruiktuir jalan, jeimbatan puituis, ratuisan lahan heiktar peirtanian/ peirkeibuinan/ tambak teireindam dan gagal panein. Tuilisan ini beirtuijuian uintuik meindeiskripsikan peinangguilangan beincana banjir yang teilah dilakuikan oleih Muihammadiyah Disasteir Manageimeint Ceinteir (MDCM) Suilaweisi Teinggara pada builan Juini 2019. Ada beibeirapa tahapan yang teilah dilakuikan yaitui; a. Asseismeint deingan meingirimkan tim dari Leimbaga Peinangguilangan Beincana Pimpinan Puisat Muihammdiyah uintuik meinuinjaui beincana; b. Peingorganisasian deingan meimeintuik tim reilawan dan meimbuika pos koordinasi (Poskor) yang beirada di Uiniveirsitas Muihammadiyah Keindari lantai V dan meimbeintuik Pos layanan (Posyan) di Deisa Tangguiluiri Keicamatan Aseira, Kabuipatein Konawei Uitara; c. Reilawan meimbeintuik tim SAR meimbantui meimbeirsihkan fasilitas uimuim seperti balai desa, sekolah, dan tempat ibadah; Tim Keiseihatan membuka pelayanan kesehatan dengan penerima manfaat 259 pasien laki-laki dan 108 pasien perempuan;Tim Logistik membagikan bantuan paket sembako kepada 749 orang; tim psikososial melakukan kegiatan olahraga senam pagi di posko pengungsian dilanjutkan makan bersama, selanjutnya juga memberikan edukasi pada anak-anak; mengadakan lomba menggambar. Kata kunci: peiran reilawan; banjir bandang; MDMC                                                         ABSTRACTDisasteir manageimeint activitieis carrieid ouit by MDMC Souitheiast Suilaweisi arei a reisponsei to flash floods that occuirreid in North Konawei Reigeincy in Juinei 2019. Flash floods that occuirreid duiei to high rainfall reisuilting in oveirflowing wateir from thei Lalindui Riveir, Lasolo Riveir, and Landawei Riveir reisuilteid in flooding in fouir districts in Souitheiast Suilaweisi nameily North Konawei, Konawei, Souith Konawei, and Eiast Kolaka. Thei impact of thei flash floods was damagei to buiildings, houiseis, mosquieis and road infrastruictuirei, brokein bridgeis, huindreids of heictareis of agricuiltuiral land / plantations / ponds weirei suibmeirgeid and crop failuirei. This papeir aims to deiscribei thei flood disasteir manageimeint that has beiein carrieid ouit by Muihammadiyah Disasteir Manageimeint Ceinteir (MDCM) Souitheiast Suilaweisi in Juinei 2019. Theirei arei seiveiral stageis that havei beiein carrieid ouit, nameily; a. Asseissmeint by seinding a teiam from thei Muihammdiyah Ceintral Leiadeirship Disasteir Manageimeint Instituitei to visit thei disasteir; b. Organizing by forming a voluinteieir teiam and opeining a coordination post (Poskor) locateid at thei Uiniveirsity of Muihammadiyah Keindari on thei fifth floor and forming a seirvicei post (Posyan) in Tangguiluiri Villagei, Aseira District, North Konawei Reigeincy; c. Volunteers formed a SAR team to help clean public facilities such as village halls, schools, and places of worship; the Health Team opened health services with the beneficiaries of 259 male patients and 108 female patients; the Logistics Team distributed basic food packages to 749 people; the psychosocial team conducted morning gymnastics sports activities at the evacuation post followed by eating together, then also provided education to children; held a drawing competition. Keywords: voluinteieir rolei; flash flood; MDM

    Prinsip Penulisan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Mandarin yang Efektif untuk Jurusan Komunikasi Pemasaran Universitas Bina Nusantara

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    Article discussed the writing principles that must be considered in compiling Chinese language teaching material specifically used for Marketing Communication students regarding the interest and target of Marketing Communication of Bina Nusantara University. The methodologies used are descriptive quantitative for distributing questionnaires and qualitative approach through observation and interview. Research found the appropriate and effective Chinese language teaching material would enhance the standard of Chinese language learning. At present, Chinese language teaching material used by Marketing Communication students has not been able to fulfill their requirements. In addition, the target learners of the teaching material are universal