303 research outputs found


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    Purpose of making the prototype of secutity sistems connected to the security post using pir censor and siemens c45 mobile based microcontroller ATmega 16 is to create a tool that can directly send information to a security post during a robbery, so that security officers can immediately find out where the robbery took place. The prototype of security systems connected to the security post using pir censor and siemens c45 mobile based microcontroller ATmega 16 designed specifically for the simulation of the home security system connected to a security post. this tool will work when the panic button is pressed or the pir sensor detects human movement, which automatically sends a message to a security post that is displayed on the LCD and the buzzer as the alarm when there is an incoming message. The method used in the manufacture prototype of security systems connected to the security post using pir censor and siemens c45 mobile based microcontroller ATmega 16 is experimental. This method consists of several stages: (1) Identification of needs, (2) Analysis of needs, (3) The design of hardware and software, (4) Preparation of equipment, (5) Testing of equipment and (6) Operation of equipment. the hardware consists of (1) The minimum ATmega16 as the main controller, (2) HP siemens c45 mobile as sender and recipient information, (3) Buzzer as a alarm of an incoming message, and (4) LCD as a viewer that shows the address of event messages. Based on the test results can be concluded that this prototype works in accordance with the principle of work designed. It is shown from the system starts up, from the existing LCD will display a security post in writing to indicate the presence or absence events. Currently there is no occurrence of ALARM OFF LCD display and LCD during the incident scene will show the address. Keywords: PIR Sensor, ATmega16, Siemens C4

    Electronic Module Development with Project Based Learning in Web Programming Courses

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    Abstract—In this era of the Covid-19 pandemic, students are getting used to online learning or daring. In supporting online teaching and learning activities, electronic modules have been developed so that the learning system can run in two directions and be more interesting. For this reason, this study aims to (1) Design and implement the development of electronic modules based on learning projects in Web programming courses at ITB AAS Indonesia. (2) To find out student responses to the development of project-based e-modules based on Web programming courses at ITB AAS Indonesia. This study uses research and development methods. with the development of the ADDIE model. To determine student responses to the electronic module, the researcher uses questionnaires. The results of the study show that: 1) The results of the design and implementation of e-modules that have been developed on web programming courses that use learning project-based learning models can be applied. 2) The results of the percentage of students who gave a very good response really good were 58,1%, good 22,5% %, sufficientt 19,4% and there were no students who gave less, or very less responses

    Pekerti Training to Improve Lecturers' Instructional Quality as Professional Academics

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    Social phenomena in the higher education environment currently sees competition for academic staffs to obtain functional positions in order to obtain social status and recognition as lecturers. Academic staffs are required to have the following competencies namely pedagogical, academic, social, personal, professional and to improve their competencies by participating in trainings such as Aplied Approach (AA) training. By participating in AA training, an academic staff is required to understand what must be possessed as a lecturer especially in making Lecture Even Unit or Tutorial Program Design and Tutorial Event Unit. The objective is to carry out technical training so that the lecturer understands instructional basic techniques such as teaching methodologies, understanding teaching and learning techniques, teaching evaluation, understanding and being able to make the Tutorial Program Design and Tutorial plan, so that they become professional academic personnel. namely affective social actions, specific social actions, social actions on the basis of values ​​and traditional social actions. The expected final results with AA-type training, the ability of lecturers to manage teaching learning process is more quality so that professional academics are created, besides being one of the certification requirements


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    Tujuan pembuatan prototipe sistem keamanan terkoneksi dengan pos keamaman menggunakan sensor PIR dan HP Siemens c45 berbasis ATmega 16 adalah untuk membuat suatu alat yang bisa langsung mengirim informasi ke pos keamanan saat terjadi perampokan, sehingga petugas keamanan bisa langsung mengetahui tempat terjadinya perampokan. Prototipe sistem keamanan terkoneksi dengan pos keamanan menggunakan sensor PIR dan HP Siemens C45 berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega 16 yang dirancang khusus untuk simulasi sistem keamanan rumah yang terkoneksi dengan pos keamanan. Alat ini akan bekerja apabila tombol panic ditekan atau sensor PIR mendeteksi adanya gerakan manusia, yang secara otomatis akan mengirimkan pesan sms ke pos keamanan yang ditampilkan di LCD dan buzzer sebagai alarm saat ada pesan masuk. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan Prototipe sistem keamanan terkoneksi dengan pos keamanan menggunakan sensor PIR dan HP Siemens c45 berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega 16 ini adalah eksperimental. Metode ini terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu(1) Identifikasi kebutuhan, (2) Analisis Kebutuhan, (3) Perancangan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, (4) Pembuatan alat, (5) Pengujian Alat dan (6) Pengoperasian Alat. Perangkat keras terdiri dari (1) Sistem minimum ATmega16 sebagai pengendali utama, (2) HP Siemens C45 sebagai pengrim dan penerima informasi, (3) Buzzer sebagai tanda alarm adanya pesan yang masuk dan (4) LCD sebagai penampil pesan yang menunjukan alamat kejadian. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa prototipe ini dapat bekerja sesuai dengan prinsip kerja yang dirancang. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan mulai sistem dinyalakan, dari LCD yang ada di pos kemanan akan menampilkan tulisan yang menandakan ada atau tidakanya kejadian. Saat tidak ada kejadian tampilan LCD berupa ALARM OFF dan saat terjadi kejadian LCD akan menampilkan alamat tempat kejadian. Kata Kunci :Sensor PIR, ATmega16, Siemens C4

    Communication Social Actions of Legislative Candidates in the Election of Representatives in the City of Madiun (Case Studi: Social Exchange of Legislative Candidates to Became DPRD)

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    Current social phenomena show that the local democratic process that should be running well and correctly in accordance with its purpose is to increase the participation of the people or community politics to elect their representatives in the Regional Representative Council (DPRD) which has not produced maximum election results legislative as a local political activity is carried out based on Law No. 2 of 2011 which was later revised with Law No. 07/2017 concerning elections which regulates the selection of candidates for DPRD which include selection, ratification, appointment, and in terminating board members of the research council this method uses a qualitative approach, where the focus of research uses a case study approach. The purpose of the study was to determine the social communication actions of a prospective legislative candidate in the legislative general election to elect people’s representatives in the DPRD city of Madiun. This research with a qualitative approach is one of the research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of speech, behaviour, which can be observed from prospective board members. The data collection technique of this research is observation techniques, documentation through snowball sampling on each DPRD candidate who has become a permanent council candidate. To support the conduct of research, researchers used theoretical studies, among others, social exchange theory, Peter Blau and A Weber’s Social Action Theory. The results of this study highlight that; social, legislative communication actions concerning social behaviour, human social movements and social exchanges occur in the election of members of the City Council of Madiun; namely, there are activities for candidates to install campaign propprovide social assistance and transactional practices between voters and candidates at the end of the campaign


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    Biomass gasification is an endothermic reaction process for converting biomass into syngas, occurs at high temperatures with limited oxygen. Knowing the temperature profile of biomass gasification wood charcoal, coconut shell charcoal and coconut shell, rice husk and woodchip and seek optimal results from gasification of biomass are the purpose of the research.The equipment in this research consisted of; gasifier as the main tool with 4 temperature sensors, two cyclones for tar and dust separator, cooler to refrigerate and filter containing biomass as a catcher of dust and tar from the syngas. Research start by ignite the biomass in the gasifier, the air flows by blower and the syngas came out after the filter. Research variabel are variation of biomass types mentioned above and variation of shell and coconut shell charcoal mixing. Observations were made up until the biomass in the gasifier did not produce syngas, characterized by gas results could not burn.The results of the temperature profile of gasification of various types of biomass shows that the syngas appeared in the early minutes (2 minutes until the 5th) on the gasification, such as gasification coconut shell, woodchip, rice husk. Syngas of coconut shell charcoal is 2,825% w/w of biomass and can burn for 19 minutes and resulted in 1,92% ash and 29,57% charcoal. Syngas of mixture 25% shell and 75% coconut shell charcoal is 5,013% w/w of biomass and can burn for 30 minutes and resulted in 1,61% ash and 5,1% charcoal

    Evaluasi Aspek Teknis dan Lingkungan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Komunal di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta

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    As the producer of waste (both in solid form and wastewater), the increase of population creates a dominant effect on environmental problems. Escalation of the amount of domestic wastewater has led to greater sanitation problems. Indonesian government has carried out several programs for improving sanitation access and facilities. Community-based wastewater treatment plant (Communal WWTP) is one of the priority programs. Sleman Regency in Special Province of Yogyakarta owns 131 communal WWTP, where the oldest one had been built in 2006 while the newest one was installed in 2018. In this study, the techno-environmental assessment of communal WWTP in the District of Sleman, Yogyakarta was carried out. Sampling selection of communal WWTPs was undertaken using Stratified Random Sampling techniques. Data collection was executed by a combination of field surveys and in depth-interview of several relevant personnel. The study was done for 30 communal WTTP in various Districts in Sleman regency. Assessment was carried out based on the Likert scale of 4. The results showed that the average score for environment aspect was 2.94 (good), while that for technical aspect was 3.52 (very good). Overall, the techno-environmental score of communal WWTP in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta was 3.23 out of 4, which was categorized as good.Keywords: communal WWTP; domestic wastewater; Likert scale sanitation; Sleman regency; stratified random samplingA B S T R A KSebagai produsen limbah (baik limbah padat maupun air limbah), peningkatan jumlah penduduk berpengaruh dominan terhadap masalah lingkungan. Eskalasi jumlah air limbah domestik berujung pada masalah sanitasi yang semakin besar. Pemerintah Indonesia sudah menjalankan beberapa program untuk meningkatkan fasilitas dan akses sanitasi. Instalasi pengolahan air limbah komunal (IPAL) menjadi salah satu program prioritas. Kabupaten Sleman memiliki 131 IPAL komunal, yang tertua dibangun tahun 2006 dan yang terbaru pada tahun 2018. Dalam penelitian ini, asesmen teknologi lingkungan (techno-environment) dilakukan terhadap IPAL komunal di Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data dikerjakan menggunakan kombinasi metode survei lapangan dan wawancara mendalam dengan pelaku IPAL komunal yang relevan. Pemilihan sampel IPAL komunal dipilih menggunakan teknik Sampling Acak Terstratifikasi (Stratified Random Sampling). Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 30 IPAL Komunal di berbagai Kecamatan di Kabupaten Sleman.  Asesmen dilakukan berdasarkan skala Likert (4). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek lingkungan memperoleh skor rata-rata 2,94 (baik) dan aspek teknis-teknologis 3,52 (sangat baik). Secara keseluruhan kategori teknologi-lingkungan (techno-environment) dari IPAL Komunal di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta mempunyai skor rata-rata 3,23 dari nilai maksimal 4, dan dikategorikan sebagai baik.Kata kunci: air limbah domestic; IPAL komunal; Kabupaten Sleman; sanitasi; Sampling Acak Terstratifikasi; skala Liker


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    This research was motivated by the fact that there was resistance from street vendors in Madiun City as a manifestation of people's resistance to the country. The city of Madiun, the capital city of Bakorwil 1, Madiun, is economically developing so that the number of street vendors explodes. Therefore this area is economically meaningful and has high economic value, so it becomes the goal of workers seeking, namely as street vendors. To organize the traders in the city of Madiun and the DPRD make a PKL Regional Regulation. The PKL Regional Regulation is intended to regulate the PKL selling in the city of Madiun. But the process that happened to street vendors was less involved, causing resistance. There was people's resistance to the state, because the state did not prosper the people. The regulation made by the DPRD and the Madiun city administration aims to keep traders in order, and implement the rules, but the regulation creates resistance. This study aims to: (1) understand the causes of the street vendors 'resistance (2) understand the meaning and purpose of street vendors' resistance to the Satpol PP. (3) understand the forms of street vendors' resistance to the Madiun city administration. The approach used in this study is qualitative with data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation. The paradigm in this study uses a social definition. While the theory used to explain the resistance of street vendors to the policies of the city government of Madiun James C. Scott's resistance theory

    Konstruksi Sosial pada Pedagang Tradisional dalam Menghadapi Era Kompetisi Perdagangan Bebas

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    Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution aspires to the Indonesian economy being managed by the state with the aim of the prosperity of the Indonesian people. But the fact is that prosperity is only enjoyed by certain people and certain groups because the economy is only controlled by those who are only a small part of the Indonesian people. The growth of super markets, modern retail stores such as IndoMart, AlfaMart in all corners of the country, both villages and cities, has displaced traditional markets and caused traditional traders to go out of business. This is a violation of the constitution and must be stopped. Traditional traders are populist economic actors in the economic system, so the state must not commit arbitrariness, such as allowing competition, unhealthy competition between traditional traders and modern retail traders. This study aims: a). Knowing the need for social construction to traditional traders, b). what is the impact of the presence of modern retailers on traditional markets, c). the response of traditional traders to the mushrooming of IndoMart and AlfaMart, d). How should the local government protect Traditional market traders. This study uses a qualitative approach, with its social paradigm of social definition. Data retrieval through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation, while data analysis uses Interactive Miles and Hubermann Models. The results of the study show that it was necessary to do "Social Reconstruction" to traditional traders. The presence of modern markets has resulted in declining sales levels, the flight of buyers from the “Sleko” market, “Besar” market, and other traditional markets. This condition creates an "economic shock" for traditional traders because they felt their territory is "robbed" by traders who have large capital. If this condition is left uncontrolled, it would create social insecurity, namely traders become unemployed, beggars, which shall trigger an increase in crime rates. Local governments must act quickly by doing "Social Trader Reconstruction Traditional". A policy that was oriented to the economy of the people to revive traditional markets and allow traditional traders to resell. Don't treat people only become social objects! Economy, politics of politicians and regional governments at certain times such as the regional elections and the presidential electio

    Pembuatan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) atau Taman Kota Dalam Rangka Mencegah Pencemaran Udara Ciptakan Kota Madiun Bersih dan Sehat

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    Kerusakan lingkungan hidup di perkotaan semakin parah baik ditimbulkan karena pembangunan fisik maupun pencemaran udara, polusi suara, polusi sampah dan kurang ruang terbuka hijau (RTH). Kondisi ini menyebabkan lingkungan hidup di perkotaan tidak sehat, gas emisi dari mobil, sepeda motor udara kotor, oksigen (O2) berkurang, menimbulkan udara panas kurangnya penghijauan perkotaan. Sudah saatnya lah walikota, bupati dan jajaran untuk mulai ciptakan Hutan Kota atau Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH), sehingga terlihatlah kota yang hijau, penuh tanaman, pepohonan yang menimbulkan suasana dingin, sejuk, nyaman dan indah. Pembuatan Ruang Terbuka hijau (RTH) bertujuan ciptakan lingkungan sehat, bebas pencemaran, keindahan, mengurangi polusi gas emisi mobil sepeda motor yang semakin bertambah banyak. Manfaat hutan Kota, RTH, untuk kesehatan warga kota, karena dapat menghasilkan gas O2 (Oksigen). RTHdapat menciptakan Kota Madiunyang hijau, mengeliminasi pencemaran udara, sehingga warga kota sehat.Kota hijau dapat diwujudkan bila udara bersih, sehat, lingkungan hidup sejuk, nyaman. Sangat diperlukan kepedulian masyarakat untuk turut berpartisipasi mewujudkan dengan memperbanyak taman kota, taman rumah tangga, dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau. Sehingga diperoleh kota yang sehat, bersih, bebas polusi udara, lingkungan hidup cantik, nyaman. Penanaman sikap, mental peduli lingkungan hidup kepada seluruh warga melalui pendidikan lingkungan pada anak didik di sekolah. Kata Kunci
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